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Show VJJISII M . l THE SUN c SHINES FOR ALL flf In M CALL IN AND SUBSCRI ! EE VOL. I. SPANISH FORK, UTAH, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1802. OUCKS AND Attorn Et OTHER LIVE ITOCIL at-La- M O.U Fleaty at bpu.,1Dockr.nn, a ild folsls r latSsifV The change from old to asw corn hi feeding, especially with begs, should be made gradually, mixing eld and new together at first One of the best place for a gai den is the site of an old poultry yard. Good farmers sometimes build temporary for fattening hogs upoi bar in their Aids. By the time the spot hoge are ready to slaughter the bare epot will have been transformed into an oasis of fertility. Bran mashes at night, W ith greet) food during the day, are good for constipation in horses. The census returns slid that the cattle ranches are becoming erjaller in sise; oars the herds that range over them. There are ns many cattle as ever, but they are in smaller bunches and the number of different owners is greater. The tendency of the time is for the small ranch or farm to encroach ou the tattle hinge and absorb It. Potatoes, when crhslied and mixed with meal, have valuable fattening prop-rile- s for both cattle and hogs Cook potatoes for the pigs, but crash . them and give them raw to the tattle. When a fowl has aualy leg dip the leg Into keroteae and it anil get well ' ' HORNLESS W.V. CRKh'R, President. CATTLE. Weald II Ha roMlbla la Bread TsmtHm f Theatf Of late there had been leas said on the possible how I have plenty of HALT LAKE, . , UTAH subject of dehorning cattle than was Jritcr WTenlottemyIots, plenty written and said a year or two ago. So of fish for my tablo and of fin J. SI10IIE3, M. D., fur as we understand the seutiment o' Pekin ducks for tho table,plenty and also for the cattle handling community it has their fine feathers. Somo flro or aU TUVstCIAN AND SCHOKO.t. resolved Itself to remove the horns on having water convenient bulls, vicious cows and steers that are to I built a tank, say thirty steps from Attends all Calls , Day or my be fatted for the altamUet-Ooolots and a little above them, Kiyl it, well by building behaved cows will not As a rule be disdam across largo a and ravine, Just f A sort, mantled of their horn appendages, It it UTAH here I will say to prevent leaking plow certain that the shorthorn breeders and A land tho width of the base of tho dam the Jersey breeders will never consent to across tho ravine or wherever tho dam QALIFORNIA. BAKEnY. a removal of the horns. On the w to bo made, then build on top of they will devote much time, skill Fresh Bread, Ties, Cakes, and Bakers plowed land. and expense in filing, scraping, coloring tank is made in My black Fresh land CoufcctioDcrj with yellow Dally, and polishing the headgear of their pet clay subsoil and will hold water from Wedding and Birthday animals. Cakes a Specialty. January till the lato fall rains, In it wo The average cattle handlers, though, few a small perch and yellow and Lawrence Johnson, Fropr. put would prefer cattle without horns, speckled or blue catfish; they multiplied though many of them doubt the proprieDeo. D. Snell, Geo. O . Gilbert very rapidly and wo Row have all tho ty 6f dehorning. Air. Morse; of the President. fish we want for table use both of perch Windsor farm, has given the subject bf D. E. Mohky Cashier. and catfish, the former 1 think the finest horns or no boras much study, and has I Ivor saw. For a while after tho tank some confidence that he can produce Was built I was fearful of It being ruined family of Holstein that will be born by crawfish, they being very numerous withotlt horns, lid argues that a curb In it I noticed, however, that tho ducks back is apt to bo transmitted by a horse, feasted upon then So I went to work tiP SPANISH FORK. and why not a hornless head id rattle? to raise more ducks; procured a trio of Defects are reproduced, whether natural Pekins, and at this time have forty-on- e or artificial, with considerable certalu-ty- , of them and no crawfish to be sebn. THE BEEF fcRO0. and tlio