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Show The For healthy babies, prenatal care a must healthy baby begins with a 1 healthy pregnancy, says Dr. Lvman Olsen, State Health officer, in a statement sup- porting Health Baby Week. The A , 4 Times-New- s Nephi, Utah May 10, 1973 Nephi News son-in-la- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Black had as their visitors on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Read Black and children ol Provo. On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Black and family of Salt Lake City were guests at the Harry Black hpme. annual prenatal care information program of the March of Dimes begins on Mothers Day, May 13. The drive is geared to inform all pregnant women of the importance of early and regular to medical attention, help safeguard their health and that ol the baby. Although prenatal care is especially important for high-rispregnancies, such as those where the mother is under 18 years of age or over 35, it may Its March of Dimes Healthy v A Baby Week m Citv Thursday, Friday and Saturday May 10, 1TGONE WITH ; remove many unnecessary before its born DESERVES THE VERY Blaine Walker had as her visitors on Sunday and Monday, her brother .and sister Ervin Brunson and Lavon Brunson of Cedar Mrs VENICE THEATRE k risks even in normal pregnancies, notes Dr. Olsen. Figures show that low infant birth-weigand prematurity are at least twice as common where t he mother does not see a doctor before the baby is born. During prenatal visits, the doctor can check for any conditions in the mother which might be passed along to her such as RH in- baby diabetes, toxcompatabihty, emia, or venerial disease. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Winn had as their overnight visitors on and Friday their grandsons. Max Nielson and sons Darrin and Patrick of Bountiful. 1 J 12 THE WINEN CLARK GABLE VIVIEN LEIGH Nightly:OLOR q BINE OUT, I LESLIE HOWARD OLMUelLMLLAND One Show Happy birthday to Richard Lynn Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Anderson, Nephi. Richard was one year old on May 9. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Byron Scott, and Mr. and Mrs, Lee Anderson, all of are Nephi. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Scott and Mrs. Betti Stanley, all of Nephi. II, ON MAY MICKELSONS CAFE 793 North Main - - Nephi, Utah One 5how Nlqhtl STARTS WEDNESDA- YOF BORIS PASTERNAKS DOCTOR ZHIlAGO Q q PANAVISI0N Guest Editorial METR0C010R 13 MGM Sunday, Monday and Tuesday May 13, 14 and 15 DAVID LEAN'S FILM BEST! , J , Nephi's future growth depends on housing, Chamber says Nephi is growing! Not by leaps and bounds, but gradually more and more new families are moving into our com- munity. Undoubtedly, many present members of the community have mixed reactions to this growth. Some desire things to always stay the way they are, feeling that additional growth will destroy .the advantage of small-towlife we enjoy. Others feel that growth is health and the creation of new jobs will encourage the youth to stay in town as well as provide more ' shopping conveniences with the growth of business. here elsewhere because there isnt available housing in Nephi. Ldls wake up! Lets get the people into our community! How? By making land available for housing; by selling the unused lot where the old barn stands or the lot that has the 100 year-olempty house or the pasture that youve been saving tor the horses youll never buy. d n The Chamber of Commerce, several recent sessions, has addressed itself to this problem and has reached the conclusion that the growth of Nephi is inevitable because: in ! " I I ! ; ; . ; ; a. Present businesses are expanding. b With the freeway and congestion in Utah Valley, there will be a spillover her if only for the residential advantages, c. Population of the State in general is expanding and there is a trend to return to the rural areas. This growth can be controlled or uncontrolled depending on the initiative and direction of the community. Whether we get quality families who will be a true addition to our community and businesses which will be nonpolluting and provide job opportunities and training tor out youth will depend on the decisions and actions