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Show NesW. Thurkfay, May 4, 1972 County, JJWi MM3 4uh THE For all your Propane Gas needs let us serve you better. We sell, install and service all Propane Gas Appliances. PocketlMoney nr mcimu HIUU Sunday, Monday and May 7, 8 and 9 ; Tues-da- i y, EMERGENCY SERVICE AND FUEL DELIVERY GUARANTEED R i For fuel delivery, or free esappliance installation 0 or see timate call 798-634- SHAm his name us at 751 South Main St., Spanish Fork, Utah. SHAmhbfwm SI FULL SERVICE PROPANE GAS COMPANY JtEPTiMil nrxoru METROCOLOR SUMMER CARNIVAL hVf v : fevv( ' x 4 , X ? a f . r a' : 1 J? r Av (: 1 A 1 K V - jt ' , Vi- V Vesiein Safety' Rules Hats The power lawn mower makes home ownership more enjoyable each summer in helping to keep the yard at the homestead in top shape. But the Utah Safety Council warns that are potentialhighly popular ly hazardous if precautions are not taken. Although the power driven reel mower has taken its toll, the less expensive and more popular rotary type is the chief offender. The rotary blade, whirling up to 3,600 revolutions per minute, is as potentially lethal as a power saw and should be handled accordingly The Utah Safety Council makes these suggestions to help home owners cope with power mowers: Before starting, clear the lawn of all debris. A power mower can propel objects at speeds up to 170 miles per hour. When starting the engine, stand firmly with feet away from the blade. Know the controls, and make certain mokers are not in that STETSON RESISTOL BAILEY AMERICAN time-save- DOBBS Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dailey, who have been elected as senate representatives of their respective colleges at Utah State University. Seate representatives serve on the Associated Student Executive CounclL Mr. Dailey is gear. IAy .v tZaHchuear offers 'Mower May 4, 5 and 6 Thursday, Friday. Saturday . 9PS99SB8SS8SS8SS2S8SSSei Safety Council VENICE THEATRE . Mow only when the grass is dry. Many toes are amputated or mangled each year when feet slip under the blade housing. Keep away from moving parts Wait a moment or two after shutting off the engine to be certain the blades or rotor have stopped. Wear shoes. Bare feet and sandals offer no protection and ordinary house d shoes only a little safety shoes to much to thwart the blades cutting action The proper technique on slopes Is to mow sideways as in countour farming Stop the engine whenever you leave the mower. Children and young teenagers should never be allowed to operate power mowers. Keep children away. More than one child has been killed by a piece of wire, bottle or other debris propelled by a whirling rotor blade. Do not refuel while the motor is running or even while the engine is hot Always refill out or doors where gasoline vapors can escape into the air. Before cleaning or to make adjustments, stop the engine and always disengage the sparkplug wire These simple precautions, if observed, would prevent many summertime accidents involving the lawn mower. Haste makes waste, the Council warns, and waste in this instance is someone being injured. Looking for a tall flower to use among shrubs or as a background for other blossoms? This years hollyhock named Summer Carnival fills the need. It will bloom the first year if seeds are sown early, grows to 5 or 6 feet in height and about a foot to 2 feet of this length will be in flower at one time! The blossoms are classed as "double but theyre a different kind of double. Around the edge of each 4 inch bloom is a single row of flattish guard Inside these, somepetals. times leaving only half an inch of the guard petals showing, is a crest of wavy, ruffled petals. The whole flower closely resembles the pompon on a French sailors beret. Summer Carnival is a strain which includes many colors. Thus youll have blooms of scarlet, deep rose, rose, pink, WE SUPPLY YOU THE a graduate of Juab High School and served as state president of the Future Farmers of America. He is majoring In agriculture education. Mrs. Dailey is the former Sue Jorgensen of Gunnison. She Is majoring In home economics. She is senate representative from the college of family life. Q of Springville is the new president of the Nebo First District, Utah Federation of Womens Clubs. Mrs. Johnson was elected at a recent convention held at Fillmore. She succeeds Mrs. Max L. Orme of Nephi in the position. Mrs. Orme has served for the past two years. Other officers named at the convention include Mrs. Ivan