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Show k., 4 iV I ?' Ye,. V fer Mo-- - AND A NEWSY TAPER OUR AIM ; iten SPANISH fORK, UTAH, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1892. U C Cjh ' NO. 9. ttilj lUt SALEM CHEER, ?ii m or t ,1,-a- H Notary Public ' w Utah ' ForV i! act. r Attorney-At-La- able;. Ottff, f for of the Territory. : . too. Utah Ira w Kenwabd lea t 1,ABNER. id bj'4 dierakenward, here? n rs r Absent-Minde- u d. darting at-La- Attorneys Union Block, Opt Jpoms, gr SP3SISH FRK Utahs yvl ' k Utah . d M. D., SHORE?, and , ri Wq 0 and Surgeon. Ieysician a ics Day or Night, 4i oil Calls, Manufacturers OUJ; Utah ourtt ' BAKERY. '0RXIA Iocs! Eqoe julik n k li tail, rVs, Cakes, and Bakers .vtinnoiy made Fresh Daily! iUihiiiqt and Birthday C tk a Specialty . cp Jon:, son, .whence crary. . fork, Fropr. Utah . tier. BAILEY, Bi! are r i and r :o ed k: ricuc. Land and Mining Attorney. proiipiiy Mineral Applications fht and for all Agricultural c Maps, Tracings f- IVurr nil titJ-S ujo cincnfs, Articles Jlkn tali t i!a of -- e qt art : S. Land U. li etc , etc. 20 ojjlce. Room. 'il2Jfl, Salt Lake City, Utah. anJ..j mi; ?!i cl- ia k ad and Notions, Underwear, Boots, and Children's Slippers, Oo)d!', Groceries, Tm-,ct- Dry G nods ik,.-- s 10 I LOIS CLARK. Lidiia 1 'if' lit i c. direct frm the ifimls are sold farlV East or West, cheaper than I defy competition in rt. open till IT d a. IKr.ET, 5- Store. cago MRS. - prices. Sr.Niiii Fork. RENZO e tort THOMAS, Tailor, r fall line of samples of Dumutie Goods. .40 whip and Fit Guarant- pe eed. ' to jocr 13c 1 Clothing ekr nj bhert notice. .00 For-- r full line of attachments for tg Machines. ,Oflp Geo. O. n.i, at- - Gilbert Money Cashier. A 3 A N K- - fSPAMsIl FOUR'. 'M t H lell, a jr.1 al IS - - $25,000 ;TAL I). Snell, John Jones, 'I'homns, Geo. 0. J. 8. hanking busiues. foreign ezchonga bought !P4 on time deposits. 'IfOltK, ll)J ' ! JJ on Pacific T224.JZ CJLTiJD. i tii I"'. of t H. lifrj ; I ft!' No. 2. No. 4. ft stations. a, ni. p. m. L. Salt Lake. Ar. 10:00 0:10 Ur, Sp.Fork. Lv. 7:15 3:47 L. Juab. Ar. 5:201:49 D. CT. GOING NORTH 'V 1. K- - Bntt.tr, f eo'l Agent, Salt Lake, Hardware, Clothing1, Fur- niture, Fancy Notions, Farming Implements, Koller Mill Flour, Grain, Etc. mis-place- Masons. Butchers. Citizens will follow ia the rear and march through! the principle streets and icluiii to the place from whence they started, riz: the school hoo-c- . The following program will then be rendered : Singlug by tlio chcir, under the leadet-shiof Prof. David Evans. Prayer by the chaplain, Augustus Bingham. Singing by the choir. Opening audresz, by Bishop D. II Tjiylor. Jlnsic by the silvtr band. Speech in btlmlf of the pioneers, by the venerable Lyman Curtis. p ReMittm,; an In iuuatlon. Boarder What are you pelting that cat for so much Mrs. Flapjack Well, you see Ive got rabbit stew for dinner, and I want the boarders to see .",r themselves that there is no shenanigan about that stew Poor pu.vy! Texai Come here, pu.-vSiftings. A Jot x Mnfli to Order. I Pcrtman They say you cun make a joke about anything. Van Leer Yes. John Jones marries for money, but lie got left. Pcrtman 1 t s- -e any joko about rarchase of the Commandei yti Latestof the Salvation Armj. Gen. Booth, of the Salvation Army, has bought a large tract of land around Uadleigh castle, which Is a picturesque ruin near tho mouth of tho Thames. Only tho old towers aro standing. They ha vo been sketched by hundreds of English artists and form the center of one of Constables noblest pictures. From time Immemorial the castle and the sylvan glades surrounding it have been free to tho public; but Gen. Booth, MAL0LM ; Van Leer DEALERS IN ( C3 IK 13 3B IS iA Hj gq Neither did John Jones. i -- Harpers Bazar. (SMiPieimcB;, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc. Very Hurd Lurk. f w "Dis yere snov-- ' c ms rough on me, said Tatsy, the tr...p, looking out on Filing of ftitdlery. the falling flakes. Song, "Up Awake ye Defenders of "I get Vqueered rn dis game likeand "I was getting ny Zion," by Edward Buldoes; choir wise," said MlinsJ a syndleate to lack new deal of mine, congregation joining