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Show T ,, An Ineom from a snuir not.- A curious story is told of the manner in which the Rothschilds aided Carnfa M CT nddvocato r -- DIETZ CLYMEH. , -- of the composer. The latter was far from heir,to the English throne in such an Witnesses in the Celebrated Baa. oarat Case in London. Tty FUotad Him. rich. His principal income was derived "Did you ever hear how that rascal from a snuff box. And this was the The Men and Women Wke TeetlfleC Buncet got on out in Arizona?" n Ajelnei Kir Wtillom way of it: The snuff box was given to wt tbe Keeent Trlol Yes. He soon got the hang of Picture ofthr Li Attract Coniderab!e At the author of La Prison dEdinbourgh" things ut there.' Light, Actor. Leodlnj , and Popularl. about thirty years ago by Baron James PertonaUtr A Stingy Old Ii'egr. " . Echoes of the great baccarat trial &r hm de Rothschild as a token of esteem. ; Col. tUl Your face u all swelled tmkw. Yerger Carafa It sold twenty-fou- r reverberating through all England. hours later J,a4m up. e The for Prince seventy-fivoi to WOttthtt the same napoleons Haiti Ofdvancdd Uncle Mose I cotehed cold one day Wales, says the iTrefonncrs, there i no per-- y jeweler from whom it had been bought. las' week from going around widout This became known to .Rothschild, who Chicago Post, is better represents the any stockings. it to gave the of the being sharply again musician the fol"You've got lots of money. Why criticised on dont lowing year. The next day it returned tfofElli.Ciet Clymer-- lo te you buy a pair of stockings?" every side and the This traffic continued Because 1 has got one pair, but 1 philanthropist, advocate tiu thejewelers. the chief death of actors the banker and and longer i wear em." , privileges and rights, still, for his sons kept up the tradition al In the trial are cant if."., v-,tromaniy woman in dress and to not?" "Why i the center of aU the great satisfaction of Carafa, is hid away full ob- - silve dolDey sit wherever eyes tlie New York lars." Texas Siftings. tiriBce, jays , , Antiquity of Paper, Which ' IClnner has a beauty take After examination oi A Slory of rrejadloe. anjlcroscoplcal VoosintnesS bf attire; the cognisance of Once there was a man, a! preserved expressive brown In paper from the acaUdal, and the Austrian museum at Vienna, in One he was mortally shot by 9 Nut from beneath a low brow; it is said that the negro. day the collection known as Papvrus .rests hair lightly. 'iir wavy, queen herself is Rainer;" Dr. Julius Meisahef The ffi&n was Irish, ahd thS episode dull lavender and gray worried over the actions of her vexed hitfl greatly linen that were fair hrgues used chatso rags exceedingly. (facts; with the silver th eif?hth and ninth centuries, sod uud his gay and Indiscreet folHis last words were: This is the waist and lace at the lower. c- - The fiber is of iny Existence." And imchiefly linen, but as if she thight hate Mrs. Arthur Wilson, at whosd coun- darkyt day there are also traces of cotton, hemp after: I die a nlggerminioui mediately sim some antique! canvas. . ? lit- d nlm fibers present The manu-Uo- f try house; Trdnby Croft, the celebrated death." Puck. .he has the dignity and was pluved, was one of the chief 9 paper out of rags is there- - game the orandt dames of the witnesses Mistaken Zeal. at the triaL She was greatly ... fore he L contends, an eatWtf and not a Sever excited, irritated or embarrassed while tin the stand, and it Now, brother," said the good pastor as kalian has invention; tone of never .raising the to the new convert, "you must go id hardly needed her awhrance to that ..'ice thai tings through the hitherto been supposed; Out of BtJo to convince subwork, ataipng your yotitig friends