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Show Restrictions set Follow three points to lush on green lawns during 1975 Persons who want lush green, lawns should follow three basic steps, according to Blaine Jones, USU Extension Agent for Juab County. early morning or The poorest time to water a lawn is in the late evening. How often should lawns be watered? "That They are: fertilize; irrigate depends of soil in upon the thoroughly, but not often; and which the lawn is type planted, says mow high and mow often. Jones In sandy soil, lawns may have to be watered two or three Jones suggests that a high tunes a week in hot weather. nitrogen fertilizer be applied in Law ns in heavy or clay soils will April, early June, and Septemonly need to be watered every ber. In addition, if lawns are five to eight days if 1 2 to 2 thin and weak or are of Merion inches of water is applied at each application. Water thorbluegrass, a fourth application of fertilizer should be applied oughly and wait until signs of about the middle of October. dryness appear before watering Jones reminds gardeners that again, says Jones. lawns should not be fertilized Lawns should never be mowed Assisted by Mayor Donald Clinic. Others on hand for the Dr. Gary Tolboe. The new hot weather, because closer than during j inches for best s center. Miss 305 located North Fourth a at were: Dr. Nelson L. Q Ejre, Nephi (Tam-rcannot use fertilizer durgrass and lawns results, Jones, says Memniott) dips the ribbon to Jones, left, Becky Sperry, Phyl- - East in Nephi. ing hot periods and the lawn cut to two indies or higher are TN Photo officially open the N'ephi Dental lis Belliston, Kay Newton, and may be damaged, consequently. better, he says. Mow them when only about one third of the grass height will be cut off, he says. These three management will bring you green, steps lead in the lush, weed free Juab High Schools baseball game, Juab took a lawns, says team won one and lost one last second inning. They scored two Jones run in one and the fourth week. inning beat North Sanpete on in the fifth, which was their last They inLast falls Utah pheasant har- reproduction resulting from and lost to Rich- chance at bat. vest was the lowest on record, clement spring weather and Tuesday, field on Thursday, Lynn Hansen pitched a with 82,252 hunters taking continuing deterioration of In the North Sanpete-Juagame for six innings. Juab got 167,408 birds, according to Darpheasant habitat both in qualisix hits in its five times at bat. rell Nish, Division of Wildlife ty and quantity, said Nish. Only three members of the Resources upland game super- Urban sprawl, highway conNorth Sanpete team got on base, visor. struction, and changes in farmand only one of them got further Now Playing Hunter success was low, too, ing practices have all contributThree members of Juab High than first base, it was reported. with the average hunter spend- ed to the loss of habitat. Schools track team qualified to In the Richfield game, the The outlook for 1975s hunt is participate in the state track Wildcats took a Thursday - Friday - Saturday ing almost two days afield to get lead in the one pheasant, said Nish. dependent on this springs re- meet at the BYU Invitational first inning on a sacrifice bunt. During the season, the aver- productive success, noted Nish. Track Meet held recently in In the fourth inning, Richfield age hunter took two pheasant, He pointed out that weather Provo. came up with a home run and a compared to three in past years. conditions up to now aren't too lead. They are Matt Bracken, who e The average harvest in Utah has encouraging. run event at won the Juab scored two runs in the been a quarter of a million birds. For sportsmen who are inter- BYU; Kelly Painter, who placed sixth inning. Nish cited the low pheasant ested in the status of pheasant in the high hurdles event; and In the last half of the seventh population level as the primary habitat in Utah, now is the best Mark Hoyt, who placed seventh inning the score was tied factor in the low harvest. A re- time to evaluate it. This is the in the run. when the first batter for Richduced bag limit of two instead of limiting time of the year, said The state track meet will be field hit a home run to end the three roosters also contributed. Nish. Ditch banks, fence lines held on May 17 