that are made now. What can the citizens of Nephi do? Our most urgent need is in the area of housing. Several good families have either declined to come into the area oi are hn atoning to leave bocaiiM ol inadequate bousing. We cant altord to lose these people! Several jobs in the communm are occupied by men who live oKewhere and spend the tenne they make Wouldnt our community be more ' attractive with nice homes and well kept yards? These will come if they are planned for now and the property is made available. The Chamber of Commerce is willing to act as a clearing house where property and houses for sale can be listed. It is not their intention to become a real estate agent, but it is loll that a central spot could be used by both buyers and sellers to the mutual advantage ol each In order to solve this housing emergency. non-prof- it Plans are also being made by the Chamber of Commerce to sponsor a Welcome Wagon lor new families in town in order to show the friendly side ol Nephi and encourage these people to join in and be a w elcome and permanent part of our community. Lets not be apathetic and indifferent! Help plan lor the growth of our community and help to bring it about by making property and to these housing available lamiles desirous of moving here. For improving reasons. . Nautilus Club members, daughters enjoy night together The Nautilus Literary held its annual Mothers Daughters night, when it May 4, at the Nephi Fine Center. Club and met Arts LouAnn Osborn, Nadine blackett, Dona Jones and Melba Laird were in charge of the evening. a Mothers tribute was given Joan Reid and Ron by Richardson and Donnell Black-hapresented a musical , Hospital list m Patients at the Juab County Hospital as of day included: 10 a.m. Wednes- Wesley M. Christensen, Nephi Dorsey Draper, Moroni Kristy Fields, Fountain Green Terry Fonger, Levan Veldon Goble, Nephi Judy Greenhalgh, Fillmore Leah Hansen, Fountain Green Maurice Howard, Nephi Goldie Howarth, Nephi Betty Jacobson, Moroni Lillian Linton, Nephi Fvelyn Warner. Fountain Green Ina Morgan, Nephi Gary Stephenson, Nephi Betty Ann Swapp, Nephi Gayle Steele, Spanish Fork lda Pexton, Nephi Joyce Pay, Mona Dovce Oldroyd, Fountain Green Casey Newberry, Nephi Leona Mower. Fountain Green James Memmott, Scipio , program. Those present were: Melba and Helen Laird, Shirley Foote and Frieda Pahnke, LouAnn Osborn and Florence Powell, Karen and Ardell Wright, Sue Harmon and Krda Cook, Shirleen Newell and Marcella Stark, Corrine Garret and Erma Garrett, Beth Sperry and Norma Jensen, Donna Jones and Faye Malmgren, Elta Park, Joan Reid, Shirley Arnold and Monta Reid, Nadine Blackett and Irva Howard, Linda Whittington and Marie Lunt, Myrla Christensen and Virginia Christensen, Thearl Park and Edris Wall, Marilyn Park, Almina Kay, Myrleen Liddiard, Madge Allan, Phyllis and Louis Ingram, Doris Anderson, Loya Madsen, Anita Oliver, Lucille Gadd, and Verda Oliver. GIFTS THAT SAY. Tliinkof it as money i MOTHERS DAY GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR LAST MINUTE SHOPPERS: PEED BLENDERS . . . NOW ONLY 14.65 ELECTRIC KNIVES HAND MIXERS ELECTRIC CAN OPENERS BankAmcricarcP' is welcomed at hardware stores, nurseries, lumber yards, building suppliers, paint stores, automotive stores, department stores just about anywhere a might find w bat be needs. Bank.Americard is money thats there when you need it. When theres a big paint sale, for instance. Or whenever youve got a little extra time, hut you havent got the extra cash. Bank America rd also comes in TM handy when you need an accurate tax record of all your home improvements. So if you need a little help fixing up your place, use BankAmericard. Think of it as money. For your own special reasons. GOOD SELECTION OF COOKIE JARS priced from $3.00 up MANY FINE GIFTS to select from .. come in and check our gifts for Mother! Gfc jifcd tLmmbep & iff'your JRrast t. Hardware thynom w" First Security Bank First Security Bank of Utah, National Association First Security State Bank of Springville, Utah First Security Bank of Idaho, National Association First Security Bank of Rock Springs, Wyoming First Security State Bank First Security Bank of Bountiful, National Association Member F.D.I C. I i |