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Show and not a very small portion of the or their negroea were sold by them glWf m PIONEER DAY Published every Thursday in tho building just north of Maloolm & llughci4 Store by ANDREW JENSEN St JESSE P.UOLT JULY THURSDAY, 21, 1893. LOCAL JOTTINGS. Hot! hot! I botill Subscribe for The Sun. John Rock hill went to Sait Lake on Tuesday, L. A. Tike went to Pricet Emery county, yesterday. Milk cam kept for sale at the Spring-illo creamery," Irof.J. A, Rcea and family Went up to Castilla last Saturday. Tho wall f the new rollcf mills, at the Provo depot are up one story. A cool shower to refreshed the air would be very acceptable juSt Sow. Ic cream, and soda Water oil led kfept always on Imud at Lewlfe SteWatt'S, of (He Little Knuts-for. See ndver'iseiftfent Springviile; la artdlller column. Read toe large adVeHisement of & Paterson on the second page. In order to know what a troublesora woild yoli Hre living la read TnU Suit. SpmrgvilloU buildidg roller mil Is, The foundation for the plaut is already Wil-liam- of Salt F. R. Clnftnti, atthtotfct-law- ; Lake, gave tls a pleasant call lust Mon I; Th'd free lifer y jud( ti'fs aide of SpHng-rill- u pave ninety cents per iOO bounds for milk. The four Prisoners that escaped from the bounty j dt l ist Sunday bate nut yet been CaptUml, A new . supply of gents4 furnishing goods lias jiat arnved at the Co op. Call S&d get a bafgsfb ; KoliiW Kamfy 'Kitchen, daft Lake, was bmiiy daniagufi by fire ladt SaltrdHy olglit almiit It o'clooa. Quito a number of drummers and genii representing various bouses were in toiin during the week, A flu supply dt underwear, silk hanlierchiefs, ties, etc, always on liaod St the Co op. i i , John Rockhill always Jkecps op hand q stnq of Clitojnia (Brewery Company's aqd(C dt Lake fcity Clewing Company's beer. .W. E iiutchlngs tlie U. P. Agent is expected to be called to Lehl at Sny moment on accodtit of hia Ntlier's sick ness, At Lewis Slewart'a is the place to get your vegetables and fruits. Fresh supply always .kept on hand add prices tho lowest iql town, ( Mia. farr had a line stack. qf hats, end ladies summer goods, on hand . Call and exam-n- j her elegant supply before purchasing slso where. Tha Castle Qatq, bras band, accompanied by 15(i people, will lw visitors to our fair city un the ?4th of July to help us rulebrate that day. 8 veral of the Lamanitoiah ladico. of Ioilmnola were in town this week beg glng from door to door in order to replenish their household supplies. The Psvoon CJlrenMa44 made its appearance in our office last Saturday, It ip a bright and newsy sheet, and a paper sou should feel proud of. tLr.j Ray A foot race has been arranged for the 34 Hi between Tm Creerand Joe Morgan fur a purso of fitly dollar. The race will take place at.Beck'a orqlard at 1 o'clock. . Will Ian-- & Patersou have shipped 414 chickens this week, and will bavt over 300 to ship by Saturdaj. They have also hipped aevontocn casea of eggs during tlui week. V. M. Egab, once editor and manager of the once upon a time existing in the t'lwo of Provo, Utah fnduttruiliit, called in lust Tuesday, Uo U now farming at H , . .,i . Tsko yoar milk to the Springviile creamery where you will get ninety cents 100 pounds for same, and can get p- -r y.,ur cans filled with tour milk for tcu ccents each. Matt- Jacques wss over from Provo Wt Sundav night to see hil girl, '. 