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Show Wednesday, May 4, 1994 tfttmee-.Nefu- Nephi, Utah e Page 5 Juab High Rodeo will be on May 13th & 14th State Briefs. . . Tourism in Utah The Utah Travel Council has begun an important process of formulating a tourism master plan that seeks to keep visitors longer in Utah for a higher quality visit and not make Utah just a windshield location in a familys vacation. Call By Cheryl Smith Juab High Rodeo Reporter 538-103- The Juab High School Rodeo Team will hold their annual Rodeo on Friday, May 13th, and Saturday, May 14th, at the Juab County Fairgrounds. On Friday, May 13th, the Queen Contest will be at 10:00 a.m., the Grand Entry is at 5:30 p.m., and the Rodeo performance will follow at 6:00 p.m. , On Saturday, May 14th, begins at 8:00 a.m. in the indoor arena followed by Morning Slack at 9:00 a.m. The Grand Entry and Rodeo performance begins at 5:00 p.m. Club Officers are: KyJShep-herCow-Cutti- New Horizons Crisis Center As of March 15th, New Horizons Crisis Center implemented an At Risk Youth program in their shelter to service children who have felt the impact of exposure to crime. The damage inflicted on a child by living in a home with severe parent-to-pareviolence is often overlooked. The Center needs help in many ways, call nt 896-929- 4. Bird Day May 14th Utah and International Migratory Bird Day will be celebrated on Saturday, May 14th. Activities and presentations will occur in schools around the state during Migratory Bird Week beginning May 9th. d, MATHEMATICIANS Winners in the Math League Math Contest at Nephi Elementary School were from left, front row, 4th grade: Ray Smalley, Justin Ware, 1st place, and Dustin Greenhalgh. From left, back row: Mandy Kay, David Paystrup, Warren Hall, and Dustin Robinson. Students had to complete 30 problems in 30 minutes. ELEMtlN i r.m' president; Shannon Worthington, secretary; and Cheryl Smith, reporter. Club Advisors are: Dave Shepherd, Nellie Stephenson, Susan Allred, and DeEtte Worthington. There are 28 members on the JHS Rodeo Team. The results of the 1994 Spring are as follows: Spikers Rodeo: Jordan Bosh, 6th in Bareback; Jason Goble, 10th split in Bareback; Ky Shepherd, 6th7th split on Bulls; and Clay Winn, 5th6th7th split in Rodeos Calf-ropin- g. Tooele Rodeo: Ky Shepherd, 2nd on Saddle Bronc; Ky Shepherd, 5th6th7th split on Bulls; Shawn Shepherd, 5th6th7th split on Bulls; Clay Winn, 10th in and Torry Coombs, 3rd in Boys Cow Cutting. Sevier Rodeo: Jason Goble, 6th7th split in Bareback; Jordan Bosh, 8th in Bareback; Rusty Allred, 3rd on Saddle Bronc; and Ben Winn, 5th in Team Roping. Grantsville Rodeo: Shawn Shepherd, 3rd on Bulls; and Torry Coombs, 1st in Boys Cow Cutting. North Utah County Rodeo: Ky Shepherd, 2nd on Saddle Bronc, 1st on Bulls, and Boys Calf-ropin- MATH WINNERS Sth grade winners at Nephi Elementary School, in the Math League Math Contest are, from left, front row: Nick Pew, Tyrel Memmott, 1st place, and Jessica McCaffery. From left, middle row: Josey Carter, Jamie Stephensen, Krystle Cook, Jess Worwood, and JaNae Besendorfer. From left, back row: Rheo Newell, Jennifer Shook, and Ashley Stephensen. Eight student who were winners in their class went onto compete in the school-wid- e finals. c Governor proclaims May Bicycle ride a bike if it stops raining Month, There better based cycling organization Al- pine Velo, Cellular One and Novell Corporation in association with the Utah Department of Transpiration, Bicycle Month seeks to promote health, fitness, environmental and transGovernor safety, transportation, Michael Leavitt proclaimed May portation awareness of cycling. For many years, bike riding as Bicycle Month. Sponsored by the ProvoOrem- - was looked upon as a childhood is probably no way to enjoy a bright spring morning than by bicycle. With that in mind, and with the hope of encouraging the use of bicycles as both a means of recreation and g; All-Arou- Cowboy. Emery Rodeo: Jordan Bosh, 8th in Bareback, and Clay Winn, 11th in Calf-ropin- g. Carbon Rodeo: Clay Winn, 7th in Ky Shepherd 3rd 4th split in Bareback; Rusty Allred, 4th on Saddle Bronc; Ky Shepherd, lst2nd3rd4th split on Bulls; Shawn Shepherd, 1st 2nd3rd4th split on Bulls; and Adam McPherson, 5th on Bulls. Those Team members who have qualified for State are: Jordan Bosh, Jason Goble, and Ky al Calf-ropin- g; NewBabies BM Son born March 17, 1994, to Bruce and Kaylene Evans of Nephi. He will be named J. Dallin Evans. His grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Karl Evans of Summit, Utah, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dansie