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Show Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648 Thursday, May 20, GTj rauana iztsmasa 1 97 1 A Pago Four other ordinances and regulations of Juab County. NOTICE OF SALE indemnify and hold harmless twenty days of receipt and shall IN THE FIFTH JUDICAL DIST-RIC- T Juab County or any of its be issued if all conditions are COURT IN AND FOR To be sold for labor, material JUAB COUNTY, STATE OF and storage at 105 West Center agents, officers, servants, and complied with, CHAPTER 3 UTAH employees from any liability or Street, Nephi, Utah on the 29th Condition for Issuing License causes of action which might CHAPTER 6 of May, 1971 at 10 a.m., day 106 ORDINANCE NO. FINAL OF NOTICE SALE 1. Before he may be issued arise by reason of granting this Revocation In the Matter of the Adoption the following motor vehicle: a license the shall first license, and from any cost in- of Year, 1957; Make, Chevrolet; . . TAX SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF LARGE PUBLIC ASSEMBLIES determine theapplicant re" maximum num- curred in cleaning up any waste f,'jT?iei,1Cinst. Sedan; SerBody style, JUAB COUNTY, bV STATE OF RELATING TO LARGE PUBLIC ber of LEANN JODIE SCHOLES, Com; ial BC57L152777, registered ii people which will be as- material produced or left by the mission at Jua? LICHARLES UTAH time DAVID if SHOLES and REQUIRING any any ASSEMBLES, Notice Is hereby given that sembled or admitted to the lo- assembly the name of Grant Daniels, the conditions necessary for the DANNY SHOLES, CENSING OF AND PROVID cation of the on Wednesday, the 26th day of whose last known address is providassembly, the in contained CERf or STATES UNITED OF OF REGULATION AMERICA, ING I ksuing a.m. o'clock ten at ed that the maximum number CHAPTER 4 May, 1971, Spring City, Utah. Amount now Minor Children license are not complied with, TAIN PUBLIC ASSEMBLIES OF shall not exceed the maximum Plaintiff, at the front door of the County due $598.25. AnDlicatlon if or vs OR condition . PERSONS ONE THOUSAND any previously in Nephi, Juab Courthouse number which can reasonably DATED this 18 day of May, PPlcatl0n or a license JUAB COUNTY ECONOMIC ceases t0 be complied with, MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE 1971. MORE; STATING THE PUR assemble at the location of the to hold an actual or County, Utah, I will offer for DEVELOPMENT anticipated1 CORPORAPOSE OF THE ACT, REQUIR- assembly in consideration of Probate No. 1789 sale at public auction and sell JENKINS SALES & SERassembly of 1,000 or more perING A LICENSE AND STAT- the nature of the to the highest bidder for cash, TION, a corporation, et al. and sons shall be made in writing VICE, 105 West Center, assembly Defendants LIMITATIONS IN G THE Utah 84648, pursuant to the provisions of provided that, where the as- to the Juab County Commission Nephi, ORDER CONPROVIDING THEREON; Utah Code AnSection is to continue overnight, at least 30 Lienholder sembly 1. this .. of in of advance The days provisions Civil No. 4466 DITIONS PRIOR TO THE IS- the maximum number shall not such notated 1953, the following deThe foregoing matter having ordinance may be enforced by assembly. THE SUANCE OF LICENSE; in said scribed real estate situate be more than is allowed to sleep 2. The application shall con- - injunction in any court of com-tai- n come before the Court upon Dates of publication: May 20 NOTICE OF SALE THAT THE AP- within the boundaries of the REQUIRING the Motion of Milton T. Har- and 27, 1971 in The Times-New- s, county and now held by it under a statement made petent jurisdiction, (Real Property) PLICATION FOR A LICENSE location of the assembly by the oath or affirmation that upon No bid mon, Attorney for the Petition- Nephi, Utah preliminary tax sale. the 2. The holding of an for less than the total amount of To be sold at Sheriffs Sale at CONTAIN CERTAIN FACTS, zoning or health ordinances of herein, the Court having contained therein ly in violation of any provisions er DISCLOSURES, AND A RE- Juab County. the Motion of the Petviewed