3!tt. 1 alright, for he has one of tho finest young ladiea in Spanish Fork to call on. . . , Cull again lia.t. ,. i The City watermaater whls all persons ft rigating city lots to keep the water from otTihe streets and keep'dU,Chri clear rum till obstruction ia front of their lots and . , ji acco of .budnoaa. to gel la the ybtfr place The Coop, nmehinery. They have sold tea DeeriBg harvesters duflng the hit ft days, and rant get them on band fast feaoughto r support tii demanv. liales Brothers & Co. bhto received a hew Cleveland & Hardwick 25 horse boiler, and 20 hortB power engine winch they are settingup and will soon hare in running order. A young man by the name cf Charley Johnoen wss instantly killtid last Batur loaded with layby falling off a wagon over his neck; gravel and h wheel passing near the Hot Springs, Salt Lake. Oh. my, how hot it ie! Yea. and now Co-oand is the time to call at th select a cool suit from theif e rgant summer supply. George will be on Itond td wait on you and will guarantee vdisfactlon. -- ... - r 1 wbat time the 7 :03 train is due?4 Yes, sir, at three minutes past seven,44 was the answer. Remember that the express is drayed free to and from the Uuion Pacific depot by W. U. Jones, who is a reliable A Grand Procession Next man. People wishing to ship express are respectfully requested to put it in his Monday. W.E. Hdtchihos. care. Just before the contest between the harvesters came off in Springviile yesterWhich Will Fsnds Main Street and March day tbs expert of the White!? harvester to Deck Orchard , was taken with cramps in the stomach, so be and Tug Wilson came ovtr to Spanish Fork to recuperate and therefore loet the game. The program for the celebration is as Last Monday Marinus, son of Rev. R. follows: Runolfson, was kicked under the chin by Salute of twelve guns at day break, by' ahorse, cutting! gash three or four Jos. Boyack. inches long and knocking out four teeth. Salute of ono gun at sunrise. Dr. Warner dressed the wound and the Signal for the hoisting of the start and little fellow is now getting along as well At which time there will be as codld be expected. . stripia. music by the Castle Gate brass band. A book canvasser was arrested in Salute of one gun at 8 oclock a. m. for While on his yesterday. Springviile gathering at city hall. he had made it a point Wbeb findtravels :30 8 At a. tn. the procession will begin ing a lady or girl alone to take dudue to form. liberties with them. People should be Signal of one gun at 9 a. tn. for pro- aware of strangers who travel in our cession to start, under the direction of midat many of them being but wolvfes Jos. E. Creer, marshal of the day and in sheeps4 clothing. aids, as iollows: Last Sunday mornibg as the train oo Banner bearer, D. T. Lewis. Castle Gate brass band, in charge of E. the Union Pacific was about two miles this side of Provo, and runnidg at a good Santscbi. rate of speed, al, I at once stopped. On riooeert, in charge of D. 0. Markham. Utah, represented by Miss Emma investigating what could be the trouble, Creer and escoits, followed by twenty-fou- r it was iouud that they itopped to unload who should have flopped off young gents and ladiea on hone eight men, the steam cart at Provo. back. John JeX and George Ellis obtained Mormon battalion, In fchareo of W. N. their first naturalisation papers at 1rnvo Unit. Bishops of representative Wards with last Week: They returned borne with smiling countenances thinking that they Counselors, High Priesthood, in charge of Geo, were full fledged American cititenS, but Slonett. alas, the smile was exchanged foi a look ASroriio Priesthood, in charge of jonab of sadnesi when they.wete inforided that Alone. they had three years yet to wpit. Relief society, itt Charge of respective W. Uutchings, the U. P. agent; can presidents. always be found on hand to deliver or t M. I. association, lit charge of various receive freight, and ia noted for hia presidents. . courtesy to patronft; and bis promptness lined cart company, in charge in attending Jo tha nusiness of said com Cap. Isaac Bowers. pany. And though a ter t aid individual Bicycle brigade, in charge of A. would misrepresent hint and atigmati7e Rockhill. bischaiacter, yet will the people stay by Civil authorities. him sod sliow the confidence they have Womans Suffrage association, in his honesty and integrity. charge of Jane Finch. Our esteemed townsman and efficient Car of beauty, in charge of Jane City Councilor Wm. B. Hughes took a Arygle. accord to ducational department, day and Sun- trip Sunny Sanpets thiiweek, While tier they afair by lady. paniej