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Show Club Levan Lions Kiwanis Club Literary Juab School District The Levan Lions Club held a Kiwanians nominated a slate superin-- , tendent M. Clark Newell spoke f to members of the Ladies Liter- -' ary Club on May 1 at the home of .Mrs. Frank Greenhalgh. Superintendent Newell spoke on the need for more room at the "high school, team teaching tech-- . niques at the elementary school, , and other things concerning the ' two schools. Those in attendance at the meeting were Mrs. James H. Eagar, Mrs. J. E. Robertson, 'Mrs. A. V. Gadd, Mrs. W. W. Stephenson, Mrs. George V. Jones, Mrs. Floyd Lunt, Mrs. Leo Christensen, Mrs. Alton E. Mrs. T. W. Allred, J Ellertson, Mrs. James Stanley, Mrs. Frank ; Greenhalgh, and Mrs. Dale Wor-- i special Ladies Night on Thursday evening at the Levan City Hall. Following a dinner presided over by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoyt and Mr. and Mrs. Andrews McPherson, those in attendance saw a program of dancing presented by RonaLynn Stephen-sen- , Melanie and Jennifer Carter, and Brady Taylor. Special guests at the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Thad Stephensen and daughter Melissa and Mrs. Carl ' Carter. wood. Nephi news Mr. and Mrs. Neil Jensen and children Reed, Shaler, and Heidi were hosts at a family dinner Sunday celebrating the blessing naming of Heidi Jensen. Heidi was blessed and named at fast meeting in the Nephi First Ward. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ed- : ward Elswood and children Ed-- 3 die, Holly, and Jeremy, of San-'dBeverly Anderson and son Cody, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Scott, J and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Scott, t all of Nephi; and Mr. and Mrs. . David Jensen and children Sta-cRodney, Sandy, and Jessica, and Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Jen-- .' sen, all of Payson. ; Mrs. D. W. Brian of Loa was a visitor for four days last week at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Alva A. Boston. Dr. and Mrs. Alva A. Boston visited in Salt Lake City over the ; weekend with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. , Duncan. : Visitors Friday at the home of Mrs. Tacy Bracken were Mr. and Mrs. Frans Speters and children of Salt Lake City. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Gay Worwood, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Heber G. Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Stephensen, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mangelson, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McPherson, Mrs. Jimmy Taylor, and Mrs. Daryl Carter. Clubs 4-- H The Juab County organization is looking for qualified, dedicated adult leaders to help with programs, county officers have announced. The main qualifications (a person must have) are a sincere desire to help youth have (the) proopportunities . . . (4-vides. they say. The rewards are the satisfactions that come from seeing young people learn and achieve. according to officials. Many different project areas are available and interested persons are invited to contact the Juab County Extension office in the basement of the Post Office building. 4-- 4-- 4-- at their recent meeting held April 30 at Rays Cafe. members of the Twenty-si- x club were present. Kiwanis Club members also discussed the selling of ads for the Ute Stampede program booklets, and talked of other club projects. Following the business meeting, the board of directors approved a $30 contribution for Mary W'inn, who will be attending a the annual Citizenship Short Course in Washington D. C. in June. They also approved a $25 contribution to the Boy Scout fund drive. of officers to be voted on mil?'ecdsb Quo 4-- IK S5H3v7 Q3MMS8&I Variette Club WItrCAUGHT Joyce Bracken was named chairman of the Variette Club for the coming year at a recent meeting of the club held at the home of Marba Stuart. Mrs. Bracken replaces Mrs. Carolyn Jarrett, outgoing chairman. Helen White was named Margie Steiner was elected secretary and treasurer, and Norma Jenkins was selected as the clubs new historian. The elections were held at the clubs closing social for the 1975 dMlliiii rTTTTTTTTTfy $ n; year. Present were Marba Stuart, CSSS? Alene Olpin, Verna Wright, Carolyn Jarrett, Betty Belliston, Mildred Belliston, Norma Tolley, Myrna Trauntvein, Arlene Griffith, Grace Ostler, Marcille Jackson, Gwen Chapman, Joyce Bracken, LaRae Kendall, Norma Jenkins, Joyce Memmott, and Margie Steiner. The C Ju 3: k&0S Times-New- s Nephi, Utah May 8, 1975 (B&swm 6CO0 sV.uflfr Mr. and Mrs. Leon Swindle-hurand sons of Lancaster, California were guests at the home of Mrs. Tacy Bracken on Sunday. st GIRL'SiL'ADIES Mr. and Mrs. Michael Golden and family of Kaysville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Brough. was A family held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry burton celebrating the blessing and naming of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Burton at sacrament meeting in the Second Ward. She was named Rebecca Ann Burton. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Young and family of Ephraim, and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Burton and daughter Rebecca Ann. er I Solids, checks, stripes, prints, etc. Short and longsloovo. I su Mary Winn of Nephi received from the Nephi Riding Club p Pay-struMr. and Mrs. Raymond to help finance her trip recently of Tooele were visitors at to D. C. in June. Washington of Mrs. and Mr. the home Ralph Mary will in the participate Carter on Sunday. sponsored Citizenship Short $100 4-- Zm, . r All Girls sins only. Black, brown and white Good silt range slits REG. OUT 7,5 ss7 I Course. She is among 38 persons from the State of Utah who will J 277 5 the participate. Presenting check is Phil Stilson of the Riding Club. v.v.v.v..v.wx&yxw i fcMIgSJCElJl ill amass I! HMD SOON SPUING WILL BE HERE - and that's the time for a new change of style or decor for your tern e. j Maybe you're building a new tome or remodeling G8BG30 in life a present room! 91 id DDEI 0.00. (J f) !xxxxxxxxxxXXxxxxxxXv?v?x Mate your kitchen floor soft for wife with 11 iqH new IOTCHEN CARPET. If easier tokjI?u dean than linoleum. Or maybe you're just tired of your old darpet that just wont wear outl COME IN and see us for a free estimate on LEE'S, BIGELOW or DOWNS carpets at our ANGES "SPECIAL - ... Gift's 3 South Main Nephi Ph. 1 623-047- Gaa3G(EI(IB5Q j |