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Show I f I! Sinoc thc iCLES PICKENS, I Locomotive Abdul-Hauu- present sultan of Turkey, mounted the throne, sixteen kgo, hi years elder brother and That I?a a History, predecessor, I :1 jt Completed It Cart ;.IM AmountofofEng- Mourad, has been immured, k s a state pris- 6ner, at Cliera- gan, a palace Mlfc a s -- Feature, VS? jaUrtfdIng on the ST.nr splendid ace Mall Budget, she fjning daily between Man-rtond- ei--5 (Sundays the journey in four of hours, a distanceMan-tJ- 2 Lr to leave caUsatStock-- t and Blisworth Euffby, at Euston tnally arriving her vain- ing discharged to the Bheq he is conveyed to be cleaned, coaled,' roughly overhauled ready L journey. rom Euston at 4 oclock tails at the same stations, a call at .ptfon of Blisworth, I ing made In lieu. irat Arriving she completes a miles, apparently 8.15, iun of 307 torse and greatly to the L engineer. Two drivers, arc provided for the journey upon t one i, the strain upon too day being considered X named Mills has been stokers, working the this fellow driver filled be dead. is a fine e now i com engine Mtice Dickens , pow-ngin- e, apparently now press service as she was course, since ars ago. Of lunched into the world uents have takeu place engines been built, pf pal- o f Dolnia sx-snu- I s WOintAp, - e i The Romantio Story' of a Rhode Island Orusoo. P tlTM Aton. In HU Uay-- A tlttl Kingdom u Life Ruined by Hblt The palaM cf the King Warragausett the Liquor - Bos- porus, near the Splcted m millionth jTmeago. During this period, KING OF CHEPIWAN0XEri Is devoted to the reception and entertainment of foreign embassadors and princes visiting Constantinople. During all this time writes E do Leon In the New York Advertiser, Mourad's nearest and dearest friends have not been permitted to see or correspond with him or have the certainty whether he bo living or dead. No boat or caique Is ever allowed to approach near the bank oil which the Is feitudted, and both by land and water the entrances and garden Vails are jealously guarded. Neither is his face Or figure ever seen at any of the flriudows of the palace wherein he has been buried alive for all these long years if he survived bis imprisonment. The portrait which accompanies this sketch was obtained accidentally at Constantinople some years ago. Every memorial of the lost man Is forbidden circulation there. It was faken before bis accession tq the throne, while heir apparent, for every sultan, according to usagq and etiquette, ipust wear his full bearc. Then All Europe Will Freeto It appears that about 17,000,000 tons of coal per year is the amount yielded by the chief coal districts of Great Britain Newcastle, 6outh Wales and the Clyde country and, assuming this to represent tho average consumption for many years to come, it is estimated that the British mines will be exhausted in less than 000 tq 800 years, ft is further calculated that, drawing upon only one of her fields, the Westphalian, Germany will not exhaust that before the end of the twenty-sevent- h century, but that by the beginning of year 80C0 the big coal fields of Bavaria and the Aachen and the Silesian districts will also be entirely used up. What will Europe do for fuel then? Fall back on the timber supply, of course. But the timber will' also be a thing of the pant. At the rate the woodman is now 'denuding the face of Europe, the twenty-fift- h century will find a fuel tree a rarity, The black forest, the chief timber region of Europe, has suffered more m the last ten years than it did in the 200 years preceding. What is to be the fate of the last European? Will he frsezo? Capt. Willett Sherman is the Robinson Crusoe of Rhode Island. He lives on a little island in Narragansett bay, or miles around as the , f,.known Chepiwanoxet. In the . E CHABLEJ of DICKYS. ill this, she still holds a the iron road, demanding 't of praise when you come the thousands of valuable between it cities without the slight-construction this engine Jin running upon th$ fa, being what is generally lagineering phraseology as i coupled passen-- . in length about fifty feet, gabout tiiirty-thre- e tons, e tons for ihtional twenty-fivis constructed to car cghteen hundred gallons of safely conveyed fur I ti to jiu. In order that the povei imu nt rmv lie fully prep; red with all lieee Ill Mil II tiou nete of the r a Matc p' 1 rbi truii her average foily.flve miles 'a tcnclii.slou, it may not be nmarlc that tne same r ,n,c three