Jos. A. Rees. day school,' in charge of will visit Jli temple at Manti where (lie Nation) lilies, led by George Washingnuptial knot will be tied and .thbf will ton Brimhall. come forth two souls with hearts that beat Trade and industries, representing as one. They will give a reception to comparison between '47 and 93. .t)eir many .relative and friends tips Dealers and merchants. eyepjng. May their barque float smooth. Horribles an aptics.. ly oer the e of life with no storms of .The profession will march from city strife to mar their bliss. then 8 countermarch hall tp lb pprtq and Miss. McCullough, and Mrs. Lee were to Reek's orchard. ., of a fine social party ns the originators of order marshal to called Meeting by A match croquet evening. Tuesday the following theday.aCIO a, ui., when game was planned and carried out no prngrayt will be rendered ! Miss. Pearlys grounds, after which the Singing by the Spanish Fork choir. adjourned to the Rev. Theodor company W. Geo. Prayer by the chaplain, Lee's w tiers ice cream and caks t re Wilkins. Select music by the Castle Gate glee set veil; then songs and games were participated In till neatly midnight. The . club, Short address, subject, the pioneers, by following , gn?ts ...were presect. Dr. Warner and wife, Mr. 8orley aid wife, Don C, Markham. Music by the Castle date brass hand. Misq Lydia, and Mattie Robinson, Mr. .Oration by llenry Gardner, orator of Charley Booth, Mias Ada Meilor, Miss t May Reed and John, Iqits tha day. i, , James Creer was over Jo Cpringviile Fork dab. glee Singing by Spanish Monday helping to start and get ia runSpeech by Geo. D. 8nell. ... Glee by Castle Gate glee club. ning order s Walter A. Wood harvester 8ong by M. A. Davis and Lit f Mor And though, they had a moat difficult piece of oats for a trial start they cut it gan Brief addrena by George Washington doWn, binding every bunule and giving ' , Brimhall. good satisfaction ; and w hen soma of (hi Music by the Caetle Gate brass band. repreoentatives of rival machines intimated that they coaid do better work, Morgan. Speech they made themselves scarce whm Mr. Song by W II. Davis. Toasts and sentiments by Jo A A. Rees. O'Dell stated that they were there to Chorus by the glee clubs. , stay and would back their machine The Walter Benediction by the chaplain. against any competition. At 3 p. m the public will meet for A. Wool takes the cake, , Frof. J. A- - iWs returned Tuesday sports. IIxSEtt C. Jxx, Sec'y. evening from soother visit to the Reform school. lie is well pleased with the man agement of the whole coocern so tar as it LOCAL ITEMS; has dcvtloped ; but is of the opinion that The choicest butter1 and cheese for other features should be added to those sale at the Springvill creamery. alreany in vsguo. Particularly, is he , desirous of introducing practical manual milk extra If any gtt your training such M shoemakiog, tailoring, neighbor! to club with you, get a can and carpentering, eto:, and thus bring them in take it to the creamery, where yon will touch with the qut aids world and prepare receive cash for same at end of each them to earn their living immediately on month. ) their discharge. We agree with Prof Rave yon seen that fine display of Rees and believe his views to- be correct pocket kulves at Lewis Stewart's. If not end lor the best interestr of the unfortuncall and get a kolfy that; will suit you; ates now and for life. prices from 33 oruts'ln ft. 13, warranted Louis Dupont gave an entertaiomeot German pake sod first alass st,eel. in this city ou Tuesday evening' in the The case of Spanish Fork 8outk Field shape of s contortion perfbrmanco. Mr. Irrigation company 'vs, Quate Johnson Dupont claims, end we belief justly, has been decided in favor of the plaintiff, too. that' he is the champion of the lion: Win.