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Show laawgwaiwiwfciww muss tirnyvnur TUSCARORAS LAMENT! Published every Thuisday ia the build-- , ing just north of Malcolm & Hughes' Store by ANDREW JENSEN & JESSE I HOLT From the wigwam by tho great laki Ftom the soil where grows the sucker; Turns the Tuscarora westward, Turns his tearless eye with longing, To tho highland of tho mountains, To tho land where dwells his papoose Wishing tie had never left it. Ho had stood there in tho wigwam With his tomahauk of silver, With his stern face painted wildly, Painted red as blood of coyote In his heart the feud of ages, , In his eyes the hungry On his lips the cry for vengeance. Whoie the mighty sachems gathered, Learned ho that tho war is over, Learned ho that the peace pipe's lighted, Learned lie that tho knife is sheathed, Learned ho that tho hatchet's buried, Learned lie tiiat tho Tuscarora Nevermore shall speak in council. Washed the war paint from his visage, Clone the feather from his scaip-locBowed liis spirit into r.siies. i He, n withered branch and leafless, He, cast down and joyless ovor, He, the proud bravo of tho fester, Knows that now his name is Dermis, wolf-glare- TO THE PUBLIC. A chnngo has been wrought in the of this persond papor. Mr, Kenner has withdrawn for another field of labor, and Jesse P. Holt, Eng., takes his place and Wilt assume the responsibilities of the editorial department. The bare mention of Mr., Holts name trill, I think, he sufficient assurance to the public of Spanish Fork and vicinity that the columns of this paper w ill be Uovotcd to the best iufcreJta ofthtf com tuUuity which Mr. Holt has served many years, and that, too, fuJlhlulJy and oath fuctorily. Having full confidence that Tin; S n will siifuo, mnrp Radiant than ever, mi t that the good people of our j'logiesive city will give us their tup prut I respectfully and hopefully how , fwy acknowledgement! Axiom w Jkxsis, As Euiitios of Mount Vesuvius of a new cone. is MiKisrat I.UTOJ.N intends to he at home during October and November, ' Tht liamp mny'l.c ulljvool and a yard widest ha is gooas that will iml wbh, Rii.iK.Ckr Champion Fjrank 6. Ivor has sailed for Puli'? to' meet the French v. . " to be that one, send in your regrets nice. If you intend to treat yourself any better than you treat your wife, dont take one. If you have found it a hard task to be happy yourself, dont try to make anyone else happy. If you suppose that running tiie houso consists in paying bills, dont undertake it. If you arc oho of those men who think cent of their income belongs to tho taproom, in heavens name, let 10 per mar-riag- ' alone. If you, incline to the opinion that any manners are good enough for home manners, don't try to have a home. If you are marrying hej for her figure, it would be wise on your part to watch her diet very closely. TO TUB WOMAN. - If you are going ,lo marry a man for his looks, you must not be surprised when he gives you black ones. If you are mat ry log for money only, you must only expect to get what money can buy, , , j t , Ili.bipLXTs of Oitity and Titusville will investigate , th breaking of the Spaitanburgd.im. The Oar of Russia will not support Fianco fn or war with Germany on tho Alsnto question. I f r believed that mod of tho con spirat?us against tho Hawaiian government at Honolulu will be expatriated. SUltulal'll. If you only contemplate taking a husband in order to gain greater freedom, s IcLtANO Is about tho size of don't bo surprised if he should profit by Pennsylvania, but is a land of volcanoes, ' s and hot springs. The in- your example. If you nrc going into tho thing blindly, habited parts are but little fiiinges of hold up your hands in holy horror dont tho coasts. No kind teiritory bordering when you get your eyes opened. of com is r iiaed, agriculture 'iff almost If you mo