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Show I 3'if0 Published every Thursday iu the buildjug juat uorth of Malcolm it Hughes $tore by ANDREW JENSEN & JESSE F. HOLT - , Jebcb P. IIoi.t. Andrew Jensen ' hnt( roil at the Iostnfflne In 'Jay. Wtuli, for triiiiHintMiiow throuish the mint. Second-ClaMatter, THURSDAY, D 0. JULY - f r Tuk great eoj of all .91, 1802. vf ; . hepau iujijtry la the Sttuionient of bapninfcs. r i A Aunifios iaiiSc a'wtid , which n ranee unceasingly un'il it lias thrown (.Tits rider. Iio-k- i is always violent to the party offending, for efccry man is innocent in ins own eyes. Jc.-T- E You say you've had that brndet six months. Why, Ive never seen I know It. I only Wife It before wear it to church. Hlshano Can you split wood with ilaxteiityj'sho ark eel of the tramp who was looking fora Job, No'm, alius use aa axe, was the unexpected answer. The highest viaduct iu the world has Just been erected in Bolivia, over the 1 i zer Lea, tl.SId feet above the sea level, and 1,00S feet above tho river. More than a fourth of the gold and more than a third of tho silver produced throughout the world iu the year 18!M were mined in Ilia I nited gtatcj, ; .... i ' . fciesroiVe the I.iek the niDoo Titnon'ti t ' 1 pppeurs , as if sen at a tlistdncoof2t)0 pules with tho naked eye, at which dis-- I toco objects 300 feet si'ihare can be .Teog- - o fir'- -- .: i There js a church in rrT?: NfDv,,Jj'tJmV1,r It ynyerf tft tipunUU Ioik DAY. JBH DIAGNOSIS. WILLIAMS: & ' PATfflo will celebrate iu fitting style the 21th of July, or Pioneer Day. And cycf y citizen in this, our fair city, should lay aside, for one day, their toiles and cares ami tiirow in their mite to make this coming 24th a day long to be remembered 'in SpuhisU Fork, that it .$2.00 .; 1.00 may be au object lesson to tho young of 50 the . hardships, sulTering and heroism of ' that nobio band, who traversed the Editor. mighty wilderness and located their .Manager. homos in these then uninviting valleys, over Which the halt starved Indians SpnnUh Fork wandered, and the cyotes sent up their . One year.... Six months. . . , , Three iuoutha... PiONEEtt tjio towrj, of fidilt futiitljr of 1.00Q boon' rei d ' persons in tod water (omfort. and haj a solution of quicklime, curdled proof ly and of white eggs. jnilk A ivikk rope has been manufactured at jhirduT, Wales, which is believed to le tlie longest and larger! in tho world. It is 2,100 fathoms in length, which would unremitting howl. nursed, as we We, tho. youth of ore, in the lap of luxury, and ascJ'4o not, cannot realls J in full the hardships, the setfiJenialiLiud tig) futigucing labors thait tad to. .onljiareu through In order we that these, our lovely ; might enjoy s homes, tecmiiig they arcsritk pence and plenty We tieaf of tfiBoxteuui trains slowly marching over the plains, c inpanics' pulling day of the hand-car- t by day their baggage and scanty provisions, of the troublo with the Indians after settling here, of the grasshopper aud cricket wars, of tho famine and suffering witldn these valleys. Yes, we hear of oil theca things, but can we, in our present circumstances fully comprehend the terrible reality of those days. Reason answers no, 1 Wc that many of the parents, too, arc unmindful of those trying days, and amid the cares and labors of their homes forget to impress upon the minds of their children the scenes of those early days, which would no doubt have a tendency to nwake within them a love aud for that divine Being who so willingly came to the aid of Ilia chosen people, and snoke to them through Ilia authorised prophet words of love, comfort and encouragement, giving them faith and courage to go forth and subduo every trial till tliev have made the jhs'ert bh8,oni as the'Yosij and duiTng all these years none have been more piosperous than this, none hare brought forth such an abundaut harvest' as tills protnlccs. Tho nocea.