taxes, interest, penalties and the front door of the best correct the to this and are in true or contained condition County QUIRED BOND; PROVIDING costs which are a charge upon Courthouse in the 2. Before he may be issued itioner and received the evia of the and deemed Did you ever consider the imshall be ordinance of Nephi, FOR applicant knowledge City ISSUANCE OF THE LI such real estate will be I thereportant part the plants around County of Juab, State of Utah, CENSE; PROVIDING FOR RE a license the applicant shall shall be signed and sworn to or public nuisance and may be denced offere in support and for good cause appearof, provide proof that he will fur-- 1 affirmed by the individual mak- - abated as such. on the 16th day of June, 1971 your home play in- providing THE LICENSE; nish at his own you with breathable air? expense before ing application in the case of I 3. Any person who violates ing it is hereby at 11:00 a.m. on said day, the VOCATION OF ENFORCEMENT PROVIDING Your trees, your shrubs, the assembly commences: Tax Sale No. 121966 an individual, natural human Chapter 2, paragraph 1, or who ORDERED, that all hearings your following described real propD E C L A RING lawn, even each single petunia V4 interest in erty and interests in real prop MEASURES: a) A fence completely en being, by all officers in case violates any condition upon in the above entitled matter be Leah Evans PROVISOF SEVERABILITY are all plant y engaged in manuclosing the proposed location, of a corporation, by all partners which he is granted a license continued without date, the in Juab County, State of Jje following: Beg. at SE. AN of sufficient height and IONS; AND PROVIDING facturing food for themselves ner of Lot 1, Blk. 29, Plat A, Utah: strength in the case of a partnership or may be fined not more than hearing for May 3rd is hereby and oxygen for you. EFFECTIVE DATE. to prevent people in excess of by all officers of an unincorpor- - $299.00 or six months in the vacated, with the matter to come Nephi Townsite Survey, th. N. the maximum permisible num ated .association, 150 ft, W. 92 ft, S. 150 ft., Beginning at the Northwest coror Juab County jail or both. Each again before the Court only society Look into the newer spinach-e- s E. 92 ft to beg. ner of Lot 3, Block 26, Plat THE BOARD OF COUNTY ber from gaining access to the group or, if there be no officers, day of violation shall be consid-b- y upon the Notice of counsel. OF THE assembly grounds, which shall COMMISSIONERS DATED this 3rd day of May, if this vegetable is one of all members of such associ-- 1 ered a separate offense, Townsite Nephi B, Survey, Tax Sale No. 131966 1971. your favorites. thence East 212 feet to a point COUNTY OF JUAB, STATE OF have at least four gates, at least ation, society or group. ORDAINS AS FOL- one at or near four opposite Samuel A. Warner Varieties like America hold Beg. 19 2 Vi feet West of the Northeast UTAH, BY THE COURT 3. The application shall con-- 1 CHAPTER 8 ft N. of SE. comer of Lot 4, comer up well during warm weather J. HARLAN BURNS, points of the compass; tain and disclose: of Lot 3, thence South LOWS: which is more than can be said Blk. 30, Plat A, Nephi Townsite 214 Effective Date District Judge b) Potable water, meeting feet to a point 2V feet a) The name, age, residence for older varieties, which, usu1. Intent Survey, th. N. 68.25 ft., th. W. West of the Southeast comer of CHAPTER all Federal and State require and mailing address of all per- This ordinance shall take 13 rds. to W. line of Lot 4, ally form seeds and become 2. License ments Required. for purity, sufficient to sons required to sign the ap- effect fifteen Lot 3, thence West 212 feet, Date of publication. May 20, (15) days after S. 68.25 ft. to pt 19 ft N. of 3. Conditions for Issuing provide drinking water for the pheabon by Chapter 4 para- - the date it was passed thence North 214.5 feet to the 1971 and SW. comer of Lot 4, th. E. 13 License maximum number of people to graph 2, above, and, in the case beginning. rds. to beg. Application. be assembled at the rate of at of a