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Show as,T H'MK SIEflJo memorial day. "jSSAY CA1GH. physician for a number of yean, posi tious ha laid at the time of Ids death. In Published every Thursday in tho build1807, during the Indian troubles, he was ing Just north of Malcolm & commissioned by the governor a colonel Us a Nico Littlo of tho Manti militia. He was tho founder Ho Clvos Hughes Htoru by of the Manti civil government class, and SondOff, W. II. KKNNEIl & ANDREW JENSEN by bis request that organization took charge of tho funeral. THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1803. At the funeral services the speakers al And Tell Wbut He Kuans About NewsA Very Eicellcut Program tendered In papers and Women, the Meeting House, eulogized the deceased and stated that there never had been a person die in Manti that was so universally rcspcctci and loved. I see by tho papers sod by actual Tho Memorial Day services were held The procession to the cemetery was observation that the good people of in the meeting house under the auspices headed by ths brass band, followed by born unto of the Woman Suffrage association on Spanish Fork have had t Sun til the school children carrying bouquets, of the take me let advantage and them, Monday last. Mayor, Julia Jones. then came the civil government class car in tbe them to congratulate Tho meeting was called to order by Wui. D. Hughes, opportunity which the after vehicles tbs vying live casket, long W. 0. Creer, usual way, to hope the kid uisy the chairman, Mrs. Jane Finch. the relatives and frlonda, ful and Rufus P. Huell, would say I containing lather To the W. 8. from the prosper. song book, lowed Singing Councilors, Thos, 0. Holding, by numerous citizens on foot. that one child and one wife at a time arc Now Amoriea, Nlel Gardner, After tbo services wcie over at the the rule nowadays, and therefore they Murenus Larsen, Prayer by tho chaplain, Mrs. A. R and the remains covered cemetery up, Ioter F. Iloyack. can afford to treat him well; and to the Lewis. tho school children marched around the much jaw. Marshal, Benjamin Williams. The chairman explained the object of blooming ma- -I wish you City attorney, Win. Creer. grave and deposited their bouquets upon announcement, to The Sun, according the meeting. Recorder, Sumucl Cornuby, the mound. When they had finished, it shines for all- -at so much per shine, I Treasurer, Wm. Robertson. Memorys Festivlticsa select pootry no longer looked like a grave, for it was Assr and Collector, Hubbard Tuttlo, was very ably read by Mrs. B. C. Banks, tho amount being even less than a mountain of flowers. And thus ended suppose, John Robertson. Hexton, what the littlo boys on our streets tax s M. A. Davis and Lily Morgans respond tho largest and most impressive funeral City inspector, Hubbard Tuttle. fellow for tho same article. I see the with a eong, Let tho Dead and the ever held in Pound keeper, Rees I), James, Manti. to have no religion and no Beautiful Rest. lrecint justice, John P. Jones. the services in the tabernacle paper is During out of The Pioneers of Spanish Fork, an one of the Constable, Rues D. James. politics, which naturally takes it speakers, Moffat, Our the big swim just commencing. essay by Miss Agnes Lewis. was so overcome that when ho sat down those but else talk here Mrs. Mnggio Swenson recited The he fainted nothing LOCAL JOTTINCS. away. He was carried out of papers so your venture will have the two Soldiers Return. things, the house and taken home, and he died feature of novelty at least Tho Spanish Fork river is booming. Miss Lizzie Chambers sang in a touch at 6 o'clock the following morning, thus distinguishing back to fall Phantom upon. Footsteps. Wm. Lewis little boy is improving ing manner, making the mournful event doubly sad A newspaper in a town is very much Memorial Day, Mrs. Mary Slowly. Essay, In with section complinuco 3, chapter like women in a new place. The boys Bummer came in with a whoop and Baxter. CO. of nn act entitled, An act hurrah . creating get along very well without thorn till tho Miss Hannah Jcx read a selection