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Show planka" mu) pied forma" Hu buried A Shabby Trick. Hi title i Lurried with turn, oiiu Zb CLJiAtJ) A deaf old man, wearing shabby Published every Thuraday in tho build-lugjti- them aro oono worthy lo wear Id clothes aud riding in market wagon north of Malcolm & pread ankle iuHt.Aiitnine Traveler. was ilowly toiling up a long Mil w ith a 8tnro liy Hughes' load of potato, drawn by a poor, bony W. II. KENNER& ANDREW JENSEN horse. Nesr the foot of tho hill atood Motherly Firmness. the school bouse, around which tho hoy Two hoys In bed. Jim (fo Tom) , I were playing. Aa tho old man passed, One year..... $2.00 "Take your old feet away, now." S it mon til.. .. i . mu 1 .00 ... one of them laid: Jim "Ain't hurtln' you." ii.( 50 Tltreo months.,,, "Left go and raise the end board o: Tom "You are gcttln' over on my that old man's wagon and let the pots-toeplace." W, II, Keener, Editor and Manager. drop out. Wont it be Jolly to see Jim "Ain't." him when lie gets to tho top of tho stare Tom "Are." finds and bill them gone I" 1893. JUNE 2, THURSDAY, Jim "Story." "All Mother "Children, go fo alcep." right," says one and another let's -old his on go." Tom "Jim keeps puttin' IT 8H1NBS FOR ALL. These boys roon caught np with the feet on me." wagon, quietly raised tte end board and The winter of our discontent la moltJltn "Ain't, maw." Mother "Jimmie, take your feet the potatoes dropped rapidly out and ing Into a u miner of genial warmth and were Mattered along the dusty rotd. The prolific growth, while all nature ia ar way." I Jim "Ouch Maw, Tom pinched lat Ml ring, and In a minute the rayed In its moat Inviting yerduro. That cholera were sitting quietly in their waa It delayed for a time docs but make ire." scats. it the more welcome now that it ia here. Delaying the opening exercise, Tom "Didn't, maw the 1 1 teacher laid I In to moat all be of to the Mother obe "If you dont go all, lec0 III promises, "As 1 came into the school-housbeautiful reason that haa yet dawned come there an whip you both." Jim "I ain't done quit that now saw an old man picking up potatoes from upon the land, and when Ita cloeo ahull have Come, great will be the joy and In- Maw, make Tom quit tryin' to cut me the dusty toad. I want to tell you some thing about him. At the beginning of creased the prosperity-o- f thoae who till with his old toe nail." the aoll and have enough and to spate. Mother "Tommie, behave yourself.' thu civil war he and his only son, a enlisted in young man of twenty-three- , look well at laat. It Tom "Ain't doin' bottlin', maw. Yea, everything in the and battles, In Even army many fought the morn tnaw." Jim "Are too, nlwaya dot. THE PRACTICAL vigorou until at Octtysburg he was dangerously Weather of midwinter, if1 the eun will but Tom "Alnt ouchl Maw, Jims wounded and his son killed. It wt s six thow Ida face and make hia genial Influ pinchin' me.. Mother "Oo to sleep this minute ot mouths before be could leave the hospital luce felt. Everything depend upon the aunj Without It the Daith would be a I'll tome there and whip you both. Not to come home, and what ho suffered in huge Iceberg) drifting aimlessly In an another word out of you. Just aubther trying to live and get well can not be told. Since that time he baa had many uncertalii Orbit, ot no orbit at word If you dare." aches and pains, a (Hi it has been very of Jim "Gimme my pillow." all, through the measureless depths bard for him to earn enough tti support i. Handbook Tom Ouch "Take old of tf m erica t Polipace. your pillow. his wife and himself. He is Very lame, We thu lee how greatly we depent Maw. Jim's kickin ine." as tics, applied to Utah , remid haa to move Ilowly; it will take him to Plain Inniuase duced of the our centre aolar Mother It I tell "Didnt Itj upon rystcni. you whip ! the design, also; to carry the plan you? Never 'mind, you shan't go down a long time to pick up his otatne. and Easily Understood ExplanaPeople ay be never did a mean thing in alotig still furtlie? and show how much town with me his lie I and kindest the I life, LU tions, of nearly nine of geniality and general good can ac know." J00 pages. in fixed compllhlied by another Sen, Pleasantries. At this point ono of the three boys Moro limited sphere, and having, cf raised his liabd aud Said lie would like to course, admctvliat tespousibility The Shade of night wete falling lath go out and help thu did man to pibk up Rut hag some fiinctionl and attributes In In ono bog car were fifty massed, common with the brighter luminary it While thirty more were mussed outride hia potatoes. The two oilier boys quickly raised (licit hand, tooj and otfircd to go. conductor cried: will bo accn strictly on time by those The tenor-voiceHANDSOMELY PRINTED The teacher looked pleased and gave "Move forward, p'ease!" who are in a pbsitidn to ten it, dud will, them permission, then the school went a announced, whine for all. AND BOUND. At every corner more piled oa, on quietly with its afternoon work. we mean Of course, ihisSnc. 