corporation, a certified adopted. and passed adopted and Issuance lease one gallon per person per of the Articles of incor- - dered Beginning at the Southeast corby the Board of published Revocation Tax Sale No. 42 1966 day and water for bathing at poration together with the name, ner of Lot 2, Block 26, Plat of Juab Commissioners county Enforcement the rate of at least 10 gallons age, residence, and mailing ad- .Elmer & Ruth A. Hill Beg, B, Nephi Townsite Survey, Utah, on the 17th day county, Effective Date. at E. dress of cor. Sec. 4, T. 13 S., thence running West 84.5 feet, each per day per person; person holding Df May jg7j R. 1 E., S.L.M., th. W. 2 Vi thence North 13 rods, thence or more of the stock of1 c) Separate enclosed toilets 10 THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Commissioner Alton S. Gadd 1 CHAPTER rds., th. N. 146.09 ft., th. W. East 100 feet, thence South 13 for males and females, meeting said corporation; AYE. MAY 20 AND 21s 2 Vi rds., th. N. 166.09 ft., th. rods, thence West 15.5 feet to b) The address and legal de- Voting all State and local specifications, Intent Commissioner Theo Westring E. 5 rds., th. S. 18 rds. 23 Iks. the beginning. conveniently located through- scription of all property upon voting AYE GLEN CAMPBELL KIM DARBY to beg. 1. It is the purpose of Juab out the grounds, sufficient to which the assembly is to be held G. Richard Commissioner with the restogether of to facilities name, maxState for the regUtah, County, provide Foote Voting AYE Tax Sale No. 541966 WALLIS'! Beginning at the Southwest ulate the assemblage of large imum number of people to be idence and mailing address of M HAL W. Eugene Allred 2.189 comer of Lot the Signed: ALTON S. GADD, record of all such 2, Block 26, Plat numbers of people, in excess assembled at the rate of at least owner(s) acres within MacFarlane 1 & 4 Chairman, Board of Juab "B, Nephi Townsite Survey, of those normally needing the one toilet for every 200 females property; in NWV4 of thence Claims, located County Commissioners, North 214.5 feet to the health, sanitary, fire, police, and at least one toilet for every c) Proof of ownership of all CAROL LYNLiY PAT HINGLE Sec. 26 A NEVi of Sec. 27, T. Northwest comer of said Lot 2, transportation, and utility ser- 300 males together with an ef- property upon which the as Attest: EARL L. WARNER TISHA STERLING D0M DsMIlf NERKMTH UmIM 12 S., R. 1 E., SLM, described Juab County Clerk. thence East 130 thence vices regularly provided in Juab ficient, sanitary means of dis- sembly is to be held or a state as follows: Beg. at NE. cor. of South 214.5 feet tofeet, JOE NAMATH Associate Producer RAUL NATHAN the South County in order that the health, posing of waste matter deposit- made upon oath or affirmation sec. 27; th. S. 8944 W. 1038.6 line of said Lot 2, thence West Screenplay by MARGUERITE ROBERTS P Date of publication: May 20, the record of all of all is welfare and which in by with ed, owner(s) persons compliance safety Times-Newin The ft along the N. sec. line of 130 feet to the place of begin- in 1971, Nephi, such the that and Juab all State and local laws and property applicant County, residents Sec. 27 to its Intersection with SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY visitors alike, may be protected. regulations; ning. a lavatory with has permission to use such prop Juab County, Utah. the S. line of McFarlane Claim 2. It is the intent of Juab running water under pressure erty for an assembly of 1,000 MAY 22 ! 