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Show e w'sro Published every Thursday iu the building just north of Malcolm & . Hughes Store by ANDREW JENSEN & JESSE P. IIOLT THURSDAY, CITY - . JULY A SAD DEATH Alslna Snell Dies In Convulsions Last Night. . 7, 1803. OFFICERS She Was Taken Sick at the Asylum Where She was an (Employe. OP Died. In this city, July 0, 1892, in conyulsions, Alsina Buell, daughter of John W. and ' Augusta Wilkins Snell, aged 21 years, 7 months and 15 days. Mayor, John Jones. Deceased was a highly respected and Wm. B. Hughes, W. O. Creer, beloved young lady . She bad been emRufus P, Snell, ployed at the territorial insane asylum Counciloig, Thos. C. Holding, for over a year past and was a favorite Niul Gardner, Marcnus Larsen, among her associates there. She was Peter F. Royack, sick several days at the asylum before Marshal, Benjamin Williams. her parents were made aware of the fact City attorney, Wm, Creer. and although, it is stated; she had the Recorder, Samuel Cornaby. best of Care, her parents feel deeply Treasurer, Wm. Robertson. Ass'r and Collector, Hubbard Tuttle. grieved that they were not notified of her Sexton, John Robertson. illness sooner. Sho was brought to town City inspector, Hubbard Tuttle. on Sunday last and died last night, causRoes D. James. Poundkeeper, Precint justice, John P. Jones. ing profound grief among her relatives aud friends here. Constable, Rees D. James. The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Friday) at 3 oclock. LOCAL JOTTINC8. A friend of the family hag handed in the following verses for publication : was fast day. Get ready for the 24th. Mourn not for your loving daughter, Whi-rdid you spend the Fourth. kind BDd dear, . Cleveland is becoming quite a favorite. For she has gone to that brighter, lovelier Hay stacks begin to loom up all over Far from sphere, this world of trouble, sorrow town. and enre, Tamm iny will support the regular To that sweet iiome above, so lovely and democratic nominees. 0 fajr. A nu nber of drummers havs been in Sho was ever loving, gentle, kind and town this week. ftuc," Thu Hon. W. H. King, of Provo, vis- -' And struggled hard every trial to sub-- t Red us dtft. . A fino assortment of hats going at cost notf nor think that your lot is Weep . nt My. Lois Clarks, hard to bear. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. 0. 8. For God knows best and required her , "Markham last night. presence There. David T. Lewis took a look in our sanctum Tuesday eveuiug. Another Death. Tho city council meets in regular session i ext Tuesday evening. On Sunday morning just as the northMrs. Lois Clark sells goods cheaper bound R. G. W. train whistled for the than ever. Cull and bo convinced. station the littlo son of .Tho board of equalization meets next Spnnish Folk B. Wm. Hughes passed to the Great Saturday at 10 a. m. at tho city hall, A fino lino of clothing just arrived at Boyond anil back into tho arms ol tbe Malcolm & Hughes, Prices cau not be mctlicr who died nine days after.hia birth. beaten. The little fellow had been suffering for the Harvest is near at hand. The barley last two months with water on the brain, in the western fields begins to put on its and somo time ago tbo doctors decided golden huo. was no hope for him, so that Mis. Lois Clark is expecting shoes, that there Ids to some extent prepared fattier was lippcrs, dress goods and dress trimmings for the bereavement, but the loss wss iu a few days. A fine full blood Pcrchcrnn colt made nevertheless a sad one, as at his birth its appearunce at Rimmus Neilsen's stoik Brother Hughes lost his wife, and two farm yesteiduy morning, eleven months and eighteen days Mr. H. M. C'uskiag, traveling pi3sen-ge- r years, after that tad event tbe little son has agent of the It. G. W gave us a been called away. We deeply sympathize leusaut call lust Friday. also the with Brother Hughes, Williuins & Patterson, headquarters for chiekeus.. Call iu and we will givo entire community, but wo must all bow to the inevitable and trust in God to giye jou u good price for them. The cool rain lays the dust, rarefies the us strength to bear up in our atliictions. oir umi refreshes the cuitli, but is rather The funeral was held on Monday afterdisadvantageous to the haymakers, noon at the residence of David Hughes. Mr E. II. Johnson dont chargo you There were no services, except prayer by anything for telling you where you cau Counselor R. W. Mi Kell. The remains buy tint cheapest and best insido brick. were followed to tho cemetery by a lurge S. A. Kenner, of Salt Lake, a brother number of relatives and sympathizing of iho