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Show Page 4 tElje '2l!ttic0-JJc6j- 0 Wednesday, May 4, 1994 Nephi, Utah Happenings. .. Dana Painter, Dustin Nelson to marry Friday, May 6th in Nephi Dana Painter, daughter of Mr. day, May 6, 1994. and Mrs. Duane S. Painter of A reception will honor the newNephi, will marry Dustin lyweds that evening from 7:00 to Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. 9:00 p.m. at the Nephi 2nd Ward George Nelson of Payson, on Fri LDS Church, 222 South 100 ' East. We apologize if you did not receive an invitation, the public is invited to attend. The bride-to-b- e graduated Juab High School. She attended the American Institute of from Medical and Dental Technology. She is employed at Central Utah Medical Clinic as a medical sec- ONE YEAR OLD Stormy Dawn retary. Her fiancee graduated from Greenhalgh will be one year old Payson High School. He is cur- on May 8, 1994. She is the Sonne rently employed at Larsens daughter ofofJames and Her grandNephi. Greenhalgh Dairy. parents are Russell and Lynda Bridal Attendants are Tamara Gadd, and Gary and Erma Jean RobDallin, Gayle Steele, Christine Greenhalgh of Nephi, and of West McDonald and ert Wendy Garcia, and Kristie Lee. are Attending the groom are Dean Valley. DeMar and Lucille Gadd, and Nelson and Blaine Nelson. Greenhalgh of Nephi, Grandparents are Mr. and Mildred and Lucille Richins Farrell and Mrs. Reese Painter, and Mr. and of Moroni. Mrs. Harold Parkin all of Nephi, are Ada Oldroyd and and Mrs. Arlene Armstrong of of Nephi. Lucille Gadd Payson. Great-grandparen- ts . Tryouts for summer Melodrama set for May 5th and May 10th The Nephi Community The- ater Group will be holding auditions for this summers Melodramatic presentation. Auditions will take place Thursday, May 5th, and Tuesday, May 10th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Juab County Senior Citizen Center. The Melodrama will be presented during the afternoons of Dustin Nelson and Dana Painter the Ute Stampede. Location and exact times will be announced. Directors, Bessie Park and Rolayne Ferre, are looking for teenage and adult performers for this years production. Singing is not required, but being a ham at heart is an important Shepherd and Woten will be married May 6th, reception to follow in Juab County Community center Wendy Jean Shepherd and Dale Woten have chosen May 6, 1994, as their wedding day. They will be married at 6:30 p.m. in the Juab County .Community Center.Asmall receptibnwO Jbe held from 7 :00 to 8:00 p.m.1 Fam 1 Former Nephite and wife celebrates 50th wedding anniversaryand ficer, and Operations Officer. He The children of Rex ONE YEAR OLD Happy BirthLorraine Hawkins presented retired in 1989. who to Michael Reece day Lorraine was active in the will celebrate his firstLamb, them with a 50th wedding anni- birthday celebration Navy Wives Clubs, Girl Scouts, on May 6, 1994. His parents are versary aboard the M.S. Britanis. Billy and Amy Lamb of Nephi. Rex and Lorraine were His grandparents are Jeanni married on March 10, Shadle of Nephi, Bill and 1944, in Piedmont, CaliCarolyn Lamb of Ft. Green, and fornia. Jim and Judy Beals ofBelfair, Lorraine was born in Washington. are Gloria Gustin of Nephi, GilLogan, Utah, and gradubert and Edith Lamb of ated from North Cache Centerville, and Robert and MarHigh School. vel Spiering of Las Vegas, NeRex was born in Annis, Great-grandparen- ts Idaho, and was raised in Nephi. He is a graduate of Juab High School, Utah State University, Indiana University and the Navy Post Graduate School. He is the son of Chloe Hawkins of Nephi. Rex joined the Navy in 1942, and received his wings in Corpus Christi, Texas. During World War II, he was a dive bomber pilot and night fighter pilot aboard the aircraft carriers, Yorktown and Wasp. He has been a flight instructor, helicopter and transport pilot. Executive Of-- vada. is Isabel Ockey of Nephi. er bowling, golfing and volunteer work. Rex and Lorraine now live in Cape Coral, Florida. They are the proud parents of three children: Vicki (Peter) Olson, Lora Montgomery, and Gary (Cynthia) Hawkins; and six grandchildren. ICENTENN1ALI 1896-I- Wt Take your aluminum cans Help buy 302 audiovisual aids for Utah 330 &aUu?u,HlaA 84655 if ri Woten of Carlin, Nevada. He employed by West HyTek. ricane High School. She is em-i- s sent. will be Honor of Matron The ployed by Kasse Sewing. bride .The Jthq Man Best The couple will make their is, of,,, The. daughter Tressa Barney. c;'1:' Vr Frank and Rose Shepherdofj home in Nephi. will be Darrell Carter. ;j.., The groom is the son of Lois Nephi, and is the mother of , ; - . Nephi Citys spring clean-u- p will be conducted beginning May 16th. All items to be hauled away must be placed in piles along the edge of the street. . .NO LATER THAN 8:00 AM. ON MONDAY, MAY 16111. Items may be placed along the streets beginning the weekend of April 30 - May 1. PLEASE DO NOT PUT ITEMS OUT BEFORE APRIL 30 OR AFTER MAY 16m Place all piles away from power poles and branches so that heavy equipment has ready access for loading. Please keep in mind that no material will be allowed to be placed on city streets and rights-of-wa- y except for two weeks prior to an announced clean-uContractors doing construction or demolition many not place material on public property, but must haul it to authorized dump sites. Contractors doing clean-u-p may not place material on public property without prior written permission. This project is part of a continuing effort to improve the appearance of our community. Please participate and help beautify Nephi! low-hangi- ng p. to Mona School. P. Wo are invited to at- Woten of Nephi. He is the father Chanta Ann Foremaster of tend. Invitations are not being of Charles Woten of Nephi, and Nephi. She graduated from Hur-Loily and friends 754-54- 40 -- J History Classes. Please deliver by May 14, 1994. J |