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Show NtphI, Juab County, Utah 84648 CARD OF THANKS The Seven Happy Stitches met at the home of Mrs. Russell Griffith on May 21. Officers of the club were elected as follows: President, Janice Griffith; vice president, Angel May; secretary, Cindi Gardner; song leader, Cindy Jorgensen; recreation chairman, Debbie Gadd; demonstrator, Wendy Jorgensen, and reporter, Julie Ingram. TV To our good friends, relatives and neighbors who have shown so much kindness and consideration during the illness and following the death of our beloved husband, father and grandfather, we express our deep appreciation. Truly his teachings have been exemplified by good people everywhere in the care and kindnsses shown his family during this trying time. May the Lord bless each of you for your gracious contributions, your words of comfort and all that has been done. Family of James H. Ockey STEREO SERVICE & COLOR EXPERTS 'Qtep'jliead CALL winner 623-119- 9 O 90 DAY PARTS GUARANTEE O 75 OF SETS REPAIRED IN THE O HOME IN NEPHI MONDAY AND FRIDAY BRICKE E LECTRONICS in Electronic Servicing" PROVO, UTAH "First June 22 to August IS UNIVERSITY OF UTAH A full quarter of course offerings for entering freshmen. Write to: Summer School 305-Park Building University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 and Mrs. Dan Johnson were in Salt Lake City Sunday to visit with their son in law Mr. and Mrs. and daughter, Mona Jones and son. Alex Johnson accompanied his parents to Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Ostler and boys were in Milford Sunday where they visited with their brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Max Baxter. The occasion was Mrs. Baxters birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. George Crane of Dugway visited on Thursday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Crane and also attended funeral services for James H. Ockey. Mr. Mrs. Carl Tenney and childOut of town relatives and friends in Levan Monday to at- ren Cindy and Tad of Riverton, tend the funeral services for Wyoming are spending a week Gerald H. Carter were: Mr. and with her parents, Bishop and Mrs. Gus Hardy and Steve; Mr. Mrs. Heber C. Taylor. and Mrs. Lorin Stephensen of Henderson, Nevada; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Mortensen Mrs. Clifton Stephensen of Poca- and daughter Nancy of Ogden Lester and Clair tello, Idaho; visited on Sunday with his Carter of Dragerton; Mr. and Mrs. Floy Mortensen. Mrs. James Swenson, Mrs. Fern mother, Francom and Mrs. Adele Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Furse of all of Moroni; Lana Lacy of Salt Lake City visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Henderson, Mrs. Fauntella of Los Altos, California; Shepherd on Monday of this Mr. and Mrs. Brent McCallister week. of Blanding. Dinner guests Sunday at the Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Vickery home of Mr.a nd Mrs. Jack and son Jimmy of Provo are Bosh were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Golden visiting this week at the home Bosh, of Mr. ad Mrs. Owen D. Taylor. Mangelson and family, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Starks and Mrs. Gordon Bosh, Mr. and Mrs. Mangelson and son, Mr. baby daughter Michelle, former- Jerry and Mrs. Stephensen and ly of Dallas, Texas, are visiting family, andTerry Mrs. Vernon Brad-fiel- d with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. of Scipio. S. C. Malmgren. They are moving to Seattle, Washington to Mrs. Carl Francom of Lehi Saturday visitors at the home make their home. of Mr. and Mrs. Gedge Oliver was a visitor Saturday at the were Mrs. Olivers sister, Mrs. Sunday visitors at the home home of her parents in law, Mr. Dawn Allred and children Mona of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Powell and Mrs. H. Ray Francom. Lisa and Scott of Fountain were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Powell and daughter Sherry of Pleasant Mr. and Mrs. James C. Pay-stru-p Green. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Grove; and children visited on Dinner guests Sunday at the Powell and son Richard of with his parents, Mr. Sunday home of Mr. and Mrs. Alger and Mrs. Clarence Paystrup. E. Sutherland were Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Taylor of Orem, and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Stephensen of Henderson, Nevada. a LeVal the club, Bringing Joy to Others was held on May 18 at 4 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Velma Andrews. Mike Baxter accompan- led the girls on the accordian as they brought joy to a Levan shut m between Sunday School and Sacrament Eight were in he and three more joined on Monday. The girls gave a party for their mothers on Wednesday evening. This will be the last of their meetings for two weeks as Mrs. Andrews will be out of town. of mo It's your world. Make of it what you will . Keep up the good work. Rapid Reproduction sneeze at the virus. If a a single virus is turned loose in a laboratory dish of bacteria, it will multiply into about ten billion viruses within six to twelve hours. Dont '0,dJb17 Gol-Ioh- er Mona News Mr. and Mrs. Max Molyneux of Logan were visitors on Friday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Molyneux. They also attended funeral services for Mrs. Chloe N. Bailey. The family of Mrs. Katie Rogerson met at her home on Sunday to honor her on her 80th birthday anniversary. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson of Slat Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Garfield and two children of Delta, Mr. and Mrs. Don Garfield and daughter of Mona, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kay and daughter Sally. Marriage Licenses . . News of Your Friends in Levan Nephi News i DUb Page Six Thursday, May 28, 1970 300 SPIN REEL Now only 17.77 with an extra spool! Shop FORSEYS in on Nephi for all your fishing needs. MITCHELL Marriage licenses issued May 22 were to: Dale Herbert Carter, son of Mrs. Elmont Carter and Save ham, dice and Mr. and mix with cream of celery soup Debra Goble, daughter of Mr. Rex E. Goble, all of and fcreen beans or mixed vege- and Mrs. Nephi; r casserole. tables for a David Brent Goble, son of Mr. Seive on crisp chow mein and Mrs. Rex E. Goble of Nenoodles. ' Diced ham also combines well phi, and Jolene Hanson, daughtMrs. Harry M. with eggs in white er of Mr. and sauce and marshmallow cream; Hanson of American Fork. spoon over vanilla ice cream. Thanks to the blender, nutriSEE THE NEW SADDLES tious ice cream shakes and boats OF THE YEAR . . Western Outare a snap to prepare. Your fa- fitters saddles and riding equipvorite ice cream, milk, and ad- ment at Sportsmans Supply, ditional fruit flavorings if you 123 South Main, Nephi wish, may be blended together. Top each serving with an extra ITEM: Aluminum is an easy scoop of ice cream. to paint. Selection of propmetal scalFor a thrifty family-sizematerials for the exer paint loped dish, combine a cream and adequate expected sauce, served on toast or split posure of the surface io preparation hot biscuits. the paint will assure exFor ' a quick treat, combine receive service. A suitably chosen cellent equal parts of whole cranberry coating will sauce and any leftover vegetables and properly applied the user to obtain almost enable that are not enough to serve by surface appearance themselves. Top with buttered any desired the life of alumibread crumbs, and bake until and lengthen num products. bubbling and brown. ITEM: A survey showed that women who had not eaten for Mr. and Mrs. Maurice five hours prior to their weekly Minted Glazed Carrots an tour average spent MINTED GLAZED CARROTS shopping Chapman of $5.76 more than usual. 2 bunches carrots (about 12) Vi cup honey Vi cup butter 2 teaspoons chopped fresh or dried mint leaves Cook carrots until tender; drain and add honey and butTHURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ter. Cook over low heat until MAY 28 29 30 carrot? are glazed, turning several times. Just before serving, sprinkle with mint. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Serving Suggestion: Place Minted Glazed Carrots around a snowy white head of cauliflower crowned with Mushroom-Cheese Sauce. ...a movie that will day-afte- hard-cooke- d d CHAMAN FURNITURE VENICE THEATRE run away CITY MOVES ON withyourhcartl HTcchnicolor CLEAN-U- P First row: DeAnn Jarrett, Loa Chambers, Jackie Blrchfield, Beverly Wilson. Second row: Russell Blrchfield, Lexle Carter, Karla Williams, John Orme. Leaders Named for MUN From the JHS CLARION On Monday, May 11, the U.N. members voted on their officers for next year This s year-president, AnnaRae dallt ann0unced the new officers and they are as follows: Pres. ident, Lexie Carter; vice ident, jackie Birchfield; secre-grou- p try DeAnn Jarrett; treasurer Ken-Sund- pres-meetin- g Karla Williams; reporter, John Orme; photographer, Loa Chambers; parliamentarian, Russell Birchfield; assistant parliamentarian, John Bracken. Lexie invites all those who wish to join to come in next year and participate in learning more about other Nephi City has referred to the City Attorney for attention and action, problems where owners of property have failed to respond to requests to clean up Involved are junk premises. cars, trash, or fire and health hazards. STARTS SUNDAY MAY 31 7:30 P.M. MONDAY JUNE i TUESDAY I and 2 LAND AND SKY ERUPT WITH SAVAGE VIOLENCE!' Three Tribes The Cherokee, Iroquois, and .Muskogean Indians are the only tribes in North America known to have hunted with blowguns. ITEM: The best time to apply patches is when the knees of pants and elbows of iron-o- n shirts and jackets begin to wear thin, reinforcing them on the You United Artists ONE SHOW ONLY STARTS 8:00 P.M. cant make a better o. buy than carpet by LEES dim't wbf fom hoi tit huuf: PRICE The finest carpet yarns remaining on the bobbins after other weaving are skillfully crafted in top quality construction. Manufacturing costs are greatly reduced and the savings are passed on to you. Striking and unusual, Candy Stripe carpet is ideal for Early American decor. Also perfectly suited for Modern. Wonderful for family room, den, study, childrens rooms. Youre the class of the per sq. yd. installed lot. Congratulations. Nephi Drug Company We Are Here to Serve over foam pad . . . Phone 623-047- 1 |