-- i ijw comforts of life smile in plenfy on every side, surely then this is a fitting tim?, to remailer those days of scarcity Hn4 lift irtvr tiienrta and voices in thanksgiving nn'l ptai-- e t'tfiat kind Bcliig'f, be Jink ti'mptfetl the cldi.gie and inm-usethe mouutaiu'streauis that we luignt have water to Irrlgato our lands, thereby bciig pbio to build these, our pleasant homes. Lit us all help to make this a day long to be remembered by the young. Poultry, Fi The story ;n; ke it two miles and 108 yards long, taking our measurement as the standard. comes from across the water that a short time ago it was decided to light the new building? of the iUsnjkUKtEs have been raised from peed taken fiotn the stomac h of s man who died dining ijtc time of the Biu peror Hadiuin, who reigned in the Mchtni of our eta. Think of it; a seed Pptinging iuto new life after lying dormant sixteen centimes. Imperial Ottoman bank at Constauti-noblTenders were inby electricity. vited from English firms, and tho awarded to a wellkpowu Aim. Tho award hail scarcely been annnounced, however, when the order was canceled ly a telegram to the effect that the cultun hud nfm.ed to allow the work to proceed. It is rumored that tho eultan understood that the was to bo generated by electricity was therefore af. dd of and "dynamite, an explosion. v a v.' The 1nrlgt. , . band . ; , 1'' IS THE 1 PLACE To WHEX lllfXGRY, CALL 'AXD SEE US. : ALL COURTESY SHOWN TO CUSTOMERS.' ) 0 . ft s r- I. . - I . f t i r PRIDTED three thousand, my dear fellow, wc can't make a bjmk put of three thoufill fifteen sand words. Jt wouldn't i . pages. .Author Yes; but I've used the words Tiie most useful book of the kind ever over and over again, you know. Puck. published. Indispensable as Ready Reference on alt local and gentlict featfie Klmle. 'i( eral Political Subjects. Marie, what are those things on that AtHTiit Publisher-Il- ut, C m . . f-- 4 - tree? They're blossoms." ' Oh, il.cs the tree drink?"' j No. of ci urso not. What put that in ! " J ' your head? The Why, I heard grandma tell mamma that drinking was putting a beautiful J 'idee. blossom on papa. - i- Histones of and Dijfer cnees between the Parties Plainly Told. Jas. Hutchinson; The National and Local m that ever strurk Spanish Fork, ' . is prepared to do House Sign a OknamebtAl t; t jpjLUTTnro-- i , iPER Hanging andDecoratino and everythin;; in that liuo at , Reasounl'le Rate. SPANISH FORK, UTAH OXE DOLLAR A COPY. LEAVE ORDERS .. ., AT THE SUN OFFICE. , , U' ' r- i - 'Ii: Is Prepared to do j ! (hv Election of President and Tho Electond Col lege The Senate and limin' of Re pieentatives The Supreme Court-Pract- ical politics tieucrully The Convention Foundation of the Parties Ex The Tariff-Pub- lic penditures and Collections - The Billion Dollar Congress Tho ReciPolitical Legislaprocity Question tion The Force Bill The Silver Question- - Miscellaneous Matters at Issue The Third Party Thu Crcut Contest of ISiiO Tho Patties of the Past Australian Ballot System The Single Tax Question National Committees and Platforms of all the Parlies Presidential Bleclion from the Beginning, with Vote, Duto and Politics Cabinet Ollieors from Washington to Harrison inclusive Prevailing Political Terms explained The Loral Political Situation and The Fitst Campaign History ;Al'iCMdij, L1!. tv ttH eminent r- R-- n CONTENTS. PntFACE The on!v 1 AND BOUND. story? Author s.U pur-pm- e, HANDSOMELY Publisher -- now many words has your ' rr ' Finef ; 11 ! l i POLITICIAN i e ,)J i j WHEN THIRSTY THIS NOW READY! fall line of ft',. and ' j. Con.plett Seclusion.', Quito a charming girl, ,,that hRss Tlllson," remarked the young man who THE PRACTICAL bus writ ton w book,, in a patronizing toad. VS Ire naked me if I wouldnt put her into piywext novel." j Yes," replied his hate rivaL that it quite like tier." - -How do you meanF I She never dirt card much for society; always seemed' to prefer complete seclusion to anything else." Washington ' .i. Handbook of American PoliFost.,j., tics, as applied' to Utah, reor the Law. . Ignorance duced to Plain Language The prisoner at thq bar was doing hii and Easily Under- host to make his ease. stood Explanat.I didn't imow, he said, that there whs any ions, of nearly I beg your pardon," interrupted the L00 pages. Jiroseeiitor. 