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Show WHERE IS OUR FlfJEOPCRA "Hcptly did much thinking on the subject of this punishment. One day her mother started to punish 'Published every Thu rad ay in the build-i- ' led to believe we were her for something sLc had done, when the that Last spring tag just north of Malcolm & house one came out with the following fine we little would a have ready opera Hughes Store by for use by the timo the winter season very politic and logical objection; ANDREW JENSEN & JESSE P. IIOLT Mamma! wont you leave it to God to opened up. There wa3 considerable ent thusiasm manifested, and we did hope to punish me? Id rather have him. Ono year $3.00 have seen a building in fair way of Bix njontha 1.00 we see Three month... 00 erection by this time; bet instead Jlraakiua It to lflm flenlly. the same old foundation still crumbling Editor Mr. llumduff, you may make aud going to ruin, and a large pile A fittlc change in your column Jesse P. Holt Editor. away of eand being scatored before the wind. morning, It takes up too much Andrew Jensen., Manager. f. What has caused the enthusiasm to wane ipaec. Cut it down air. 1luindufT Mr. Yes, dio out? and Kntfired nt the PotUoffice In Spaulith Fork .Then the other half wont need any City, I tnb, for tmntnnimioti ttirouiflitbomuiU Surely there are pumbers of men in special heading. Remove the headbtxjiid-JluMutter. fii ( i with means Fork Spanish enough ing. w , f sir. Yes. theato ft , little toward a ' JULY 23, 1803. trical spare THURSDAY, lAnd it ntodnt ha leaded. Ruuitin building, and thus supply ths long wild. i . noed;. Can there not be l man fount felt . . Yds, air." , .i . f Tns mne we help others, to bear their somewhere in Spanish Fork with enough That will make "it take up about a burden tlie lighter our own will be.- energy, enterprise, and determination to third of a column. Yes air." . lead out and organize ft stock company In any part of can And it then go Affliction ia very commonly the and push the work to completion. Span- ihe puper wherever there is room for means of making ua beware of the mer- ish Fork surely needs an opera house t. " where her people can meet comfortably cies we enoy. Yes, sir. And if there isn't room It can he left for enjoyment and amusement, for it is a I out. No man bns come to true greatntso but well known fact that the people of this sir. who hat felt in pome degree that bis life city aro lovers of the various Linds of And it hardly seems wot belongs to bis race, and that what God amusement, and especially the drama, keep it going, does it? air. and what amusement is more refining ives him, be gives him for mankind. You are right, Mr. riumduff. Your1 than the production of a good moral is accepted. Chicago resignation We have just received a copy of Tub play. Tribune. For a long time the cry has been, We Spanish Lour Sun. It ia a bright, .. . An Apt Reply. kewsy paper, and has a good share of the need a decent opera bouse, and at the A certain queen of Hanover once upon of the city in which it ia repetition of each performance that has ft time when traveling stopped at ah Iiatronage & Jesse P. Holt been given ip our present building for inn called The Golden Goose, She Jeusen lire the proprietors. Timet fie several years past, have the public mani- remained two days to rest herself and i ' ' fested their and repeated the cry, retinue, and receive such entertainment porter. as was needed, and for the same was J Ve ned a decent building, where we three hundred thalers. Last Saturday nicht a certain young can have nice scenery and meet in com- charged On her departure the landlord beJudy iu town would have gone to the fort to enjoy theatrical entertainments. sought her with obsequious deference to favor him with her patronage on her .tinny south, tar away, Hut, alas, at 0 Yes, we nu. d an opera house, nnd why return. tlieuf the what we one? have can not There are pleuty o'clock, Why gho$t I you desire that, mein licbcr mann," had flown away. So, of course, this lady of people in Spanish Fork that aro wil you must not replied her majesty, had to remain at home. This is the same ling to contribute of their means, and again take me for your sign. Harpers ' idd story ouce more told. tend their aid in pushing onward the Bazar. -A Mutter or