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Show WepCni , fT Weekend guests at the Albert Haney home were Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Tharp and family of East Carbon City. . 'JS Mrs. Karen Mickel and daughof Granger were visitors on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Kay. w ter Leslie Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kendall of Newton were visitors at the home of Mrs. Verda Kendall on Monday of this week. Mrs. Barres Jenkins was in Logan to attend Mothers Weekend at Utah State University recently, as a guest of Claudia Jenkins. Many special events were planned including a fashion show, workshops, a play and dinner in honor of the mothers. Barres Jenkins joined his wife Announcement has been made and daughter Saturday and Sunof the approaching marriage of day. On Sunday, they attended a Mary Ann McPherson and Dale special Parents Day at the Jolley. Miss McPherson is the LDS Third Branch. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins also accompanied daughter of E. LaMont McPherson of Nephi and Mrs. Aria M. Claudia to the annual Robins Walker of Salt Lake City. She Award Night held at the Univeattended Juab High School. Mr. rsitys Fine Arts Center. While in Jolley is the son of Mrs. Carol Logan, they visited with Mr. and Jolley of Elberta and the late Mrs. Ray Burtenshaw. Kay Jolley. He attended Payson High School where he was a member of the Rodeo Club. He is currently employed in Provo. They plan to make their home in Mary Ann McPherson Engagement marriage plans told Visitors Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Davis were Kevin and Danny Davis of I cr Overnight guests Friday at Bountiful. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Garrett were Michael Garrett Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wright (Eloise Schofield) of Alamo, Nevada spent last Thursday in Nephi. They visited with Mrs. James H. Eagar and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Warner. and sons Jon and Kirt of Bountiful. Other visitors at the Garrett home on Saturday were Richard Garrett and sons Allen and Scott of Cedar City. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Crane of Salt Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. George T. Crane of Tooele were visitors on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Crane. Mr. and Mrs. John V. Garrett returned home recently from a ten day trip to California. While there, they visited with Mr. and Mrs. John V. Garrett Jr. and family at Thousand Oaks, visited at San Diego and other points of interest, and took a trip into Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Goble spent the weekend in Bountiful at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Goble and family. They helped celebrate the filth birthday anniversary of Jennifer Goble. Mexico. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chase on Wednesday of last week were Mrs. Reva Ballow of Midvale, and Mrs. Colleen Nielson of Sunset. Mr. and Mrs. Read Black and children Terry and Carl, and Grant Anderson of Reno, Nev- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Black, all ada has been visiting for the of Provo; were dinner guests past two weeks in Nephi with Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Verda Cloward, Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Black. Anderson, and Mrs. Cecil Harold and his wife will leave Goates. He also visited in a Salt soon for Texas where he will Lake City hospital with Mrs. attend dental school. Ruth Gowers. 400. 9iiee jUotAeu (j;ay Rawing .Aiay a fyifin i i Mostor Chora Bonk Amencord : i j and d.ee auk Gotne Elberta. mews Visitors over the weekend at the home of Mrs. Lavon Ellert-so- n were Mrs. Shirlene Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tidwell, all of Bountiful; and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Taylor of Salem. the outlet the V5 North Fr$t the outlet viD West, Nephi, Utoh outlet 3254 N. Corey, Pon.viiO '$, 2245 W, Boll Rd., Anaheim 9u'ichaa Jlece&aiif tAb new babies Recent births of interest East Juab County residents Deposit In Any Cutlet Location II NAME to ADDRESS in- clude the following: REDEEMABLE Boy, born May 3 to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lyman of Spanish Fork. He will be named Shane Richard Lyman. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lyman of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. Theron Butler of Spring Lake. Mrs. Deon Phillipsen is the babys r. Girl, born May 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie B. Hammond of Mt. Pleasant. She will be named Tonea Hammond. Grandmothers are Mrs. Marie Hammond of Mt. Pleasant, and Mrs. Irene Hill of Spanish Fork. Girl, born May 5 to Mr. and Mrs. Val Teerlink of Ogden. She will be named Tiffany Lee Teerlink. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lester Schwaar of Ogden, and Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Teerlink of Mona. are Mr. and Mrs. E. Alton Ellertson, Mona, and Mrs. Jean Schwaar of Soquel, California. 4 The GIFTS Outlet Store THAI WITHIN DAYS 30 BY AFPOrTMENT WITH Enroloyees and Members of Their Families Not Be Awarded In Each Store Winner Need Not Be Present To Win Don't forget Mothers Day is this month. Come in and select a gift at Chapman Furniture, where everything is discounted all this month. JUAB SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION ANNOUNCES AN p uaoiyj 27 South Main Ph. 623-047- 1 i Chevrolet announces a new small car. MSyir- GALLON. Equipped with its transmission and engine, the Monza Towne Coupe has been rated by the EPA as follows.- 21 mpg in the city test, 34 mpg in the highway test . . . better than a lot of foreign cars. 2.3-litr- e - engine thrifty 2.3-litr- e single-barre- l 4.3-litr- NEW FREEDOM BATTERY. The Towne Coupe is the Chevrolet to have it. Standard. Needs no refill. first colors. The lower body comes in thirteen colors. WIDE SELECTION OF OPTIONS. Leather A is a Four. double-barre Available: a Four and a small e V8. Depending on engine selection, there are four transmissions available. 2.3-litr- FORMAL VINYL ROQFSTAN- DARD. In your pick of nine forged aluwheels, AMFM upholstery, minum stereo theyre all available. And up to you. SMALL AND S f :xM BID WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN THE MAY 15th ISSUE COERINS THE COST OF MATER DRESSY. WED. BdAY YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER S MAY 8. See it soon. We think youll fnd its both a sensibly priced car to start with, and a sensible little car to stay with. i' T - A MINIMUM There have always been dressy big Chevrolets. This is a dressy small one. Its fun to drive. Its comfortable inside. It comes with a very sensible price. AT t o minio THREE ENGINES TO CHOOSE FROM. The standard i for-Moth- er Nephi, Utah May 8, 1975 PER Eligible Prize Will Times-New- s 34 MILES available STORE MANAGER OIILY IALS AND OVERHEAD. (See information additional bid details. below for to 9 P.JKJ. 14-4:- 30 SOUTH OF TENNIS COURTS This house was built by the Vocational Carpenhy Class at the Juab High School with the exception of the cabinets, plumbing and insulation. A CHOICE OF RICHLOOKING INTERIORS Either vinyl or luxurious pattern cloth is standard. DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCTION for siding or bride veneer, main floor 1053 square feet; two bedrooms, one bath, FRAME Chevrolet makes sense for America living room, kitchen; Radiant electric heat. measurements 27 x 39. Outside WE APRECIATE THE COOPERATION OF THE FOLLOWING: WINTER LUMBER COMPANY NEPHI LUMBER COMPANY BARTON PLUMBING COMPANY SOLAR ELECTRIC INSULATION BURKE ANDERSON (cabinets) NOTICE OF BID SEALED BIDS at stated minimum or above be will received at Juab Sdiool District office. 309 Eat 00 North. Neph, Utah up until opening on June II, 1975 at 7:30p.m. Bidders ere invited to ettend. Cashier's 1 Dressy. Fun to Drive. Sensibly Priced. . . with bid. -- a- u . 'T tilt Highest offer which meets listed provisions end financing requirements will be accepted. Cashier's checks of unsuccesful bidders will be returned. Terms: wifWn feo ,aY of bid acceptance, t be moved by successful bidder by August ,5 9'5. Those interested tn bidding start te B9 terms above. - ,hr k. cS. .M H. |