Carlson, Spanish Fork, first vice president; Mrs. Kenneth Day, Fillmore, second vice president; Mrs. Sterling Ballard, Payson, recording secretary; Mrs. Blaine P. Clyde, Springville, treasurer; Mrs. Lynn Pendleton, Spanish Fork, auditor and Mrs. Boyd Jenkins, Spanish Fork, historian. Mrs. Roy D. Johnson 0 GREENWOODS Slides of Armstrong Nursery roses were shown at the Senior Citizens Center last Wednesday. Members also enjoyed playing bingo during the afternoon. Refreshments were served to 39 by Mrs. Eudora Bowers, assisted by Mrs. Senior Citizens express Lola Morgan. X First and Second their thanks of two benches Wards fo to the C nd Mrs. Wallace Park are ne!memoers of the group. May 10, 1970 Dodge Pickup $2495 1969 Air dinner will Weather Report NEPHI STATION Juab Hospital Patient List Patients at the Juab County Hospital as of 10 a.m. Wednesday included the following: H. Ray Francom, Levan Elda Williams, Nephi Owen Peeiy, Salt Lake City Lois Nelson, Nephi Sherri Ross, daughter of Bertha Ross, Nephi Joye Shell, Payson Maxine Zabriskie, Mt Pleasant - . - Retail 4Sp. $21 95 NOW $2295 $2695 - Retails $2895 $2500 THIS WEEKEND 1966 CHEVROLET 34 Ion pickup mere, on easier way 6, 1972 Coupons Good Until May 6, 1972 riiPJTiiiffljoov - Join the thousands who have kicked the cigarette habit. Ask your local Heart Association for the free booklet "How to Stop Smoking." Do it today 1971 1970 RANCHO TRAILER CAMPSTAR TRA1LE- 1695 -- NOW R- -- NOW $1095 GREENWOOD'S A public service message from your Heart Association 740 North Main Nephi, Utah Contributed by the Publisher ill P TH lC0uOX AYS - THIS COUPON WORTH i - Keg, 29C Each Toward the Purchase of TOMATO PIN CUSHIONS Coupons Good Until May 6, 1972 THIS COUPON WORTH W TOWARD Tilt THIS COUPON WORTH PURCHASE OF A NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE On One Can of Clip and Present Cotton for a Demonstration and Receive a FREE CORDLESS ELECTRIC SCISSORS , 5QpJlr Reg. 43? A Can I5 Ko Obligation SEWING MACHINE OIL Jt'.- - ' Coupons Good Until May 6, 1972 Offer Good until May 6, 1972 . K'S THIS COUPON WORTH 5) fcj SEWIHG MACHINE CENTER Bet. IX Coupons Good Until May 6, 1972 9'2 ft. Regular retail at $2249 aiuiiariiisnioiiRox . BOBBINS 595 4-s- p. Regular $1395 THIS COUPOMJVORTH Towards file Purchase of 34 1968 CHEVROLET V2 to Pickup, Green and White V8 Reg. $1 795 NOW 1 SEWING MACHINE OILING AND CLEANING WITH USE OF ANY .3 COUPONS 25 HICC $1095 1895 THIS COUPON WORTH Toward the Fur chase of Any Standard Sewing Machine IJCC Reg. 10 All Makes for I1.QG ,, Retails 1295 Special yl. ton, 292 six Auto, trans., air cond. Lists $2395 NOW to quit FREE 4nJPiTIILKItOQJLY; 6-c- 1969 CHEVROLET - Coupons Good Until May We Are Here to Serve PICKUP, V8 SPECIAL Q!)PKI THIS COUPON WORTH A DOZEN 12 ton 1970 ElCamino SS396 292 Students of the Mt. Nebo Center were surprised during a routine fire drill on Tuesday. As the students came out of the doors they saw the Nephi fire truck and three firemen. Fire Chief Harold Parkin and Firemen Boyd Park and Dean Worthington were there to explain about the truck and equipment, and demonstrated the high pressure hose. BALL POINT NEEDLES fjcphi Drug Company 195 --$2- $2395 Cond-R- eg. 1970 ElCamino Firemen Visit Special School Toward the Purchase of PHARMACEUTICALS can become stale drugs and ineffective. We stock fresh, full potency drugs so that you get the full benefit your doctor expects when he prescribes for you. You wouldn't use stale, useless eggs! Get fress, full potency pharmaceuticals every prescription . . not useless bargain drugs at bargain prices. Remember, it's HEALTH you'e buying! CHEVROLET for ed A marriage license was Issued by the Juab County Clerk on April 26 to Allen Dwain Johnson, Payson and Ava Jean Jackman, Levan. - - V8 Auto. Retails CIAL The Mozart Larson orchestra will give a Mothers day program. Licenses NEPHI IN 1970 CHEVROLET PICKUP, CSTV8 4 Speed 22000 mi. Retail 2795 Special $2595 News of the Senior Citizens On Wednesday, PneE:i0p? SAVE A LOT OF CASH THIS WEEKEND AT be served at the Juab District Elementary School at 1:30 pjn., at 50c per plate. Reg, 5 for .69? uBdSddDsBdq Spanish Fork Lady President Steel-tippe- Marriaae Stately 5 to 6 foot high plants with lush green, lobed leaves flowers in great quantity. Some, bear these delightful pompon-lik- e times a foot to 2 feet of stem is in bloom at one time. PageFouf 65 South Main - Nephi, 1 fcr the rice of 1 y On Any Sewing Machine LIGHT GLOBES Utah 'XT 773 Coupons Good Until Maj 6. 197 |