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Show Nednesday, May 4, 1994 '(Elje '2It Nephi, Utah Legal notices... Legal notices... reserved. Rat A, Dated this 18th day of Apnl 1994. Juab County Commission 18 19 -- Bill ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The Six County Senior Nutrition Program is now accepting bids for prepared packaged meals that meet 13 RDA requirements for the elderly in Wayne and Juab Counties (Juab County includes meal delivery). Bids will be accepted on a county by county basis. Bidders must be insured. Specific bid information may be obtained by calling or wnting to: Six County Senior Nutnbon, P.O. Box 820, Richfield, Utah 84701, home-boun- Block 3, Lot 28 E. W. Evans Plat A, Block 4, Lot 4 North one-ha- lf bids are confidential and must be received in the Six County office by no later than noon on June 3, 1 994. The Six County Association of Governments reserves the nght to accept andor reject any or all bids. 18 18 Bill -- PUBLIC NOTICE The Ashgrove Cement Company, near Leamington, Utah proposes to expand their current operations by about 250 acres from their onginal proposal submitted in 1980. The expansion will be on mining claims in the Fishlake National Forest that the company has held for a number of years. This proposed expansion should include the companys needs for the next ten years forcontmuea mining and areas fordisposal of unusable matenal. the location of the expanded mining operation is: Township 15 South, Range 3 of West, North 12 of Section 4, North Section 5 and the North West 14 of Section A, Block 4, Lot 4 South Wm. I. Birchett Plat 4, Lot 29 East one-haH. A. Christiansen Plat A, Block 4, Lot 29 West one-haW. L Hoyt Plat A, Block 5, Lot 14 Annie Chnstensen Plat A, Block 5, Lot 24 Grover Plat A, Block 5, Lot 34 North one-haIda Scott Jordan Rat A, Block 5, Lot 34 South one-haGeo. H. Small A, Block Plat one-ha- B, Block 1 , Tax Lot 30 31 36 14 -- 17 1.57 AC. Utah Title & Abstract Co., Trustee 29 Jay McGregor Plat e 3, Lot 23 SOUth one-haJno. Wames Plat B, Block 3, Lot 33 Hattie Darton Plat B, Block 3, Lot 35 C. A. Greenland Rat B, Block 4, Lot 19 W. F. Holtsclaw Block 4, Lot 27 North one-haNephi Second Ward Block 4, Lot 27 South one-haJohn Flory Rat B, Block 4, Lot 30 B, Block 18Bill Plat B, Plat B, lf Plat B, ft ' "s ' ' , y-- v. v "i - Walton Tax Sale No. Serial No. Account No. 0088927 ALL OF LT 20B PLT A AMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174373 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 6.124 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee Jay McGregor Senal Tax Sale No. No. Account No. 0089016 ALL OF LT28 PLT AAMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 9 955 AC. AC. Metro National Title, Trustee Jay McGregor 9 Tax Sale No. Serial No. Account No. 0089024 ALL OF LT29 PLT AAMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFPJCE CONT. 10.038 AC. 164-198- 9 165-198- 9 166-198- Metro National Title, Trustee Jay Serial No. 180-198- XD-448- 1 9 66 Account No. 0089396 ALL OF LT 66 PLTAAMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 10.025 AC. Metro National Title, Tiustee Jay McGregor 9 Tax Sale No. Senal No. 69 Account No. 0089420 ALLOF LT 69 PLTAAMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT 8 471 AC 181-198- XD-44- AC. Utah Title & Abstract Co., Trustee 9 Tax Sale No. 9 Senal No. Account No. 0062674 THAT PORTION OF THE N 12 OF THE NE 14 & THE NE 14 OF THE NW 14 OF SEC22T16S R 2W SLM LYING OUTSIDE PLAT A AMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. CONT. 7 8 AC IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand and official seal this twentieth day or Apnl, 1994. Pat P. Greenwood I Juab County 20 Bill NOTICE TO WATER USERS The State Engineer received the following Applications) to Appropnate or Change Water in SLB&M). 