'Til every Inch of spacb wiis gene. It was !.d day early in September, wak denied, There ore at least two opinions re- No nikcl-bcarc- r very dry ntid dusty; and tile sun poured down Dpon tho three hoys as they hurgarding the knnckiug out designed by And atilt tho meek conductor cfieii "Move forward, please'" tho House of Representatives at Wash ried up the hill to the old man, who wm The most 0m' ful hook of the kind ever i bigton for tho Utah tdmitibsion; and it it with one huh 1 ob the wagon box . Indisien-al)!- e ns Ready The shivering shop-girl- s piiL'IisK-datand in group, lenniUg to isfu as are to rear. say that they widely Who fain would ride within those just Reference on all local and gencoop The appropriation bill as eral Political f objects. conflicting. "Mister," suid one of the hoys, os le fo hoard the cars they vainly tric'd, House the the to Holman reported by we have a done stepped bravely up. : And yetthe slim conductor tried committee Karel out tho pay for the mean thing, and wk are willing to aay "Move forward, please!" us well and it lust might ao. We lifted the end board .vimmcig)' ' cfyiur have abolished tho board in so many To realize (lie ideal jam wagon to Lt the potatoes dropout. Now, word. If the measure goes through the 'Twould need a big hydraulic ram if yon will sit down in the khade of that The Histories of and Deferences Bcnate without material change, which it To crowd tho betoxen the Parties passenger inside, tree, Wo will '!Vk tiV all VoVir potato probably will. Neither the gentlemen Who heard not when the fellow cried! lor you." Tho old man laid hia trembPlatniy Told. aimed at uor any others within the range "Move forward, please!" ling tiun'd upon tho head of the boy, and of tho Sen's influence, that tv'c can now ookihg from one to thb other, said: I ecall, haVe sufficient patriotism, even if One day a man ot fearful might "Wellf well! my dar boya, you have ail Tacked the people in ao tight, Jlicy have the needed surplus to work for done a bravo thing. Never be Sshumeu Uncle Samuel Tor nothing, it is a case They stuck together In a Idnlp, to tell the truth or coufesk a fault. I will CONTENTS. Aa solid as a hickory stump In which honor must be highly spiced gladly eit dowfi and rest, for I aih Very 1" "Move forward, please with filthy lufcre ia o'rdef to make it Preface The National and Local Gov tiled. . desirable. eminent Election of President ami The boya thin took the horse and The Electoral Col A Severe Judge; and wagon The BisinterreeCt raiment Is improved; spent a good hour of hard lege The Senate and llon-- e of The Sn but it has the saute old bad spell that Judge Bicklcton ia very severe, When work in undoing a mischief that took prime Court-Pract- ical Politics 'Generally The Catricd it olTand the familiar murderous a man neglects a summons which comes them but a few miuUes to plan and carry Convention Foundation of the gleam shoots from its leaden eyes when front Rickletona court, lie generally out. Parties The Tariff Pubfie. Ex When the fo toy's returned the school makes np hia mind to pay a heavy fine ever the fcnglish luiigunge appears. oti'd Collection - The ErnditUres or gd to prison. TliVre are times when the teacher said nothing to, theft) ; everyCongress' The ReciFoil a paper to give thauKafyr ex the procity Question l'olitical Legisla-tfof- i t judge is cruelly unjust, aud still there thing went on as usual, only there Tlie Force Bill Tho Silver changes is about as bad as for a are times when he ia strangely merciful. seeme'd to be an uncommon thoughtful, Matters at customer to thank a clerk forgetting bis Bill The pupils had Nixon, who was summoned the oess and attention. Issue The Third PArtv The Great a after learned a life Jong lesson. change purchase, Its value Contest of 1SG0 The Parties of the other day, failed to appear. When In tho object lesson of the consisted Past Australian Ballot System sheriff had him into brought "Another subscriber; our course eu deputy The Single Tax Question-Natio- nal three court the Judge fiercely turned Upon the boys willingly doing what they dorsed by the people," frantically shrieks Committee and Platforms of all the could do to the evil effect of a unfortunate man, aud said: repair Parties