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Show uab Conwfy, Utah 84M3 Neflhi, NOW is the time j to get your equip- ment ready for spring and summer . . . PALFREYMAN ENTERPRISES Machine Shop Welding Complete overhaul and repairing of AUTO, TRUCK, TRACTOR, all farm equipment, industrial and Phone 623-005- 6 45 South Main Nephi Krrrafigrr: T7 C GREAT LAKES AIRLINE LEISUREHOME and ALTA MOBLE HOMES SWINGER - MINI AND CABANA MOTOR HOMES Double Wide Mobile Homes 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms Prices start at $7,995.00 Also a full line of 12, J4 wide Mobile homes. prices start at $5,195.00. prices sfart $6,395 12-wi- de e, BRASHERS MOBILE AND MOTOR HOMES, Inc. 3371 South State Street Phone 466-550-1 2085 West North Temple Phone 359-7862 1 Tlwrday, Mkf A Jjc ,1972 r Page THwf Nephi Local and Social News LEGAL NOTICES Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T. Steele and family of Salt Lake City spent Saturday with Mrs. Tacy Bracken. Mrs. Elva Lofthouse of Nephi, Mrs. Deon Murlock and son Todd of Layton visited last Tuesday and Wednesday with Dr. and Mrs. Larry Lofthouse at Castle Dale. Mrs. Roy Greenhalgh of Nephi; and her sisters: Miss June Heelis, Mrs. Alden Neff and Mrs. Gordon Heelis, all of were in Salt Lake City recently where they attended a luncheon at the Hotel Utah honoring their sister, Mrs. Lola Bradley, on her birthday anniversary. The occasion also was Mrs. Bradleys wedding anniversary. Other guests at the lucheon were a niece, Mrs. Wayne Larson and son Shayne; and Mrs. Bradleys daughter, Mrs. Floyd Price of Salt Lake City. Robert Ingram left for his home in San Diego Friday after visiting for a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo While here he accompanied Ingram. his parents on a short scenic trip through the Moab area. San-taqui- n, Visitors Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Ostler were their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Vickery and son Jimmy of Springville. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jenkins had as their guests on Monday of this week, a Robnephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. ert Davis. Mr. Davis has recently been released from the service after having been stationed in Germany. They also visited with Mrs. Floy Allen. and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jenkins were Sundaughter Donna of Midvale Mr. and of home the at visitors day Mn FlnvH Jenkins. Mrs. Jennie Lowry and daughter Michelle of Manti were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Lowrys brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greenhalgh. Mrs. Lowry reported that her daughter, Charlotte Anna, was chosen as Miss Manti last week. Mrs. Inez Fowkes and Mrs. Ina Douglas left for their homes in California on Monday of this week after spending ten days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George G. Howarth. Mrs. Viola Ockey and Mrs. Lavem Worthington were in Payson Saturday evening to attend a concert presented by the Ladies LaNesta Chorus and the male chorus Coraliers combined and un der the direction of J. D. Christensen. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gean Worthington of Payson. Mrs. Worthington (Nelda) is a member of the LaNesta chorus. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nyman and baby of Springville were visitors on Monday of this week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nyman. Mr. and Mrs Arthur G. Ostler of Neof Lephi, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Taylor of Ostler Nephi Mrs. and Mr. Larry van, visited in Springville Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Vickery. The occasion was Mrs. Vickerys birthday anniversary. Visitors for several days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Memmott were their son and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Memmott and family of Great