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Show i . 13 ITS VICTIM. SMOKE to Conaurao flmoko i Dovlco Savo Fuol on Eiiaoa. An 1 iiblml World, ora a rry, ttt Henry, I'nel GlWgU, Hint you ro J't "I and m'lcnoy in iirthi'j'ritiiliv ft I tho Invention or mi Old Locomoliv Engineer and 1romUo to II So. f eful noteworthy invention is the patented by A. R, Cavner ami placed in practical operation by a Chicago railway, bay the Tribune of that city. The prime objects secured by the earner device are greater economy in the consumption of fuel, the entire abolition of tho smoke uulsancc, the reduc-- , tiouof tho back pressure oh piston to the lowest iniuimum, reducing tbevl-- ! bratioa on flue, and making the loco-motive available for an faicandoscent A smoke-consum- 1 ' . system, That portion of the locomotive known (is the extension front, extending from the flue sheet to tho cast front door, 1 divided into two compartments by a light vertical partition crossing entirely across tho front just forward of the exhaust pipe, thus confining all the heated gases, exhaust steam, etc., in the compartment next to the flue sheet, and having direct communication to the Are electric-lightin- g i,jfSfL ' ' , r , ybox, ins EMOKB-Drayis- isaixi. a Seven-sixteent- h two-inc- h , seven-ounc- e fire-bo- x t. the Circling tho fire-bo- x door are innumerable small holes or air jets. This hot oxygen uniting with carbon forms a gas, completes the combustion, and prevents all smoke whether the engine is working or shut off, whether there is a light or heavy fire, and prevents gases from passing out the fire-bo- x door. , By means of this air is converted int j a gas pipe tho fire-bo- x retort, consuming thoso elements of lieat and carbonic oxide gas that Would otherwise pass off in smoke. flue-shee- Danger of tn 2" IoflliM.slM-bitit- fl Prigging. the Medical Journal, tho follow idg case of antipyrine poisoning, as it sei ms to him quite unique and indicates the recklessness of some of our toss conscientious druggists: The patient, a woman of about thirty years of ngo, went to a drug store find, fcomplaiuirig of a asked the clerk for something to cure what he pronounced the grip. Bo Sold her a powder and told, lie? to take half of it on het return homo and, after waiting a half hour, to take tho re inaiuder., t In about fifteen minutes After taking the first dose she became Weak and fell on the sofa in a comatose A contributor to NeW York, relates head-lOch- e, Sk Ad , IUr Mvny times during the past twenty years tho private live of the prtuoe and princess of Wales have been brought into striking contrast, and many have been the comparisons drawn. The prince, says tho New York Sun, has Wen prayed for by tho religious and blushed for, by the respectable. Tho prince ha been held lip as a model of w ifely conduct nnd as fin embodiment of all tho domestic virtues. Exactly how much she has borno from her gay husband no one knows, although her tad face and weary smile suggest muck, She has Ignored hi f r tifter ijvi ! V IK i'- - il'utirV Of A EEAd7 STUDS' Conduct wlicn she could, nnd when shi could not she has endured it with a silent and haughty indignation that has won her tho lore and admiration of al the world. Two pictures in an English magazine will furnish a fresh text for a sermon on the different characters of the two. The prince has just come out of the baccarat scandal with his royal feathers a trifle bedraggled, and has had his cars saluted w 1th the jeers of some o! his subjects, while tho newspapers have conveyed to his eyes harsh condemna; tions of his conduct from his own people which must have sounded strangely In an atmosphere continually perfumed With adulation. It Booms that while the printfe has been away dear stalking and gambling with parvenucs who lend him money tho princess has been dilvoting herself to painting and drawing, feho Is a woman of intelligence far beyond the very material mind of her husband, ofll-061- mild-lookir- hurry .Epoch., OF WALEJhf five h'-f1?- SDecial ... ... Making llcturel Wkll Muskamt Wa Unmldlug, I s . V . rShg'O k n f Sh n.'o Means yon wrote Ui Hr. Ji of Coaununloatton. hrni so many mlsspriiul words that it r,H,,n roar m- w ld Il,;"ry- - "Thats just the Mumr whmy" " T,Un sy in this world. There were a They Return to Their Owb good Hut They ITifc Out many word in that later that I know Tbelr Own Ship. 