thousand , dally for Its two thouaaud ,7? nlflnes, while twenty wntcr are boiled every fretted into steam. Jof H'SON FOR LIFE. Iluler Immured 6J4 a known that a tragic i "The Man la the i e l"l,P,H'd pretender to Hen r'yvd ('Wiitd I . Bl"l generation on of ,i I fin mi ,,4 lTp,,ru'vhuh ,.lU)T',?"lum,n- ' II s sltuui ' known, unlike the - strangely and In the hu of the hem. p. m. 4 :05 Lv. 8.43 7;15 Eureka. J. II. rpttiOejTl 4 iATTA0VfttNT&!ith rm3T Ar. 10 :30 PpanUh Fork, " 5:43 7:10 MAciuHp a. m. rATioNs. Salt Lake. I V-- HUQ.A5-- ' - . WOODWORK Mdit&owkMi? ltN(wpsriG tOUASLUX eHcW s UHI0S Bennett, Se'!laab Gcnl Pau. Agent. CHICAGO Is effective remedy, numerous testimoFor two years nials conclusively prove. I was a constaut tufferey from dyspepsia 1 doctored and liver complaint long time and the medicines prescribed, In nearly disease. the ease, every only aggravated An apothecary advised me to use Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla, I did so, and was cured at a cost cf 45. Since that time It has been my fajnlly medloluo, and sickness has become a stranger to our household. 1 believe It to he tlie best medicine on earth." P. F. McNuJty, Hackmpn. summer lb, COTTAGE ORGAN Has ata'ned a standard of excellence watch sdin'ts of no superior. IdoouihIIis vvury ini provomont that In venlivs goniua, a kill and moey can produce. a Lowell, Mass. FOR DEBILITY THB EIK3 OF Ayers Sarsaparilla a t CHSPrvOXET. early fifties, says the New York Sun, h. was the best known pilot on the Sound. He 6tood in his day as Capt. Ilank llafl and the Ellsworths do in theirs. At that time new packet lines were being constantly established between New York, Boston and intermediate Sound points, and new vessels built. Great rivalry existed on the water then as now, and each new vessel had to show her heels to the whole pack if she hoped tq amount to anything. Capt. Shermans knowledge of the sound gave him great prestige, and he was in constant demand, either to steer a new craft to victory or to hold a reputation previously made by an old one. Then he fell in love with a woman unworthy of him. She lived in the little town of East Greenwich. Immediately upon arriving from each trip Capt. Sherman used to hurry over, loaded down with presents, to see her. ' On one visit he learned that his sweetheart had made a dupe of him. She accepted his attentions to get hi presents and then ran away with another man. This shattered Capt. Sherman's faith in human nature, ne got drunk and remained drunk longer than any one can remember. He bought an old boat, which he fitted up with a cabin. This craft be made his home, floating about Narragansett bay for years. He lived on the fiah, the plums, and the which he caught. He realized enough by farming the sea to buy all the whisky he wanted. Everything ran smoothly with the captain and no one interfered with the life he was leading till he became an oyster pirate. Then be was arrested tlur-- e X 8EACIJIN0 FOB MOB Is certain cure, when the complaint originates In Impoverished blood. "1 was a great sufferer from a low Condition 61 the blood and general debility, becoming finally, so reduced that 1 vCas unlit for work. Noth lug that I did for the (opipldljit helped bis so much as Ayers Sarsaparilla, a few pottles of which restored me to health aud strength. I take every opportunity to recommend this tnedlclne In similar cases." C. vlck, 14 E, Main st., ChUUoothe, Ohio, .v These Organs are celebrated for volume, about flvq ir,ln quality ot touo, quick roeponae, artiatlOdoNlan, utes before Mr. Richardson's arrival beauty in fiulan, uerfoct ounat ruction, niakloi them the moat desirable organs for lioim w and never make a mistake.' They wil schools, churches, lodges, societies, elo. cat out of his hands or will stand on ESTABUSniD KEPUTATIO.W their hind legs and reach for the morsel FACILITIES, mqVALED he holds between his fingers. Tho strictSKILLED WOBglUS, FOR ERUPTION? est ceremony is upheld during these PESX MATERIAL, banquets. Tl'cre is po confusion, ac And all disorders originating In Impurity ol fOMhlNtn. MAAS THIS Those dozen toads sn the blood, such as bolls, carbuncles, pimple, scrambling. scyptulous POPULAR ORQAK around liko so many burgomasters blotches, and eye Mr. Eicliardboq 'with' their sores, and the like, take only Instruction Books and Plano Stools. blinkety, blinkety beads until ho signals out who shall come forward to eaL Cstalogues and Prloe Lists, oa tprUoatlotmrat FBtFARBQ ar One largo