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Show had as their weekend guests their daughter. Miss Norma Rale and her finance. Blaine Malmciuist of Roosevelt. NepW News Weekend guests at the home lof Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brows an& ;were their daughter, Mr. and Ilfs. Ray son-in-to- tf and their and Frankie Liddiard 'Courtney s5 iTooele. Mrs. Terry Brown was also a visitor at the Brews home. Other visitors on Sunday at the Brown home were Mr. 'Browns and brother-in-la- sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis AHert and their son Forrest o Pay son. Mr. and Mrs. LaVar Carter af Salt Lake City visited for three days last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Crane and Mayme Riches. C.eorge T. Crane of Dugwav 'spent Saturdav with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. IL C. Crane. . ; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Foote visited Saturday and Sunday with members of their family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Wendell and family at Kearns. Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Foote and family all Taylorsville. Mrs. LaVell Svedine at Rose Park, and Mcs. Ruth Wilkins at Granger. Mrs. Orlin Frehner and children Michelle. Brad and Brett of Hatch, visited over the weekend with lier mother, Mrs. Fern Francom, and with her sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ingram and with Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Stepteesson at Levan. Mrs. Leonard Belliston returned to her home recently after spending the winter months with members of her family. She visited with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Taylor of Spring-villand with Mr. and Mrs. Glade VanNosdol at Payson. e. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Starr of Huntington. Utah were visitors over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shaw. Mrs. Rheta Sperry had as her visitors on Sunday, her nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pace of Pleasant Grove. Mr. and Mr. Clarence Hansen of Nephi accompanied Kirthleen Scribner and granddaughter Shauntel of Salt Lake vacation CBy on a three-datrip recently. They visited at Page and Flagstaff. Arizona, the south rim of Grand Canyon, and Zions National Park. y Weekend guests at the home Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen were Rill Wells and chidren Ryan and Ruth, of Newberry Park. California, Kathleen Scribner and granddaughter Dawn of Salt Lake City, and Robert Wells of Sandy. rf Mr and Mrs. Harry Rowers !n mii HoImtI of Mauna vi wit!'. Mr. .md ihs. Joint K. i, Imtimiii and oilier relatives on Friday. They were in Nephi for graveside services held for Linda Whittington. ii-- f Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Steele and of Salt Lake City spent the weekend with Mrs. Ihree children Steels Mr. and Mrs. Ben Goodwin ot Salt Lake City and George Haney of Eureka visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haney on Mr. and Mrs. Norris S. Bale ? mother. Mrs. Tacy .IMaeken. Mrs. Elva Lofthouse spent the weekend in Castle Dale, Utah where she witnessed the Messing of a new grandchild, Andrew James Lofthouse, son of Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. Lofthouse. The baby was born at Price Hospital on April 13. Other grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dell Madsen of St. Louis, Missouri. are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cline of Salt Lake City. Great-grandparen- ts Mrs. Lawrence Derbidge and Vera Hellstrom of Salt Lake City were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Gowers on Sunday. The ladies are Mrs. Gowers cousins. Recent visitors at Fern Francom were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kelson of Moroni, also Mrs. Merrill Johnson and Mrs. James Swenson of Murray visited at the Francom home on the home of Mrs. Mrs. James H. Ockey and Mrs. John R. David returned to their homes recently after spending several weeks with members of their family. They visited with Captain and Mrs. Nathan B. Rigby and family at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Mrs. Rigby accompanied them to Richmond, Virginia where they were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ockey. While in Richmond, they attended sacrament meeting at the Dutch Gap Ward and witnessed the blessing and naming of the new daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ockey. She was given the name of Andrea". This past weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lunt visited in Layton with Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Dee Lunt. Drior to lcaiiig lor .the Piiiiiipmes on a work assignment. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Milton B. Lunt and family at Hunter, and with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J. Rolph. On Monday, they were guests at the home of Mrs. Oneita Fackrell in Springville. Mrs. Ernest Wilson and daughter Mrs. Dave Witt and baby were in Taylorsville on Thursday of last week to attend a family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wilson. The occasion was Bruce Wilsons birthday anniversary. Visitors last weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Winn were their and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mikkelson and daughters Becky and Mary Ann of Salt Lake City. son-in-la- Mr. and Mrs. Jay Warner and Mrs. Amy Warner were in Mona Sunday to attend sacrament meeting. