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Show Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648 SHjc 1 t vi' twf t 'U V) -v V fefJt First row: Ava Jackman, Mary Ellen Worwood, Shirlene Keyte, Paula Newell. Second row: Janice Shepherd, Peggy Jackson. Mary Lou Ewell, Shlrlee Harper. Elect FHA Officers From the JHS CLARION The FHA club has finally chosen its officers for 1970-7All officers were voted upon In FHA except the president. the vice president automatically becomes president. The new officers are as follows: president, Shirlee Harper; vice president, Mary Lou Ewell; secretary, Mary Ellen Worwood; historian, Ava Jackman; degree chairman, Paula Newell! parliamentarian, Shirlene Keyte; reporter, Peggy Jackson and song leader, Janice Shepherd. Mrs. Jessie Sudweeks will continue as adviser to the club. The new officers are really enthused, and weve already started planning, stated Shirlee, the new president. An outstanding party for the seniors was held in the Home Economics room last Monday In June, the FHA hopes to have a slumber party on the football field. Other summer plans include a trip to Lagoon - hopefully in August. Next years plans include the State Fair in September, which is an annual pilgrimage for the girls. Formal initiations will be held that month. In October a Haloween party will be held. A new activity is being planned for UEA week, to honor the boys. FHA will hold Boys Week. This will be quite similar to Girls Day. Other plans for the school year have not been made as yet. "We will try to hold many activities next year says Shirlee, and try to make next year a success. CARD OF THANKS Gerald H. Carter and family would like to express their appreciation and thanks to all those who donated food, and who extended their synv pathy during their time of sorrow. We also experss thanks for the beautiful floral tributes and other donations. Our sin cere thanks and appreciation to Mrs. all. Mrs. Zella Carter and family. wpri Visitors at the home of Bishop and Mrs. Ralph Chase Friday were Albert Allen, Relia Christensen and Trenna Butterfield. They were in Nephi to attend the funeral services for Mrs. Chloe N. Bailey. Marion Lindhardt of Spokane, Washington visited for three days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Rue Golden and with other relatives in Nephi. He is a cousin of Mrs. Golden. Captain and Mrs. and daughter Susan of San Rafael, California are in spending a few days Nephi, with Mrs. Candrians parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P. Cox. Can-dria- Mrs. Westring Named Booklore Club 70 Mrs. Theo Westring has been named president of the Book-lor- e Club for the 1970-7- 1 club year. She succeeds Mrs. Alma C. Jones in the position. Election was held when the club met at the home of Mrs. Westring for the final meeting of the current season. The hostess served a delicious luncheon, after which Mrs. Jones conducted a business meeting and the election. In addition to Mrs. vice Westring, officers are: president, Mrs. Wallace Garrett; r, secretary-treasureMrs. Jesse Bailey, and reporter, Mrs. Alton S. Gadd. The members expressed their appreciation to Mrs. Jones for the fine way in which she had handled the affairs of the club during the past year. Some suggestions for projects were discussed, and the remainder of the evening was spent in visiting. Enjoying the evening were Mrs. Wallace Garrett, Mrs. Jesse Bailey, Mrs. Alma C. Jones, Mrs. Herman Young, Mrs. DeLos Garrett, Mrs. Leonard Garfield, Mrs. Ralph E. Chase, Mrs. Jam es Smith, Mrs. Roy Greenhalgh, Mrs. J. E. Worthington, Mrs. Joe Garrett, Mrs. Alton S. Gadd and the hostess, Mrs. Theo Westring. n Mrs. DaVeda Davis returned home recently after visiting in Pocatello, Idaho with her son and daughter in law, Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Davis and family. She also visited in Ogden with her Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hawkins sister, Mrs. G. J. Greaves. returned to Nephi recently after spending six months in Phoenix, Arizona. While there they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Allen Too Ricks of Benson, and motored to New Orleans, where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hawkins for three weeks. While in New Orleanes they saw some of the parades of the famous MardiGras and visited places of interest. The couples visited in Mississippi, Alabama and Pensacola, Florida with their grand daughters, Vickie and Lora Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Hawke Oil RPM DELO ins had as their guests at interboth oil is the one best for vals during the winter, Mr. and diesel and gasoline engines. Mrs. Jay Hawkins, Miss Ina Chevron Hawkins and Flometta Olsen of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smth of California, Mrs. Delta Yates of Nephi and Mrs. OIL CALL YOUR STANDARD Reta Allred of Salt Lake City. MAN IN NEPHI They were guests at the home fo LEO CHRISTENSEN Mr. and Mrs. Max Hawkins at Phoenix for dinner the night beStandard Oil Company of California fore leaving to return to Utah. NOTICE The Nephi Municipal Swimming Pool will be opened on June 4, 1970. Tickets and prices for swimming will remain the same as last year. Nephi City Corporation by R. W. Christiansen