and try the that anybne Liter of womens gatherings, oriental and eastern specimens not a She testified to to bring them into the fold." was unpleasant. ject one WM a cotton raw All paper. t . happ contrast to the pro- 8,in8le g And in the first flush of his enthusiin ho that were examined had likewise seeing Sir WilliatU toriai iype, sd . common asm nis the zealous but inexperienced stake crease after the cards hae been clayed like modern papers. leaders of the woman move-- e been dealt and he had won, and she of young man went right Up among tbe b said to be the best par-- a fered as her reason for permitting the choir and began talking io the singers. Velocity of Meteorites, ,, qf her sex, and those who to go on under her roof tlie ver Chicago Tribune. game The fact ha been demonexcuse that she desired t afok lame s her marshaling the excited strated singular About Fasting. , while the most rapid ve- Is scene. that, s( 8orois in array understand of one There cannon is atballs very ever locity Gllhooly funny of honor. scarcely, i has earned her title Her daughter, Mrs. Lycctt Green, tains, a speed of ,600 metres. a second hing about Lent, although it is a solthe secrets of .Mrs. Clymeri leading witness for the dc emn season. L s wtormer. Is perhaps thqt, about 1,500 .miles .per hour meteorites Gus De Smith What is that? . are known to penetrate .the air yvith,.& fen.se. , She admitted in the bo tha . r prototypes, she does hot slie had a fair acquaintance with the is that when a man goes It . Gilhooly velocity of 40,000 or even 00,000 metre! of masculinity 1 and had of baccarat per second. This unthinkable speed game on several occasions. sqenMre Slow about food during Lent he is called g consideration and attention; played faster. Texas Siftings. the raises of Instantly the temperature fcr, with the sweet persuasive-tomaair to 4,000 or 6,000 degrees centigrade. most . A Hit, of Chicago Horn life .. potently appeals dold Belle What are (Sister uwt i Her first efforts in this you , with all of those shoes. Harry? tv re devoted to the uplifting . - The Sportsman. Improved s; lunatic profession, which she Harry Playin steam cart. ... . i After the hunt , Sister Belle And what are my shoe! .with success Until delicacy Well, forester, did the baron hate ... ... supposed to be?, jation prevented her from fulf exactions. . According to, her fcood luck?" Harry Oh, they're the locomotive. Remarkably good luck!" the stage should be subsidized Jury. . . t What did he ahoot?" DcUbcrate Determination . jTemment and made available sues, to whom it must stand f Nothing.?. He enny mo onions Ise Efyo'eat J And you call that luck, do you?" not goin ter lub yo' enny mo. . hit has he Whenever indeed. ; I do, She All right, Jeff Johnstone; cf ya anything before, it has turned out to be ter allow a vegetable ter cum be join a huntsman." Fliegende Blaetter. tween us, yo' may go! Judge. ) " A Bird In the need. ' ,Why fiereed Betigned; r Mrs. Densonhursfc Allow me to con(Juill How did you happen to leave? Screed 1 wrote a scorching leader gratulate you on your safe return.. II or tense. 1 trust that you enjoyed the against womens rights, not knowing that the heaviest stockholder- of the par trip? Miss Bensonhurst Immensely. . Did er was an old maidl Life.papa cable you that hed bought me It Wm Wot Thr ' the Marquia of Cinqfranc?. Weve got I bought these $3.0(1 trouscra Snooper reconsider him boxed so that he cant OrVALM, n a fit of economy. " until. after the ccremonyt Hunker (surveying the garment) I : ' , Green baa been married six yean and Week, see the fit Munieya Weekly. oat has three children. Sir William Vaulting Ambition'! Overleap. playbae-Cara- t, to her taught A WASHINGTON LOG. Clarice I'm going to palm