of Nephi. Greatgrandmother is Grace Dansie of Spanish Fork, Utah. WHICH CHILD HAS SENT MOM THE BEAUTIFUL BUNCH OF FLOWERS? Funds Available Farmers Home AdministrationRural Development Administration State Director James D. Harvey announced that additional funds for this year are available for communities to improve their water, sewer and solid waste systems. For additional information, call 524-324- Son born April 19, 1994, to Alan and Mary Ann Taylor. He will be named Clifton Alan Taylor. His grandparents are Howard and Myrtle Taylor of Nephi, Billy and Annie Hunting-to- n of Provo, and Robert Cressey of Waolwich, Maine. Army Band Concert The Army Ground Forces Band will perform Saturday, May 7th, at Mountain View High School at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free. Call Son born April 22, 1994, to Rex JKCITCZI IMC3-Feat crrj- - 'C3tf'o i Id Cvrvnf Great-grandparen- aarna. naira rrnacna Ifiwwl Um imailf QPDD jtutonra crtrarrcnn t a aacm I I I a Rain; WoidwMtofWiSF-you mut pa an umbreUi. T. JfCS i window, but If along W i kick-of- f date for National will sponsor a Week. The Foundation Prevention Osteoporosis week-lon- g awareness and education observance program. Mountain Man Silverado May Antelope Island State Park will sponsor the Mountain Man Silverado at Ranch House. For more information, 6-- 8, call 773-294- lotcfaea a- I la your ikaaelal'. 'Zadareift. RoiUnkortiy Only Racqntbak: playing t Ltt fc Sri protacl JtaTeye while i Rabiet: AJtr" tjt dune I comract nbte Lana a atrxy dog'a I. Wtfcn. go t Bat fcoafSul Rust: Keep fmtmMoa at nOSf 4 Ran: Ahhwrll nothing wK beef rare. potmdj lad pork must be tMl t yropedy. SS H.'-'- gM. a.: thilfsl-JOto!- g I 'oa could .oare Fremont Indian State Park will sponsor Utah Prehistory The park will hold a special activity day on Week, May May 7th, beginning at 12 p.m. Regular park entrance fee. Call for more information. 4. 527-463- 1, U.L.E.A.F. Officials in the Utah Department of Commerce, Division of Consumer Protection are issuing a warning against a charitable organization that is claiming to be collecting money to help Utahs fight against gangs, going by the initials U.L.E. AF. If in doubt about the legitimacy of any charitable organization call 530-667- David M. Hebertson has been chosen as Public Information Officer for three divisions within the Utah Department of Natural Resources as of May 3, 1994. Sheep Shearing The Petting Farm in Mapleton has scheduled two shearing times this spring, May 6th and May 20th, at 7:00 p.m. Admission is $1.25 for adults and $1.00 for children. Call 489-450- KBYU ' On Saturday, May 14th, Fremont Indian State Park will sponsor a 5 Mile Fun Run through the historic park and scenic Clear Creek Canyon. A 1 mile run for youth age 10 and under a.m. Run begins at 9 will also be held. Registration is a.m. Fee is $10 with $3 without. Call 527-463- 1. The Juab County Fairgrounds will have a busy schedule for the month of May. Each Tuesday the Riding Club will hold practice. Each Thursday the Joan County will practice. The Ute Stampede Queen Tryout will take place on Wednesday, May 11th, at 6:30 p.m. The Juab High School Rodeo will take place on Friday and Saturday, May 13- - 14th. The Jackpot Tfeara Roping will be held May Watch for further announcements. 4-- 29-30t- h. ts ueather Vern Mangleson, reporter I Jalinf tinged. tm&zzzn. sMmozzb date I r Sports Action 5 Mile Fun Run I I 8. Football season over? Not this summer. Celebrate the ten year anniversary of the BYU Cougars 1984 Football National Championship season when Friday Night Fandemonium reChannel 11, at 9 p.m., beginning June 3rd. turns to KBYU-TV- , I I V 1. Department of Natural Resources Jk . 1. Prehistory Week Levan rain, be hi 6'Jt , iwetochaarlatrnn.lry3ri. fcir.Ifyr-"rnuu(il- T on yowki,L?arf.ior right a! 9. Mothers Day, May 8th, is the name is Taylor Rex Stephensen. His grandparents are Ed and Carlene Malmgren of Nephi, and Glenn and Gwen Stephensen of are Levan. Nelda Haynes and Faye Allred of Nephi. 0 225-256- Osteoporosis and Teresa Stephensen. His to 4. Calf-ropin- g; activity or something practiced by special interest or fringe groups, says Craig Zwick, UDOT executive director. Today, we realize that cycling can play a definite role in a multi-modShepherd, Bareback; Rusty Allred and Ky Shepherd, Saddle transportation system. Zwick said short commutes Bronc; Adam McPherson, Ky Continued on page 11 Shepherd, Shawn Shepherd, and Brooks Walk, Bulls; Ben Winn Ben and Clay Winn, and Team Torry Winn, roping; Coombs, Boys Cow Cutting. 0. A H |