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Show Page 6 tftutttB-Jfaf&- Wednesday, May 4, 1994 Nephi, Utah s Bulb planting depth - 2 to 3 times the diameter of the bulb. Divide plants when they begin to die out in the center. Plant Iris and Peonies 1 to 1 1 2 inches below soil surface. Mulch well in shady areas. plant to plant. In general, plants to needle like foli- This will improve drainage and with narrow By Jeff Banks age require less water than lessen the chance of moss or Juab County Extension Agent plants with large leaves. Soak- boggy soil. This weeks County Agent ing deeply is preferred over frenotes have If you dont want to hassle with quent, light watering. been written AFTER THOUGHTS digging summer flowering bulbs Verna Do not cut foliage off while it each fall, plant them in large by Boswell. is green. The leaves provide pots with good drain holes in the Verna has nourishment to the roots or bottom. Plant the pot in the bulbs. nearly comspring and dig it up in the fall. Guest article from your county agent... Perennial plants pleted the Master Gardener Pro- gram offered by the ExtenJeff Banks sion Service in Provo. We appreciate her taking time to put this article together. What is a perennial? A perennial is a plant that grows and blooms for more than two years. Perennials will usually live for a few years to several decades. Why should I consider perennials in my garden? Perennials are the flesh and bones of the garden. They give it both structure and shape. Because they come back year after year they establish continuity and consistent color in the garden. This allows the gardener the ability to choose definite color schemes and patterns. Many are also low maintenance plants and, because they will come back year after year, your garden can be full all summer without the work of planting and the expense of using only annuals. Should I forget about annu- Be careful if you watch the May solar eclipse Dont directly view the May 10th solar eclipse or you risk losing your vision, warns the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the worlds largest association of medical eye doctors. Many people use sunglasses or other filtering devices to view the eclipse and think theyre protected, according to Wayne Fung, MD, an ophthalmologist with California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. Commercial sunglasses are not safe for looking at the sun, even if they claim to filter out all the ultraviolet light. People forget about the infrared light. And the infrared light, lying outside the red end of the visible spectrum, is the cause of potentially blinding eye damage. The American Academy of Planetarium in San Francisco re- port that unlike a total solar eclipse, when the moon com- pletely hides the sun, this will be an annular eclipse; the moon will be farther away and will therefore appear slightly smaller. As a result, like a penny peaking out from under a dime, a thin ring, or annulus, along the suns outer edge will show around the dark silhouette of the moon. The path of the eclipse roughly a band 150-mile-wi- from which the annulus can be seen will stretch diagonally across North America, starting in central Baja, California, crossing the North Atlantic, and ending in Morocco. Major cities along the path include: El Paso, Texas; St. Louis, Mo.; Spring-fiel111; Toronto; and Halifax, Ophthalmology answers the most-askequestions about safe Nova Scotia. The rest of North America will see this event as a als and use only perennials? viewing of the eclipse: look What if 1) partial solar eclipse. happens you As a general rule, annuals Direct at the eclipse? directly bloom more consistently can cause ir- UDOT adopt-a-highw- ay throughout the season. Use them eclipse watching to the bums retina, the reparable to fill in while perennials are of the eye back membrane at the young and small. Also, for spe- that transmits light images to cial touches in your garden and brain via the the optic nerve. to fill pots and hanging baskets. actual The injury leading to a How do I decide which perenbecause it is blind spot painless nial to plant? heat-baseor not a is thermal, After you have decided where reaction. The radiant energy The Utah Department of you are going to plant there are causes a reaction photochemical Transportations some important questions you in the outermost layer of the Program will be turning out need to ask yourself. Dr. for the Take Pride in Utah StateFung explains. What colors do I want to use? retina, Clean-u- p Does the American wide 2) Academy Day on Saturday, You may want to choose colors advise of 14th. over 750 groups With Ophthalmology May against that complement your yard and Yes. statewide about 15,000 volunof the direct eclipse? viewing home, your favorite colors or a Almost all devices welders teers are lining up to collect variety of color. smoke-colore- d glass, trash along Utahs 5,500 mile How much sun does the area goggles, neutral density filters, mylar highway network, according to receive? film are con- Jim Johnston, h developed way glasses, You will want to choose plants recnot unsafe and sidered are Coordinator. that grow well in the light cony UDOTs ditions that exist in your garden. ommended. I do look how volunteer a at So, 3) get Program encourages Full Sun plants thrive in areas e that receive 6 or more hours of the eclipse? Indirectly. You have groups to