of and tho fourth district first one arrives, then everybody wants Judicial defining Wm. Creer, Erq., made a trip to Trovo poetry composed for the occasion by of Utah the late one of his own. And they would as soon territory," passed by bn Tuesday. Mrs. Hannah Cornaby, as follows: legislature, Secretary Sells, Elijah acting think of getting along without meals as John Btokcr has boon very sick, and is MEMORIAL PAT. governor in the absence of Governor without the females after that. The now improving. Thomas, on Monday issued a proclamalarallel. however, ends abrumptly at this Tho weather has settled down to its Whut Btter tribute can we bring, tion fixing Ogden as the place for holdSummer vacation.' Than the fair flowers of lovily spring! point; women are expensive to those ing tho scssious of the Fourth Judicial who take, not to those who issue them Manti city has just completed a lino How can we better homage pay and the time for convening court ust district, To grace our Decoration Day! exactly ei terii with the paper. .System of wutorwoiks. the third Monday of May, the first MonAbo, likewise, while I am on this theme Tho Presbytery of Utah meets at Sweet flowers, they bouUtify our land, of and tho third day September, n this particular and peculiar way, I Monday Springville this evening. of November in each year, this year will Upspringing round, on every hand, pause long caougb to observe that The card of Pr. A. J. Shores; of Pay Blooming on fair or barren sod, tho court toconvcuo the first of is an event common to both the Monday there in issuo. this eon, appears But nuitured by tho hand of God. June instead of the first Monday in May. newspapers and those who during the A littlo baby of Mrs, Rees James is Upon thcopeuiug of tho district court reign of tbe bustlo were wont to wear so richly Bprcad flowers these Gather and is sick not live. to quito expected dead I yesterday morning Judge Miner caused thenwcach, now and then, must have a Miss Lucy Perley, a former teacher To decorate tho sleeping tho proclamation to be read and thencebrave for the a Go weave in the Presbyterian school, is on tho sick new dress, but as to whether it improves garland forth that section of Utah hitherto known the list. Who fill a hero's honored grave. general appearance depends entirely as the First District will be termed the Tho funcrnl services over tho remains Twino the fair wreath for innocence, upon tho material employed, the one Fourth Judicial district. of Thomas JoDes baby wero held on Tor who fits it on, and the manner in which those our Father gathered hence, Tuesday. On Sunday last a party of four young it is worn . And this does but bring mo Ere yet their infant spirits knew Tho Msnti Sentinel is not dead as was men from Springville came to this city to another deviation natural enough Aught of the tears that life bedew. reported, but slecpctb, and will publish in a wagon, and must haye been when a fellow has a woman in his head feeling again uext Saturday. Bright immortelles should dark the tomb good, as they diove which is this: A newspaper always the western through The road between hcie and the Maplo-to- n Where youth is laid in early bloom, conies from a form, but in tho other case of town at a furious rate. part City railway station is nbout as bad aa it To point beyond this lifo of pain Marshal Williams soon on their referred to it gees to one. got c:iu be and remain passable. meet When parted friends will agaiu. A fellow who makes a pilgrimage of track, overhauled them and arrested the Win. It. Hughes little boy, who is due life without in some maaner having this of the aged driver, vitas. E , Brown. Tho prisoner sulTering from some kind of an abscess Go strew tho grave had his feathers moro or less scorched by was taken befoio been bus is not expected to livo. Whoso mission m the bead, Justice John P. Jones, nobly done, I the of a Sex, or some other jourau on dawn the a awaits now And glare in pcaco leaving deposit for his sppear-auc- o Leo Ilaefeli, one of Utah's journalists, nalistic endeavor, has missed too much on Tuesday, was allowed to