23 24 AND 25 No. 1; th. S. 77 02 E. 119.6 State of Utah, that all and a continuous supply of soap or more persons; ft Vo cor. No. 1 of McFarlane Beginning at the Northwest cor- County, of this and paper towels shall be prosections and d) The nature and purpose 1 Ciaim No. which is also cor. ner of Lot three (3) Block 13, ordinance haveprovisions A pretty and unusual plant of the assembly; an vided each with independent toilet; for a shady spot is mimulus, No. 4 of MacFarlane Ckim No. Plat D of the Nephi Townsite secand should The total number of e) existence, any A days d) more commonly known as monsanitary method of 4, th. S. 8737 E. 1501 ft. to Survey, thence South 69 feet, tion or be declared disposing of solid waste, in com- andor hours during which the a frank perry film key flower. cor. No. 1 of MacFarlane Claim thence East 122.5 feet, thence invalid orprovision a unconstitutional by tarring pliance with State and local assembly is to last; No. 4 which is in Sec. 26; th. South 105 feet, thence East 92 court of competent jurisdiction, laws and regulations, sufficient f) The maximum number of N. 1258 E. 98 ft. along E. feet to the East line of said Lot richard benjamin frank langella s f to dispose of the solid waste persons which the applicant If you have only a window line of MacFarlane Claim No, 3, thence North 174 feet to the or section carrie that any box for a garden, let your chilprovision production of the maximum shall permit to assemble at any screenplay byeleanor perry 4 to its intersection with N, Northeast comer of said Lot 3, so declared be shall severable sow dren radish seeds assemblfrom the novel by sue kaufman produced and directed by frank per-in number of be to not to exceed the maxipart time, 214.5 people thence West feet to the from and shall not affect the line of Sec. 26; th. S. 89 51 of it and learn the joy or proUNIVERSAL PICTURE TECHNICOLOR ed at the rate of at least 2.5 mum number which can reason, g W. 598.6 ft. to beg. Surface place of beginning, validity of the remainder of the lbs. of solid waste per person ably assemble at the location of ducing something from seeds. rights only. I ordinance. per day, 'together with a plan the assembly, in consideration All of Lot four (4), Block 12, Tax Sale No. 551966 for holding and a plan for col- of the nature of the assembly, D of the Nephi Townsite Plat 2 CHAPTER Elmer Hill and Ruth A. Hill lecting all such waste at least or the maximum number of perwith all imA parcel In SW cor. of section Survey, together once each day of the assembly sons allowed to sleep within and also License provements thereon, Required and sufficient trash cans with the boundaries of the location 3, T13S R1E SLM. 12 rds 112 feet beginning at a point square cont 144160 acres. 1. No person shall permit, tight fitting lids and personnel of tiie assembly by the zoning East of the Northwest comer ordinances of Juab County if .a. of Lot 3, Block 12, Plat D, maintain, promote, conduct, ad- to perform the task; the is nurses to and continue BuildTax Sale No. 971966 unassembly of e) act as Townsite Physicians vertise, enterpreneur, Survey Nephi Com. at a pt. ing Lots; thence South 214.5 dertake, organize, manage, or licensed to practice in the State overnight; Henry Leffer NE. S. 4210 W. 20 ft. from g) The maximum number of feet, more or less, to the South sell or give tickets to an actual of Utah sufficient to provide the comer of Lot 26, Blk. 2, Plat line of said Lot three, thence or reasonably anticipated as- average medical care enjoyed tickets to be sold, if any; h) The plans of the applicant A, Eureka City Survey, th. S East 102.5 feet, more or less, sembly of 1,000 or more people by residents of Utah for the 3606 E. 87.14 ft. th. Wly to to the Southeast comer of said which continues or can reason maximum number of people to to limit the maximum number the W. side line of Lot 26, to a Lot three, thence North 214.5 ably be expected to continue for be assembled at the rate of at of people permitted to assemble; North- 18 or more consecutive hours, least one physician for every i) The plans for fencing the pt 38.76 ft S. 36 15 E.Blk.from feet, more or less, to the imiijiiimiiimiiiilHiljlllllilltlllllillltlltillli NW comer of Lot 27, 2, east comer of said Lot three, whether or public or private 2,500 people and at least one location of the assembly and Plat A, Eureka City Survey, th. thence West 102.5 feet, more or property unless a license to hold nurse for every 3,000 people, the gates contained in such S. 3615 S. 11 ft., th. N. 52 less, to the place of beginning; the assembly has first been issu- together with an enclosed cov- fence; Ulllllllll 44 E. 30.97 ft., th. S. 3622 together with all improvements. ed by the Juab County Commis- ered structure where treatment j) The plans for supplying be water E. 73.45 ft., th. N. 5637 E. rendered, may containing 8 x 35 ft VICKING HOUSE potable the for which including sioners, application $50 REWARD FOR INFORMA-tio- n 27 W. 36.06 ft., th. N. 36 must be made at least 30 days separately enclosed treatment source, amount available and trailer for sale. Good condition. Furniture Household of and three the to two of Lots All (2) recovery leading . 