marrying a mau to reform tiiikuowtf, and tho kitchen garden gen eiaby pioduces but potatoes, turnips, him, it behooves you to exercise all the zeal and patience of tho reformer. cariols, itc. Tho pastures and tho tho uto chief sources of f. ealtli, if If you have an idea tiiat a cook book no are allowed to uso tlda word, in ami an allowance cau make a happy with a people, among whom the home, you should get yourself to a nunridwft man income of but nery with ail convenient speed. ft,.WO a 3 car. DLpito all these tilings, ' If you are extremely fond of dancing, there are few countries in which people you would do will to marry a dancing may live with so little means ns in Ice- master. land. II there are but few there who are It you izpect tiiat God will bless your very rich, there are few, if any, abjectly home becaiino you put that sentiment in poor, and the people in many parishes yellow worsted and an oak frame, you pay moro for aid for thi ir needy, than f it aro doomed to disappointment. all other taxes put together. If jo'j dont feel that you aro qualified WANir.o In almost every toi'm in to bo a poor mans vtife, don't marry a this country, nrj editor who can read, rich one. write and argue politics, and at the same If you are fond of dress and show and time bo religious, funny, scientific empty parade, nr,d tako pleasure iu the hint nk al, who can write to please frivolities of life, dont marry a man at vri ti- all; merely marry rvciyb 'dy, kii.-everything something that will led being j bdd, always laving pais for a man. about e ery body, sotnctbiug'goO'l to If you have an idea that married life make no mUnkes, be in two or three is any easier than it was in your mothers place j fit the same timo, and never forget time, because you can Uvo iu a boarding anything, live ou wind and make twice houso and put your washing out, don't as ninth money no -- the foiled State try it. mint. There is a splendid opening for If you hate been engaged three times this kind of a tuna ia almost any before tlib, you had Letter wait six grnviyiitd. Fk months; pulmps this engagement might A sends tho Chicago ho. followed by still another. Young , 2't l.) following statement of the LvV P'U ir. iu business Its whiskey principal remits, the lnt named not being the least in itu . A bushel of corn makes four poitam-ek n gallons t f whiskey which cells for i dollars at retail. Out of this the Tho only government g ts thieo dollais, the railroads one dollar, the manufuetuiur-fou- r dollars, tho vtu Ur ecyeu dollars, the larmor forty cents, and th? driuket gets ' tho delirium ttcr.u tub that ever struck Spanish Folk, A Ciifcxoo minister once preached on i prepared to do the lack of life in, church meetings, and expressed his kdief that what was House? Sign w tnted was more fire iu the Osnameiztal meetings, Thu good man wri horrified tho next morning ou opening his paper to read SJLHTTHTCk. that tho printer hnd quote 1 him as saving: What we want and must have is Fateh II anc i no AndDecohating more fun ia our church unset iuga,1' PRACTICAL lava-bed- fish-ori- ts con-moti- Jas. Hutchinson, six-tee- Cnt.M.sr. Highbinders in Snu Fran-ci'ii'- o arc offering five hundred dollars bounty p. r death for tho murder ol Christian Chinamen. Bnu.rxc.TON, N. Yn has a democratic mayor, a republican council aad two polico forces, and yet is not happy. She mint want tho earth, , , The New Oriental Hank of London liassusuended. Liabilities'nbout thirty-sijnilliims or dollars; arret 4ui te i xiemdve iml not fully ascertained. x I piagtieal $ Paints? a BEnRtmi tea Is swarming witii seal, and forty scaling vessels have started for with tho British gunboat catches, Bon Foiu) hns gone to join his whilont and eviry thing in that liuo at after them. It seems to borateh-sa-catc- h Reasonable Rates. sartuer in crime, Jesso James, whom he