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Show 'W V W Mrs. Austin is Book Lore Cooks' Corner club president Mrs. David Austin has been elected president of the Book club Lore Club for the 1977-7held on elections at May year 18 at the home of Mrs. Joseph 8 She will succeed L. Smith. as Mrs. Smith president. Other offices named were Mrs. J. E. Worthington, vice president; Mrs. Roy Green-halgsecretary and treasurer; Mrs. Joseph Garrett, reporter; and Mrs. Alton S. Gadd, program book chairman. Secret Pal gifts were given to club members. Four small chairs have been presented to the Nephi Public Library as the projects of the year by the Variette Club. Making the presentation Tues- - dcay were Betty Belliston, club president; Mildred Belliston, secretary; Vera Paxman, ; and LaRae Kendall, vice president. Mrs. TN Photo Jarrett was elected 8 Thelma Reed, Marcille Jack- - club presented four small hardwood chairs to the Nephi Public Library as their project for the year. The the stork . . . Area births listed Recent births as reported to are: the Times-New- s Boy, bom May 19 to Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Sperry of Nephi. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Sperry and Mr. and Mrs. A. Duane Sperry, all of Nephi. are Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jensen of Delta; Mrs. Eva Tuttle of Nephi; and Mrs. Lenore Denison of Manti. is Mrs. Maysel Goble of Salt Lake City. Great-grandparen- Girl, born April 12 to Mr. and Mrs. Marlynn G. Buckley of Nephi. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Elwin L. Kendall of Nephi and Mrs. Bert M. Buckley of Provo. are Mrs. Verda Kendall of Nephi and Mrs. Mary Morganson of Payson. The new Miss Buckley will be named Helen. Great-grandparen- DOHSiXT R4Y . . . YOU DO son, Arlene Griffiths, Gwen Chapman, Joyce Memmott, Phyllis Christensen and Norma Jenkins. Other officers elected were Myrna Trauntvein, vice presand treasurer; and Grace Ostler, reporter and historian. Beulah Nielsen was named ident; Della Dailey, secretary It was a big week for 1101PLIITING gallon pineapple sherbet gallon raspberry sherbet 1 box frozen raspberries 1 box frozen strawberries 1 No. 303 can crushed pineapple Soften berries and sherbet. club by that name? 4-- H Awfully Amateur Arclub began their tists work at a meeting held years on Saturday morning at the home of their leader. Ora May Club members are Christine Bills, Tonya Jeffery, Teresa Garrett, Josette Lyman, Angela Mellor, Kim Mellor, Kim Taylor, Laura Lee Wilkey and Ronda Worthington. Mellor. The first order of business was the selection of the club name. The members of the club will work in the first phase of an w w The Times-New- Mother Nature Nursery Floral Cae and Duane Sperry 802 East 100 South Nephi - Great-grandparen- ts Girl, born May 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Terry Haney of Nephi. She will be named Shera Lee Haney. Grandparents are Bishop and Mrs. R. Clark Greenhalgh of Nephi and Robert Haney and Darlene Haney of Salt Lake City. are Mrs. Sylvia Musig of Bountiful and Mrs. Claris Tedeco of Salt Lake City. ts Boy, born May and Mrs. Robert to Mr. Andersen 11 W. of Nephi. He will be named Robert Troy Andersen. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Belliston and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andersen of Neare phi. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harmon of Manti and Mrs. Theron Whiteley of Orem. Mrs. Rozelle Harmon of Salt Lake City is Great-grandparen- ts Girl, bom May 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Vance P. Gibson of Nephi. She will be named Valerie Gibson. Grandparents are the childs publishers s; COMPARE AND SAVE Hoover Washer $1 7995 $3995 Mr. Coffee Cosco Stools and Card Tables $6995 Gibson Freezer Chest 20c. ....