lute editor aud manager of The Sts came into town on Tues lay evening. friends, and laid away to rest from all sorrow in that bourne where troublo and The ImUt says that a reporter Mr. Sorley. We wonder if the suffering cannot come. JutliX dont mean that thief importer Mr. Sorley, LOCAL ITEMS. Anyone wishing a neat and clean Adobes, 5x10, always on hand, and shave should call on Joseph Huyinoml, tho brau new barber from Tennessee, cheap as Jilt, nt E. II. Johnson's brick wlio has just started up business iu Pay- - yard. son. wYigfus Erickson, tho owner of the Mr. Rob Cunningham and Miss Ella that burned (be other inorniiur property Dunn were over from Provo on Wednes- was drunk at tho time of the fire, aud business tor the flourishing a pistol. Ho was taken by day, ltjb is fiiui ot Janus 0. McDonald A Co,, Salt Marshal Williams and lceko i iu the l.uke. cooler to sober up. .Malcolm & Hughes will pay the lli member that tho clprrss is drayed highest ti.Hiket price for old uiui spiing to and from tho Union Pacific t fne and kinds all of chickens, eggs, hay proW. R. Jonrs, who is a reliable by duce. man. I'eopto wishing to chip er press The auction sale at Hutchinson's place nre refpecttully requested to put It iu his has drawn quite a crowd each day that W. E. Hitciiim-s- . cuio. it lias bean open, and many havo received baigaina in furniture and went There who have money to spend home smiling. should i istt tho auction sale and get a W. O. Creer 1ms considerable luihling bnre-iiin furniture. Those who liave in ateiial piled on Ids foundation. Tho no money should go and get an l.our's biick layei begau work yesterday; and amusement, for tho genial and witty soon auothcr tine business block will auctioneer will surely make you laugh. adorn our growing city. Unite were six car of cattlo shipped Tho roof of Jidm Snow liouso on from tl.U place Sunday. During the V,it Muiu stmt, Provo, was destroyed umt thirty days tliero lias been over fifty-fiv- e by tija last Saturday afternoon about traiu )on)s or about blue hundred Six o'clock. Damage will exceed $.00. ears (f, cattle chipped from southern Build. ng was insured lor f 1000. Utah, principally by 11. F, Saunders. Esq. Mr. W illiam Cox of this city has the Smith Weill Kobertsi n, who for two Curst eas wa have yet seen this year. has been laboring as a inis A (ample howu us hud pods about four ycats past in England arrived homo Tuessionary inches lot's and an inch wide, ami some day evening, lie looks well and says of them contained fourteen peas carl). enjoyed his labors very much. The There will lie two match foot rare in Six takes piiusUie iu welcoming him our oily on the 21th, One. between home again. 7 hontns O, Cicrr uul .Too Morgan fm We had a pleasant call from G. W. $50 a 'side, ar.d i n between Pi nton Green of Eureka, who was in town lloyaok niul Fphraim Rowo for $.5 a pci ding the Fourth wUh Ids relative, ride. llo is a brother-in-laof Mr. David Tlie daily papms state this morning Malcolm.' lie was so pleased with Tiie that 1100 of ilio Pinkerton uie0 (marked fcrx that ho deposited two dollars for one tho ilftuis In Pennsylvania and nine of subscription. yearj them Were killed and number wounded. The rioters lost eleven men, but comMr. Paine cf Spring) illo lost a valuable pelled the Pinkertons to surrender end Iiomo in this city on Saturday, Juno 21th. they were rll locked up In jail, and after- llo came over with a load of strawberwords turned over to tho slicntf on a ries, nttd was sidling them around town when the borso took quiti sick m l had l'aigeof murder. SPANISH- FORK - To-da- y e s intai-viewe- ig -- do-po- as to be unhitched, and in a little whilo be died in the lot back of Millors harness shop. Tbe animal was valued at $125. On tho 4th Alfred Rees, Edward Jones and other boys were bathing in tho river. Leaving their clothes on tho bank they enjoyed themselves in high glee for some time. Wben coming out to dress they found their clothes tied up in bundles, and on examination found what money they had aDd several other articles misscents, ing. Alfred Rees lost fifty-fiv- e a littlo note book and a pocket knife. Edward Jones lost thirty cents. Mr. Rees book and knife were found bid under some brush not far off. It is a pity but what tbe pilferer could be found, and if, as supposed, a minor, be sent to tbo reform school. On Saturday, July 9th, there will be a raco at the Bullock track, a mile and a half south of Provo, between A. gray borso and II. II. Beans bay horse for $1000 a side and a purse of $100. The race is a COO yards dash. Tho Bean horse will be rode by Miss Florence Bean, and the gray horse by