transmission becomes more The dneka are a very superior fowl, beDirectors Geo. D. Snell, John Jones, certain with each generation until the John Rockhill; J; S; Thohias, GeO. O. ing entirely free from disease, and ffalue t the Mootaaa Cattle ilaa its There is home peculiarity is fixed. This Tear. Gilbert. foT tho table, besides nearly la the gentlemans reasoning, And logic The Montana cattle ran will exceed Transact a general banking btisiness. Equaling the goose for feathers, of a we shall not be Surprised to see hornless very D. and foreign exchange bought fine quality. So yon see I have plenty tie ran of last year by 29,000 head. made hornless by breeding, heads, and sold. That is to say, there will move eastof water for stock, fish for the table, and. among the Wiudaoir Holstein. ward from Interest paid on time deposits. 10 northwest of here ranges the white beauties for the table and also It is altogether probable that breed head instead of 81,000 head, which SPANISH FORK, . UTAH 'or tlielr feathers, besides the pleasure of cattle could be produced in time with afforded my wife by showing them to Was the total number lust year. only one born or without tails. Patience thousand head of are cattle her. friends. Now- - perhpps some one . Twenty and perseverance In onb directidii would will Want to know how to t'aise them. worth fully fWO.OOO on the tangO at the accomplish almost any marvel of that Our best success has been in the follow-n- g reasonable prices now prevailing. Tliat kind. are MRS. LOIS CLARK: Is about as many a, Nelse Mor-- ; number way: . of n ! Dealer In Dry hoods and Notions, We batch them tinder a chicken hen. China bogs, for instance wUcH Mens and Ladies' Underwear, Boots, Then put in a pen made by placing three When the market and other thmgs Went h.ve become fixed-- the tip forward of Mioes, Lndies and Children Slipper, or four planks a foot wide edgewise on a against bis judgment be sent up into the the t of th, fllj8 ear, lha heavy ham. Ladies Dress Goods, Groceries, Tin- dry spot of ground, with cover at one and the color, which differs front all ware, etc., etc. side to house them in bad weather. other breeds, or the dished face of th8 I buy direct from tho East or West. Eeep them in pen nntil they are at least small Yorkshires; or to go back to cattle, Ilenco all goods ate sold cheaper than a month old, with All the feed the short ahd comparatively small horns they want, the cheapest. I defy competition f and just enongh water to drink, as they of the Jerseys, shorthorns. Guernseys andHolstein-Friesians- . quality and prices. It is worth i ' TbJSUffltbS while to try to build families of hornless Main Street, . Spanish Fork! cattle in all the good breeds. Field and a Farm. in Montana, tinless some high strung , tenderfoot insists upon knowing the exnil Wlf Fought for nim. t Noble Rush keeps a small oyster houw act difference between a dry cow and a dry heifer, in which case the court may St Washington: and is the husband of a bo called upon to determine the mo- - woman who believes id being a helpmeet with all the force cf her vigorous characnr into us question. ter. The (lay Noble got into trouble Pig That Pay. The Montana cattle movement of 1889 nd the othercourt. He was charged with police Mr. fconnor, of Hopkinton, ft. IL, Would have been larger but for the winkeeping ah unlicensed bar. Ills altoi-pespeaks ad follows, about his practice: ter losses of 1889-- 7, when the calf crop failed to appear at the trial; and Mrs. Rush My practice of late years has been to .vas greatly diminished, making the thereupon filled the legal breach with her laughter two sets of pigs during li year, number of ripe steers in 1889 about equal portly presbnee. She allowed that shs the March or April pig in December and to Unit of 1888. Dry weather early this knew a thing or two about law herself, and the September pig In May. If 1 am year and low prices In the eastern mar- she defended her accused husband with' the fierce Vigor of an IdibgCant wonihn, keeping ten cows 1 arrange their time of ket ha vo kept the shipments lower thus