fellow, a sort of a leader, 4k ( 0 Lowell, Mass, CHICAGO COHAGE ORGAN C9. will follow Mr. Richardson around Jike SB. J. O. AYES a dog and lias to be driven back in the Pries $1 ; sis bottles, i Worth 5 a bottle. C. Randolph aiji inn Stt CNICX90. HXt morning or he would hop down to the depot with his piaster. V' iien scolded for following' ho sits Jq the middle of the walk looking 'sorr6wfui-lik- o until Mr. Richardson is out of sight down A LITERARY, 6iligh In Character. Low In 1'rlo DOMESTIC, the street. The toads do a number of Bead Hv cents (atamps) to convince na that oa want sample copy. Address Womah' Wcaa, Athens, O', simple tricks and arq a truly wonderful family, A EDITOR. comm once assembling THS cold-9Cii- salt-rheu- . Ayers Sarsaparilla WELL-KNOW- bj Something About the Mew Preddent o' the Editorial Auoclatlnn. lion. V. S. Cappclier, the president of the National Editorial association. Is editor of the Mansfield (O.) Daily News, and is one of the leading newspaper men of that state. lie was bornin 1839 and went into newspaper woik at ap early age. In addition to making an enviable reputation in journalistic circles Mr. Cappclier has been elected and appointed tq many offices of honor and trust. He has been county auditor of Cincinnati, chairman of the Ohio re- - AW A POETRY Original aad of the hlgheet character great variety, LITERATURE pure, Suclnatlng, Improving. Mothers Corner t A co plaoe to fat and learn. jr The Wat heellh department to be found. BOYS AND GIRLS FANCY WORK COOKING A gtm of beauty nd toIuo. A deprtioeat UusA wiU fUH pleM paper, HOME PHYSICIAN FLORAL PAGE A charmlo young. 4 Answers Quer;e? Better than l W ulhe, leUee1 Correspondence' A full of (baity pifF, pago fog the Our eportaj pride en-- t th houaewlie sWelal help. lays a recent (ipr! toco ao4 $Oi4 uf gttUOM. Otmir Dcrartmcnts nd Miscellaneous Matter, and valnahie. plesalng VoMAM'a Won nine! he seen to bo approoteted. ;n rid.'- waters the iu rJ' DEALERS uu IN . age he fondness for the study of mathematics and tho natural ences. sci- lie was of professor and me- - physics chan lea In Ohio university from lifer ho went ' '?, V7'j ' 04 w "l I ,' rnor. mesde.vuall. TEX PLUCK OF TDK KIXQ. The captain didnt have 820. cents so he was sent to jail. He didnt mind the confinement, but he and fined 20 kicked because there was no roll to the craft, as he called it, and no liquor in the hold. Two days there more than satisfied him. It was the beginning of the war, and the cuptain struck upon a uovcl scheme to effect escape. Sending Look for the jailer, the captain said: here, I dont want to stay in here and twenty yeara Theres no whisky roe I'll enlist will If you no tobacco. The jailer give you all over 8200." and accepted his offer on speculation muzzle the at Norwich to him marched of a loaded rifle, where he enlisted him for 8000. When the war waa over Capt Sherman laid his course for tho land of clams, and put hi abandoned houseboat in commiasion again. lie lived aboard the Red Lion, as he called the boat, a long as it would float Then he beached it on the little Wand of Chepiwanoxet and built his present abode. It is a little wooden shanty, with bootleg In the winter the hii.g on the door. la prevented from whistling wind it comthrough the cracks by covering weed. sea with pletely When not fishing the captain spend the time in making sail cloth mitten ahirt and for winter work. He wear a that he overall. They are the aame Crumie-llk- e donned when he began his till career. He intend to wear them to Japan as professor of physio la tlie Imporliil wulverslty at Toklo. During mehis stay he organised tho general the of Imperial teorological syatein one of the governinenL.and ho was also aoclety orgnnlcrs of the.Selsraologlcal ofTokle. In 1881 ho returned to the United States and resumed tho chair of the Ohio State university, lie organservised the Olito State weather bureau devised y subsequent ice in 1SM3, and for dis- he die. n system of weather signals Mr. Meud' trains. railroad on TAMED TOADS play TWELVE L 1 tlie nlud A hall became n professor Trlrk. '1 e 1 r.rfrm Wun.lrrfnt Mutes signal scryleo in 84, btoU Hungry. of educa Ulllshcd stations In the tsslteslof earth Frmone has heard tell for tlio systematic observation Jrm quake phenomena, lie ntlgart the giversment service to Roso presidency of the institute of Terre Ilautc. cnUfie sosW ti ifM11.l in the v mc.uWrsl.lp In otlicr sc held the carried has Mendenhall ITof. dont do mm-tlca. b they