a boy ; tbe race promises to be tho most exciting of any this season. Besides this there will be trotting races, foot races and bicycle races.' Tbo races will start promptly at 2 oclock, and every effort will be made to have no necessary delays. People from all over the county s are invited to witness a day of sport Enquirer . and atR. II. Whipple, torney of the Cache Volley Canal com- returned from a trip to Bancroft, rany, yesterday. Mr. Whipple reports that the company baa completed twenty-fivmiles of tho canal, which will irriTbe canal gate 50,000 acres of land. will bo ono hundred miles in length, and when completed will irrigate 200,000 acres of land. It is expected that the oanal will bo completed during tbo present year. There are one hundred teams working at present. It is estimated that the cost of the canal will bo $500,000. The canal will be forty foot wide, and will carry four feet of water. Ogden Post, June 24. Tbe Fourth waS a dull day in Spanish Fork. There were scarcely enough people left iu town to raise a hurrah. Some went to Springvllle, Troyo, Foyson, tho lake, Castilla Springs and other places, and but for a few incidents the day was like unto Sunday. There were horse races on tho bench in the forenoon aud nothing of noto in the atternoou, so far as the Fourth was concerned. A good display of flags and streamers were seen around town, and in this connection ono incident is worthy of mention. Dr. Warner tacked up small flags on each side of all his front windows and while ho was in this patriotic performance his wife sat in tho parlor playing tho Star Spangled Banner on the piano. A car stauding on tho R. G. W. side track at Springvillo depot was broken open on the 4th, and the following article taken therefrom : Ono box of mens slides, one box of childrens Russel shoes, ono cheese, one sack of peanuts and ten pounds of granulated sugar; valued at about $20J. Marshal Williams ran across a man selling shoes ie the northeastern part of town Tuesday evening. He arrested him on suspicion and placed him in jail, where he remained till Giis morning, when he had Ins hearing before Justice Jones, and the evidence being deemed sufficient to bold him he was bound over in the sum of $500 to await tho action of the grand jury. Being nimble to get siciirity he will be taken to Provo by . Marshal s and delivered over to the custody of the sheriff. Jen-Ding- 's first-claB- e Wil-linm- Resolutions of Respect. Where's, Wc, the presidency and members of the- Fiftieth quorum of Seventies; tho frknds and fellow ofiieers of our senior president, tho lato Wilihin Stoker, whose sudden dertli lias ciu ed a feeling of deep sorrow iu our mid-t- , feel to repress our grief for tho loss of one whom we loved anJ repeeted, a man whoso sterling integrity had gained our Confidence, c.tr( ni. being until fur his promptness ami earnestness in j urposc; and, Whfiixxs, Iu his departure we feci wc have suffered a great loss in the quorum. Jtij'drrJ, That as a friend and hi other, we highly catena his worth, and while we keenly sen-- 3 our hcrciuaicnt, we how in reveience to the decree of Him whoso1 wUdutn surpaxseth all human underrtanding, although by it wo arc for a wliilo deprived cf the association of s tuithful frit i.J, and a noble, honest man. J,ofmi,Hiit v.e chciih hi, memory, emulate his virtuis and follow bis exfaithful ample as a true Saiut aud servant to God. J7trrJ, That our heartfelt sympntldcs be extended to his bereaved family, uti that a copy of these resolutions be suit to them, and aim that they ho piloted In the Ihnrtt AVirr, fade aud The Pr.ir-ihj, Four Six, ai d likewise be spread on the record of the quorum , - Committee, Mximn., (Tuo'ul Cm W. Boom, ( llUOAl.D Tl fT'R. , A Conundrum. thefireking Correspondent' Tells of Monday Nights Fire. A A Tragic Affair, a paragraph, a in stated it was recently shot been by a discharged lady had been better if have would It servant. had discharged, being the semnty'on ured and off nobody. inj gone Under the heading BEHOLD! The Judge Who tered Western Ju,t?i on Dcbing a cloudburst and cyclone bemountains the of slice a Oth June And the Perambulating Cynlo tween Holstcrville and Moscow, Pa., was Dons b to H Thinks Something Oaght and was Given Broad. eroded, leaving tbe track of the Delaware, In Regard to Water. susrailroad Lackwanna & Western vast precipice. pended in the air over a In a western city there lived,,! At the age of two yeaw Charles Lee judge who administered western I Editor of The Sunt of Providence, foil into a cistern In the same city there lived a the Burdoa, x, Dear Sib- -A fife breke out on and floated around