17 Juab County (Locations 167-198- vw PREMIER t? Samuel Randerson f Plat A, Block 1, Lot 15 South Chas. Callinswood Plat A, Block 1, Lot 17 North one-haGeorge Blackett f Plat A, Block 1, Lot 17 South Thomas Pace Plat A, Block 1, Lot 18 Mary Pitchforth Plat A, Block 2, Lot 13 Chas. Andrews Plat A, Block 2, Lot 14 John Andrews Plat A. Block 2. Lot 15 ' S. L Jackson Plat A. Block 2, Lot 18 one-hal- II UAj f one-hal- Goldsbrough Plat A, Block 2, Lot 21 M. A. Grover Plat A Block 3. Lot 10 A. C. Nielson Rat A, Block 3, Lot 20 North one-haJ Fryer f Plat A, Block 3. Lot 20 Soulh E. Hams lf one-hal- on Times-New- s in Nephi APRIL 27, 1994 17-1- Bill 9 rjfAGENECYiNC. iSSS-S- c 623-120- 0 ACRE 1 Levan. witi home Secluded. in Only 39,900. or 5 BEDROOMS in his cute cozy home in Levan on 12 acre. $37,500 4 ACRES WITH 23 OF WATER. $37,500. 42.5 SHARES BUSINESS. seller TURN-KE- Y Opportunity with financing. $99,000. KEPT WELL BEAUTIFUL RAMBLER home. style Qjality carpeting and finish work upstairs and down. 4 bedroom, 2 bahs, oflce, 2 car gatage wih work shop. $91,500. Call Barbara GOOD BUY ON STREET BULDNG. MAIN Setup and take business a advantage of NephPs growth. Call Barbara MONA BUILDING LOTS. 12 ACRE EACH. $9.6000 TO $15,000. Call Barbara. II MLS Call 623-- 1 200 LaOaun at 6232773 Teri McGfone 623-043- 1 8 Barbara Painter, 623-023- Flyers Carbonless Forms (Envelopes Easiness Cards Postars Spot Color TJorti Typesetting Bcslitcp Publishing Mickelson's y. .. 175-198- SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 10.063 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee Jay McGregor 9 Senal No. Tax Sale No. ALL OF LT 50 PLT AAMENDED one-hal- W. R. May Published ' lf Plat A. Block 2. Lot 19 East one-hal-f J. H. Mynders f Plat A, Block Z Lot 19 West L. Morgan, PE. STATE ENGINEER Robert 623-198- 176-198- lf Heretofore. in Persons objecting to an application must file a Protest stating the reasons for the rotest To have a heanng before the State ngmeer, persons must request a heanng in the Protest. Protest must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 1636 174-198- AVi7) t. -- McGregor West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 9 Tax Sale No. on or before JUNE 84116, Serial No. 10, 1994. (PROTESTS MUST BE LEGIBLE WITH A RETURN ADDRESS). These are Account No. 0089040 R655-6-- 2 ALL OF LT 31 PLTAAMENDED SEVIER informal proceedings as per Rule of the Division of Water Rights. AS FILED RANCHES SUBD. RIVER 9 Tax Sale No. ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN POD; (LEGEND: Point(s) of Diversion Serial No. THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS Place of Use POU; Nature of Use USE) Account No. 0088695 OFFICE CONT. 9.959 AC. APPLICATION(S) TO APPROPRIATE ALL OF LOT 1 PLAT A AMENDED WATER Metro National Title, Trustee SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED (A67678): Timothy N. & Maxine Jay McGregor AS ENTRY NO. 17436 & MAP NO. 236 IN P McPherson QUANTITY: 1.73 ac-f- t. 9 No. Tax Sale THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS SOURCE: 6 in. well 100 ft to 500 ft. deep. Serial No. OFFICE CONT. 10.387 AC. POD: (1) N 351 E 663 from SW 14 Cor, Account No. 0089057 Metro National Title, Trustee Sec 29, T12S, RIE. (1.25 miles NW of ALL OF LT 32 PLTAAMENDED SEVIER Nephi) USE: Imgation: from Apr 1 to Oct Jay McGregor RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS 31, total acreage 0 25 acs; Stockwatenng-19 Tax Sale No. head of livestock; Domestic: 1 family. ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN Serial No. THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS POU: SE 14 SW 14 Sec 29, T12S, RIE. Account No. 0088703 OFFICE CONT. 9.983 Robert L. Morgan, P.E. ALL OF LOT 2 PLAT A AMENDED Metro National Title, Trustee STATE ENGINEER SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED on Published in Nephi Times-New- s Jay McGregor AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 APRIL 27, MAY4.& 11, 1994. 9 Tax Sale No. IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS Bill 9 Serial No. OFFICE E. CONT. 9.63 AC. WATER TO NOTICE USERS Account No. 0089065 Metro National Title, Trustee The State Engineer received the following ALL OF LT 33 PLT AAMENDED SEVIER Jay McGregor RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS Applications) to Temporanly Change Water 9 Tax Sale No. ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN in Juab County (Locations m SLB&M). Serial No. Persons objecting to an application must THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS Account No. 0088802 file a Protest stating the reasons for the OFFICE CONT. 9.945 AC. ALL OF LT 10B PLT A AMENDED Metro National Title, Trustee Jay SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED McGregor AS ENTRY NO. 174373 & MAP NO. 346 9 Tax Sale No. IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS No. Senal OFFICE. CONT. 5.112 AC. REAL ESTATE I J Account No. 0089156' Metro National Title, Trustee ALL OF LT 45 PLTAAMENDED SEVIER 590 N State, Orem, Utah 84057 RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS a ' t'.. ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO 236 IN Call Judy Ann or George Phillips THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS '.t a , j w 9 or AC. CONT. 10 062 OFFICE ""::' ' ' Metro National Title, Trustee :?l 'MJ Jay McGregor ONE ACRE WITH ANIMAL f 9 Tax Sale No. RIGHTS- - cute home with an art Serial No. studio, small barn and imgation water in Levan. Account No. 0089164 ALL OF LT 46 A PLT A AMENDED MODERN THREE BEDROOM SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED HOME- - with attached commercial AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS building fronting main street, OFFICE CONT. 5.040 AC. single-ca- r garage and storage shed. Metro National Title, Trustee Great potential for home based business or could be rented out. Jay McGregor 9 Tax Sale No. ONE OF A KIND- - luxury home Serial No. with .95 acre lot and pressurized Account No. 0089222 r 1 OVER Clerk-Audit- 161-198- , t. 182-198- 17-1- ' 66-4- remaining water is used same as Jay McGregor 169-198- lf protest. To have a heanng before the State Engineer, persons must request a heanng in the Protest. Protest must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 1636 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah on or before MAY 84116, 4, 1994. (PROTESTS MUST BE LEGIBLE WITH A RETURN ADDRESS). These are informal proceedings as per Rule R655-6-of the Division of Water Rights. (LEGEND: Point(s) of Diversion POD, Place of Use POU; Nature of Use USE) Venice Ballow propose(s) to change the POD & POU of water as 5 evidenced by (A22857). HERETOFORE: QUANTITY: 0 446cfsor SOURCE: 16 in. well 358 ft 161 8 ac-fdeep. POD: (1) S 2548 W 1461 from NE Cor, Sec 33, T15S, RIW. USE' Irngation: from Apr to Sep 30, total acreage 1 50 00 acs POU' W 12 SE 14 Sec 28, W 12 NE 14 Sec 33, T15S, RIW. HEREAFTER: QUANTITY: 0 446 cfs or SOURCE: 16 in. well 382 ft 161.8 