died in Balt Luke on Sunday morning Of promised resurrection morn. depart. last from an overdoso of laudanum. un to ever go to sheol for a permanent On tho day named Brown appeared be Visit the lonoly in your way, and yet has escaped bo much fore the justice, pleaded residence, Pr. J.T. Tilson, dentist, of Payson, On and was guilty this, our Decoration Day, of turbulence and fined $3, which he who also represents Dr. Shoops family wrath that paid. And lest their grave should bo forgot medicines, made us a call yesterday. his titlo deeds to a corner lot in the . Tickets ever tho R. U. W. "for the iTace there the sweet other place must be defective and need Brcwerton, Irviue & Co., of Payson, contest in Salt Lake, on June singing their patroDS cheap goods and Hiss not one grave, for great or small, inspection by a painstaking and not too Iuomiscs Oth, are for sale by James & Woodward Their advertisement apwe are kindred all, much other kinds of taking lawyer. Remember, and Mr. Lewis in the Spaaisn Fork pears in this issuo. Tbo children of oiie Father great, (Please insert at this point, and take the The republican delegates to the Min- Whatever here has been our state. Coop. The R. G. W. is the only Hue for it out of my chock for this that will sell excursion tickets for th!s pay neapolis convention left Ogdon yeeter-- ; that I do such business acarticle, Tbo scattered flowers on tho bo fair meets Let convention rouud, contest south of Salt Lake. The day morning. train curately, reliable and reasonably, besides Tuesday next, the 7th iust. leaves here at 8:42 a. m., June Upon each consecrated groand, Oth, and practicing in all the courts of the Veiled Interest in tho west mountain miucs, Till, as glad offerings they rise, leaves Salt Lake at It p. in , Juno Oth. States and other parts of Utah; divorces San Pete county, is being revived. New A grateful incenro to the skies, Fae for t(,nd trip $1.00, locations are a daily occnrrcnco and carefully attended to; murders a specthcro are prospects for a busy season. Angels silent notes are taking, , The Spanish Fork Six is a nett candi- ialty; bigamy and other forms of arson a recoid making,. date for public favor in the journalistic skillfully troated.) There is some comJudging from such observation as has Of each act been afforded by a brief stay, the gold And in Its pages may we see, field of this 4erritory. The Sun is pub- pensation for having missed the exmedal to be given at the territorial lair Ye did ibis kindness unto mo. lished by Messrs. Kenner & Jensen, two perience referred to, such as having to to the prettiest girl, ought to fall to SpanHannah Cornaut. ut up the stove pipes for tho house cn ish Fork. practical priuters of Provo. Tbo paper Spanish Fork, Utah, May SO, 1893. the approach of cold weather, and no end presents a very neat appearance and is a Yesterday a baby girl was born to of alto town. the credit on any the and Mrs. Herbert R. Williams. It Mr. joint will go into or out of any May the Sun There were four other exercises was blessed and named Ella, and this other of any other joint; also in. takend os as did it and shine week. lad sickuess ways bright irogratn, but owing to morning it (lied. The funeral was held other reasonable causes, the ladies hav- Corinne C'tUopt. ing an ice water bath at Christmas time and drying yourself with a frozen towel; them in charge were unablo to atteud On Friday lad two little boys at Lawrence Johnson, of the" California ing also in taking your best girl to a dance the meeting. school had a slight altercation over a Bakery, makes Ice cream of a superior with your other clothes on, and about The house was well filled, and all quality, as ho uses tiure cream and no pocket knife. When one of them, named time for refreshments remembering that iggs. See his advertisement in another seemed to appreciate the program. Whitward, tried to get possession of it. entire earthly possessions in tho column. your Much credit is due to those who The other boy having hold of the handle shapo of lucre are in tho garments you , The circus is coming, but it plays all helped