at Southern Utah game. Inclement weather over much and roadsides indicate the State College in Cedar City. Lyle Osborne and Lynn Hanof cover there is left. of the state on the opener Other track team members sen pitched for Juab. brought the harvest even lower Those who go look at these who participated in the BYU Juabs baseball team is now in than expected, added Nish. Invitational were Jerry Scott, second place in the region. First things will find habitat is Iimite-eLow pheasant populations in And habitat is the key to our Dale Anderson, Dan Paystrup, place honors are held by South he the state over the past few years pheasant population. Donovan Yates, and Steve Sevier and Richfield high reflect a combination of poor schools. 2,4-- D ,NC FIRE AUTO HOMEOWNERS FARMOWNERS BONDS Boxed Candy CENTRAL UTAH INSURANCE 2-l- b boxes Large Assortment of Cosmetic Items Cameras AGENCY - film Stationery and Gift Wrap 33 SOUTH MAIN ST. NEPHI, UTAH VENICE Nephi Drug Company LARRY PETERSON Agent - Broker Phone THEATRE Local track stars win state berths - and Mother's Day Cards 2-- 0 b -1- LIFE Fall's pheasant crop way Juab wins one, loses one down says Fish & Game no-h- it Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sharp and family have just moved to Nephi. Mrs. Sharp is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Howard. They have been living in Long Beach, California. Mfliesi INSURANCE 1 5-- Nephi news Extension Service 1975 Weed Control Guide. According to Jones, Tordon cannot be used in small Blaine Jones, USU Extension 2,4-where the harvested Agent for Juab County has grains announced a restriction on the grain from the treated field will use of Tordon 2,4 D chemical in be shipped across state lines in interstate commerce. grain crops. The restriction is contrary to previously published bits of information disseminated through Extension Service programs According to Jones, the best time to water lawns is in the weed-fre- e Tordon and the 623-025- We Are Here to Serve 0 - 0 0 two-mil- 1963 Ford 34 Ton. with horse rack. See Glade Booth or 8 19 call after 6 p.m. 440-yar- d 623-140- $60.00. Call Moth- Mother Natures unwillingness to let go of winter weather has slowed down fish stocking and egg taking operations of Division of Wildlife Resources hatcheries. motive Springs near Brigham City, but for a different reason. Mosquitoes are too much bother later in the year, so trout fishing has to be done there when its cool, says Davis. Many of the states major reservoirs have the capacity to raise fingerlings to larger fish in one year and are managed this way. For example, we are planting fingerlings in Otter Creek, Starvation and Flaming Gorge now to be caught by next years anglers, noted the bioloThe bigger, catchable fish gist. Cutthroat fingerlings (apin five inches have been planted in the south- proximately exbeen have planted ern part of the state where the length) weather has been warmer. In perimentally in Bear Lake to southern Utah, we plant catch-able- s test the survival of this species. waters earin year-rounlier than we do in the north, The Times-New- s because trout cant tolerate the warmer weather. They are fishNephi, Utah ed out by the time its warmer. May 8, 1975 The same holds true for Loco- - are a month behind in our stocking of many waters in northern Utah, notes Division biologist Glenn Davis. And at Strawberry, we havent put in our fish trap yet because of the deep snow. Its usually in by April 10. We d Avon. I received a new shipment providing your insurance needs. FIRE BUSINESS AUTOMOBILE COMMERCIAL MOTORCYCLES BOATS K. 51 J. North Main SPERRY, Phone 623-038- THE 19 Station Waj ;on. Call anc ask for or 19 Henry Worthington. Rated R STARTS WEDNESDAY Nephi, Utah J 623-045- 2 UGGERNAUT 19 You can enjoy gardening and beautiful grounds in spite of inflation. We have rolled our prices back to 1973. Locally grown bedding and vegetable plants all in individual pots. Compare our prices with those up North. Nephi Floral, 213 East 20 Fifth North, Nephi, Utah. MoikWi Ranger alfalfa seed for sale. Grown from registered seed a requirement when producing certified seed. 75 cents a lb. Nephi Utah Stake Seventies.. Quorum. Contact Jay Dailey. am 19 623-086- 3. 