ac-fdeep. POD' (1) S 2560 E 5372 from NW Cor, Sec 3, T15S, RIW. (3 Miles SW of Levan) USE. Same as Heretofore POU NE 14, NE 14 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Sec 3; SE4NE4 Sec 4, T15S, RIW. The 2 -- 159-198- lf S Jay Tax Sale No. 168-198- lf 4, Lot 35 South one-haE. R. Booth Plat B, Block 5, Lot 35 Juab County Nephi City Cemetery: Rat B, Block 1, Lot 8 Unknown Block 1 , Lot 11 West one-haThomas W. G. Parks Plat B, Block 3, Lot 9 Howarth Plat B, Block 3, Lot 11 THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 5.735 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee Jay McGregor 53-13- lf B, Block 12 OF THE SE 14 OF SEC 10T 16S R2WSLM LYING OUTSIDE OF AMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. MAP NO. 263 LEAVING A BALANCE OF 1.19 AC ML. Metro National Title, Trustee Jay McGregor Walton Tax Sale No. 163-198- 9 Senal No. Account No. 0088919 ALL OF LT 20B PLT A AMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 MAP NO. 236 IN Jay ALLOF LT 62 PLTAAMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 9.992 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee 158-198- M. W. A. Plat Tax Sale No. 157-198- 9 Serial No. XD-44Account No. 0062161 THAT PORTION OFJHI; S " Foster B, Block 3, Lot 23 North-onK. M. P. Kong Sale No. 9 Serial No. Account No. 0007026 BEG AT THE NE COR OF LOT 1 BLK 3 PLT B NTS TH S ALONG THE E BDRY OF SD LOT 1 80.52 FT ML TO THE S LN OF NEPHI TOWNSITE ENTRY TH W ALONG THE SD S LN OF NEPHI TOWNSITE ENTRY 429 FT ML TO A PT CN W BDRY OF SD BLK 3 TH NORTH 160 FT THENCE EAST 429 FT TO THE E LINE OF SD ELK 3 TH SOUTH 79.48 FT TO BEG. CONT. B, Block Wm. Plat L. 4, Lot 19 2, Lot 31 Hyrum Marble Rat B, Block 2, Lot 34 "W: A. Wright Rat B, Block 3, Lot 5 D. E. Moore Plat B, Block 3, Lot 7 TERMINATED. North lf Peter Jeanselme Mayor 1. Nephi City hereby demands that the hereafter listed owners or anyone claiming an interest under them, file a notice of claim to any of the hereinafter listed lots in the Vine Bluff Cemeteiy or Nephi City Cemetery with the Nephi City Recorder, 21 East 100 North, Nephi, Utah, within 30 days of the date of the last publication of this Resolution. 2. If any person fails to state a valid interest to the use of the cemetery lot for bunal purposes within 30 days of the date of the last publication of this ordinance, the owners nght shall be terminated and that portion of the cemetery shall revert back and be vested m Nephi City ownership. 3. The subject cemetery lots and the last Known owner of said lots are as follows' Vine Bluff Cemetery: Plat A, Block 1, Lot 15 1 , Chas. Tingey Plat B, Block 1, Lot B. J. Clayton Plat B, Block 1 , Lot David J. Norton Plat B, Block 2, Lot James Cazier Rat B. Block 2, Lot Eliz. Hague Rat B, Block 2, Lot -- follows: lf Geo. Teasdale PUBLIC NOTICE or portions thereof have been unused for bunal purposes for more than 60 years, and WHEREAS, Nephi City has a need for additional bunal lots, and it is reasonable and better use of existing City assets to use abandoned existing cemetery lots than purchase additional property for cemetery purposes. NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to Section U.C.A. 1953 as amended it is hereby resolved by the Nephi City Council as B, Block Plat The East Juab Water Conservancy District Board will hold a regular board Recorder show that the hereinafter descnbed lots in the Vine Bluff Cemeteiy and the Nephi City Cemetery are owned by the persons indicated and that said lots lf Samuel Tolley 18-1- WHEREAS, the records of the Nephi City lf B, Block 1 , Lot 1 Wm. D. Norton Rat B, Block 1, Lot 3 