Presidential F.lccdona from the materialization. (Not id so many mean action. "Mr. Nixon, did you not receive tho Beginning, with Vote, Date and word j "Politics Cabinet Officers from summons ,to appear before Ihis court Your Keadj6LVVer. Washington to Harrison inclusive Is k tniTTHtWroully paid for," aura yesterday'?" Prevailing Political Terms explained A German ociHlist who cornea to this "Yea, air." enough! Rotter pause and reflect. Tho Local Political Situation and ml11 country and in a year or two sets up the1 The First Campaign Why didn't you come?" History , A Lira paper in its iufuncy la better "I w as sick, your honor." propaganda of , revolution and destrucAppendix. than a full grown resurrection. A very lame etpuso, sir. Mr. Clerk, tion, with lieadqfiartiM in a saloon, is an enter up a fine of fifty dollAra against infinitely greater burden and nuisance to Pater D. Lee. Mr. Nixon, and, Mr. Sheriff, take charge the republic and to thB community in and borrower is The He of the negligent gentleman until the fine which he (livcs tha the ! gone. $ west no lie the heathen Cldnce"," wid( whi tevcr hia is. more, 8 paid. of, O.XE DOllAR A C0P1 I .Ml io memory of dwelleth as a hero in said faults, "Now that appreciates, the liberty lie enjoys,, Nixon, "Judge," Im, tuanv. . He ,,die,d, yet !;e .Jiyeth ft the fined,. Id just si (tell tdl'you til'd Iruth. goes quietly a'ont his busincs, aud who cccjributea ip hia weary I was druok yesterday." obeys tha law. Cincinnati Times Star. travels. lie traveled fyr find near. From "Aht Well, that alters the care. Mark AHiumble with a shining pail went-gail.tho borders of tho Atlantic to tho bosom off tho fine, Mr. Clerk." 'Arhtnww down the dalo to where tho' singing of the Puciflc, he tramped hia weary way Traveler cow with brindle tail ,on the alfalfa Hia benign smile line .lightened the. pasture did, regale. A bumble .bee did AT THE H sail o.Vcr the soft and shady vale, to worn gai!y of many spacers.' weary, pockets Cod where the Philosophy Capo the with boy was shining' pail His gifted gab has won many a long t V. Ka The true humanitarian never trouble milking Uie Cow tt U) tjie. brindle tail. chciitdicd drink. lie has dwelt in our The beq lit down on the cows juft ear, about creeds. He waa himself much , hearts as tho king of bummers. her heel flew tip through the atmdrphere, . , is His is .one among man'j'. There necessarily pnpiethjng ,ta the and through ibe reaves ot a cot tou wood grip tree tbs eternaty. Ilia .aore mao of whom everybody make? mUch, has ipRcifled, many, landlords. he a tulle. Yet have feet tramped many When a man hag really made up hia M. M. WxRNEr.. Ira W Eekward waa alvrcji, toady for the ban His giant mind to he good) hia ftife is not long in h ARNER & KEN WARD, swig" vaji ptjly equalled by .the finding It out. ill pahind!ing spaces. . Yet he It iiiakes all the difTv.rpnce iil the worl . , ! . ia go!!1. Ili3 erRpake amila ia thing to the humorist whether al you laugh OJU't Room, VAionBloek , hf thb past. Hia coal barge shoes setteth lim or his . jokes., no tnore iu the corner. HI unbottoned '. Forgiveness is as easy to sotao persons niorb, buspeuder hangeth no more by bia aido. as Is offense to is others. Thus giving He Is sleeping- the sleep cf the tramp- THOMAS, the balance of thing maintained. he is , Fetcr Oh gone. worn printer. Woman can be .Without pure religion, Lee, the boss pan handler, ia no more; ut most men are the better for h,sVing a .flown to that heavenly has Currioa a full line of samples of Fori ..His spirit w holesorae fear of hell before their eyes. eign arid Domestio Goods. realm w here caps" and "lowbr case" lie Clothing t A men pays a poor compliment to the made to order on slicrt notice. buried in the firy spit of a burning ' t , r , furnace. I sink, I faint, I die. The qualities he possesses of inspiring affec- Workmanship and Pit Guarani friend of my heart is no more. lie has tion, who Bnecringly observes that a teed., .. ' f I, passed the river Jordan, and enttred hf mans best friend is iu his pocket. 'ar; I carry a full liuo of Attachments for Singer Sewing Machines. fields of immortal bliss, where "gang- - mouth ll(gitcr. for-eve- lullll 1 NOW READY! e POLITICIAN Un- bi - d IS Prepared to do nr :( Quc8tion--MrsCellanco- :j.i u1i , J t much-abuse- d , . l7 LEAVE ORDERS SUN OFFfCE. . ' , pro-flenc- . A-W- utah TOrSnZO I 1 ' 'S' The Tailor, t . f . i ; Of Every Description at H25aSSa3I3.-M3iI- 3 TKs&OTiS. We are well supplie with Presses, Type, Borders etc., and can Guarantee sai isfaction in Regard to bot Style and Price, ra us m spiBiai. Office, One Door North c Malcolm & Hashes Store. |