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Show Universal Microfilming Corp. Box Salt 4-ye- &U0 MT. HEBO FFA TEAMS RATE Mammoth Resident Files for ' 2608 Lako City, Utah WELL IN NATIONAL LAND CONTESTS IN OKLAHOMA ar Two teams from the Mt. Nebo Chapter of Future Farmers of America attained national ranking in the International Land, Range and Pasture contests held at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma last week. The land judging team composed of E. Steele McIntyre of Mammoth is the first and only individual yet to file for Rodney Shepherd. Tracy Olsen, Mike Baxter and Brent Dailey placed ninth in the two Juab County Commissioner posts the nation. There were more than 30 which will be decided in the 1972 electstates and approximately 70 teams parions. Mr. McIntyre filed Monday for the four-yea- r ticipating in the land judging. Republican Commissioner The range and pasture judging team post Juab County Clerk Earl Warner stated composed of Gordon Young, Mark Green-halg- h and Chris Neilsen placed 15th in Wednesday that deadline for filing is the two-yea- r nation and they were first place 10 5 One at p.m. Wednesday, May team in the western region. and one four-yea- r commission positions are to be filled in the November Jay Dailey, chapter advisor and team coach, entered the adult division in land election. Terms of Alton S. Gadd and R. Theo Westring will expire at the ' judging and placed seventh in a group of 76 adults entered. end of the current year. Both are DemRonald Daley, son of Jay Dailey, fur-- , ocrats. nished his car to transport three of the Richard G. Foote, Republican, was elected in 1970 for a four year term. boys and helped in supervision of the teams. Mrs. Jay Dailey and Mrs. Ronald Dailey also accompanied the group. The boys stated that they recommend Relief Society Social Set others to study and place in state com-- ; petition so that they can make trips in For Saturday Evening the future. Commission Post Miss Marjorie Painter, center, wears the tiara of Miss Nephil972. At- - tendants are Miss Janet Greenwood, left and Miss Ellen Beliiston. Marjorie Painter Honored With Sunrise, Sunset from Fiddler on the Roof, as the theme of her coronation, Miss Marjorie Painter accepted the crown of Miss Nephi, 1972, at the annual Miss Nephi contest held Saturday evening. Marjorie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Painter. Chosen to reign with her were Misses Janet Greenwood and Ellen Beliiston. Miss Greenwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Greenwood is first attendant and Miss Beliiston, daughter of Mrs. Naomi Beliston, is second attendant Janet Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Beliiston, was named as alternate. The royalty was chosen from a group of seven girls. They were judged on beauty, poise, their response to a question, and their talent Miss Painter gave a narrated slide show entitled Happiness Is . . for her talent Janet did the Charleston dance, and Ellen gave an original poem about what sewing means to her and displayed some articles she had sewn. Cary Peterson was the master of ceremonies and sang the theme song. Mayor Elden C. Sherwood welcomed all to the contest, and later presented each of the contestants with "a token of appreciation from the Lions Club. The roy-alt- o also received trophies from the Jaycees, presented by Vard White; gift certificates from Dotties Fashions; flowers from the Federated Womens Clubs; savings bonds from the Chamber of Commerce, presented by Edward Wor-wooand a free portrait from Photography by Montague. Members of the 1971 royalty who crowned this years winners were Becky Pay and her attendant, Mary Lou Weth-erel- l. d; William Dean Howells said: A man never sees ail that hi9 mother has been to him till it is too late to let her know that he sees it All Relief Society ladies of the stake are invited to attend a special Spring Social to be held at the Juab Stake House on Saturday evening, May 6, at 7:30 p.m. A film will be shown and a short pqrogram presented, followed by Mrs. Blanch B. Brough, refreshments. Stake Relief Society president, urges all of the ladies to come out and enjoy the evening. Three from Nephi on SUSC Quarter Honor Roll reg In great emergencies, there are no strangers! reg Way back in 1965, in the Warps Yuletide Greetings this gem was published. Warps is the company which makes the outstanding plastic material for covering windows and doors in the winter to keep out extra breezes. It has been the privilege of this newspaper to carry Warps advertising for several winters. This gem is entitled The Suare and was written by Charles H. Brower: Another of the good old Square! words has gone the way of love, and modesty, and patriotism. Something to be laughed at. Why, it used to be that there was no higher compliment you could pay a man than to call him Thead-man- s proma square-shooteise of a square deal once was as binding as an oath on the Bible. But today, a square is a guy who volunteers when he doesnt have to. Hes a guy who gets his kicks from trying to do a job better than anyone else. Hes a boob who gets so lost in his work, he has to be reminded to go home. He hasnt learned to cut comers or goof off. This nut we call a square gets all choked up when he hears children singing My Country Tis of Thee. He even believes in God, and says so in public. Some of the old squares were Patrick Henry, George Washington and Ben Franklin. Some of the new squares are Glen, Grisson, Sheppard, Cooper and Young. John Glenn says he gets a funny feeling down inside when he sees the flag go by; says hes proud he belonged to the Boy Scouts and the YMCA. How square can you get? A square is a guy who lives within his means; and thinks his Uncle Sam should too. A square gets his books out of the library. He tell his son its more 234566 .... 