Wm. I. Norton Plat B, Block 1, Lot 18 743-572- - Steele Mayor Attest: , Coirrine Garrett Recorder 17 -- 19 Bill NOTICE OF FINAL TAX SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON WEDNESDAY, THE 25TH DAY OF MAY. 1994, AT 10:00 A.M., AT THE FRONT DOOR OF THE JUAB COUNTY CENTER IN NEPHI, UTAH, I WILL OFFER FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION AND SELL TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF UTAH CODE SECTION ANNOTATED, 1953, THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE SITUATED IN SAID COUNTY AND NOW HELD BY IT UNDER PRELIMINARY TAX SALE. NO BID FOR LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF TAXES, INTEREST, PENALTIES AND COSTS WHICH ARE A CHARGE UPON SUCH REAL ESTATE WILL BE ACCEPTED. Linda N. Lange Rat Plat of Apnl 1994. Joseph Hyde you have any concerns or questions about this proposal please contact Bill Wnght at the u. S. Forest Service, R O. Box 1 265, Fillmore, Utah 84631 (801) , by May 20, 1994. 8 Pd 17- Passed and Approved this 19th day Robert Jay McGregor 9 Tax Sale No. Serial No. Account No. 0088810 ALL OF LOT 11 PLT A AMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 9.806 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee 162-198- Harry Foote lf Block 4, Lot 5 Miles Miller Plat A, Block 4, Lot 22 If RESOLUTION NO. 41994 A RESOLUTION DEMANDING THAT THE OWNERS OF ABANDONED AND UNUSED BURIAL PLOTS IN THE VINE BLUFF AND NEPHI CITY CEMETERY FILE A NOTICE OF CLAIM OR THEREAFTER HAVE THEIR INTERESTS one-ha- Rat A, 3. meeting on Wednesday, May 11, 1994 in the chambers of the Juab County Commission. The meeting will start at 8 p m. 18 18 Bill PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The LevanToWn Council will held a public heanng to open the 1 993-- 1 994 budget. The meeting will be held on May 11, 1994, at the Levan Town Hall, at 20 North Main, Levan Utah 84639. At 6:30 p. m. The purpose of the public heanng is to increase funds in the General and Dectnc funds from state sources. Connie C. Dubinsky Howarth RatC, Block 1, Lot 6 Chris Jensen RatC, Block 4, Lot 11 J. J. Barnes Plat d 896-922- All 13 Page 177-198- Account No. 0089230 ALL OF LT 51 PLTAAMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 10.122 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee Jay McGregor 9 lax Sale No. 1 52 Senal No. Account No. 0089248 ALLOF LT 52 PLTAAMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO 174363 8 MAP NO 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 10 049 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee Jay McGregor 9 Tax Sale No. 178-196- XD-448- -- 179-198- Senal No. Account No. 0089362 irrigation water. Great country liv- j & G VICTORIAN HOME - imported wood interior, landscaped yard and large barn. Shown by appointment only. Call Judy Ann or George. LAKESHORE PROPERTY-1- 9 47 acres with 10.5 shares of water. Rural living possible. Priced right! DESIGN YOUR OWN FLOOR PLAN- - Owner occupied buyer could qualify for 203K loan on this home. Half acre lot with animal rights and irrigation. 0 623-015- 2 0 $ Still the finest catering available. ) Parties Ok Banquets aO Colonial Living Center 71 North Main Nephi. Utah 84648 Phone 623-051- 1 BUT! DING LOTS LOCATED IN ALL PARTS OF NEPHI. Let us help you find yours. Activities WE SERVE ALL OF CENTRAL UTAH- - Transporation to Dr. Trained and Caring Staff BEAUTIFUL HOME- - located 0 ( Room and board 3 meals and snacks Private rooms baths Laundry housekeeping services staff available within walking distance of the Provo Tfemple. Call for details. O Reunions ing. BEAUTIFUL ( Restaurant 24-ho- ur |