11.74 and location of outlets; 75.16 ft., th. N. 5255 See it at 373 South $1200.00. B of the in advance of the assembly. A rooms foroneeach physician, 754 Plat Saw Block Chain 11, (3), Remington ambulemergency k) The plans for providing stolen from Evan Blackett. All Third East Clyde Kay license to hold an assembly is- at least 1920 ft, th. N. 3606 E. 98.14 ft., Recovered and Townsite Survey, together Nephi th. S. 4210 W. 20.94 ft to with all improvements thereon, sued to one person shall permit ance available for use at all toilet and lavatory facilities, information to be confikept 623-19times. including the source, number beg. 8 or fixtures thereto attached, and any person to engage in any f. If the assembly is to con and location, type, and the dential. Call Restyled in connection lawful activity thereunto 1920 belongappurtenances Tax Sale No. 981966 tinue during hours of darkness, disposing of waste deposited; of the licensed with the holding Com. at ing, SEATS CAR SEATS-BO- AT illumination sufficient to light Henry M. Leffer l) The plans for holding, assembly. NW. comer of Lot 26, Blk. 2, the area entire of the and of in solid SEATS As 2. collection, assembly used TRUCK this ordinance: LIKE NEW 1971 HONDAS disposing Plat A, Eureka City Survey, th. And water rights and wells used Each machine with less than a) Person means any individ- at the rate of at least five foot waste material; N. 26 28 E. 79.16 ft., N. 42' in connection with any of said bu unreasnot to shine m) The plans to provide for 50 miles: CT70 $295.00; CT90, Anything! Everything! ual, natural human being, part- candles, 10 E. 37.94 ft., S. 366 E. 87.14 land, $345.00; CB 350 695.00; SL 350, nership, corporation, firm, com- onably beyond the boundaries medical facilities including the of line side W. to the ft Wly or of the enclosed location of the location and construction of a Keith association, 765.00; CB 750 1450.00. pany, society E. 38.76 said Lot 26, N. 3615 Chad's Upholstering McConnell, medical structure, the names assembly; Together with all buildings and Gunnison, phone COUPLES 5 ft., S. 55 3 W. 48.61 ft. to beg, other improvements on or in group; LIKE WOULD I A free b) parking area in and addresses and hours of 1720 lncl. b) Assembly means a comPhone 436-822- 6 side of the assembly grounds availability of physicians and in the Nephi area who would said real estate and all machin- pany of persons gathered Tax Sale No. 991966 MORONI, UTAH at any location at any grounds sufficient to provide nurses, an dprovisions for emer- like to turn $25.00 into hundAll of Lot ery and operating and refrigerHenry M. Leffer reds. For more information send parking space for the maximum gency ambulance service; single time for any purpose. 28, Blk. 2, Plat A, Eureka City ation equipment in or about said address, phone care of I0HII buildings and improvements, inn) The plans, if any, to il- name, 3. A separate license shall be number of people to be assembSurvey O. Box 213, Nephi, Utah P. one led of the at least rate at but limited all not to luminate of location the the cluding required for each location in 1920 Tax Sale No. 1321966 boilers, heaters, refrigerators, which 1,000 or more people as- parking space for every four assembly including the source 84648 Alma S. Boswell and Celia refrigerator lines, generators, semble or can reasonably be persons; and amount of power and the WEDDING GIFTS AND GIFTS The W. H. Boswell, J. T. h) Telephones connected to location of lamps; compressors, fans, blowers, vats, anticipated to