to decorate the house. of the knifo drew it through Whitward's laid aside; or in twins with an all night were the exercises around us without coming near us. It After the peooyer hand and nearly cut off four of his and paregoric-proo- f w ill be in Springville on tho 10th inst., siege of colic in tho all where the to cemetery, ple adjourned fingers. in Payson the 11th, Eureka tho 13th and took with the tuneful house, tho of in accompauiraent decorating graves part in Provo on tho 14th. The Fresbyterian chapel will bo dedi- of a Thomas Jefferson cat serenade outand friends. relatives departed -The committee who so ably mannged cated next Sabbath afternoon at 3 side and so on. But as long as you are Anthony A Thomas, proprietors of the Peopio'i Meat Market, deal in all the exercises are as follows: Priscilla o'clock, Rey. Chas. M. Shepherd, of now fairly in it, I will let you find out kinds of fresh meats, bologno and other A. Davis, Lily Morgans, Springville, and Rev. Andrew C. Todd, the other luxuries for yourself. sausage. They make their own bologne Cwcnson, Mary of Payson, will assist in the services. The Hoping your Sun may give tho ether Caroline Carolino race, and it is of a superior quality. Ferguson. syson choir will lead the singing. The one some pointers about not having too A letter mailed at Manti on Saturday are invited . many spots on it, and that it may prove beath of Dr. T , R. Kenner. public cordially morning last, sad addressed to a person Remember that tho express is drayed fully as agreeable without being quit? E0 in this city, has failed to reach here as Ou last the editor of Friday is morning free to and from the Union Tacific de- dietaat, is tho foment wish of ono who yet. There sumething radically wrong has done a littlo in the newspaper underthe Sun received a telegram from Manti with the mail servico these days. pot by W. R. Jones, who is a reliable his that Dr. was ssa Cau.ii. father, Kenner, stating man.. People wishing to ship express taking lino himeelf. , Isn't it about time something was be-- ! He loft on the train that morn5. Salt May Lake, dying. a done towards of Fourth are respectfully requested to put it in his iug July celebration in this city? Why not call a ing, and. reached Manti in time to find care. W. E IIuTcuiNos. mass meeting of the citizens and appoint his father alive, but unable to talk, and committees to attend to the matter? A Useful Office Boy. ct 11:23 o'clock that night the doctor AWout Mucking. On Thursday night last, while .handIt may be mentioned that persons loading passed away surrounded by relatives and Omaha banker Can'tJ leave your ling soino ro?k, James Thomas had the hosts of friends. He had been suffering an outdoor life can, as a rule, smoke with office? Why dont you get a boy to look much who grantor impunity than those niLfortuno to mash one of his fingers. for spend jears from an affection of tbe most of their time Indoors. It is further after it? Df.Warncr dressed the wound and the and last winter was taken down worthy of remark that the inhabitants of Omaha lawyer-Ha- ve tried about a gentleman is now getting along all right. kidneys, with tho grippe, and has gradually warm climates suffer less than the dwellers dozen and not ono was worth V i In a on non luoendo ths la, keeping. must probably have whqt been Some ono giving the Weakened since until he died. called ths temperate climate of Don't want another one around. Union Pacific a stand off in this city, as Foster Ray Kenner was born in Russellingland. This is doubtless due to the greater Why, I saved $20,000 by an office tho agent has posted up in tho depot tho restating power of throats less harassed by December 1823." no ville, 0, lie Kentucky, once. Positively freight following notico: boy and east winds, and partly, perhaps, to will bo delivered until charges are paid came to Utah in 1S00 and resided in fogs Ehl IIow was that? ;he use of milder tobacco, Sir Morell Mao down on same. Salt Lake city until 1305, when he moved cenxle. Sent him with a message to a broker, 8. A. Kenner, Esq., one of Salt Lakes to Manti, where ho