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Show Juab County, Utah 84648 NepM, Thursday, May 28, 1970 News of Your Friends in Nephi PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. Consult County Clerk or respective signers for additional Information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of JENNIE L. STEELE, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Udell R. Jensen, 125 North Main Street, NephI, Utah on or before the 22nd day of August, A. D. 1970. Claims must be presented in accordance with U.C.A., the provisions of 53 and with proper verification as required therein. Earl L. Steele and Don L. Steele, executors of the estate of Jennie L. Steele, Deceased. 75-9-- Dates of publication: May 21, 28, June 4 and 11, 1970 in The TImes-NewNephl, Utah. s, Nephi Miss Selected Nebonian Editor Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott were overnight guests at the home of their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Aston Thursday and Friday, They attended Seminary grad' uation exercices where their Susan Aston, granddaughter, was a fourth year graduate. Overnight visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Smith on Friday were Mrs. Smith: brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harding of Craig, Colorado. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Staheli of Delta. Mrs Staheli Is a niece of Mrs. Smith, and visited at the Smith home until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Christen sen of Moroni were visitors on Thursday of last week at the home of Mrs. Hazel Bosh. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sandall From the JHS CLARION but en- spent four days in Layton last is It The following application has says DeAnn Jarrett, week with her brother and sisbeen filed with the State En- joyable, new editor for the 1970-7- 1 year ter in law, Mr. and Mrs Alma gineer to extend water in Juab book. Selected by the student Sackett. County, State of Utah, through- body council, DeAnn will have Mrs. Monte Bailey of Ogden out the entire year unless other- the responsibility of getting the visited with Mrs. Gilbert BaiLocations in wise designated. and it putting ready yearbook SLB&M. ley on Thursday of last week. out. She was In Nephi to attend the In the ninth grade Mrs. Lo- funeral services for James H. Extension 240 Max L. Cloward, 8332 W. 3190 S., Mag- max talked to me about being on Ockey. na, Utah has filed for an exten- on the staff. I took her up Mr. and Mrs. Norman sion of time within which to it and have been on the yearwere in Nephi Friday to resume use of 0.024 sec.-f- t. of book staff ever sinec. Some of the jobs DeAnn has attend the funeral services for water evidenced by UnderN. Bailey. They also ground Water Claim Nos. 2729 had to do is working out the Mrs. Chloe and 2884. The water has been dummy sheets and writing the visited at the home of Mrs. GilShe also bert Bailey, mother of Mrs. Jorwell 200 copy for pictures. diverted from a well 40 helps push the selling of the genson. ft. deep and a ft. deep located as follows: yearbooks and the selling of ads Saturday visitors at the home Claim No. 2729 N. 1364 ft. W. for the yearbook. of Mrs. Gilbert Bailey were Mr. 1513 ft. from SE Cor. Sec. 5; The fun comes when selecting and Mrs. Maynard Bailey and N. 2405 ft. the pictures Claim No. 2884 they will use, ac- sons of Provo. W. 36 ft. from SE. Cor Sec. cording to DeAnn. 5, both T11S, R1E, and used Mr. and Mrs. James Smith Next year, as editor, DeAnn last on March 29, 1960 for would like to get more sales for and a niece, Mrs. Susan Staheli stockwatering purposes within the at the first of the of Delta spent Sunday in Provo NWSE& Sec. 5, T11S, R1E year,yearbook instead of at the end. Her where they attended a Relief and the applicant requests until main will be figuring out Society meeting at the B Y U. March 29, 1975 to resume use how job many pages each activity 71st ward. Mrs. Smiths niece, of said water. Marian Harding gave the Culand club will receive. The Clarion wishes DeAnn tural Refinement lesson. Protests resisting the granting of this application with reas-on- e and her staff the best of luck Mr. and Mrs. Leon Williams therefor