She licensed the witnesses for the prosean so about all have as the to far some but than equal feeling calving expected, of prejurdy and made an Impos cution seasons of the flow of milk at all year. around is better. Tho steers are fatter sioned appeal to tho judge, who was So al The slack, if any, is in July and August. and more marketable, the beef herds are j ha let Mr. Noblo Rush off with With that number of cows 1 will fatten being rounded up, and many thousand'! a fine of 8103 and Costs. The defendant ten pigs within the year, making about of steers are moving toward the shipping noted an appeal, and is credited wit a the thankless remark that .if hed had two 800 pounds bf pork. My system of feed. points. These figures on the range cattle move- Vive bosHii the job" he'd got it lade ing is like this The month old pig is fed three or four days on newmilk,.theti ment are not random guesswork', like icck fur life, sure." , .. . week another of course hi some of the census statistics. These are gradually the The murder of Joseph Gibson, a promiborn of actual experience in Montana changed to skimmed milk. nent citizen of Hiawassee, Ga., Who was For .the first, two .weeks use wholq and Dakota Rnibng tho cuttle tnem and found. it bis throat cut from ear to ear grain, sweet or western, tjorn, then com- of attention to the subject for several twelve Loui'j after he left his borne, has mence the addition of middlings in slight years past, during which a special effort excited that neighborhood, A When the pig is three or has been made to keep track of the losses man named Amons is suspected by somt quantities. nd gains in the nnmliers of northwest- bf having committed tho crime. Amout four months old add a little Indian meal and shorts, but not to any great extent ern range cattle. The credit of hitting yvent to Iliawassee from North Carolina is a theological student, but is also a nntil about six months of age. A pig thus close to the mark is due not to one alone, lie wife beater. Gibson bad reproved him for fed hp to this time on feed containing but also to other well posted men whose beating bis wife, and, it Is thought, hml in largely the bone and,, muscle elements opinions have bearing upon the outlook. that wiy uce unl his enmity. About f 1,000,000 should be realized al will have a frame that will stand the strain o t heavy feeding during the suo present prices from 104,000 cattle, That An Italian applicant for naturalize eediiig three or four months. About number of head requires 5,200 cars, dr tion papers in New York could not speak ibout 350 medium sized trains, for is 700 pounds of meal per pig, with tho adrailEnglish Very well. That he understood cattle midof carrying movement. Every dition of a dollar or twos worth the main objects of citizenship, howelectrified has trade road the for the growing shorts eager and during dlings tracks', and is sending ever, Waft proved by his replies to period, will make a pig weigh from 800 Its drivers" and lie Was asked what voters went to 330 pounds. Thp hams and sides, the forward the palace cattlo stables on a the of swiftness find with a almost Wheels a to To send A man to the from such pig polls for. Has attained a standard of excellence Which lard and pork The season began limited." of vestibuled Agriis Journal he Lot St. sale. answered. Well, what Albany," ready of no auperior. t oontulna every 15, and it wilt last sutil about Nov does the man to Albany for?" was the July Improvement that lnventlvs culture. go ssuius, skill and money can produoe. 15.