'ft1! fW-t- i lmt of .course I g, for Iioston Transcript Tlie naval messenger was established in Prancepigeon Adudrul Fooled. by j' Dupettt-TlwuarEosenbaum-A- h, several year fil.ellenberpcrl Ill llcrgasse with headquarters at Toulou. bet you a qvater dot I cun tell vere , you "wof-wa- r fooht come from. leaving Toulon, New ork Herald, is now prosay ShellenlHTgt r- -I take dot bet vided with an outfit of Rosenbaum Yom y exist come off homing pigeon, railroad car. 1 see dot soot lu dot which ar released at various distance your according to the stage of their respect aff With a few exception ye training. ohellenborgcr (triumphantly) Give to c dot flvstcr, Rosy..n,.t soot'has been theyofreturn their home loft the bear-er- s lhL'r ,lu, cipher dispatches attached In the from fckeeeureo von month ago. Judge. customary mauuer to their wing or tails. .... A Refreshing liiMunr. A loft has been established on board Janet Oh, Geraldine, Just think how the gunnery practice ship St Loui we have underrated Mr. Whv, with a view to accustoming pigeons to It see uis ho has been allThorley. over Europe, the report and smoke of guns. They follow the vessel in her cruises and India, China, Japan and AimtruVa. Geraldine Anything remarkable never mistake her fo another, about that? Their usefulness has been Janet Yes. Hes never talked any demonstrated whenever the especially ships of tii squadron were beyond the range of place to us but Brow nsvillo. Judge, tl heliograph, as they enabled the JlBT LIKE ONE OF THE FORCE. ec nimiiiiilcr of the fleet to communicate the shore ut long distances when no other means of communication were available. The ordinary service which the pigeon unconsciously performs by carrying letters, orders, reports nnd simi,(V--$ lar dispatches is bused on the natural , instinct of the pigeon to return to its own home, to which its nest, mate nnd food attract it. In a there and back flight, however, the bisk Is to Induce the same pigeon w hlch, unless carried away, as a rule, never forsakes its own loft to fly to another loft with which It has been previously made acquainted in order to provide itself there with its Police Sergeant Well, what has this accustomed food and water and then man been doing? to return to its pi oper home. , , Olllcor OiJrog lmpere matin an In this manner a pigeon carries a dis-, ior. Whin I found him sit tin patch to a certain spot with tho view of dhrunk on a beer keg he said he had obtaining food there. The first mesjust stopped there a minute to tie his sage is then removed and an answer shoestrings. Judge. Not IrrKHfil for Time, , The train made a shipping ct the, twenty-nint- h crossing anil then the g passenger turned nnd blandly inquired of the conductor what was the mutter with the train. . The Conductor (surlily) If you dont like the way this train runs you cun get off and walk. The Bland Passenger (more affably than ever) Oh, never mind Im in no "X, No change is made in this com- partment except that the tips on the nozzle of the exhaust pipe are taken out. Tho exhaust opening is left full open to the area of opening in the saddle casting, the stack and saddle are taken off, and the stack opening increased to twenty inches in diameter. There is placed over the exhaust and lifting pipe, twelve inches at the bottom and end, tapering to fifteen at the top and forty inches long, a sheet-iropipe. This pipe, twenty Inched ill diameter, sets over that resting on top of the extension front. Over this sets the Ordinary dome casting. This casting is perforated with 2,000 inch hojes extending half around the front side of tho casing. On the Inside pf the twenty-incpipe there Is coiled brass pipe. feet of The pump or injector forces the water through tho coil of pipe, from the top down through the center and out at the side of the exterior front through the check into the boiler. This water passing from the iniector'to the through brass pipes surrounded with the exhaust steam and hot gases, takes up the units of heat that would be otherwise