must be filed in next year. And may the 1970-7- 1 and daughter Kellie of Salt Lake duplicate with the State En- Nebonian be the best yet! City were week end guests at gineer, 442 State Capitol, Salt the home of Mr. and Mrs. CharlLake City, Utah 84114, on or es Williams. before June 27, 1970. Junior to Attend Hubert C. Lambert STATE ENGINEER Freedom Foundation NOTICE TO WATER USERS i Visitors on Monday at the home of Mrs. Richard Sudweeks were two granddaughters, Mrs. Bob Stowell and Mrs. Raymond Ashbell of Duarte, California. Mr. and Mrs. George G. How-art- h had as their visitors over the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Davis of Provo., Dr. and Mrs. Von Jarrett and sons Michael and Brian of Logan were week end guests at the home of his mother, Mrs. Delta J. Hedberg. Mrs. Delta J. Hedberg had as her visitors for two days last week her brother and sister In law, Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Howell of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howard visited in Llndon Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Newell Bracken and family. The occasion was Mrs. Brackens birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hudson of Price spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Houghton. Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. Houghton I are sisters. Mr. and. Mrs Norris S. Bale were In Logan Sunday to attend the Logan LDS Institute of Religion graduation exercises. Miss Norma Ethel Bale, their daughter, was a graduate. Mrs. DaVeda Davis had as her visitors last week, Dr. J. R. Dav Is and family of Pocatello, Ida Other visitors over the ho. week end were Mr. and Mrs. Scott Davis of Provo. Odd hour emergencies? Mr. and Mrs. Richard (Dick) OMISSION Hall and family of Orem were Names of Erma Carter and overnight guests Saturady at the home of his parents, Mr. and Ora H. Carter were omitted from the list attending the Chalice Mrs. Perry C. Hall. Club Mothers and Daughters Mr. and Mrs. Neil Haynes and party published in last issue. daughter Kim of Aurora spent We regret the omission and any Sunday with his parents, Mr. embarassment caused through it. Editor . Mr. and Mrs. Dell R. Carter and Mrs. Carl Haynes. and Mrs. Carters niece, Miss Carol Henderson, a student at BYU and Sharon Kay attended the Vesper Services at Provo High School on Sunday, where Miss Joy Kay Diamond, a granddaughter of Mr. Carter, was one & of the graduates. After the services they were dinner guests at the Diamond home and also atLarge and small tended Sacrament meeting in give us an opportunity to the Pioneer Second Ward. WANTED RANCHES TO SELL FARMS - Service isnt service unless you get it when you need it. Owvron BUYOBR STANDARD ML NEPHI UO CHRISTENSEN -- 6234)648 MAN Standard Oil IN Company of California Visitors at the home of Mrs. James H. Ockey during the past week have been Stephen Ockey of Okinawa, Dr. and Mrs. John R. Davis (Blanche) and family of Pocatello; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Green (Luana) and family of Ephraim; Captain and Mrs. Nathan B. (Janet) Rigby of Fort Benning, Georgia. They were in Nephi for the funeral services of their father and grandfather, James H. Ockey. help you. nothing. If we don't sell it you owe us Four offices to serve you. Call Collect: Theron T. Miller, Manager, Farm & 255-650- MONSON & 666 East 4th South, Salt lake City n. Notice to Water Users The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to change and appropriate water in Juab County, State of Utah, throughout the entire year unless otherwise designated. Locations in SLB&M. Fred W. Newbold, P. O. Box 15551, Salt Lake City, Utah, proposes to change the point of diversion and place of use of 6.0 sec.-f- t. of water as evidenced by App. Nos. 19748 ). The and 29374 water was to have been diverted from 10-iand wells, both 100 125 ft. deep as follows: (19748) - S. 528 ft. W. 842 ft. from E. Vi Cor. Sec. 28, (29374) - N. 500 ft. E. 40 ft. from W Cor. Sec. 34, both T13S, R18W, and used for incidental domestic and stockwatering purposes and from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for Irrigation of 320 acs. within Sec. 34, SEM, Sec. 28, NW both T13S, R18W. Hereafter, 6.0 sec.