- - -- St Paul Globe. pext Question. "And the intelligent ' TT now should season Italian To next for immediately answered, The pullets A, Remedy for Tetai Cattle Fevee make TU??e hatched early in be selected. money.".,. A writer in the Southern Live Stock to .lay by Despring that do .not begin Journal says that there are many cases in , ,lhb socialists are killed be should ifho latest, cember, at roaring gently. best repiedy for Texas cattle the which in be kept off. Those that do Jay should Their congresses, in Europe are charactitself is The fever ball.. riile is a fever all through proper condition for laying as deadly as and somewhat similar to erized, by lpihlness and common sense. the winter, and ft is best not to 3 yellow fever in. human beings. He .be- The leaders recommend lively agitation them so os to make them fat. Keep lieves inoculation will rob it of its ter- indeed, but they recommend that it be an to them and tiring tliem growing, and that is the remedy to carried bn through printers ink, realizhowever, rors, of are good early maturity. If they faith in the case of his ing that in the hands of, men entirely his he which bepins breed and good chickens they should cattle. own , The Leghorn great, like themselves, the pen is might-legin to lay by November. and r law doubles the duty months old, than the sword-- . At. tho same time 5 The McKinley before pullets lay with any (rtliet on corsets. these expect tin wish not to he confounded with the of .they however, one If, of. ;ross volume for celebrated are n.rJT.0 pcanni U nni til..1!5' . quick response, artistic desitm, breed will give an advantage.-Athis will stay the tido of corset wearers anarchists in public opinion. They wish finish, perfect construotion, making Cultivator. American loosen the strings that bind woman to mankind to know they are quite distinct or the, most desirable organs for liomoA Webster in o 5,1 Travels-- . l00ii Churches, lodges, societies, etc. A Letter Nine Iran her corset, reformers are indulging in a nd another kind of a reforming party. con' . ISfABLISltED REPUTATION. A registered letter, supposed to After all, tho Recently uttered views, of vain liopo. returned '"EQUALED FACILITIES,' tain something valuable, was the socialists as to the duty of the qtate so SHILLED WORKMEN, to ..tho Baltimore postofflee recently. Emperor William is not quite not so very. different, from those of are BEST MATERIAL, It was sent from hers to New k ork city not .to going he was. He la os Marcs gnaseorWRliant of Qertr SOStBINlD, ItAJtl THIS for workingfor a party there as tax, back houses build govornment 15. 1881. The regulations require regie men to live in. One ef his right hand .Bom Excuse, sender the to returned tered letters to be Blinks The paper says the czar Is a very von Berlepsch, minister of TI16 Caron undeliTGrcds men, within thirty days if i illiterate man, . Instruction Book and Plano Stools. or indorsement war, declares that the German govern'Winks Not up In the classics, ehf letter had no explanation in ment in of efforts all sleep welcomes" nine years joyfully Blinks Worse They say his letters are after its nearly cWoguM and Frlca LiiU, ou appliostiomJitM who sent it New York. If tho womanshe can the direction of improved homes for full of errors iu orthography. it gel CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. the line on - Winks But, my dear sir, just think-- , su u U1 will at the postoflicebe ; required to yorkingiuen, but it draws l ack Tow, but sU will . 4 suali u, s. -- asw York WmBs them. AmericanRandolph and Ann Sts.. CHIC ABB. life building Identify it. Baltimore tract icee in all the Courts of the Territory, risk. I wffl endoatyir teteH my readers ai briefly as r t. $J3 A. 1ST CAPITAL - $25,000 NO. (: JOHN JOSES, Siiiterinsn, SPANISH FRK d, con-trar- Manufacturers of MAMMigg Boots and Shoes, Dealers I BY In (BdMMD) i 1 GROCERIES. Chicago Store Kto,' rs & a., S Zri . Hardware, Clothing, Fur niture, Fancy Notions, Farm ing Implements, Roller Mil Flour, Grain, Etc. 1 MAL0LM& HUGHES,! . DEALERS IN (S IK 13 IS 52 & iLf y . . , CHIOAGO COTTAGE ORGAN ' ILtWMjmCBa Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps Etc., Etc; Main q,ues-tioil- gin1 . - 1 THEN s. !?rJ it a S- I- i Bealers Ih We curry a full Hue of Tobacco, Cigars ami Fine Corn! IfPe We make a Specialty of Fresh o w tf ti.-.- . ohgeah , - Which arrive daily. When you nrc hungry call ami .yQ us, and u lun thirsty, this Is the place you are looking fur. Summer I SPANISH FORIC Street, . uni the popular 1 drinks on Ice. I I Our Blackberry Cordial is immouse; try a bolllo on Lewis i l bo c mviated. Stewakt & |