66 . important tplafoya important to play fair than to win. Just imagine! A square is a guy who reads the scriptures when nobodys listening. He believes in honoring Mother and Father, and Do Unto Others, and that kind of stuff. He thinks he knows more more knows about car than his teen-agfreedom and curfew. So, will all of you who answer this description please stand up, and be You squares who turn the counted. wheels, and dig up the fields, and move mountains, and put rivets in our dreams; you squares who dignify the human race; you squares who hold the thankless world in place. reg George Bernard Shaw, who in his day had known some pretty snooty people, once said that Teh worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be Indifferent to them! r. Utah Federated Clubs Spring Convention Planned The spring convention of the Utah Federated Womens Clubs will be held May 4, 5 and 6 at Hotel Utah in Salt Lake City, with Mrs. John D. Long, state president, in charge. The convention will open Thursday evening with a variety show at 6:30 p. m. Each district will present a skit The Mt. Nebo First District skit will be on The Safety Bug under the direction of Mrs. Max L. Orme, Nebo First District President. Friday mornings prayer breakfast will be at 7:30 a.m. and Elder Marion D. Hanks will be the featured speaker. Also speaking at the breakfast will be Marilyn Van Derbur, former Miss America, and Mrs. Harry Wagner Jr., recording secretary of the General Federation of Womens Clubs. There also will be a Friday afternoon general session and an awards banquet on Friday evening at 7 oclock. Polls for nomination of officers will be opened on Friday from 3 to 5 p.m., Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., with the election taking place at the Saturday afternoon general session. Saturday sessions will be at 9:30 a.m. and 12 noon. Son of Levan Lady Named Branch President in Montana Terry Christensen, son of Mrs. Lyman Christensen of Levan, Sunday was sustained as branch president of the Browning Branch at Browning, Montana, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints. Mr. Christensen is a graduate of the Brigham Young University, and served a mission in Florida. Richfield Senator to Seek ar Term from Area Richfield Senator Kendrick H. Harward, Richfield Republican, has announced that he will seek a four-yeterm in the Utah State Senate representing the counies of Sevier, Piute, Wayne, Sanpete, Millard and Juab. Sen. Harward who is completing eight two terms which years in the senate have been cut short by reapportionment is currently representing Sevier, Wayne, Garfield, Piute counties. Sen. Harward currently is chairman of the Revenue and Taxation Committee and is a member of the Appropriations Committee, chairman of the on Transportation and Public He also is a member of the Safety. Income Tax Revision committee. I feel we need to look for ways and means of keeping property taxes down, Sen. Harward said in making his announcement for the Senatorial term. I feel that the revenue sharing plan by the federal government would provide an -opportunity to receive some of the federal income tax monies, which should be available and used by local governments. The senator also pledged to continue to be a representative senator to all the counties within the district and to work toward a common goal of better representation in the senate from the rural areas of southern and central Utah. ar San-Jua- ' er Miss Gail Memmott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Memmott of Nephi who will receive an Associate degree at Ricks College commencement exercises on May 5 and 6. Miss Memmott completed her work at Ricks College in August and has since been attending the Utah Tech-nic- al College at Provo. n, of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Worwood, and Miss Mickclson is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay C Mickeison. Bcvan Orme, activities manager fornext year, was unable to meet picture appointment because of a tennis match. Election was held on y T-of last week. Photo 3. n, Fri-da- N Conference Dates Set Juab Stake Quarterly Conference will be held on Saturday evening and Sunday, May 13 and 14, according to an announcement this week by President Golden R. Mangelson. President Mangelson stated that there will be no visitor representing the general authorities, and that several matters of business will be taken care of in addition to a program. All members of the stake are invited to attend this conference, President Mangelson indicated. Anniversary Date , - In observance of the golden anniver-th- e occasion of his 80th birthday anni-sar- y of the organization of the Nephi Kiwanis Club, club members and wives enjoyed an anniversary banquet on April 26 at Rays Cafe. The Nephi club was organized in 1922, just eight years after Kiwanis International was organized. President Sheri Ferre conducted the meeting, with Cary Peterson in charge of the program. Max Thomas of Spanish Fork, a past president of the Kiwanis Club of Nephi, and vice president of First Security Bank of Utah, was guest speaker. Mr. Thomas is in charge of the Southern Division of First Security. He spoke on The Farmer and the Consuming Public. Other special guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gibson of Pleasant Grove, and C. Wilson Glazier of Nephi. Mr. Gibson and Mr. Glazier were charter members of the club. Recently installed members of the Kiwanis Club of Nephi are Jay Bowles, Dr: Nelson L. Jones, Ned Worthington and Douglas Marrott Nephi Couple Await Honors Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stanley, lifelong residents of Nephi, will be honored on their golden wedding anniversary on May 7 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Bowles, 182 West 400 South, Springville. Friends and relatives are invited to call between 2 and 4 p.m. Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley were married May 3, 1922 at Salt Lake City. Their children are Max Norton of Preston, Idaho; Blaine Norton of Provo and Mrs. Charles R. (Melvina Stanley) Bowles of Springville. Also among their posterity are 19 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren. A no gifts, please request has been made by the couple. Kenrick H. Harward PAXMAN, center, newly elected president of the Juab High School student body, for the school David is son of Presiyear 1972-7dent and Mrs. Vaughn J. Paxrnan, Left is Tony Worwood, vice president elect, and at right is Margo Mickel-sosecretary-elec- t. Tony is son Nephi Kiwanians Note Club's 50th ' Three students from the Nephi area have gained honor roll status at the Southern Utah State College at Cedar City, according to information received this week from the schools public information office. Among the students in the 3.6 to 3.94 grade point rating are Marilyn June Stowell Shirts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Stowell; James William Shaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shaw and Debra Park, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Park. DAVID Wildlife Group Tons in State The East Juab Wildlife Federation of Nephi was selected as the most outstandat ing wildlife club in Utah for 1971-7- 2 the annual convention of the Utah Wildlife Federation held at Richfield April 28, 29 and 30. A beautiful trophy was presented to the club by the Utah Federation for the high honor. The clubs record book of projects will be presented for judging at the national convention later this year. Club officers stated that without the help of local people on the reseeding project and the Burraston pond project it would not have been possible for the organization to win this honor, and therefore the honor is shared by the entire community. Othel Pay received an award for outstanding service to the Wildlife Federation for 1971-7He is state representative to the National Wildlife Federation and has been active with the Federation for more than 25 years. Russell Morgan served as president of the organization during 1971, and Norman Anderson currently is president Everett Thomson, in the photo right is director of the organization with LaVoy Boswell as secretary. Doris Jensen Haycock fully-outlin- Services Saturday For Mrs. Haycock Doris Jensen Haycock, 52, died May natural causes, following a long illness. She was wife of Alma Haycock of Nephi. 2 of Funeral services will be held Saturday a 1 p.m. at the Juab Stake House, with Bishop R. Clark Green-halg- h of the Nephi Second Ward presiding. Friends may call at Anderson Funeral Home Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday from II a.m. until time of services. Mrs. Haycock was bom November 15, at Moroni, to William Lesley and Anna Marie Johnson Jensen. She was married to G. Alma Haycock July 30, 1937 at Nephi, the marriage later being solemnized at the Manti Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints. She was a member of the Nephi Second Ward where she taught in MIA and also served as a visiting teacher in the Relief Society. She is survived by her husband, G. Alma Haycock of Nephi; four daughters: Mrs. Robert J. (Myrna) Houghton of Magna; Mrs. Neil B. (Dianna) Kendall, Mrs. Charles H. (Phyllis) Parkin and Carole Haycock, all of Nephi. Also surviving are eight grandchildren! her father, William Lesley Jensen, Denver, Colorado; her stepfather, Monroe W. Wilkinson, Salt Lake City; two brothers and three sisters: Elmo W. Jensen, Ephraim; Eugene L. Jensen, California; Mrs. Ewell Mrs. Hal (Mary) Anderson, Hunter; (Venita) Kartchner, Salt Lake City; and Mrs. Carl (Dorothy) Corbin, Salt Lake City. Burial at the Vine Bluff cemetery will be directed by Anderson Funeral Home. 1919 J. Ivan Tew Honored on 80th Birthday Anniversary J. Ivan Tew was honored recently on the occasion of his 80t hbirthday anniRelatives and friends called versary. at his home on April 25. Mr. and Mrs. Munro Pexton presented him with a beautiful birthday cake and delicious punch. In the evening he was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Christensen. Those of his children unable to visit with him in person talked to him by telephone. Mr. Tew was bom April 25, 1892 at Springville, and married LaVell Ockey of Nephi in 1918. He has been active in many capacities in the LDS church, serving as Bishop of the Nephi Fourth Ward for almost six years. He also served several years as a Juab Stake High Councilman. Members of the family have expressed appreciation to those who honored him on the recent occasion. . 2. Norman Anderson, center holds trophy awarded to East Juab Wildlife Federation as the top organization in the state Othel Pay, left of center, for 1971-7with the plauqe awarded him in appreciation of his service to the state organ 2. ization. Others in photo are Russell Morgan, left, immediate past president of the Wildlife Federation, Everett Thomson, director and LaVoy Boswell, secretary. Plaque and trophy were awarded T-at state meet at Richfield. Photo N |