has since resided. He saying that I wanted a largo quantity of A Wonderful Cat. A cat In Millville, N. J., finds pleasure in a certain stock. Well, thnt stock went attorneys, stopped ott in Spanish Folk has held various positions of trust in Tucsdny to visit with his brother, the that city, having been a member of the swimming, and often catches fish In shallow way dowu to zero tho next day." iditorof the Pnr. He was on his way coum.il for sixteen years, no was wator with Its paws. It has been known to You must have been badly caught .' twlm tn pursuit ct a dock rat clear across homo from the funeral of his father, city also a school trusteo and ijuarautiao tho rlvtr. Philadelphia I edger. -.No, I saved $20,000." rbeh took place in Manti on Monday. CITY OFFICERS' or SPANISH FORK ' i f ' d t forget-me-not- j , ' to-da- , ' j ; 1 canCiriv Saved $20,000! How under tho Three of the toug. be! opy could that of south side of the Bv1qh ace, I didnt have any the usual stereotyped ncthw Well, lost the bery, lately attempted a the stock, because tho boy revlt.d gry. Armed with a loug message." an English As e Scottish minister and wore riding together, aaid tho lawyer minister to his friend : Sir, do yen ever I make mistakes in your pleading? do hat a An ye do, said tho lawyer. was the question. do wi mistakes? are if large ones, I mend they Why, sir, them, if small ones I lot them go. And, mistakes in pray, sir, do you ever make dune aae. have I Ay,ir, preaching! misAnd what do you do with your takes? Oil, I dispense with them in the lam manner m yo do jourwl . I rectifuc tho largo an lot go the sma anes. No lang since, as I was preachln , I mettut to olwrvo that tho dv;l was tho mistake, father o al liars, but made a o' father the waa lawyers. said he an, But the mistake was so sma that I let it go. GOVERNOR OF ioWA. for Another llnraea iinlra Term r Two Year. After a very active and vigorous camn paign, in which the prohibition ques-tlothe played most important part, Gov. Horace Boies, of Waterloo, waa reelected governor of Iowa. Mr. Boies was formerly a republican, but in the general state election of 1SS9 he separated from his party on the tern-obDorrs. peranee Issuo nnd was nominated and elected governor by tho democrats by a plurality of nearly seven thousand over Hutchinson, republican. Farmer Wheeler, who was tbo opponent of Gov. Boies, is Hiram C. Wheeler, a wealthy farmer and stock-raiseresiding in Sae county, la., a man of sterling character and intelligence, although but little known in active politics. lie was in thorough sympathy with his party on state and national issues. Gov. Boies made a thorough canvass of the state and had tbo enthusiastic cooperation of the leaders of the national democracy who are, of course, gratified by his success. r, RoW Serpent Move. King Solomon acknowledged that there were three things which are too wonderful for me yea, four, which I know not, and one of these was the For way of a serpent upon a rock. hundreds of years after the time of Solomon tho snakes mode of progression remained a mystery. Latter day men of science have learned that his snakeshlp's ribs furnish him with a means of progression. Bo, instead of having a pair or two pairs of feet, they really have from ono hundred and fifty to two hundred pairs. Aristotle thought that serpents had as many ribs os there are days in a month, but had he examined a python he would have readily detected his mistake, that species having four hundred. Snakes move In this way: Each vertebra supports a pair of ribs, which act like a pair of legs, the extremities being connected by a brsftd plate. The hind part of this plate is free, and when the ribs are moved forward that end is raised, 60 that it takes hold of the surface underneath, even though it be glass, tho straightening of the reptile propelling it forward. Dig Model o( lloney-ne- The model of a honey bee, measuring four and a half feet from sucker to sting and 6ix feet across the wings, has been received from Paris by the biological department of the university of Pennsylvania. It is intended for the instruction of the students. The insect is perfectly articulated, and tho wings, iicad, thorax, and abdomen can be taken apart with the fingers. Moreover, the head may bo opened so ns to display the brain within. Every organ, artery, sinew and tissue lias been y reproduced, and the bee is to ho dissected at lectures by Prof. Charles S. Dolley for the Information of the students. A huge snail and leech, each ibout three feet long, have also been added to tho biological department. Emile Deyrolle is the maker of these singular models. 