Money. said work. But tho trouble seems to he At a recent fire in Christiania, Nor- a lack of unity. Let us lay asido our .My daughter will receive five thousand dollars on the day sho marries way, 803 big buildings burned to the w himxicul jealousies and unite by putting said a Texas father to n suitor for you, in the thickest settled part of the our shoulders to the wheel, contribute a his grouud She will receive daughters hand. city. This is the largest fire tlmt ever little of our means, employ some rustling five hundred dollars and the rest from visited that place, and destroyed Over energetic person to supervise and push time to time as my circumstances justi10,500,000 worth of property. At about the work. Then hut a short time will fy it." Thats all right, my dear sir, refliu same time a telegram from Christianellipse till wt will have as fine an opera plied the youth, but hadn't we better son conveyed the news that a largo fire house as auy of eur neighboring cities. wait with the marrying until we get in that place destroyed 1,500, 00j yoitli Talk tho matter over yith your, neigh- everything together? Texas Siftings. : "V" bors, around, every agitato get irnnijie'it J How III I'orma Went Off, hotly interested "itipl let us have an The following letter shows how a The "season Is last ap- young gentleman made money by pubTug editor t the Vernal xjiiut seems opera house. to le fi.qid ptopituttry poems, even so proaching when V will see the need of lishing a book of poems. The publishfond that ho quotes a beautiful one from me, and if we art compelled to use the er wrote immediately after the hook was published: Dear Sir: Your whole our paper and comments upon it old one, or gowitbcmr, we win pcihspa edition is gone off, leaving a balance of Oli, yes; we see lie is hinting for some regret that we did not liave stampinn i"-- 0 in your favor. Cheek inclosed. poet to write him one- - Never, mind aud vim enough. to have united our P. S. There was a fire in the ft lend Sclpck j please; send ps word when efforts nnd thus haye provided ourselves house and the contents were insured. London t your time comes, and ye will" gather with a comfpAalile jiousp. The young, who are full of life and together our poetic faculties, and us the western Sun shedrj its rays oer your vitality, must have some source through tombstone, it will imprint tbeteou a which they can ventilate fheir pent up energies, and if there is no place for glowing tribute to your memory. public amusements they will seek else-in re for that pleasure, which they must The people of Spanish Fork are trying The only to make a prohibition town out cf that nnd will have. They will perhaps visit place. They must want to get rid ot the pool nnd gaming tublus, or lounge their newspaper men. It is a cussed mean way to go about it, though. GVr-in- around the saloons listening to the low, vulgar songs and fiithy talk, or congreCalliope. in various places with dects of gate of No, sir, Mr, (Jalliopitt , the people and spend their time uselessly, cards, are a to not trying make Spanish Fork that ever struok Spanish Fork, beside? forming appetites and desires prohibition town in the ueuso that you is prepared to do not and shame which will bring trouble, 1'rue, there js ft little firm up imply. their town that would forever prohibit, it only upon themselves, but upon also. House. Sign & Ounamebtal possible, any othey newspaper doing parents Again we ray to all the citizens of business in our city; but they are not the let us arouse ourselves people hy any means. So never fear, 8pnmsh Fork, G--, of amusement and a and provide place my dear sir, the people of Spanish Fork recreation for our children, wherein their will support ua all right. moral natures may bo cultivated and Paper Hanging and Decorating The following from the Spanish Fork their tastes refined. Sun would lead a person to supposo that uud everything in that line at it hal an opponent in the literary field of Reasonable Rates. bo to not thanks can Too given many that town ; The (list page of the blacksmith sheet UP around the corner appeared the Castlo Gato Band for visiting our on the streets this morning. We wonder city aud furnishing us such sweet music SPANISH . . UTAH FORK, if they are intending to run oue printed at the celebration of Pioneer