myself off slie said, and she admitted that ha being much younger than 1 am; she had met him before her marriage GlgSntlo tree and Fern Id II 8mm Ir ' ' i ' ' ; arent you? , was very intimate with a near re-- . tb Far North wti " " devon have Delia Yes. What age ve of his who lived in Yorkshire, . has been said .concerning Enough cided ou? i :?ho testified that she had seed, Sit northwestern Washington to convince j .... Clarice Sixteen. I William add to his pile of counters reader of the possibilities of that Della Dear me! Do you want people after he had won, having watched him the of the state, but, writes a- - corSection ; con iua cirvtB. to say that you are old enough to be after that brother her charge hearing respondent from that country, were Nuikm of teacher of ethied ,. v your own mother? Harpers Bazar. the seen i been we to describe the trees from two tc nighl hod he cheating a u an amusement, and the : ' to ten and .5' : i in feet hundred . of height three Habit.? before.'. .Force the actor1 should W consld- ' Another witness for the defense was fifteen feet in diameter which we saw house necmd to that of the priest PWhy." asked tbfelady ot the Mrs. Greens husband, Lycett Green, (q the forests of that region, the fern, "do you the tramp, hodd hspouse the causi of of Bdoticss Dob, Kit E. Orecri, M- - P- - for Wakeson of left rowing six feet in .height and fruit t ind make it an important atlbk out the middle finger of your field. He is master of the hound!, lives Was it eat? when so you straight ulvation of the people from hand years of age. al York tond is thirty-on- e toce and vice.' Only a woman ever broken?" Croft, he testified, the mornAtTranby halcyon but madami my during re drekmed t No, anything ' so ' on that ing aftefthe' first nights play, young Pauline, Rosalind, Juliet fayi I wore a diamond ring' nature Wilson, son of the hostess, had told him second become has it and guerite she was successful in , finger that Kir William had been caught cheatY Recorder. .ical and Evenimaginative' churac-a- , with me." N. ing at the table the previous sod when falling strength j Wife this. During An Ejr to HmUmm- his Uo told ing. impossible she turned her I ' The Philadelphia Girl fwho had an the trial Mr. Green received a letter ia to - Her books were If do writing. from Exeter1 abusing hint roundly opportunity) What would yM 5i fiihrd in London during her you could many a noblcttian? ThiA was followed by a letter of apolie abroad, and are not an well : The Chicago Girl (who knows how to ogy from the' same anonymous party. Wilamong English critics. take advantage of an opportunity)-- Id In explaining to the Jury how Sir t I he most Important are The put him In a dime museum and make liam passed hi! bet! he took a coin and I'3 Love," The Triumph qf assumed with his hands and arms 'the some money out of him. Munsey al The William the night Triumph of Life."- ; position held by Sir Weekly. , , , . j Timer! dub life began with i be saw him cheating. A HaMonaUc PemaaA ?inof Sorosia, of whose first Lord Coventry U the man who secured tie (angrily) Come, it is time you i' committee famoui she and Phoebe or 'no." Sir Williams signature to the 1 members, in whoop inooiror gave me an answer, yes."are to agreement trifling A- -rinstrumental Bhe hae Otherwise I shall think you play nb. more me. t with W active and memthe baccarat .ln v, capable '!. J?.6ho Now dont be ntupld. Jack, the and jmclub, wa its president fot Aim future, answer until I U now the vice presi-- i you know I cannot serious or not. promise of secre: out whether the count U 7 rarely does anyone hear cy, and oft the , . . A WAinnropx ton. Munacj't Weekly. rrany of the radical doctrines trial hii.Vmtl-mon- y ' tkd by the aggressive prguere dealt A I'oaalUle Uorf. and flower of mammoth sire when wit ui equality, but when some a dnvrg Did bab pug entirely Walter compared to those of tbs eastern states, jo k her not You are this phase with long ago: we should hardly be credited with tlie masculine reformers, I ve.