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Blair Warner was blessed by his father and given the name of Paul Blair. Following the meeting, they were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Newell. Stifftlay. Saturdav guests at the home of Mrs. Fonda Earl were her and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Garth Shepherd of Salt Lake Cilv. Visitors on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Worthing were Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wort hington and children of Granger, Craig Worthington and Tony Richards, students at .1 )S Business College. They attended sacrament meeting in he Second Ward where the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Worthington was blessed and liven the name of Lori Jo. son-in-la- Brian of Lea was a visitor on Monday and Tuesday of Iasi week at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Alva A. Boston, and daughter of Airs. Brian. Mi F. V . son-in-la- Dinner guests Sunday evening at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Alva A. Boston were A. John Pack and Miss Sliyily Soulier of Salt Lake City. v;rs. .vHtm uniiMun ami mii Burl spent Sunday in Kaysville saeranu'iii They attended itiu-M- t meeting there and l he blessing and naming ot tlu new son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rosier. Following the meeting, thev were guests at a famiiv dinner at the Rosier home, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sperry and daughters Patricia and Sharon of Orem were visitors on Eva Sunday at the home of Mrs. Tuttle. Mrs. Della Durham, of Salt Fake City, spent a week and recently with her son Mr. and Mrs. daughter-in-law- . Robert L. Tolley members where of both families were present. and family. m OF COLORS I in: Dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Robertson were their and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Binnall and their daugh-lers- . Nancy and Rebecca and son Ralph of American Fork. son-in-la- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Warner were in Salt Lake City recently to visit with Gordon Wankier at the Salt Lake Airport prior to his leaving for an LDS mission in Argentina. INSURANCE FIRE AUTO HOMEOWNERS FARMOWNERS BONDS 2.00 VAPEX HOUSE PAINT Smooth spreading, long wearing Easy soap and water elean-gMany popular colors p LIFE n (KflT&IAMBERr ) Central Utah Calibrated Colors Insurance Agency SATIN LUSTER ENAMEL Tops in scrubbability, durability Walls, trim, furniture Lovely satin luster Hundreds of colors pd Ask about our Special Sunbrella 33 SOUTH MAIN NEPHI, UTAH 0,,er PLUMBING & BUILDERS SUPPLY LARRY PETERSON Agent - Broker 623-025- flpp CELLU-TON- 0 Mr. and Mrs. Alma Garrett ef Springville were visitors on Sunday at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stephenson. KitchenAid Front-Loadin- g $34995 Portables REGENCY Model Stmts KDR-6- Enjoy the convenience of a frontloading dishwasher right away. Buy it today, use it tonight. No installation needed. Published TlHiwdn ai Juab County, Utah War: dan antry id Nacft. Utafc Aillft 04Q40 Subscription: par payable in advance yatr rates on request Office: 96 South Main St. Advertising Telephone: (801) Roy E. Gibson, 3 pushbutton cycles including KNOWLEDGE Before he can become a Registered Pharmacist, your druggist must understand the composition, chemical properties, manufacture, and use of drugs, and ways of testing them. el ar Publisher and Editor ManajSr Nephi Drug Co. Mantes Beautiful 73 Dart Sport (the ConverTRIPLE). J KitchenAid Food Waste Meet the newest version of Dart our MM. FOR AGC2SSIVE AND BRIGHT YOUNG PAN TO LEARN THE ADE BUSINESS. WILL LEAD A MANAGEMENT POSITION FOR THE f O&HT PERSON. W I Grind everything, from bones to stringy vegetab Like three cars for the price of one: Dodge Dart Sport! Its a coupe. Its a sun roof convertible, with the optional sliding steel roof And it serves as a station wagon, with the optional rear seat that leaves a flat floor. fold-dow- Beautiful 73 Dodge Suueptline pickup. Again this year, what's new in pickups comes from Dodge. only the Dodge Boys offer such a full range of strong pickups from Adventurer models and the Crew Cabs to the exclusive new Dodge Club Cab (with extra cargo space inside the cab) All have independent fiont suspension. front disc brakes, and Electronic Ignition. Today, six-ma- n NEPHI. UTAH T A DIVISION OF CATALINA dealers o ' a difference in Dodge . . . h.p. Motor as low 74.9! depend 140 SOUTH MAIN STREET PHONE 23-06- KitchenAid Appliance Headquarters VISIT OUR STORE TODAY . . we have a large variety of ver nice gifts for you to please Mom on her day: Zenith TV . . Throw Rugs . Lamps . . Chairs . Appliances . . Living Room Sets . . Flowers . . Carpeting . Bed Room Sets, et on it. PAINTER MOTOR CO. Dodge AUTHORIZED CMftYSLEft A 'A n i Extra care in engineering makes t Cast stainless steel grindi elements Automatic Reversing Insulated Housing seller. APPLY AT 95 NORTH 100 WEST l Other portables from patented Soak Cycle upper rack $249.95 Hardwood cutting board top wash TriDura porcelain-on-stechamber Hydro Sweep wash action Forced air drying system y2 h.p. motor with warranty SaniGuard filter DIIIITUIC DUILI INj Concealed filldrain hoses and power cord $279.95 up Large easy rolling casters 623-CS- Vance P. Gibson, Editor and Assisted! 7 NEPHI. UTAH THE DODGE BOYS 27 South Main, Nephi Phone 6230471 |