'Ignorarice of the 13W ex cuses no man;" ; ill, doesn't it? responded tho prisThen what oner, With fine sarcasm. bre you asking me to excuse you for?" - Detroit Free Press. . Ye carry a vsiLJ g Tiik average depth cl tho Pacific ocean a about three miles; that of tho Atlantic and Indian occaus about two and a iiunrter miles. There are placet iu the Iarilie ocean that is to uy, iu which the loftiert mountains could lie put without The Manti Timet-l- porter bobed up interfiring in the slightest degree with this week. It is a good looknavigation. and ing paper, published in a lively, and enterprising little city. 8o The black hole of Calcutt was a small rustling we but brightness for it see can naught yoom eighteen feet square in which 110 in and the The Sin, which xheds future; a English primmeu were placed by w ill illuminate tlmir for its all, light could in 175U. room The nobob of Bengal causing the clouds to disperse Contain the prisoners only when standing, path-waIn less than an hour several of the pri- before its penetrating rsys. The pupi l, soners were delii lous and in five I. ours different from most papers in tills most all were frantic or insensible, Only wicked world, is published by holiest, sober and good looking men, and has as survived eleven hours. twenty-threfine a set of couijmsitors as anyone A very seedy individual with his would wish to look at, and in that regard trouser worn thin behind urn) le!ore, it somewhat resembles Till? St'N. appeared one dsy in tho office r the late What a Daby Can Do. iieneral ('. B Fiske, and laid claim to his clmrit $ on the grouud that they were It can beat soy .alarm clock ever inboth Methodist. Oh, yes, salJtlie vented, iu waking a family up Iu the getural, sfter looking at him' a moment, morning. I see you are a Methodist, You have In a given time it can smash more the marks. You woio out yout trousers dishes than the most industrious servant at the knees praying, and you wore them girl in the eo.intry. Mit i.hii.4 ess It, cab f.,! (Inwtj'oftiWrltidjWllh iV-viC J. ' r'j prowieHiiW i than til', most axpert Nose so little enjoy life, and re inch tumble? in tho clrem ring. burdens to theumlves. as tlm Wha hare It can choke itself black in the fuce to The active hive do... wltht only nothing Jhe greater, earn than the moat ac!triere!lh of life, i IU wiioknow Ht complished wittell that ever was exet.-what it is to labor, knows not whkt it is cuted.to enjoy . Recreation is only valuable as It can lie relied oo to sleep peacefully it unbends us; fhb idle know tiolhii.g I f. all day when 'it father is in town, and It. It i exertion that renders rest delight- cry pcrsutriitly at night when he Is ful, and ilncn aweet and Undisturbed, pirticuUrly sleepy. That the hnpplue.s of life depends on the It may te the ugliest, dirtiest, naugl.tir ofsomeltudaMe est, uVst fretlul baby in U the world, regular prosecution or lawful calling, which engages, tmt you can never make its mother helps, and enlivens all our powers, let believe it, and you lmd better not try it. It fan be E charmlsgand model Infant those bear witnrsi who, after reading when no one is ahoui, but when visitor yean in active ust fulness, retire to enjoy are present it ran (hihlt more bad themselves thsy aio a Burden to them. temper than both of it parents put selves. together. (, . Doctor Mix A ell (u'ho'haa asked Mrs. Whiffet to put out her tongue) You say your husband -is very nervous and'irrittiible?1 Mrs. Whiffet Yes; terribly so.' But ' ", Im not UU I think PR j Doctor Mlxwell (calmly) prcscrilxi a long sea voyage. For John? ; Mrs. Wldfft Doctor Mix well No; for you. Judge. " and ; Tobaccos,? Cigars A V e bank-lightin- J ' rev-ercn- d S. 'IS 33 0 o iGuy Of Every Description at We are well supp with Presses, Type, Bordj, etc., and can Guarantee!,!; isfaction in Regard to Style and Price. JJ (Eras TBS Office, One Door North Malcolm & Hughes Stoi - si- -'J loatatasv r MONTROSE, Standard Bred Tiiitter, one of the ilncM bred in America. JUSTIN, A Hieat Prle Stallion. , Each of above hi Winning Frenclt Coach , hor-- ri eon. fM 00 for the AUo iouit prize winning Prroheton Stallion, ranging ftom 'l 00 to fit (K. Rin t NniKx, fpauiah Fork, Utah "z ; I? |