adopt a minimum two Call least of at section State easy options: highway, sun. These plants can handle local television stations and provided they agree to pick up your and heat high light intensities, find out if the is being litter along that section at least usually a south or west exposure. broadcast. Youeclipse can watch it three times a year for two years. Part Sun plants receive 4 to 6 the television. In exchange for this UDOT furon Many safely hours of sun and preferably an s centers and science nishes litter bags, safety trainplanetari-umexposure that has a moderate of schedule safe the viewing ing and signs. Following their heat and light intensity. Part with successful pick up, UDOT first special equipment. Shade plants still receive sun eclipse Continued on page 10 The Morrison Astronomers at light. The sun is generally short in duration, 2 to 4 hours. Filtered sun or sun with a low heat and light intensity. Full Shade plants can handle sun up to 2 hours or so if the heat and light intensity is low. Generally, full shade plants receive only filtered or reflected light. Most full shade plants will bloom, however attractive foliage is their 1 feature. Proper light conditions give your perennials the opportunity to grow strong and healthy and to show their true character. Do I want blossoms all sead, d program will be out in d, tone on May Adopt-A-High-w- 14th ay Adopt-A-Hig- Adopt-A-Highwa- two-mil- BALLET RECITALAtti(urfc Ballet Company presents their yearly recital on Friday, May 6th at 7:30 p.m. at the Juab High School Auditorium. This years theme will be Walts World. The performance will include dancers from Snow Colleges dance company. Tickets at the door will be $2.00 per person. Farm financial management will be taught by USU at 17fomNet telecommunications sites, Farm financial management and production management training will be taught by Utah State University at 17 ComNet says tween 11:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., cial and production courses if five alternating Saturdays per they determine the borrower quarter. The courses will be needs additional training. taught at 17 state-wid- e desig- Telecommunications sites. These nated sites beginning fall quarFarm Management courses are ter. The cost for these courses for both FmHA borrowers and will range from $223.00 to borrowers, said $454.00. These are credit courses County Supervisor, Richard and can be augmented with other courses that would meet McEntire. This program has the poten- the requirements for a B.S. detial to be one of our best tools for gree in agriculture. g Folks need to know how to prepromoting the financial of farm families across the pare a financial statement, cash State, said James D. Harvey, flow projections, keep their own State Director of Farmers Home records and successfully market what they produce if they are to Administration. viable farming operamaintain these management Taking courses should save farmers tions in todays agriculture, said ranchers money in helping them Mr. James D. Harvey. In some cases, FmHA county to better produce and market courses These commodities. committees their might require will be taught on Saturdays be FmHA borrowers to take finan- non-FmH- FmHA Nephi weather Norma Sherwood, reporter A well-bein- Don't Make Mom Cook This Tear On Mer Day! sCDay Is Weed Awareness Program son? With careful selection you can have flowers in bloom all season long. Each perennial has its own time to bloom. The first perennials begin to bloom in April and the last finish in November. Some perennials have longer blooming times than others. Also, some can be forced to rebloom with proper pruning. OTHER IMPORTANT THINGS TO CONSIDER Always take note of a perennials expected mature size. Plan for proper spacing. When perennial beds are new, they often look sparse. Do not be deceived, usually within two seasons plants will reach their mature size. In the meantime, fill in with annuals. Fertilize your garden areas. If you use a slow release type apply once or twice a season (spring and fall). Liquid fertilizers should be applied every few weeks and granular types can be used a few times each season. Remember, fertilization should be based on the needs of your plants. Nitrogen helps with green growth. Phosphorus is for flower, fruit and root develop- ment. Potassium helps build strong stems and improves overall health of plants. Water requirements vary from Due to the fact that the paper was delivered one day late because of President Nixon's Funeral and the weather kept many people inside, the Public Weed Awareness Program will be held again for those who were unable to pick up some of the free premixed weed spray on April 28. The next date for picking up the spray will be on Monday, May 9 from 3:00 pm. to 6:00 pm. It will be held at the County Fairgrounds Road Shed. Each person must bring their own container marked on the outside " Weed Spray or Weed Herbicide". No plastic milk jugs will be allowed. It is recommended that you bring your sprayer to put the mix in. There is a limit of 5 gallons per person. Any one with questions, should contact the Extension office. Cedar XCollow grand Buffet Served from 12:00 SMoon $$-9Mults Xids, 5 to 10 $3 39 9 Xids, 4 & under Htree With Adult Purchase Grand Buffet Only Complimentary Hr lowers Tor CCd CMotHers Cedar Hollow Restaurant South Freeway Interchange Nephi, Utah |