can. HlleJ later, LMwatd A. Kelly shot dm dead at Ci cede, Col., to avenge the SPANISH FORK, UTAH Tin; Czar and ICaRcr met aud of his father aud brother and the killlug nt Kid, Tho roar of cannon and hi mother by Ford aud the clanking of feibeilao chains wero torturing of James, et Ilarrisoutnic, Cn"S County, temporarily postponed and muffied, Mo ,, several y ei ago, POLITICIAN C :1 Handbook bf American Politics , as applied to Utah, reduced to Plain Language and Easily Understood Explana- tions, of nearly 'J0Q pages. HANDSOMELY POINTED AND BOUXD. The most rueful book of tho kind ever published, Indispearable as Ready Reference on all local an I gen- eral Political Subjects . im Of Every Description at The Histories of and Dijjircuces between the Parties Plainly Told. CONTENTS. The Nation'll and Loral PitnrAi p Gov-cnoe- Election of President and The Electoral Col Kgo Hie Senate and llou.--e of Representatives The Supreme Com t Practical Polit'cs Gencully The Convention Foundation of the Parties The Tariff IubK.c Ex pcnditurcs and Collections - The Billion Dollar Congress The Reciprocity Question Political Legislation The Foico Bill -- The Silver eous Matters at Issue The Third Party Tho Great Contest of lbf0Tlio Parties of the Fast Australian Ballot dhp bitigle Tax Question National Committees and Platforms of all the Parties Presidential Elections from tlio Beginning, with Vote, Dat and Politics Cabinet Officers from Washington to Ilairhon inclusive Prevailing Political Terms explained The Local Poiitiud Situation and The First Campaign History Appendix. - Question-Miscellan- O.YE D0UHE .V We are well suppH with Presses, Type, Borde: etc., and can Guarantees isfaction in Regard to be Style and Price. (Eiraus IDS 11 W33IL&1 Office, One Door North Malcolm & Hughes Stoi copy. , As Omaha imrehchint who failed some time ago an has recently tmido a new fortune, ta t give a "tweU" dinuer ing' much sufirring, destitution and to hit creditors, wliieh no doubt they death. I Crops, cattle and human being will thoroughly enjoy, at nt tho p!at of have succftmhed. each a check for the amount of his claim A mono the o Bier qu:u exhibits at the will bn placed. World1 fair will be a su ike di.flay. The collection will u mutter C,tsa not In- ADVICE TO THE ENCACSD. A iRomAcrm, drought ou the Lower Rio Grande, near Loredo, Tex., is caus- cluding thoe which come out of the bnnghelcs of Chicago wh'ukj bands. Suiset Baton died THE four-fiflii- COUKE-PONDE- The amount paid out by the Russian government for the famine sufferers is about one hundred and twenty-fiv- e mil' lion dollars. - . NOW READY! y Causing the formation ixpeits, nr a 1 TO TUB SIAN. If you, tlduk weakermhde on the fth inxl. at y? u arc. 1 I?1 AT THE SUN OFFICE. i that a woman is any than a tnen, etop where New Yoik. Ho 1 known an one of tie If Jou I's'.e iho.cu a pretty woman, great railioad builders amt owncre whose witiiout regard to her other quittties, work was milch grealer then the modest had; yu are an tho wrong roa ! Lumber ri his million trot Id to , It you think that a house thuuU have s fliot,'. only coo head, and tiiat he I be jours, itoiixlt. Ciuv, of Nicholas county, portponu your wedding ludcfiidte!;. If you have mi Ika that you a.o toe New Y'Uk, is engaged (luting this heat r,nd humidity in the breezy occupation good for a picked up dinner remxia a of saw lug lionid lor hi coffiu and letter-la- badidor. hb tomltonc, lie t old and If you are of the (ipiuion that marring makcimaa and wife cuo aud that you ca'.tliy. " . , . , "T ,e - .11. MONTROSE, Standard Rad TieUcr, one ef the finest bred in America. ,n g LEAVE ORDERS .. JUSTIN', A Great' Fire Viinuing French Coach btidiion, Bach of aboro hor-- e 00 fur the f3 u n season. Alo 01110 y prize winning rcrehfrou from (0 00 to 15 DO. Stallion, ringing RaimI'i Nmut-n- , pfielih Fork, VtaF i |