in chorus. is now snowed under." Speech in behalf of pioneers, by R. II. which ' What was the idea? Davis. "An infallible r."iodof keeping ofl lie Song by Edward J. Hnuks. mosquitoes. Where does the snow Recitation by Win. Gardner, Jf. . . you up? "Oh, on a little d. nvery of mine thal Song by Mary Sabin, Emma Larsen, will Insure the detection of bacilli in Agnes Engberg and E'inBcddoca. jSpcich in behalf or batallion boys, by "Il'm, playin' In hard luck, ain't wc? A. Engberg "On the dead, we are." St. Joscpl News. Comic song by Irena Iverson. Sabin and Oliver Islrnn. A Senvltlv John by Dialoguo In there thal "You've got a Stone. not much, on ino again, wait wont R citation by Julia Iverson. ho emergee as cw turner, Irate an said and slapped hb Slump speech by Evau Taylor, from the dining-r-- . cheek down lx fore toe hotd clerk. lleadiug of tousta by A. EngUrg. "Whats the trouble, sir? asked Uil Singing by the choir, " ' olerk. Prayer by the chaplain. cu tho continued stlc not "Pm in the afterSporting will bo iu or Jtr turner, "and do.. t mlud giving tips, but o will whole probably when await r hanqi lound when a ful noon, and the bands In the lall a with low is neurly through eating, anc1 grand whistles Do Not I1, jet Me,' I think Notaries. hull. More auon. is atioiit time something was done. t Salem, July 10,1M. dgai The olTer of a twenty paeify tho en wonderfully to seemed Ilrjond th .Tmlce 1'owrr. BonVui llerabL told by an raged cuaVuner. Die following story rer Wrfhd-Ij- lreve old aailor to Samuel Adam Drake, and Little Nell -- fidcr will Isi down m a ibould be appreciated equally by those who love and those who loathe 'the iKunent and Im to entertain J"so. I ,he comes, 'c.uim ma.iiir-- said thing they call the sea." , more or less Ioik knitting. with my make-I'll goon less "Most ullns at Mr. Nice fello What are you making, unwell, the motion does. bn my little dear? o genta aboard of as last trip,w t "It's a birthday present foraDter, anu cm was a luwy r. My grief, an wasn ta ,l,e mustn't know anything iilxnit It till Tother though! he done up, you know, ion bit There he sot smoktn ns cidinasn ier birthday comes will you? tell her, goln IdgU-nwont jedge, wan h lie kitten, Whftt i1 (t fr? down to hold court. Ju- -t a little bag. like tmrnmm saya for Its "(flu yon. " 'Cun I do anything er In at night, ha, to put her watch can she I but guess onf hasnt any watch, 'Ye.' gasped the s'n,-b-overrule or or halr-p.nher bungs, thU iier for It use wish your honor would News. flood W wiuctliitig. her tcltU motion." Toronto Mb V- W. ui t - V r ', v Main SPANISH FORK, Street, K THE ." ? p fd-t- k & HUGHES, di-r.- that. r N! (D(DKQ)3D)S GROCERIES. flve-cen- Ry Dealers in ...J con-cluJ- UTAH . - Boots and Shoes, -- r ids So fr IVnJoDS, limns ir ere Incorporation, t ci.rcln s titles, of- IA MNI . Paul I Q , A I. era r t, licifa it ' . in all the Courts ttk.j JOHN ZONES, Superintendent - , - keener, tod,c . Hadnt the Dreired Effect. -WM. CliEElt, President. Spider and fly. "Your pride in those- Wautiful and wU-kegrounds, maam, said thq How the Fortner Tied th Latter Secure seedy tramp, blandly, as he leaned , If by the Lea. against the fence and sdihesscd.the 6q a bright summer afternoon of last lady on the inside, ia entirely pardon- season, 6ays a contributor to Natures Celebrate They able. Might. I venture to ask if yog Realm, while lazily resting on tho Natal Day. . have any cold , ,j r poreh in the Pardonable?" exclaimed the lady, . warm almas- r r hos asking ntiyboilys parL't sharply. pherc,, I observed don for being proud of them? You a fl y anddenly A pine Frocraiu Has Keen ' for , move on!1 Arranged flutter oud stop, v,0 t And Hi Occasion. ho moved on. He had selected Btruggle, appar-- e the wrong adjective. Chicago Tribune. n 1 1 y In mid air. Tlds was ' soon explained Salem will celebrate Pioneer Day, and Oh, John! said Mrs. Crispingtou to by a littlo black ier convival as husband, she you expect Jo though may not get np so grand a and brown spihome te I wish yon' early display as her more wealthy neighbors, would let the der, a shade servant have the night she will, nevertheless, do her utmost to larger