wasted and the water goes into the boiler above boiling point, or about 320 degrees of heat. The I orward compartment of tho ex tensbr front is used as a receptacle for the mechanism by which the draught is secured and power furnUhml to run the dynamo. In this compurtm nt is located a pressure blower in such position as to admit of free access to tho flue sheet. Tho pressure blower is connected by direct friction to a small sixteen-hand power rotary engine, arid is also connected direct by an air pipe extending from the front end of the locomotive to tho ash pan. The ash pan and dumpers having asbestos joints and shutting firmly make the ash pan air tjght. Tho air from the fun, drawn down .through the perforations, is heated to a high temperature by exhaust steam and heated gases. The result Is by this method a fire is fanned by a constant blast of pure heat oxygen of pressure nnd this air is made hot by the heat that would be otherwise wasted. A portioned this hot air is conducted in pipes from the main air pipe through the ash pan, up through tho fuel and is farced into the flame toward from the back of tho fifty-tw- o . ilfZ .vvn V J THEPRINCESS ttle pro, 'lit it letter Tholr Practical Valuo '- iiult Atteinvd. How tii Art U0MIXU PkiKOXS. y V.--. TT, T Oft'i tit i rriSinf rj J i A ' - A Strok of Lack. Doodles Just had a tremendous piece of luck. Noodles As how? Doodhvs Why, I met Snyder, and he struck me for two dollars. Noodles Welt? Doodles by, I hadnt a cent. Say, can you lend me five dollars? Noodles No; Im in tho same good luck. Harpers Bazar. 1 , A inn figeox loft aloft. L. AffSA - ..." j j I -- akes j i !y-da- condition. Iler mouth, eyes and nose were cyanotic, her pulse could not be felt and her heart seemed to have ceased beating; 1A fact for a short time tho appeared dead. When she did come to her prostration was intense and an A Conslilerat Wife. Yes-s- oft eruption of white blotches resembling Grocer A broom, madam? hives appeared on her body, only they do prefer? you broom hard or I were much larger, one blotch extendMrs. Tangle A soft one, please.as I as husband ing down tho thigh to the knee. The gently treat my aftereffects persisted for two months, always can. Bight. ''wing which time she suffered much. nsey Ci&rrtt (I Too mr. iHBiBliAifhAiiCli A PiO: The, Fore up.-Pr- v ' of C lrrmimtAnres. substituted, which the pigeon on the Mrs. rcterlly Can you wash? of its feeding carries back Ob course I kin completion Matilda Snowball to its own loft. In this way ft is poswash, if it has ter be. sible with a single loft of ten birds Can ybu cook? trained for this particular work to keep 1 If it has ter be, ob course tin iti constant Communication by messages ' cook.1 two places, either or both of which honest? Are you ' J way be besieged or blockaded. You bet Iscs hofcest, if I has ter be." After several successful experiments ' Texas Siftings. - in Italy with homing pigeons on a there and beck" flight a continuous A Uiit'itlon of Decree. Mrs. Bingo My near, you are late service was established between Rome and Civita Veccliia, tho latter being so- again, as usual. for these experiments because of looted to at Iliad Yes, stop darling, Binge Its strategic importance. The distance trousers. of the tailor's and order a pair between Rome aud Civita Vecchia is Mrs. BiugV-- I suppose (sniff) If you had ordered a suit he would have given fotty miles. This remarkable meansof communication w as obtained only after you a whole bottle,, of whisky. Jury. long and careful training. Lettlag tliS Cat Out. Germany, France, Spain, Austria, Featherstorie I your sister iu? Italy, Portugal and Canada maintain Little Willie Yes; but shes soring numor us pigeon service establisha button on a coat and 5 ou may have a ments, which form an important de. ' partment in their naval and military long timo to wait. It shouldnt take organizations, Several of them employ , I dont see why? pigeons in connection with the delong to sew a button on a coat. In fense of the coast as w ell as on board w man a iv It does hen theres w ar and dispatch vessels, f ; , Hi. Clothier and Furnisher. So far no organized service of messen, , Eajr to Follow. ger pigeons has been established