- - Ciecr Of this place assisted United States in his profession, He did by King &' Routt of Provo were the more twirtlrig, turning sad bending than a person would think' a hutoah being attorneys for thc.pUtotiff, ( ( of. Re ie a pleasant knd an capable Rev. ILRunallkod called in our office agreeable gedtlemao, and tries td obtain on bit return Rom Salt Like city, where the good will of his audience. Ilia wife he had been attenbing the Lutheran celo accompanies him, and they go from here bration. ted httnded us a report ' of the 'to Payton, then "td Eureka.' but Mr. atne but for want of space we were com Dupont sajs life txpccta to return to tills peljed .to pnit It, from tRi iteue,,. , city and give a 11111 larger shot in a few Marshal ' Eilali Cisrk ''of Spficgville days. bhcnld hs make the Htter move success will surely attend film. , whil' discharging b'.s 'dkty' lact night ad was struck ou the head with The'Mutual ImpinVemeot Jtnociation 'fethiAy bot by an employer, of ype Knutsfurd met lq conjoint meetiog Sunday treeing rejiauratt,whd. was . Immediately put where an excellent program was rendered as follows:, Singing by the choir, prtyer undff arres and was ,tricj y by counselor Aluia Aodrua, ringing by I V and Mrs the t ill am Roberttod end wife, choir, Lecture by counselor Qeorge Dell' McCadan, .have gone to Castilla II. Jex Wherein he 'gave a very Interesting Springs', to 'speftd a week or so to rest account of tha travels of tha Latter dhy from the Cares of business and Inhale the 8alnts from Nauvmi to this country fresh mountain breeze. -- We wink them very vividly their camp l,i aqd a pleasant and happy time trial While crossing the plains and their, Williams and ratersods Ice cisam is eoterince into thus yalleys. Song Miss Antis Davis, Young Peoples' Ileral becoming very popular. Last Sundty of Union was read by John I. Hayes. It cram were their full, appsrtmects evening was full of spicy sod origin!, matter, and table at seated the sixteen being many others waiting for their turn to come to Instruments! music by Mrs. May Creer. Stake Superintendent 0. II. Lrimtihl! fetal on the cooling delicacy. being present, spoke very interestingly A" gentleman came ioto the Union tod encouragingly to tbs young. Prcsl Pacino depot the other evening and asked dent David T. Lewis read the program the following' question: " FleasC, sir, for the 84ih.' Singing by lhe choir. will you please be ao kind as to tell tne Benediction by President Alma C. Davis. . . . . ..... . 4 you-hav- .'. . - g t A A DEMOCRAT. Correspontent Expresses His Political Views. tha Hs PeaennoM to Tariffand Advocates Trade. Poctrln of Free Editor qf ih Sun! in the Jndtx Reading the discussion few of my a down write to induced me that it was not know I did thoughts. be a democrat to character to derogatory before or since the war, as my republican friend replies, t was a democrat when At the he was in bis ewadling clothes. same time I m bound by no party, by in no society, t acknowledge the good that party all. I am a democrat because comes the Dearest to representing my views. 1 believe that every law abiding citizen bs rights which no sel bf tnen have the right to ignore, t believe that tnen capitalists have tbejright td hire where and when they Can get them the Claim ihat cheapest, add so they do. I others have the same right to buy what Can buy they want When and where they the cheapest; and anything to bindeir the same pcrtakci ot despotistd. The above right belongs to us as much as to breathe and drink. It is odr natural right. The tariff works on this principle: suppo'sen 1 wished td engage in some industry but find, by figuring on costs tiiat fathers to the southerns because in the cold climate tho slaves were unprofitable. after the They (the north) got jealous to raise cotit made profitable cottongin not share more ton, because they could directly in the profits. Men who claimed that they wete not bound only to the law of the land, but to a higher law, which is no law . Such wm the father. The mother wm discontent, and I was a democrat when the negroes. claimed that the duty of governWhigs ment wm to take care of the rich and that they would take care of the poor. Yes, and when