Falls, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lunt spent Sunday in Draper with their son and daugher in law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lunt and family, and attended sacrament meeting there in the evening. Miss Gail Memmott, a student at the Utah Technoical College at Provo, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Memmott Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Toolson of Clearfield and Mrs. Kathryn Finch of Payson visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan. Visitors on Sunday at the home f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lunt were their son and daughter In law, Mr. and Mrs. Farrell D. Lunt and family, and a friend. Miss Myrtle Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rolph and family of Salt Lake City, also visited at the Lunt home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lunt were in Springville Saturday to attend a family gathering at the home of their son In law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Fackrell. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Farrell D. Lunt and family, Mrs. Angela Weston and son Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Weston and family, all of Ogden; Miss Myrtle Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. John Rankin of Provo; and Mrs. Farrell Lunt's sister, Linda, her husband and family of Salt Lake City. New Babies . . . Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bosh announce the birth of twin daughters on April 26 at the Utah Valley Hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hiatt of St George and Mrs. Hazel Boeh of NephL Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lewis (Carol Nyman) of Salt Lake City announce the birth of a son on May 1 at the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nyman of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis of Kamas. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Orvin Nyman of Logan. NOTICE OF FINAL TAX SALE Notice is herby given that on Wednesday, the 24th day of May, 1972, at ten o'clock a.m. at the front door of the County in Juab Courthouse Nephi, County, Utah, I will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash, pursuant to the provisions of Utah Code Section Annotated 1953, the following described real estate situate in said county and now held by it under preliminary tax sale. No bid for less than the total amount of taxes, interest, penalties and costs which are a charge upon such real estate will be accepted. District described as follows. Beg. at SW. comer of the; surface area, from which pt. the U. S. Mineral Monument No. 2 bears S. 10 30 W. 573.9 ft., th. around the bdy. of said surface area N. 1415 80 ft., S. 75 45 R 50 ft., SL 14 15 W. 80 ft., N. 75 45 W. 50 ft to beg. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Rozella R. Nellsen, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Mona, Utah on or before the 14th day of July, A. D. 1972; claims must be pre-sented In accordance with the Utah Code provisions of Annotated 53, and with proper verification as required therein. C. Milton Nellsen, 7 Tax Sale No. Joseph Administrator of the L. Walburg Lot 13, Blk D, Estate of Rozella R. Cowan's Add., Mammoth City Nellsen, Deceased Survey. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Dates of publication: April 13, official seal this 20th day of 20, 27 and May 4, 1972 In The I Times-NewNephL Utah April, 1972 E. 75-9-- 158-196- EARL L - WARNER Juab County Clerk All property here offered for sale and which has not been stricken off to a private purchas- er is hereby stricken off and sold to the County of Juab, and I hereby declare the fee simple title of said property to be vested in said county. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Ivol S. White, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at NephL Utah on or before the 14th day of July, A. D. 1972; claims must be presented in accordance with Utah the provisions of Code Annotated 1953, and with Dates of publication: April 27, proper verification as required therein. May 4, 11 and 18, 1972 in The Times-NewNephi, Utah. Eugenia R White, Administratrix of the Estate of Ivol S. White, Deceased. TtOBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. Ceasalt Dates of April 13, County Clerk er respective 20. 27 andpublication:1972 in Hie 4, May fer additional Infer signers Times-NewUtah Nephi, mation. (Seal) V. M. and Tax Sale No. Undivided Gertrude Foote: V interest In following: Beg. 6 rds. 9 Iks. W. of SR comer of Lot 1, Blk. 28, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. N. 6 rds., W. 20 ft, S. 6V4 rds., R 20 ft to beg. Subject to R. of W. Mabel S. Tax Sale No. Golden - Beg. 95.4 ft S. of the NW. cor. of Lot 3, Blk. 19, Plat B, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. S. 60 ft, th. R 134.5 ft, th. N. 60 ft., th. W. 134.5 ft to place of beg. 25-19- , 75-9-- 5, s, Reuel F. Tax Sale No Jacobsen, N. M. Jansen of the NE. , NOTICE TO CREDITORS The NW. the NR 14 of the NW. 14 of Estate of Nellie Orme, de- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Helen N. NewelL Sec. 32, T. 13 S., R. 4 W., ceased. Creditors will present Creditors will present S.RM. Cont 80 acres. claims with vouchers to the deceased. claims with vouchers to the at the law office undersigned Tax Sale No. George of Milton T. Harmon, P. O. Box undersigned at Mona, Utah on or before the 14th day of July, the NW, at Beg. Foreey 97, 53 North Main Street Necorner of Lot 3, Blk. 1, Plat phL Utah 84648, on or before A. D. 1972; claims must be A, Eureka City Survey, th. N. the 14th day of July, A. D. presented in accordance with Utah 66 27 R 37.76 ft, th. S. 1972; claims must be presented the provisions of 25 35 R 223.51 ft, th. S. in accordance with the pro- Code Annotated 1953, and with verification as required 59 44 W. 107.9 ft, th. N. visions of Utah Code proper 16 48 W. 77.25 ft, th. N. Annotated 1953, and with prop- therein. M. Claris NewelL 5 26 W. 62.65 ft, th. N. er verification as required Administrator of the 65 57 R 23.12 ft, th. N. therein. estate of Helen N. 24 08 W. 69.56 ft, th. N, Newell, Deceased Betty Sue Harmon 5 26 W. 31.65 ft .to beg. Administratrix of the Estate of Nellie Orme, Dates of publication: April 13, Howard Tax Sale No. 20, 27 and May 4, 1972 In The Deceased. ft Lena Greenhalgh, Joint Times-NewNephL Utah All of Lot 8, Blk. Tenants of Dates 13, April 6, Plat A, Eureka City Survey, 20, 27 andpublication: May 4. 1972 in The So says the and that part of Lot 7, Blk. 6, Times-NewNephi, Utah Plat A, Eureka City Survey, Com at NW. comer of said Lot 7, th. N. 54 34 R 48 JpgPpouS'-th. SR 98.9 ft about 42 CALL FOR BIDS ft, from offerIs District School Juab of said ft 7 andSW. comer Lots 8, th. 42 ft M. or ing for sale: One 1957 GMC L., S. 54 32 W. to SW. cor- school bus. The bus will be sold ner of said Lots 7 and 8, th. as is, and may be inspected at N. 3807 W. 98.95 ft to beg. Parkin Motor Co., Nephi, Utah. Sale will be by bid. Bids will 7 John be accepted at the District OfTax Sale No. Lot 13, of Sub. of fice until 4 Boss May 11, 1972. Lot 19, Blk. 5, Plat B, Eureka Bids will bepjn. opened 8:00 p.m. City Survey. May 11, 1972. JUAB SCHOOL DISTRICT 7 Robert Tax Sale No. M. Clark NewelL EsAdministrator of Laird, Clerk. tate of Matt Rauhala Beg. 33 ft W. of NE. comer of Far infonmtioN. contact Hit nremf VA office (check your phene book) or write Veterans Mmiakwuoa. Lot 10, Blk. 6, Plat B, Eureka Dates of publication: April 27, 2J2X. 810 Vermont Am . NW, Washmgloo. D C. 20620 City Survey, th. Wly along and May 4, 1972. N. bdy. line 42 ft, Sly 85 ft to S. line, Ely along S. line NOTICE OF DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT WORK 42 ft. My. 68 ft to beg. P. O. Box 276 Delta Utah Hamilton TO: Wanda Spor, now Wanda Spor Harris, the Administratrix