in the United States navy. It Is to be hoped Pompous Author (to veteran editor)What would you advise a man to do that such a service will soon be estabwhose Ideas are in advance of llie lished, as numerous experiments have demonstrated that homing pigeons can timvs? Veteran Editor (promptly) I would fly several hundred tulles at seat that advise him to sit quietly down and wait they, can be bred and trained on board for tho times to catch ship; that they can recognize their own j Magazino. ship among others, and that they can bo relied upon to carry news from lint , , The Ruling Taaiilon. and under favorable General Bronson Is a fine la.vyer, fleet to th9 shore, of his circumstances from the shore to the effects tho shows still ho but fleet and from one vessel to another, military training. when beyond the. Tango of-- the helioIn what rcpcct discipline? in graph find electrograpli. In the Magnificent way No. A naval messenger pigeon service canBazar which lie charges. not be improvised on short notice, as the pigeons require long and careful U ,1 r,l ScUe U it, H'i.rWin man -- Your money or your training before they can be depended upon to ;arry dispatches. War vessels life. freto Aw-I'- ut say Employed in defending a coast are sorry Mr, Slow pay we quently without the means of transeaut but now; funds of out jubt I'tA most imporSuppose I give mitting Information of the compromise matters? means of mainland. to By the Puck tance y note. you a little ihii service they could , trained messenger , On lomhertoil SiUir. send communications on shore over a First Bostonian I hear a great deal distance of several hundred miles, sigof fault found with the new courthouse. nal the approach of an enemy's fleet and Second Bostonian Yes, but there ap report quickly all his movements. for complaint, little be ground to nears as it was certainly built on the squaM A Diminutive Infant- -- Boston Herald. There is a baby in Chester, Pa., whose ratal to Iicty. diminutive size may bo inferred from are you so suro Blifkins' the fact that its arms are about the Wool-W- hy lived? of an ordinary lead pencil. piety w ill be short had a bhthday thickness it is thriving and might Van Ielt-I- Ie 8 Nevertheless, wife f his and in time become president of the United yesterday, a Meekly. sex. fountain penl-MuStates were it not of the wrong J A at. I nKMt ix wtxDBOB ronxst. and her efforts with the brush have borne better fruit than her mother-in-law'- s endeavors with the pen. , These two pictures are from drawings made recently by the princess. They are published with her permis1 lion, and are the first that have ever escapsd from hsr sketch book into view, m V n t. lV"W,sPT'Wf up wamjyi. V v l"is , I' .' .im- j i ; wiBnrsl 'ATTAenMLttTSt I it 'WOODWORK hicaoi n OWiuCpJt? y ru'towh' r0H SA1X mY SAIUMU6 union vquAAE. FOP . SPCPSIA D' Ayers Garsapariila as Ii an cftccthe numerous testimo- r.jmt ly, nials conclusiu'y r"vo. ior mo jew i was a constant suIurer ilj a I doctored a long ami 11 or comjiliint. thus and the medicines, prcsorlkod, In neatly every cane, only agg avalod Uie disease. An apothecary advised me to use Ayers harsaparllla. I did so, and was cured at a cost of $9. Hiuco that time It lias been iny family medicine, and sickness Im become a ut runner to .pur housihold. - 1 believe It lo b tbe btst medicine on earth P. F, McNulty, liuckiuan, !t bummer st., ln Lowell, Mass. FOR DEDILITY, L Ayers Sarsaparilla when the Is a certain cure, complaint origiI was a nates In lnqioverltdied blood. groat suffchir from a low condition of the blood and general debility, heooming finally, so reduced that I was unfit for work. N oth-- , Ing that I did for the complaint helped mo so much as Ayer's Sarsaparilla, a few bottles of which restored me to health and strength, ! take every opportunity to recommend this C. Eviik, 14 E. medicine In similar cases, Main st Chllllcotlie, Ohio. 1 FOR ERUPTIONS And ail disorders originatin'? k Impurity ot the blood, such as bods, eaibuneles, pimples, blotches, sores, aud seald-hea- snlt-iheu- Die like, scrofulous take only Ayers FRmaeo Sarsaparilla nv DR. J. O. AYER & Vrlct (1 ; sis bottle, f5 0., Lowell. Mapv Worth (1 bone, Fi '3 lAMAa. t |