day. What aud cne blank page every day now till the would we haye done but for their kindrag is out. If so the fourth page w ill he out on Sunday, and tho one aided dodger ness. It would have been a dry indeed, on Monday. We look for another peti- without music to iulivcn the air. Tlmnki, DasufrA iraco. tion. hoys, come again. Spanish Fork once No, Mr. Haw, wo hays no opponent in had as fine a hand as could be found In the literary field, hut we have a would-b- e the county, and the people were justly newspaper, that claims the prior right proud ot them, too, hut for some reason, to the field and says we have no right to which we do not kuow, they have distafriuge upon his ground by starting up organized and broken up. It is a pity a business and placiug our paper before that they could pot have been kept tothe puhlio. Havent you seen the Index f gether so we could have some music on You should send for ft saraplo copy, public accasions, for music refines the .... -- . j i and drives evil passions from the tastes ; ? In rittsburg factory mart nd it would be grand if tho air of What does that signStranger No. 1 our city could be enlivened and purified board say I now and then with the sweet strains Visitors must not talk every Stranger No. 3 ot a silver or brass band, some of you with the bauds." , MONTROSE, musicians arcuse youreelves and organize Well that doesnt Strsnger N. I a band and then let all of our citizens concern me. I don't know the deaf and Standard Bred Trotter, one of the flacst pledge themselves to help support end bred ia America. dumb alphabet, anyhow. our behind be not us msintaiut it. Let little neighbors. Salem, Lake Shoro and Ho I love you. JUSTIN, How do you know? She Benjamin, which all have nice) hands, , baud ft in have us Ho- -- I feel It in my heart! Spanish .et good , A Great Trize Winning French Coach She Ilut you told me minute ago i'ork. Stallion. had lost your heart! that you Each of above horses $23.00 for the H- e- I I I A little girl had been season. A No some prize winning rercheron Don't try to excuse yourself. told that God would punish her If she Sim You have clearly shown yourself a liar, were naughty, for He wss everywhere Stallions, ranging from $0 00 to $13 00. and with a liar I'll hare nothing to do. and took particular pains with nice little Rasmus Nkilsf.r, evishe God seen Good night. Never Spanish Fork, Utah having girls. HOUSE? WILLIAMS & PATfir HB 93 35 S2 5 Dealers in Poultry, : Fish : and : : ? Gam We carry a full line ot one-hal- Tobaccos, Cigars and Fine Cand - .... NOW READY! WHEX THIRSTY THIS IS THE PLACE WHEX HUXGRY CALL AXD SEE ' TO DSi.l 1' US. s, ALL COURTESY .SHOWN TO CUSTOMERS. N-n- THE PRACTICAL . POLITICIAN Jaf , A Handbook of American Politics, as applied to Utah, reduced to Plain Language and Easily Under- -' stood Explana- tions, of nearly 'JQO pages. - -- Tid-Hit- Jas. The most useful hook of the kind ever published. Paintef IJLIITTIIT . four-year-ol- I Indispensable as Ready Reference on all local an.! general Political Subjects. The Histories between of at;d Differences the Parties Plainly Told. Hutchison, Pragtieal PR1DTED AND BOUND. s. ne i HANDSOMELY CONTENTS. Pheuaue The Natioual and Loral Gov erument Election of President ami The Electoral College The Senate and IIouc of Representatives The Supreme Court-Pract- ical Polities Generally The Convention Foundation of the Parties The Tarif- f- Public Ex pemlitures and Collections - The Billion Dollar Congress The Reciprocity Question Political Legislation The Force Bill The Silver eous Matters at Jisue The Third Party The Great Contest of 18(!0 The Parties of the Past Australian Ballot System The Single Tax Question National Committees and Platforms of all the Parties presidential Elections from the Beginning, with Vote, Date and Politics Cabinet Officers from Washington to Harrison inclusive Prevailing Political Terms explained The Local Ptditical Situation and The First Campaign History Appendix. Question-Miscellan- O.YE DOLLAR A COPY. LEAVE ORDERS AT THE SUN OFFICE. ...at Of Every Description at wi : IS3!fiArSDHlYE3IL.lf5 IRiMPS A his id y a y bar We are well supplij with Presses, Type, Bordej etc., and can Guarantees, isfaction in Regard to to) Style and Price. (Kras ms i wisniiij Office, One Door North Malcolm & Hughes Stor ',! 1 |