$38888 Gibson Refrigeratori7cu.fi. ... $48995 entry Published each Thursday by 1 he 1 s South Main Publishing Co , Street, Nephi, Utah 84048 Mailing address, P O Box 77, Nephi, Utah 84648 GlbSOn RflnG 3(7 Continious Cleaning Oven .. $36995 Second-cla- 623-023- 1 Deadlines Newt and advertising, close of business, Tuesday prior to publication Deadlines advance one day when legal holiday falls dur- Gibson Washer & Dryer Deiu. $67995 ing week Memorial Day Special?. Subscription price. Two years, $11 00; one year, months, $4 00, payable in advance. No subscriptions accepted for less than s months Single copy price, IS $6 00, six Advertising rates available on request Articles and photographs submitted for publication will only be used on a space available basis and then only if the editor deems them newsworthy Such articles and photographs will only he returned if they are accompanied by a stamp- ed. envelope Loose Flowers On Arrangements TerreriumsS Planters cash purchase Bedding Plants Available now. Also Trees' CA3 & Shrubs SPOmrflNG GOODS! Rifles, Pistols, Ammo, Jackets Fishing Gear, Toys, Bridles, Presses Baseball Bats, Gloves, Powder, Etc. Mr .and Mrs. Roy E. Gibson Pratt & Lambert 3Nephi, dall, reporter; Viola Ockey, historian; Julia Bean, sergeant-at-armand Norma Jenkins, chaplain. Mrs. Kendall gave a report of the activities of the past year and said that the state convention will be held at Moab on June 25 and 26 and that Paul Broan, national auxiliary president, will be in Salt Lake City on May 25. Ada Sperry discussed the preparation of wreaths to be placed at the cemeteries and at the rose garden on Memorial Dav. Vance P. and Allan R. Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sudweeks, all of Nephi. are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen and O. Ray Powell, all of Nephi. s Volume 68, No. 21 May 26, 1977 " - Marie Butler was installed as president of the American :j:j Legion Auxiliary, Nephi Unit ;!: No. 1, at a meeting held at the home of Ethelyn Bailey. She succeeds LaRae Kendall in the position. Julia Bean, sergeant-at-armAdd altogether and serve with presented the officers. pecans (chopped) on top. Serve Marion Memmott, a past presin glass cups. May be mixed ident, was the installing offitwo or three days ahead of use cer. In addition to Mrs. Butand refrozen. ler, other officers installed were Jeane Brewer, first vice presThe Times-New- s Utah ident; Felma Chase, second 1977 vice president; Janet Green-hnhrsecretary; LaRae Ken . art program. 'w r w Wilson) 'A 4-- chairman for the summer party. Committee members are B. ' The Variette Club president of the Variette Club for the 1977-7club year when the club members met on May 18 at the home of Gwen Chapman for their closing social. 4-- H Frappe (Submitted by June Awfully Amateur Artists club is organized reporter-historian- Members present chairs to library LaRae Can there really be a Eloise Spencer, center, accepted the gift on the part of the library. American Legion Aux elects new officers Energy Saving Sale Wood and Coal Stoves j AT CONTEMPORY AND Sportsman) BUILT-I-N FIREPLACES North Main Nephi COME IN AND ASK ABOUT OUR NEW PRICES - (WE HAVEN'T REMARKED THEM YET.) off per gallon exterior house $3 On all paint from May 12 through May 31 King-size- d SAVINGS now on Pratt quality leader & Aqua Royal Latex House & Trim Finish, the aristocrat of house paints. A tough latex that applies easily, dries fast to a lovely satin luster finish, stays fresh and through all kinds of weather. Simple soap & water clean-uIf youre planning a paint job soon, theres no better paint than AQUA ROYAL and no better time than right now during our special new-looki- p. sale. Free with every purchase: a copy of Pratt Lambert's valuable T & Discounts up to 50 off our reg. low price 1st C ROGER SNIDER & PAYSON Mini 66 South Main & Builders Nephi, Ut. 623-119- 9 Saturdays Install or Free Advice For The Supply SONS 465-383- 2 We Plumbing 9 a.m. Prices effective untill June Library. 4-- D Open Daily Lamberts 952 E 100 i fer N (HWY 91) to 6 9 a.m. to Low Prices? Super 3 A K r i ytx |