5 , t 1- they prowled around the tor to? varda at night, aud after half mJ. ,ul u their victim with thl formiduu robbed thorn of any valuable th leased. Several exploit of thl ( aocomplihed uocowfully, Th i.. hirer who fell Into their clutch LWll, shoemaker. On hie wav horn three of tbe thugs Met 1dm, Lwoli promptly, took hie watoh end mooT. loft him ou the roadway hajf etranuiLJ111' Insensible. He we JonnTta tlon by a constable, who d him eonvejri to a hopttah u V X .i Savagery a Cure fur HUeate, From Germany comee Intelligen- t- bt . new cure. Ita bnala 1 the herdenlu the human frame which ha been enf--;,i by civilization. The patieute imitau T life of savage, and among other thing, barefoot. It le said that one rarUh ntatni lSOOpatlunJ, i, Buying It reed Mg CL token,. New breeds will be purchased by mm this fall, and late in the autumn U , good time to buy them, if the matt is rpt off until spring the prim will . higher, and the yards will not be io tn so that you cannot have your pick. T. first buyers as a rule get the best ip. mens, for they have a pick from Ln flocks. Cockerels for croesingare ch In buying, however, on should not in for the new breeds, but (tick to t old reliable kinds. Many of the with advertised new breeds are only north!, and they last gonernily for only a sea or two. An old breed is a gnaram. that it possesses many good qnahlk pure breeds are not used t i letter t use a cross than to let them breed pr miscuouwly without regard to. system Annie O. Weir, tor in Aniencnn CVi vator. Oratltudis Mr. a p. c. child, T-eii diouMt But d 't erj- -1 beg; It's disgraceful! give you ton ceuts for that pin- -r you bnr,y, ather. Urchin (blubbering) I I w boss, If If I could meet such ch u you are every day Fuck feint t of latev-sf- . a: to, 1 At the county fairs the hn k of lntnrar the farmers take in poultry was noticeable this season. Y et eggs in Key York city went as high as eight f cents the first of OctuU.-twenty-fiv- e t snd there are times when tender be had at any price. There is one universal iaw of nq ra dnetion to be observed in both the v- -; etable and animal kingdums. It is till Reproduce or breed only fiom the mos1 perfect specimens.' Dont save a lorn' mare or a scrubby cow for broiling Even when the most perfect eicc.wciif Ore employed in reproduction the result is poor enough sometimes. Tho new tariff bill imposes a duty of five cents a dozen on foreign eggs, ct which heretofore 70,000,900 dozen have been imported annually from CanaJs ' i alone. When a fowl is seriously sick it dui not pay to spend much time doctoring it, There is a tolerable certainty that it will die anyhow. From the tiino tho hatching season to fowls are profitable but thorf that lay. The roosters slioull lie disposed of at that time; also the hem that ao tot lay. Union Pacific Ry men Loc-A-- u e. OOIN-- l SOUTH. COI.NO NORTH. No. 3. No. 1. p. m. 4:23 7:03 ciLr-r-. No. a. in. stations. 2. No. 4 a. m. p. m. Ar. 9.10 5:10 7:30 Lv. Salt Lake. 0:43 Ar. Sp. Fork. Lv. 0:22 9:10 11 :55 Lv. Juab. Ar.4:30 3:15 1:lS D. E. BuVixt, Gen'l Agent, Bait Lake. deli-satel- Large UclL The Notre Dame cathedral, Montreal, has tho largest bell in America. It weighs 34,780 pounds, is eight feet seven inches in diameter, and six feet high. Rio Grande Wrn KAILVrtfY. o . LOCAL TIME CARD. EAST HOUND. WEST HOI'S p. tn. 4 :05 Lv. 8:43 7:10 a. tn. Ar. 10:30 5:43 " 7:13 stations. Salt Lake. Spanish Tcrk, Eureka. J. II. Bennett, T . Gen'l Pass. Agent. Those Desiring i an C3 -- ' i joj and kind treatment will call at BEWERTOI?, & iRYffiE & BoS STORE; Main St., Payson-- . |