in seven feet of for many a year grew with then-thTueso'clock 2 1 and east bench between water until his grandfather handed him city, and because of his fir. bee an excitea pole to which he caught on. Charles honesty and knowledge of day morning, causing quite 1,,;. and ment. The fire bell tolled tbe alarm is good stuff; but how about the cistern? one of its fayored sons who their the sleeping host, awaking from did all he could to protect then and pEorLE too often discourage brave slumber, sighted the location the wrong. Ojfi ones on the punish hastened eastward. Even the ball room men by patting foolhardy After the of time a lapse his life to peni. was vacated for the merry dancers ran back; tbe fellow who risks irk, ing cynic came to town and tl than Where can fire. any he tbo to higher that jump provo with flying loot steps bread. Bread was given him, ;en: and a other man, receives more applause than of they found a small stack haj asked for more. More wag save to g, life his who risks man tbe to Ericksen, igfus cow shed, beloning and he asked for clothing and . ATT all in aflame, with no means of stopping They were given him. "Surely tho destroyer. A the water that runs in ,s all these people are fools, at he, Blazo. the ditch near said property was being their foolishness to the , publish used by Mr. John Angus, and has to run About half past two oclock Sunday He did so and laughed, Hi,. to soil, about a mile through dry sandy afternoon the residents in the southeastsaid as he chuckled i iRSEl This, he, reach the city lots. Something ought to ern part of the city were startled by the will punish them for tl ER4 Mrs. Helen Paces shed, glee, be done to get tbe water in a line with cry of Fire! and these men of law ik. dulity, tho blocks laid out for city lota. For corral and hay stacks were ablaze. The man and tt that I am a Atto should a fire break out on some of the place was soon surrounded by many wane whenever Ip will influence ct J! other blocks where there are large stacks people who were anxious to do someindex finger ct them in scorn. of hay and the buildings close together, thing to check the devouring flames. Shortly The Sun arose uni much damage might bo done before tbe But all that they could do was to prevent on hill and dale, water could be obtained. It takes one it from spreading td surrounding places. effulgent rays beams poured theiw pcnetralh. hour and thirty minutes for tho water to All that could be saved was a few on cules the cynic's bead and , IWCI run down wben used by Mr. Angus. charred poles. It was quite a loss to brain he became dcliru. his Many are the theories as to tbe origin Mrs. Tace, who has to work hard for her '! all heedless of ti men of law, of the fire; but ono thing is certain, it did living. The stack contained about ten bf tbe traveling scribe not start without someone to start it at tons of hay, partly old and partly new; threats and steadfastly; I quietly along we that hour of morning. And when She had a chance to soli it several times of the became great important his jR.Nl in see the owner of said property but needed it to feed her stock. Dennis. called him, they drunken sprees, pipe in mouth, lounging The cause of the blaze is supposed to around tbo stack, we can but think be be the firing of a gun by seme boys NOTICE. should be taken care of for the sake of near tbe sited a few minutes before the eddii The firm of Kenner his wife and for the safety of other peo- fire started. Ck Foes of The Spanish One Who Knows. ple's property. in it f CHICAGO'S GRANT STATUE. been dissolved thi3 day by mutns irk; It Will B Unveiled About September I o! W. II. Kenner retiring from A Runaway. This Year. accounts due said firm iliti deGen. Grant of colossal Btatuo The to a lected Andrew Jensen, ini Saturday morning a team hitched by signed by Louis Rcbisso, of Cincinnati, Fuel buggy and belonging to John Banks has been cast in bronze at Chicopee, pay all debts owing by tLefira i ILEe store ran down Mass., and been forwarded to Chicago started from the Co-o;w. As due,. ronif Main street to A. A. Dahles; turned and to stand upon the magnificent pedestal ran some distance west; wlun they were tn Lincoln park. This statue Is the Spanish Fork, Utah, July 5,. nt si Mi and without returned sustaining caught Born To the wife of Barry 1 Deci injury. on Thursday, Juno 35th, i if egre It would be well if people would Mother and child doing well of 8e bcople would be more careful In leaving Harry can hardly touch tL: : itlOES teams' standing in the street unfastened He is most too t he walks. It is a wonder that serious accidents do stay upon