it f keepsake, lin tUt,h ofllco of vice president of lh Assoct atlon tint G,em! l ar dllTereii hy ,, section of the American . on per ei.teh f n Toledo, for the Advancement of Ol Acsdemy l,U1 Notional ,,m Iw president of tho the ToW' .Saliences..:- -, Alr I WEST BOt'tjD rBOP. C. H. MERRiAM. to quite recently early but .blejaliout EAST BOl'ND. ACTHOCY & THOMAS, M 4 Northwestern was the developed and llushey, anotlior wtlcthorpo and Jlleteliley, juird between Tamworth and a rugiuo of this descrip-fou- t with her tank fully b water, would probably criJ miles before re-b- e average load Is about t? tarrlages, and her highest Unknown to attain seventy 'jl,ar when the roud Ucxccp 1 ", the Unit- (, mi'-siu- n Pinner 0 LOCAL TIME CARD, in the pi" event of j. (Tran RAILWAY, M'U M'lll ' A that worked upon this ay- water troughs arc about f. and there are three act odoa sad Maucliester, one Rio Grande W'rn ) president li I to send lw,i ride, I thu necesto Alaska to ant of coal consumed av gather under I e M lb. per mile, causing a agents bad bus lie sary Information. names the time some b. of for consideration 24 to water, equivalent kb k thrown off in steam, of lrof. Mendenhall, chief of thu coast 11 tha case, it la necessary to aad geodetic survey, and Irof. C. '5b aupplics npon the jour-Hd- s Mcrriam, ornithologist of the department of agriculture, and bn at last purpose long semicir--vwill lie simhave been placed bo- - named them. This Tula, w hich enable the driver ilar to that with which .sir It i.len ltiwell fa kind of scoop into the is charged on behalf of the British govMeirium ueecpls rbich is always filled with ernment, and if lrof. s t at which the engine the place he will bo instructed to leave Irof. Mendenforces the water up by the for Alaska at once with accepted. has who already Into the engiue tank, hall, fMdsg p Irof. Mendenhall was born near cq immense amount of He received r1 and inconvenience over Hanovertown, O., In 1841. At an education. school v 'bod of common stopping the train to a r V Ayers Sarsaparilla as an re-th- e l, Up r well-know- FOR DVSPPPSIA, qua-hau- THE SEAL QUESTION. Prot Mxrrlam and Irnf. M mlmhall. Vt - V ardson, the operator jn (ho Union depot mastera office, is the gentleman who Knows all about toads. He has been training them for tho past year, anil has a dozen in his back yard that do almost everything but talk, and show a considerable amount of reasoning power. These particular toads will wait for Mr. Richardson on his return from work; and theyare always there on time lined up along tlie walk like so many soldiers. lie feeds them regularly, and that is the secret of their presence. Those toads must have some 'way for figuring out the time of day, for they P5J'ct 1 'n Vegetables, Etc, ROM. W. S. CAJTELLEB. dagh Paid for Pals Salycs and dhiekem, publican committee and occupied othei prominent positions iu state politics. He is a map of great executive ability, untiring energy and much shrewdness. Ho is a prominent odd fellow, having been grand master of Ohio in 1879. Personally ho is popular, of pleasing address and flue social qualities. Tho association. Bays the Journalist, made no mistake when it elected him to Its Bologne Fresh Every Day. Oqs door South at Rockbill IIolcl, . Spanish Fork, Utah. presidency- - Weight of 141,10 FU. ' southern grocer, being greatly noyed by flies, distributed A an- twenty-on- e about his sheets of sticky them he gathered the In evening 6tore. up and, noticing how much heavierHethey acwere, concluded to weigh them. e sheets twenty-ontho cordingly placed with their loads of dead flies npon the scales; they tipped the beam at exactly e seven pounds. Then he placed twenty-onfresh sheets on the scales and found that they weighed but four pounds and four ounces. Thus tho files were shown to weigh two pounds and twelve ounces. He next commenced to figure on tho matter and found that there were tweninch of tho fly ty flies to each square 338 had sheet each square inches paper; sheets and fl.WO flies; the twenty-on- e containing in all 141,120 flies. Thus it is tho plain that one can easily ascertain 141,-1exact weight of a single fly; for if flies weigh two pound and twelve ounces it is cosy to calculate what one would weigh. CorrwUd. .qiow well you look in second mourn- Those Desiring nn fly-pap- 20 j This Isnt my second. John was my fourth husband, you know. Judgo. (10 lyisila J and kind treatment will call at Brewer, Irvine & a'store.v Main St., Gos Payson. |