assemble, the fee illl for all occasions. Nephi Jewelry of Lot 1, Blk. 5, Plat B, Eureka conveyor lines, lifts, hoists, mot- for outside lines sufficient to profor The be parking each license shall o) $10.00 plans tf vide service for the maximum vehicles including size and locaCity Survey ors, electrical equipment, scales, for each day. FOR SALE USED COSCO asand numbering machof be to number of of people packaging tion and Also lots, highway points pen play baby buggy. A shall 4. license Tax Sale No. 1341966 permit the THREE BED-rooFOR RENT fire place screen in good con- COME AND SEE OUR BEAU-tifAll of ines, parts, repairs, calculators, assembly of only the maximum sembled at the rate of at least access and interior roads inR. Wesley Robinson Call home. and office machines line and one receiver 5 between routes separate 20 highdition. Phone drapery line. Fine custom-mad- e cluding Lot 5, Blk. 5, Plat B, Eureka typewriters, and furniture wheth- number of people stated in the for each 20 1,000 persons; access and parking lots; equipment draperies installed. Also shall not way licensee The license. City Survey. er or not such property Is at- sell tickets to, nor If the assembly is to consolid colors and stripes the latest i) for The GET SAFETY YOUR FLARES telephone to p) plans permit tached to said real estate or un- assemble at the licensed tinue overnight, camping facil- number and location of teleTax Sale No. 1491966 Chapman for your cars from the Second in window shades locaWard Teachers Quorum Phone Furniture Co., 27 South Main In more than the maximum ities in compliance wth all Fed- service Including the source, Henry M. Leffer The W. 50 attached and ornotwithstanding tion some thereof such property 20 0 20 Nephi number of people. eral, State and local require- phones; ft of the W. of Lot 10, Blk, be the subject of subsequent permissable sufficient to provide 6, Plat B, Eureka City Survey 5. This ordinance shall not ments q) The plans for camping INTER-ior chattel mortgages; together RUGS LOOK NEW. ITS SO to any regular established camping accomodations for the facilities, if any, including facil- CUSTOM PAINTING Tax Sale No. 1581966 wit hany and all additions apply or exterior; Also accoustic maximum number of people to ities available and their locaof Stain Replace worship, permanent easy with Rug-MaCom. at to, substitutions for, repairs of Henry M. Leffer ceiling spraying and wall texathletic field, arena, be assembled; Rent an tion; Shampoo. moving Rug NW. comer of Lot 5, Blk. 9, and improvements to said prop- stadium,, 8 either or other The plans for security in- ture. Neil Garrett, phone electric shampooer $1.00 Nephi j) Security guards, auditorium, coliseum, r) th. Eureka or Plat B, City Survey, 1922 lncl. SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL PIANOS Lumberd, 55 West Second North erty or any part or parcel established regularly employed, duly sworn cluding the number of guards, E. 59.64 ft., th. S. item thereof; it being understood similar permanently N. 80-3- 5 y officers of the their names, addreses, credenassemfor of peace 20 assembly place recently returned from rental in Nephi S. 920 E. 55 15100 ft., th. and agreed that all said property r. which do not exceed by State of Utah, or private guards tials and hours of availability; WATCH AND JEWELRY customers. substantial Very 8049 W. 60 86100 ft., th. N. now owned by the Mortgagor or blies more 250 people the max- licensed in the County of s) The plans for fire proJewelery, 17 North savings. Take over payments as WEDDING GIFT LIST FOR 8 07 W. 54 87100 ft. to beg. hereafter acquired and added to imum than to provide tection including the number, Main, Nephi sufficinet of the Juab, 10tf low as $15.00 per month. Write: every wedding at the seating capacity Nephi the plant by the Mortgagor or structure where the Credit Department, Summerhays Lumber Company, 55 WestNephi adequate security for the max- type, and location of all proassembly IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I 2nd third party, taken together is held. imum number of