1970 Honda 90 trailbike. Excellent condition, $250. Paul Daw3 son, (morning only) 20 Garden spot, with ample water for free use. Also: Home freezer, empty fruit bottles for sale. Lewis Anderson, 96 North Sec19 ond East. 623-174- ARE YOU L D OUT OF WORK? S SETH THOMAS BOOKS CLOCKS Many Authors and Tifles IF YOU HAVE WORKED on a farm, in a private householld as a paid worker, for a state or local government, or in some other job not covered by regular unemployment insurance benefits, and you or if you should become are now unemployed unemployeyd you may be eligible for special unemploment assistance under a new law. Contact your local Employment Security office today. 1 Electric and Transistor Models Discount short pieces DOUBLE KNITS TIMEX WATCHES We're closed every Sunday . and invife Ifl Discount We also have power cells! ! respective signers for information. addi-tior.- il Su-pl- y. 623-189- 743-531- 623-051- 623-177- Show her youLoye her with a gift from Christensen's i 623-047- s. 623-047- 66 yard PROBATE AND GUARDIAN-SHI- P NOTICES. Consult Clerk 21 623-114- 623-191- 0. 623-140- -- POLYESTER Take your Social Security card, names of employers for whom you have worked in the past 52 weeks, other information about your earnings. Lovely Gift for her! Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Osmond Reed deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the law office of Business Personals Milton T. Harmon, Attorney, 53 North Main Street, Nephi, Utah or before the 28th day of July on a ahead! list Join Weddings gift at Chapman Furniture Co. to A. D. 1975; claims must be g presented in accordance with provide a substantial, Utah and much appreciated gift. the provisions of 1 Phone us today at or Code Annotated 1953, and with call in at our store, 27 South proper verification as required tf therein. Main, Nephi. Betty N. Hone Administratrix of the estate of Keep ua in mind as you think of Osmond Reed, deceased shampooing your carpets. We have machieps for rent at $1, Published in the Nephi Times-New- s larger ones for $2 and an espeApril 24, May 1, 8, and 15, cially nice one for shags that rents for $3 per day. We have a 1975. plentiful supply of Blue Lustre and also carry Pro shampoo NOTICE TO CREDITORS used commercially for years Estate of John Henry Brough and now available for home use. aka Jack H. Brough deceased. Plumbing and Builders claims Creditors will tf with vouchers topresent the undersigned at Dave McMullin, Payson, Utah on or before the 31st day of A. D. 1975 and must be July Help Wanted presented in accordance with the provisions of Utah Code Reliable and conscientious Annotated (1953 ) with mechanically inclined man to do proper verification as required yard and maintenance work on therein. small farm. Horse care requirDate of first publication April 17, ed. Drivers license needed. Call A. D. 1975 8 early or late, or write H. Dave McMullin Attorney R Clinger, P. O. Box 412, Nephi, Rosemary B. Dixon 19 Utah 84648. Administrator, or Executor Don Royce at 19-f- 1 A Mobile home spaces at Pinedale Park. Reasonable rates. Contact t. Gulf Stream fiberglass Help wanted woman needed 6 trail- hrs. per day weekdays in my boat and tandem-whee- l er. Blue and white. 308 cu. in. V8 home for child care. Phone 9 19 OMC motor. Call or see Jim Carter, Fill21 more. Nurses aid experience desiraCarters Silvercoat brilliant ble, however we will provideto exthe training purple spirit duplicator masters cellent are now available at the Times-New- right person. Must be compasPick up several today at sionate and willing to care for ten cents each. 8 V2 x 11 inches, tf the elderly. You will earn full 1 pay while learning. Call or apply in person at Colonial Manor. Ask for Frank Pew, 71 Services 22 North Main, Nephi, Utah. The Rug Doctor is ready. Call for your appointment to lave him give your carpets a Real Estate most thorough cleaning with aewest Rug Doctor steam cleaning equipment. Reasonable For Sale Nephi Real Estate. ates. The Rug Doctor, Chap- Bids will be received for purman Furniture, tf chase of house and city lot at 595 North Second East Street, NePower rake lawn conditioner for phi, Utah known as Verme E. rent W. Woodrow Beard, Le- Olsen home. Submit bids in 22 writing to the undersigned or to van, phone Will L. Hoyt, Attorney for estate. Weddings ahead! Well be glad James E. Reid, Administrator to have you add your name to a 560 E. Fourth North Call list. gift Nephi Lumber at 20 Spanish Fork, Utah We select substantial, much appreciated gifts. tf 1969 GIFTS DESIGNED TO PLEASE: 623-085- 2. long-lastin- Two bedroom home for sale with full acre lot. Call Bob Toomer at 623-132- TEACHER Agent 7 Monday - Tuesday II - 12 13 Sunday INSURANCE AGENCY K-- J 623-049- 1974 Vega GLASS SNOW MOBILES BONDS MOBILE HOMES OVER 25 YEARS INSURANCE SERVICE IN THIS AREA The last week. Excellent prices and 2 selection. Doris Newton, 623-074- 6 623-047- 623-011- People looking for special DAZZLING COLOR! GREAT NEW SONGS! 