Wm. H. Harrison was elected on the promise (that they never intended to fullfill) of two dollars per day and roast beef for the poor. I was a democrat when the republicans seated a fraudulent president, and was one when the g. o.p. elected grandpas hat by promising better times by a high tariff. I am one etiii because 1 believe that the duty of government is to make laws that will do the most good to the greatest number, that is justice to all, show favors to none. G. D. Donaldson. NOTICE. of Kenner & Jensen, Spanish Fokk SbN, has been dissolved this day by mutual consent, W. H- - Kenner retiring from the business. All accounts due saia firdi will be collected by Andrew Jensen, and ho will pay all debts owing by the firm. Thfe firm SfANisd W. R. Kenneb, Andrew Jensen. Fork, Utah, July 5, 1893. hurrah fat ttf 4 &4tH. at it Aa The Insidious e F. McCaw, Watches, Cidcks sfECLa .uirz. St; THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Inter-mountai- n. .... si r Business and Profession S The following is ielf expW. needs no comment from us : ) 8PASI8H Fork, fry July 21, is To Whm it May Conurn: . Having been informed that person or persons LiC' complaint.sgainst one Wm.B - ' H' agent for the U. P. tt charging him with yMicniBpj of duty and ungentlemanlj fob etc. Now be it uhderstood tJ'j of the opinion that such clurS9l" and malicidus from the fsct tk1 our personal intercourss withy, agent we have always found bis in . action, accurate in hit g energetic for his employers indJ and affable at all times. E. B. Sorley, druggist. A , Lewie SteWart, merchant, fiAl D. A. Jones.' Samuel Cornaby, notary why .N1 Wm. Bank, Co-o- p butcher, W. E. Warner, physician. Joa. A. Rees, Prin. Du. schools Geo. H. Jet, Co op clothig D.T. Lewis, Co-o- hardwares? T. C. Holding, Supt. J. II. Hayes, treasurer of Ok-SI II. B. Hughes, Co-omen.? lumber Henry Gardner, Bt Jesse P. IloltJr., editor Tax M. A. Brown, millinery. J. B. Hughes, barber. Ji Emma Reese, millinery. William T. James, merchant, J.M. Creer; C. W, & M. Co. Mary F. Mellor, boot and it fo: . . chant. , . Charles W. Booth, shoe dale ei Tlios. O. Creer, clerk of C.W.i ifect Malcolm & Hughes, mercbn fl'ei Tims. Paterson, merchant. Lois Clark merchant, La' D. E. Morey, banker. Fur Guo. D. Snell, bishop, of Sink of .0. BA P- 1 . ! book-to- Fork. ,, , , a Andrew Jensen, printer. W. II. Ravia, 8. andTMt.S Lawrence Johnson, bsker. Lorenzo Thomas, rnetchint i! I A. A. Dalile, merchant mercimli4 dt lumber Jex Sons, J. D. 31 Her, harness tuerebu. Win. R. Jones, express agent J. 8. Thomas, Supt. Y. M.C W in. Creer, Prest. 8. F. t city attorney Jmi. Jones, 8upt.S.F. Pi prr dent li. 1 Co-o- it nfs o Icitl at Provo Itemt , . . p The Union Pacific wilt make an open rate of single fare for round trip between all points in Utah. Account. Piooeer inliday; July 24th. 8elling dates, July it will not pay. Well, I commence to 33rd, 24th and 25th. Tickets to be lim scheme and come to the conclusion that ited for return to July 26th. 1 will W. E. Hutchings, try and get my neighbors to Agent, Spanish Fork. td my industry, sufficient to make me id per cent itiorb and then I will be Market Report; alright, feo I start out to get my neigh Imrs4 consent; but they say: uWe cannot Corrected weekly by the 8pauish fork Co-oafford td comply, we are scarcely getting have 1 Then to . own now cor ts on our Wheat.;.......;. .... 80c per bushel start the old sopbisiry; YThy you surely Gats... ,.$13Q porewt. I4 1 00 r encourage iuy enterprise; jod are in Barley;,., She! Iqd Corn i..;. 1.10. favor of home industry; which will raise 20c per pound Buttpr tho valuation of your property and make 20c per dozen Eggs a home market, and everything that you Hay 4 00 pt r ton , have to sell will fie enhanced in price teu per cent of mote.4' Row ii it that men can be led by iucb transparent sophistry ia what beats me. 'A lintever increases the price of property Dealer in without a corresponding increase in profile owner, and , . ..' when the cost of everything ia advanced It) per cent they , are. in the same fix a befoie. 