-,- , J of the 0A!-Dostrand Yes; we left him with truth telling, but tho camera will beai awered very decidedly but When told of the evidence'of our veracity and corroborate "" against sah, but 111 ... i vrv statement charge, i Waite 1 reformer Lori extend take back dat terrapin stew, voj to soma Mm : rllM Advaatagifc 1 kitchen. entry said that hop that in Consequence I been some curous mistake in d QJ 11 you, BUI," said Smoky Mike, ! jTMod to .be womanly. My thieve On oc a Week.' bu we thelr swenoOUly enlcd faced trat5; ae (ho burglar, coj been devoted to literary aa much money onto be half by make MlaamUntood. dont demand (o no pursuits, but I sympathize, mother made said he believed the plain the business as them dud bank presiwith some of Die reform f Teacher (who bw met the to hush up an dents and Pennsylvania official.' wacca, Yen 1 have always believed qf one of bar pupils) one of the best the best That'a so, Smoky," returned Blit thought ii weh old enough to think Mrs. Marlin,. John that just shows the value of eddi An 7means of so doing . reof German scholars we have. her share to. tAtlon. which 1 baa frequently 10 Goodness Martin ; Mrs. ture. to the document reffrred helping govern her of n me Uvett, tpother marked." Puck. German, I;? think womans broaden-j1,?- 1 Mia Jones, John ain'tandnoraised U ' Hanten.nt in Amer wltneMrs. was born the H Had a PUm. is tbe Ms father Unlay ' . . gltattoq caused by the Ik.- -J an. tier Father (dubiously) I fietnunow You women who claimed the ' what you are going to marry on. .. ,f . r,,-tHgeir e P and my daughwomaa to help frame small a aalary but have n ige. years Man I bava u twentr-sevreU, " ,utr,?hiehihellvea. f cannot I Young ter baa no fortune. Wng ' It) llVtestlfled that he wa Editor (after welt can (confldentlj)-O- h, ever attain the Her iover aUen d Jf,c?utltry I u uDerlor officer hh our forefathers raised for a year or economical are If ImffiAarfttes yon called to ua ail right w,U 5 influence L hosted HTrpr.by two, youll V.ahls to start thrir of bear .In anme way Weekly. Muaaeya subsequently WUllaia Soft Sir u ! ' 'utL1!' Lfool the nation. I CLihlm cduld not ay thryl be Clllse A Fe-8isia that for lew than ten. Mm he would well her say I la this? You said 4 he replied: rVigglns-Ho- w WnirlwlaA V to be recognized U fc JltaTlh lUZ 7 wniwsake and lor the eake of theor two ago that you intended to gaulzcd force in political ' jj mistaken, but Ly- year Swlnclandnr fib move to Chicago. !rfcrnml mlstAUesanotber artistic, being world and the i, doc lighted Dlgglns Since Chicago got' herd My been expended . hatter) 1 have changed my min fair cf art and literature l for th Cei door South ot ' ' aot fit me at tho ioT 'tVhf ), KWnivruined w hh h Kockhill Hotel, country too well not to N. Y. Weekij i The .Other Ma about the verdict Too many relative matter sod flared , ccatj fo tl t iu Prj'blcuu that are Uwlay Neither doc! Gordon-Cuamb- f gu nd I hold de . Llf - W PrivUeffe Oordoa-Cummln- f ia -- j nn Etz-herz- , , I. J f ef-re- Oordon-Cummin- roa . r , . n, . . rt 1 . ' VJ tt-.-f . .... ,;:; i : rty r-- .. f, ry9 , V' ONLY $2.00 PER YEAR, . . i . . ,na J . , ii . - , - s- - . ( iVftWfrZ'" st . J 3 ' . orry, f ADTflOKY & THOMAS, I hard-workl- n : i V. DEALERS IN- - . urifM'ind dctni. 7 vr m r s, Etc. hoJ . dash Fttiii for Fat' Waives and dhiskchk. Wht u i iticn u ;l & j jutoaoatof St ausssf- a- U.cht 1 h.w,A- v ! BolGgrife Frfesii Ellery fray. , ? BpamshTork.-Utdl- |