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Show ACCOMPLISHMENTS SANDY KAY flirt can't be defined clearly, but here's a good example. Senior Class President 12, Student Council, Track 10, Volleyball 10,11, Softball 10, Pep Club 11, Demerit Chairman 11, ProVita 10, FHA 10, Reporter 10, Journalism A 10,12, Seminary Graduate. ALDEN ORME Eat your heart out Burt Reynolds. Football Captain 12, All State Football, Desert News and Track 10, 11, Ski Wrestling 1, Tribune, Football 2, Club. LYLE OSBORNE may not be tall, but I'm hairy, dark, and handsome. Lettermen Club Secretary, Musical 9, Football 2, Lettermen Club. Baseball Basketball I The Times-New- s Nephi, Utah May 26, 1977 9-- 12, 10-1- 2, QUINTON KAY smile that could eat a banana sideways. Chapter President 12, Livestock Judging 9, Mechanics 2, Parliamentary Team 12, Preferred Man 12, Seminary Track 11, FFA Letterman Graduate, Basketball Student Council 12. A FFA 10-1- 9-- 12, 9-- 10-1- 2, KELLY KENDALL I've never met a man I couldn't handle. Class Secretary 10, Class Vice President 12, Sr. Ball Queen, 2nd Place Region in disc. Rodeo Club Girls Athletics Treasurer 12, Continuum Editor 11, Secretary 2, 1, 10-1- 2, Yearbook Editor 12. RICHARD KENDALL Public Energy No. 1 Wrestling 9,10, Rodeo Club 11,12, FFA 9. BEVAN LOFGRAN He has a one track mind and Football 10-1- 2, the traffic Baseball 11, Track 10. on it is very light. BRETT LYNN His grin is shy, wide and handsome. LEANNE LYNN She's always making a in the middle of a conversation. Commercial Meet Shorthand II, Bookkeeping 12, School Play 10, Musical 10, Scholastic Student 9,10,12, Track, Ski Club 12, Seminary ProVita 11,12, Reporter, FHA Graduate. U-t- 9-- 12, ROSS MADSEN Genuine as a thumbprint. Wrestling 9,11, Track 9, FFA, Reporter 12, Livestock Judging Team 12. JULIE MANGELSON Her brain feels like a pin cushion--stuc- k full of things to do. Activity Manager 10, Student Body Secretary 11, Student Body Vice President 12, ProVita Historian 12, Commercial Meet Type II 11, Jr. Prom Queen, Seminary Graduate, Scholastic Student, Musical 9,10, ProVita 10-1- 2, Honor Society 12, FHA 10,12, Ski Club 12, Clarion 11,12, Sterling Scholar General. Cafe Utah Ray's 840 North Main Nephi, JYLL MCCAFFERY Two dimples tack her smile in place. JOE MCCLELLAN All I know about the speed of in the morning. light is that it's here too soon Honor Roll 12, Wrestling 10,11, Track Manager 10. DIANE MEMMOTT The best way to hold a man is in your arms. Head Cheerleader 11, ProVita Treasurer 12, Large Groups Small Groups 9, Commerical Meet Bookkeeping 12, Miss Juab, Honor Society 10-1- 2, Scholastic Student 2, ProVita 12, FHA 2, Seminary Graduate, Sterling Scholar Home Economics. 9-- SAM MEMMOTT One who knows how long cows should be milked. Same as the short ones. FFA Historian 10, FFA Livestock Judging 10, Dairy Judging 10, JV Basketball, JV Football, FFA 9,10, Rodeo Club 9. STEVE MILLER But as for me give me liberty or wMyatutatUyte To each member of the Class of 1977 our very best wishes for a most successful future. Well done! at least let's party. PHIL MOTES Doesn't mind what goes around as long as it CLINT NEWTON love to wind my mouth up, I I love to is a rope. let it go. GARY NEWTON Believes in the two-par- ty system; one on Friday and one on Saturday. Rodeo Club Historian 12, Rodeo Club 11,12, FFA 1. STEVE NEWTON He may be big, but he's FFA Treasurer, Football loveable. Captain, Wrestling Captain 11,12 Land Judging, Outstanding Wrestler 11, Football 2, 2, FFA Track Lettermen Wrestling 9-- 2, 10-1- 10-1- 2. JAMIE OCKEY Pretty as a picture and with a nice frame too. ProVita Reporter 10, Secretary 12, Commercial Meet Type II, Shorthand I 11, Shorthand II, Bookkeeping 12, Homecoming 2nd Attendant 10, Miss Juab 2nd Attendant 12, Girls State 11, Seminary Graduate, Scholastic Student 11, Honor Roll 11,12, Musical 10, ProVita 10,12, Varsity Ski Club 12. Cheerleader 11, FHA 2, Hanson Auto Parts 656 North Main Nephi Mickelson's Cafe Norm & Lois Greenhalgh 793 North Main Nephi, Utah |