623-127- I am the Daily Herald carrier for Nephi. If you would like to subscribe please call me at 19 Annette Parkin. 623-085- ers day gifts may still purchase I would appreciate the privilege of Mobile home 12 x 52. Two bedrooms. At Pinedale Park. Furnished. Call Carl Woodhead, El Tonya Motel. 19 1966 Chevrolet Impala Super 2 Sport. $250 or best offer. Call or see at Roland Parkins, Mobile home sites at Peachtree 644 North Second East, Nephi. 19 Mobile Home Park. For complete information on rates, etc., Wedding dress, veil, size 14. call 4 or tf 19 d. Mother Nature ordains long spring, fools fisheries Notices For Rent For Sale Published in the Nephi Times-New- s at 96 South Main, Nephi, Utah April 17, April 24, May 1, and May 8, 1975. NOTICE OF FINAL TAX SALE Notice is hereby given that on Wednesday, the 28th day of May, 1975, at ten oclock a.m. at the front door of the County Courthouse in Nephi, Juab County, Utah, I will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash, pursuant to the provision of Section Utah Code Annotated 1953, the following described real estate situate in said county and now held by it under preliminary tax sale. No bid for less than the total amount of taxes, interest, penalties and costs which are a charge upon such real estate will be accepted. Grant Tax Sale No. Overson. All of the SW. '4 of Sec. 35, T. 14 S , R. 4 W., S. L. M. Cont. 160 acres. John Tax Sale No. Nilson, Elsie Nilson. All of Lot 21, Blk. 2, Plat A, Eureka City Survey. Tax Sale No. D. & Marguerieth Stewart. That part of Lot 28, Blk. 1, Platdes-E, Eureka Townsite Survey Card of Thanks cribed as Beg. at a pt. which If you live west of Main Street and need your lawn mowed, call The family of Patricia Ann bears N. 58 deg. 20 min. E. 291.1 ft. from Cor. No. 3 N. Extension 19 Jacobson wish to express their Lynn Worwood at Zulu, Valley and Ridge Mining all to the deep appreciation friends and relatives who were Claim U. S. Lot 231, th. N. 57 deg. so thoughtful during this tragic 23 min. E. 32 9 ft. th. N. 20 deg. 04 death of our daughter and sister. min. W. 32J fL th. S. 66 deg. 56 For all the cards, flowers, and min. W. 33.0 ft. tn. S. 22 deg. 27 37.1 ft. to beg. phone calls, especially the love min. E.Sale No. Helen Tax and friendship that helped us CHANCE TO TRADE West tenth of through this hour of need. Our Wilder Milliman. thanks also goes to the people Lots 30 & 31, Blk. B, Cowans OUR of Nephi and Granite Wards tor Add , Mammoth City Survey. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I the food that was prepared and brought to our homes. With have hereunto set my hand and Mr. and Mrs. official seal this 7th day of April, appreciation. Cnarles Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. 1975. for your scrap iron, stool, Earl L. Warner 19 Jerry Jacobson. Juab County Clerk copper, brass, radiators, and All property here offered for aluminum. sale and which has not been stricken off to a private purOpen week days 8 am. to chaser is hereby stricken off and 6 pm. sold to the County of Juab, and I Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 4 pm. hereby declare the fee simple title of said property to be vested AMERCAN SALVAGE in said county. 2403 South Stat 623-014- 623-074- you to plan an BURST OF POWER r; EARLY MOTHERS' on Friday DAY DINNER Saturday - May 9 or 10 no reservaations necessary, but we will be happy to make special arrangements for you if desired. Full menu MICKELSON CAFE . .Phone 623-015- 2 Nephi hand mixer Other Mother's Day Gift Suggestions: Jewelry Hankies Luggage Dresses Hosiery and Panty Hose Lovely New Dusters Fabrics and Accessories Handbags Knit Pants Shoes Blouses and Lingerie Knit Tops Sandals Appliances Towels, Linens Tabledoths WANTED 120-197- 0 CASH Provo, Utah 37MI77 Published in the Nephi Times-New- s May 1, 8, 15, and 22, 1975. |