8o it is evident to me that you . JEWELRY, SPECTACLES. cau not mae something out of nothing, s ; i or out of tariff for the country. Fibe Watch and Jewelry Repairing I am for free trade, npt only for the sake of justice, but lrom policy also. JL Where is there a shadow oi juatice in Old BaDk Duilding, compelling (the consumer to support the J , f government without regard ( tp bis ability to pay? The more a man has the Main Paysos. more hq should ,be wiUing, (audi if not willing), he should be made to pay for protection of his property. 1 deny the right for government in siiy form to tax indirectly on any pretence. I claim that it is a system of robbery and illegal ' as well as nojust, i . 4. I We will suppose case to show bow much, better i.r all, Is a newspaper devoted to the best in but large capitalists, it would be for the tereslsof the Western slope, and partiuWe ' receive our cularly to the development of the government to say: Country: support from you, come to us, pay the For advertising purposes incomparably amount necessary and- - we will receipt you." I will try to explain: Suppose the beat : paper between San Francisco on an average, that we uae obe third of and Denver.. all imported goods,' then on that one 8G5ifsuea 00 $13 Daily, per ycaj... third tiie government raises (he money 3 00 Weekly, peryr. by the tariff to run tho governmect, pay Weekly, six months 150 all custom house officials, officers on re 75 Weekly , three months.,,.:.. venue vessels, of various- sizeo, am Address, THE TRIBUNE, . frontier police o watch and try to pre Salt Lake CiTt.UtA.ii. vent imUggiing, Now, with free trade we could dispense with' tha bouses and their appertainancee which would mike, a grant reduction in our ex r- peases, but the taxes have to be raised by the government levying a tariff and raising the price of goods, for the sake ot supporting the government, wo .have to pay double the amount the government has taken, to our ewo maau'aotdrers. i have a.case to show that what I aav is so The company that I canvass for say in their last letter, that since I received their circular the tariff has beug Increased 30 percent, and that they would have to charge me tht much more, aud Wish me to charge a tariff on the 20 per cent also, Here it a poiit that is ofttflf over looked (because price do not afay up new methods aoa labor savin? 'machines arm reducing the cost Of. production Whch wire nail wore-fr- st introduced from Germany they dost eight cents per rnuiud ; and now, owing to a Frenchman's ovebtion the ptice is but little more than ' cut nails. '. .But what should be more donvlncing to HI is that when men are lo deeply interested )u febtaloing an ode Ihat they can contribute $190,000 for election funds, that tt is fbr their qwn benefit and oot Joy tL bill fit of those whom the r despise (except just before ad election. democrat when "Miitm bald the floor in the Senate of New lnrk fbr four days,, to obtain the right poor man. to vote, nr, as it was called. toanhood suffrage, I wm one long before my frlcnda party we con calved. An bis party was composed, think, of a conglomeration of abolitioi ista for a father' who lnstiTuusnm what wm called aa under ffround rail- road, that WM to ateal negroes or slaves, and ruo them by night from obi point to another until they got them to Canada - Biackir, Answered, John pedsiey i has graduated , , Keeley institute., Hear; Marshal U. 8,. Deputy land ie limping around with ankle. s Holme'. &. re at JCI XR is Watkins, tbs d They galvanized iron and cannot p' count of tlie big strike io the 'die Dr c..eli u Moore & Smith have optn few doors east of the Coitnopc On- ffunday morning - i dij fn N :i! ad Gillespieleft for Richfield fsthtr. Peter W' Connoier H . has beed ill in that placs wt ' ... pash i 1TRI - ... . 21 .THE.LITTI.i E SNtJTSFO, 1fl 1 B Opposite thq Rsrrisos U. 8. GRANT, M Springviile, This Space Reserved ft V. for E wde 1 1 D.I B 4 Van-mtre- o COMPANY: 8p |