terra firma. Tbs t not hnppon from such neglect. he is a u e Sundays i . m &h-lisher- 1 ' THE NATIONS EMBLEM. . Altar tlie Fourth of July It Will Contain , Forty Four Mars. Another star will glitter in the national flag Jnly 4. This is not because of any recent admission to statehood, for there has been none. But the law requires that the admission of a new state shall be signalized in the national banner from tbe Independence day follargest ever cast la this country, ex lowing tbe admission. Tbe new star eccding as it docs In size the statues ol whieli w ill find a place July 4 this year Washington both In New York ant will stand for Wyoming. That vigor-m- is Boston, but being somewhat smalloi young commonwealth came In after than tho Washington statue In Rich lust Independence day by just a week mond, Va., which was modeled by si . Thomas Crawford and cast in Munich. It measures eight and a half feet In height from the shoe of tlie steed to the erown of the hat, with all parts In proportion, weighs eight tons and coat $23,000. Mr. Mosman, who is a sculptoi as well as a foundryman, has met with great success In this work. - About September 1 this statue willb ft' mounted on its massive pedestal In Lincoln park, Chicago, the whole to cost $75,000, which lias been subscribed for tho purpose by tlie citizens of Chicago; and will bo by them unveiled with befitting ceremonies. The pedestal la built of solid granite and is divided into thro heights above the lake ehore ftftft: ftft.ftftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftftftft t rOSITIOJ or THE STARS IX THE FIELD THE .NATIONAL THO. The farmers say they will ; heaviest crop this year that it', pcrienced for many years. r. nt rounding countr. Market Every flag floating as the sign of a Spanish Fork, a sa city, will tfot thorlty of tlie national government wl celehrats Indiprnpanrc day, ImU t henceforth conform to this order. Tl June 25. flags with less than forty.four stars at What is an a sa cltyf aud we with the old grouping will not be would like to know what hi ml of brats once condemned, for the govcrnmei does not go to that cxtravngnnee. "Celebrat" arc. As forludipcppauce a the new emblems are called for tl Hud roast bo the apparel worn by the new order w 111 t observed 0 fitnal editor. flag w 111 gradually disappear. , I) La. I Mies :rca .etc. direct rtf. Corrected dprii 'MEEI m Report weekly by tho .. Wheat Oats .. Barley Slid led Corn.. SIMM .. Butter 'rder c 80G LM nisi ' ..lie ic' Fl full 15c E?K Hay.... .... ring! 4 09 P . ru., nt THE SALT Lf r" iy, six months thru ittOfl till D.E. Wsi iTA din, tic. lad - I Mid 'u TAtlE AND fEDESTAL. jUvltothelako iluw! JLMu rl":Ulre .VoSll,K composed of . F. McCA solid a atone roof and , irom this roof rUen tbe pedes- tll lnltc h,lw driveway to mx-Iim- D lnjt in find- has iris': continue to shine and shed in ray until it becomes the lig of every homo cf our fait c." fr Id or unlna of the oxllon.l Cj u ift tb ifmy m IU, oo tud nftcr 4, isjI m i.tct tortjrf.nir stars la .ti July rows, tbs m-ind lower rows to have stars. (enmt tli lot, f.iurlts ar. Bitb rvwarrn ata tsch In a hlue nld. MRS. The Six again Is a newspaper dsvoted to terests of tho Western hllf'01 culariy to the development mountain country. For advertising purposes the best paper between and Denver. ,005 bsucs per yearly, i3 pp.oocoi., i Tt.s P! TRIBUN I cf an. Idaho bad Wen more lucky, tho president bod signed the bill a milting it the evening of July 3, so bus luid its star all tho year. Wlthtl one added for Wyoming the stars wi numVr forty-fouH promises to several years W fore any more territ rle are admitted into statehood, so tli tlie emblem is likely to under) further change for some time to com In uuoflklttt flags the admission Wyoming has been recognized by i extra star nearly tlie year past, at the grouping of the stars has been a Cording to the individual flag maker It Is left for the army emblem to fix tl grouping according to tho government tJca. This is done In tlie order i just sued by the war department as follow papa. Our reporter heard Lim m the other day: Oh, its nice to be s dsdy, Ob, its nice to be sps, Oh its nice to be a dady gri Of a bounding b Dottier bnluw-trade- ini Wwny of the arch the tor!rt fiS loof fS J'Tir rpa,Uy 10 AI 10 is 10 feet: t ,hu P and the pedesVW.1 i0'P' 8 Oincltci fct, ,wt. laKSV,ca llatueh i?..Ur ?''3' - the tatue, there- hu-ii shove the nJ Including the .tIie ft i liliha. M eUfLM,2rBl to he.gh- t- Will bo 00 maxstve and of tho n ion - Watches, Clc JEWELRY, trECTtf Fins Watch aud Mc'r? r A. GThCl&tf Old Dniik!tuil!t Main St.. ''7b. hi t. to i.v. At 'Lt I, D |