Tax Sale No. Laird All of Lots 22 and 23, of the estate of George A. Spor, Deceased; Wanda Spor, Blk. 8, Plat B, Eureka City now Wanda Spor Harris, wife of said George A. Spor, Deceased ,at the time of hisdeath; George I. Spor, son Survey. of George A. Spor, Deceased; Jerry Spor, son of George Hamilton Tax Sale No. A. Spor, Deceased; Glen Spor, son of George A. Spor, Com. at the most Laird Deceased; Myrtle Spor, daughter of George A. Spor, DeDarlene Spor, daughter of George A. Spor, Nly. pt of Lot 22, Blk. 8, ceased; Plat B, Eureka City Survey, Deceased; and Helen Spor, daughter of George A. Spor, which pt is on the Ely. side Deceased. line of North Extension Zulu, You, and each of you, who are collectively the owners of an d Valley & Ridge Mining Claim, undivided (13) interest in the lode mining claims hereU. S. Lot 231 th. S. 526 R inafter described, are hereby notified that we have expended dur68.2 ft., th. N. 25 30 W. 96 ing the years 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970 and 1971 at least ft, th. N. 488 E. 24.5 ft., th. one hundred dollars ($100.00) in labor and improvements upon or S. 25" 30 E. 38.7 ft. to beg. upon certain of said claims for the benefit of each of the following Otherwise known as Lot 11 Blk. 1, Plat E, Eureka City Survey. 71-19- s, 78-19- 75-9-- 5, 75-9-- 5, 88-19- s, WUSEK s, g 118-196- 127-196- 131-19- 144-19- one-thir- Tax Sale No. Laird side line ft 145-19- Com. at S. 5 26 a Hamilton on E. pt & R 385.07 Name of Claim dist from comer number 9, North Extension Zulu, Val & Ridge Mining Claim, U. S. Lot 231, th. S. 526' R 5.11 ft, th. N. 2530 W. 5 ft, th. N. 25 30 W. 5 ft Floride 5 th. N. 75 21 R 1.7 ft to beg Also com. at a pt on R side line which bears S. 5r 26 R 6 342.14 ft dist from comer number 9, North Extension Zulu, Valley & Ridge Mining Claim, U. S. Lot 231, th. S. 5 26 R 42.93 ft, thh. S. 73 21 W. 1.7 ft, th. N. 25 30 W. 38.7 ft, th. N. 4808 E. 14.2 ft .to beg. Otherwise known as Lot 12, Blk. 1, Plat R, Eureka City Survey. ley 7 Tax Sale No. George Beg. at a pt on R Forsey side line of North Extension Zulu, Valley & Ridge Mining Claim, U. S. Lot 231, at Junction with S. side bdy. line of Main SL which bears N. 5 26 W. 956.3 ft from comer of said lot, th. S. 5 26 R 31.65 ft along S. Jne, th. N. 24 8 W. 30.8 ft., th. N. 66 27 R 10.15 ft to beg. Otherwise known as Lot 21, Blk: 3, Plat R Eureka City Survey. 149-196- VALLEY BUILDERS 210 West Center SL Nephi Utah CHAPMAN FURNITURE 27 South Main St. Nephi, Utah NEPHI LUMBER 55 West Second North Nephi, Utah situated in Sections 2 and 3, Township 13 South, Range 12 West, Salt Lake Base & Meridian, and situated on Spor Mountain, in Unorganized Mining District, County of Juab, State of Utah, the Original Notices of Location, Amended Notices of Location, and Second Amended Notices of Location, certificates of which are found in the Books and Pages in the Office of the Recorder of said Juab County as above set forth, in order to hold said claims under the provisions of Section 2324, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, being the amount required to hold said lodes for each of the seven years above mentioned the seven year period ending on the 1st day of September, 1971. And if, within 180 days after the first newspaper publication of this notice, you fail or refuse to contribute your proportion of such expenditures as which amounts to a total of $4,900.00 dollars, your interests in the claims will become the property of the undersigned Tax Sale No. 157-19Monte subscribers, your who have made the required exHansen Surface rights only penditures, by the terms of said Section. to the following: Part of the CHAD SPOR & RAY SPOR Lode Cornucopia Mining Claim, Lot No. 97 and Red Bird Lode Mining Claim, Lot Date of First Publication: April 20, 1972; Date of Last Publication, No. 96, in the Tintic Mining July 20, 1972 in The Times-New- s, Nephi, Juab County, Utah rs |