-f- t. of water will be diverted from 3 wells as follows: (1) is a 12-iwell, 125 ft. deep at a point S. 2260 ft. W. 45 ft. from N& Cor. Sec. 34, (2) is a 12-iwell, 125 ft. deep at a point N. 552.66 ft. E. 80 ft. from W Cor. Sec. 34, (3) is a 10-iwell, 125 ft. deep at a point S. 414 ft. W. 1140 ft. from EM Cor. Sec. 28, all T13S, R18W, and used for domestic uses for 1 family and stockwatering purposes for 100 cattle and from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for irrigation of 160 acs., within SWM Sec. 27, T13S, R18W. (18-188- (18-10- RPM Multi-Motiv- greases? Grease in e a handy cartridge gun kit greases everything. Chevron BUYOCR STANDARD ML HAN IN NEPHI LEO -- CttUTENSEM Standard Oil 023-084- 8 Company of California 12-i- n. -- How comfortable are Wellington Boots? n. 39930 (18-32-7) Kennecott has been participating with prison authorities in this challenging e program since August 1968. CaUao-Tro- ut Creek Branch, L.D.S. Church, of Callao, Utah 0.015 sec.-f- t. water Is to be diverted from a well, 6-i- n. 50-50- 0 work-releas- ft. deep at a N. 2790 ft. E. 1920 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 1, T11S, R17W, and used for the domestic purposes of 50 persons, in- Under this plan, six months prior to Mr. Xs parole, he was placed in employment at Kennecott, sharing in all the company benefits of a regular employee. He continued to live at the prison. point cidental uses at a church, and from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for Irrigation of 0.25 ac. within SEMNWM, NEMSWM Sec. 1, T11S, R17W. Protests resisting the granting of these applications with reasons therefor must be filed In duplicate with the State En gineer, 442 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114, on or If youve never worn Wellington boots before, you dont know the comfort youve been missing. (The style speaks for itself.) These handsome Wellingtons are made with fine, durable leathers. The crepe soles have steel shanks built in for support Slip on a pair today. Youll like the way they feel and look. Very. At the end of the six months, his sentence completed, Mr. X was given the opportunity to continue working at Kennecott in the same job. He accepted. He has succeeded. before July 11, 1970. Hubert C. Lambert STATE ENGINEER Dates of publication: May 28, June 4 and 11, 1970, In The Times-New- fJ s, r. - Honaccoit Copper Corporation Utah Copper Division WOLVERINE1 Nephi, Utah. paint Tour Can Ton can torn a garbage con fafnw from an eyesore to an Scrub out the can, inside and out, then coat the metal with a primer especially designed for galvanized steel Paint the can the same color as you r house with two coat of exterior enameL wont show you his face. Because hes one of several former inmates of Utah State Prison who found hope for the future, and a new life, at Kennecott. Thanks to one of the greatest rehabilitation plans ever undertaken by a penal institution. We CARTER CLEANERS & SPORTSMANS SUPPLY 123 SOUTH MAIN PHONE NEPHI, UTAH 623-014- 6 "An Equal Opportunity Employer V Idaho CO., INC. n. Too many 0 Ranch Dept., Utah Jor-genso- From the JHS CLARION Brent Worwood, newly elected president of the Juab High school student body has been selected to represent Juab at the Freedom Academy to be held August according to M. Clark Newell, Juab High Principal. The Academy was established in 1961 to promote a sense of patriotism among the students of Utahs high school. Since that time the Utah National Guard has conducted this program with junior boys from all over the state participating. The Freedom Foundation and the Veterans of Foreign Wars provide financial support for the program. Brent is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Worwood. Four Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Carter of Nephi, Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Howell of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hudson of Price and Mrs. Delta Hedberg were in Fairview last Wednesday to attend funeral services for a relative, Bertha Howell Larsen. (53-21- Dates of publication: May 14, 21 and 28, 1970, in The Times-New- s, Nephi, Utah. Pag Kennecott is People. . .who like to help other People. |