than the Aey. ' "Certainly, my dear." have an enjoyable time. fly, down from a "And wont you take real good care The following is an outline of the prottTT flTff ifsjmppifNi beam overhead, io see that you dont give her a tooth-picgram: p e rpcndiculurly or a shoe buttoncr instead. You abovo the fly. Firing of artillery at daybreak, by the uow, John, how absent-mindeyou Reaching the sometimes are about night keys. captain of artillery, Wm. f, Curtis. latter, he was but a moment in doing Iloisting of stars and stripes at sunrise, Washington Post whatever he did to secure his prey, and by the marshal of the day, Ole Sorun and TrUthed to lie Sure ho then ran nimbly tip his single cord, his aid, Win. L. Davis. "You are a pharmacist, are you?", which I found, although It was scarcely I am. perceptible, stretched taut from the Firing of two guus. "Been in tLe business a number of bean, abovo to a cross rail of fancy Music by the silver band . fears?" work below. of one Firing gun at 0 o'clock a. m., "I have. Th i spider ascended about eighteen and the ringing of the bell, as a signal for inches above the fly, then quickly "Registered? the people to gather at the school house. "Yes, sir. turned head downward, taking hold of "That is your diploma banging ovei tho line with Its forelegs, as a child The procession will then be formed as there? would a jumping ropo, and with a follows; "It is." motion the then struggling fly swaying The silver baud. "Well, you may give me a pound o j beganto bo swung around something borax. Jury. The bishopric. like a button would be in tho center of a string held by both hands and rapidly Pioneers. .The Huh Heard Front. turn-'by a circular motion. The speed Battalion boys. Ariadne Well, Pbuelopo, did you gc was so rapid that by the time it had to the Greek play at New Jluvcn' reached circuit of about Tver High priests. four inches in ' renelopo Yes, It was horrible. diameter a the fly could scarcely be disSeventies. was paid to the Absolutely no at',:-,tiocerned. In about a minufo its operation Elders. zircumtlexcs by the players, and as foi cease 1 and the fly was quiet. Teachers. the aspirates, t!.-- y were woefully Taking the fly from tho web line I Deacons. However, wliat could you exfoitrnl under the magnifying glass that pect? New Haven is not Cambridge. Relief society . every kg was closely tkd together in S. Y. Sun. school. the nme manner as farmers formerly b'umlay - A VVou.M., tied t'A fc- -' of calves together when ' ..ft , . M.'M. I A. Mer-.- . to Visitor eric them to market in the bottom (to taking manager) Y. L. M I. A.' What was the oceasion of jliat unearth. of their wagons. Taking a needle 1 Trimary. tried to release tho legs, but the work ly scream I hour.! just now somebody Farmers. of the spider was too well done, andlho U'ing munh red" Gardeners. Manager on! no; that was only Milo. fly soon expired. Did anyone ever witthe lion tamer; a mouse rac ness such a mode of a spider securing Zoosophy, Blacksmiths. its game? across the floor and frightened her. Carpenters. Munseys Weekly. GEN. BOOTHS CASTLE. . 0f:(, Haiti Street, cast Tki oi a Law and NEWS It is said, intends to devote the property to the uses of his "Paikcst England" scheme exclusively, and therefore fie purchase is unpopular In England. Tho peasantry of tho neighbor hood are particularly sorry that the estate has changed hands, for they have long been in tho habit of earning a small Income by gathering blackberries and other wild fruits from tho ground, "Sam, why mi lawyer liko do fUlies? "I do not meddle with tliesuhjec', Pomp." "Why, dont ye they am so fond of ", MM Fangy and Greed Grogeries. Wo csrry a full lino of Tobacco, Cigar We make a Specialty of nigga, Iccsurs Rio Grande W'rn (jjynnnn aaDi MLIMY. 0 LOCAL TIME CARD. ltT p. m. 4 03 Lv. 5 43 7.10 M Which arrive wtar round ROUND. a. m. STATION. Salt Lake. Fpaniiih Fork. Eureka. Ar. " 10:31) t:4J 7:13 II. Bennett, Ocol Pan. Agent. nd Fine Candim, Freh dlly. thinly, When you aro hungry call ar.d am uo, and when this la tlio place you aro looking for. Summer Drinks on ice. Oor Blackberry Cordial U Immeuio; try a bottlo and bo convinced. Lewis Stewart. |