people to be tective devises including alarms MOWERS Music Company, 1343 South North in NephL have hereunto set my hand and any 4tf SHARPENED, said estate and that real is land, and the 6. This ordinance shall not assembled at the rate of at least and Salt Lake City, Utah extinguishers, official seal this 16th day of used mow- Main, and tuned machimprovements, buildings, fire one for perof lncl. 84115 number to 2024 every emergency security guard government sponsored apply April, 1971 ers for sale Bills Sharpening THE CLEANINGEST CARPET inery, equipment and other prop- fairs held on regularly establish- 1,000 people. sonnel available to operate the EARL L. WARNER 52 West 1st South, Ph. mortService, herein and hereby cleaner you ever used, so easy, k) Fire protection, including equipment; Juab County Auditor erty is and constitutes an in- ed fairgrounds nor to assemb20 gaged too. Get Blue Lustre. Rent an lies required to be licensed by alarms, extinguishing devices t. The plans for food conAll property here offered for tegrating operating unit and turelectric shampooer $1. Chapman and fire lanes and escapes, suf- cessions and concessioners who sale and which has not been key processing plant known as Furniture Co., 27 South Main, ficient to meet all Federal. State will be allowed to operate on TV & RADIO TUBES AVAIL-abl- e at Bills Sharpening Ser- WANTED TO BUY BUILDING Nephi stricken off to a private pur- the Nephi Processing Plant at C. NELSON DAY, United States and local standards for the lo- the grounds including the names 20 Attorney chaser is hereby stricken off Nephi, Juab County, Utah. cation of the assembly and suf- and addresses of all concession- vice, 52 West First South, Ne- lot or small acreage in Nephi. Assistant RALPH H. of KLEMM, Juab, 0 20 and sold to the County ficient emergency personnel to ers and their license or permit phi, phone 1 20 WEDDING GIFT LIST FOR The successful bidder shall United States Attorney and I hereby declare the fee Hardevery wedding the numbers. efficiently required operate 10 of bid the at the pay price ware, 66 South Main. simple title of said property to time of the sale, and the balance Attorneys for Plaintiff 4. The application shall In- ATTENTION MARE OWNERS lltf equipment; 200 U. S. Post Office and Courtbe vested in said county. l) A bond, filed with the clude the bond required in Station Service-Th-ree within thirty days, the purchase house, Appaloosa Clerk of Juab County, either Chapter 3, paragraphs 1 and 2, KEEP CARPET CLEANING Bars breeding. Come and price payable in lawful money Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 animiniiuiminnniifiT'miiiuiiin'imiiiumuifiiiiiuiiciiiitiitiiuti in cash or underwritten by a and the license fee. see him. Excellent head and problems smalt Use Blue LusDates of puDiication: April 29, of the United States. tre wall to wall. Rent electric surety company licensed to do conformation. Grade mares $50; 1962 MERCURY FOUR-DOOThe DATED this 7th day of May, Dates of publication: May 13, business in Utah at the rate of May 6, 13, and 20, 1971 inCoun-CHAPTER 5 , Hardmares, $75. Contact sedan for sale. Call Vinton G. shampooer $1.00 Times-New- s, Juab Registered Nephi, 1971. 1971 June 3, 20, Issuance May May 27, $1.00 per person for the maxiRFD Steiner at 623-11Glen Thatcher at ware, 66 South Main, Nephi or A. DUANE SPERRY in The Times-New- s, lity, Utah. The application for a - Payson Nephi, Juab mum number of people permit- 1920 17181920 &20 Sheriff, Juab County County, Utah 84648. ted to assemble, which shall cense shall be processed within i i SHERIFFS or I assemb-statemen- ts - cor-jert- VENICE THEATRE -- r - s, of a diary mad housewife snodgress Classified Ads and Business Directory ' lost & found eamprs, tralrs42 2 623-991- motorcycles business 44 11 opportunities 528-779- 7. business houses, rent 14 miscellaneous for sale 25 45 personals m ul 623-00- 623-039- 19 services 623-065- musical insts. 26 te 623-193- off-dut- RE-pai- AD-just- 623-018- 0. want to buy 36 623-018- 624-005- 4-- D autos for sale 39 R 4-- 465-341- 7, 623-022- 2 |