We express our sincere appreciation to the Nephi City Fire Department for the quick and efficient action when called to our residence recently. Hay and straw was burned, but no animals were burned. We say a since thanks to the departhelp Soapy out as much as ment as a whole, and to each and every individual member. possible. Mr. and Mrs. George Juab needs more dances, powder-puff games, and a pep assembly before every game, to get school spirit at the top NOTICE stated Bill. Nephi City Corporation will Bill thinks the students should have the same rights as the receive bids for materials of the teachers and be able to have a old west boundary fence of the Vine Bluff Cemetery, at the lounge and pop machines. These four people are very office of the City Hall at 54 capable of handling their jobs. North Main, on or before 5 p.m. All they need is you, the stud- June 1, 1970. Successful bidder shall remove ent body, to support them. If you do, next year will be one all materials comprising subject old fence within ten days after of the best. notification. NEPHI CITY by R. W. Christiansen New Studentbody Officers Make Plans For Next Year 71 President David Bird Outstanding Boy Chosen From the JHS CLARION David Bird was voted Juabs 0 outstanding boy of the students. fellow his year by Dave has been very active in school activities all during his life. He has participated in football, basketball, wrestling, and baseball during high school. He is a graduate of the seminprogram. ary, three-yea- r Dave has not only particip ated in athletics, but has held several leadership offices. He was a seminary class president, junior class president, student body president, and junior high activity manager. After graduating, Dave plans to go to college and study busHe has iness administration. been accepted for admission by three colleges but hasnt definitely decided on one. When asked what his favor ite hobby was, he replied, 69-7- ITEM: The kind of cheese and wrappings determines how long a cheese will keep. Cottage cheese stored in the refrigerator should be used within three to five days. Cream cheese and other soft varieties will stay fresh about two weeks when refrigerated either covered or tightly wrapped. Cheddar, Swiss Girls. and other hard varieties, if tightwill David is the son of Mr. and ly wrapped and refrigerated, Mrs. Lawrence Bird. keep several months. From the JHS CLARION Elected as president of the student body in elections held Thursday, April 30 was Brent Worwood. Brent has been in the FFA, on the football and track teams, played J.V. basketball, served as wrestling manager this year. Brent would like more activities, such as dances, assemblies, and a once a month. He promised, Anyone caught throwing litter will be biffed by Soapy." Brent sees the problems In the school and wants to solve them, and better the school. Vice President for 71-7- 0 Is Linda Pay, a member of the ProVita and FHA. Litter is one of the main problems Linda sees around Juab and would like to stop it. School spirit is about the worst problem in the school, and Id like to solve it. Everyone should be at the tarck meets and tennis matches, also the baseball games, to support the teams. Linda also stated she would like the CMMAC assemblies started up again. Charlotte Vickers will be the secretary for next year. Charlotte stated that there should be more club activities, and enthusiasm within the clubs. e is one thing this school needs. If you dont have pride, you cant have anything. The school needs more benches, some candy and pop machines, for a better appearance of the school. I think everyone has to support the president and his ideas. Bill Painter, activities manager for 70-7stated he would Self-prid- Drab got you down? Chevron Colored Coatings decorate and waterproof. Protect better, last longer. Chevron I REMEMBERS CALL YOUR STANDARD OIL KEEP carpets beautiful despite MAN IN NEPHI footsteps of a busy family. Buy LEO CHRISTENSEN Blue Lustre. Rent an electric From John S. Alley, Leesburg, shampooer, $1.00 HardStandard Oil Company of California Ohio: Back in the days of ware at 66 South Main, Nephi bicycles, passenger trains and street-car- s traveL In 1896 I started to kindergarten, carrying my rocking chair, which I still have. It was made in Kentucky penitentiary. I also have an old one room schoolhouse stove, single barrel INSURANCE can't stop a fire cider mill, large apple-butte- r . . . but it can rebuild your making kettle, butchering equipment, and other items we used in home IF your insurance is adedays. Let us check you covquate. I have given old restored furnierage against today's costs for ture to our children that berebuilding! to longed my In 1912-1before our marriage Larry Peterson my wife taught a one room country schol with all eight grades, where later Roy Rogers started to school. We were mar- - i ried Dec. 31. 1915. BY THE OLD TIMER 23-0648 4-- horse-n-bugg- THE INSURANCE MAN e Cm 3 CENTRAL UTAH INSURANCEAGENCY ITEM: A narrow belt tends to make the waistline appear smaller, while a wide belt tends to make it look larger. 33 South Main Office: 623-025- Street Nephi, Utah Residence 0 PORK & BEANS PIERCES - nvz 4 OLIVES 4 11" SALAD OVEN FRESH (HD BREAD DRESSING 16 oz QUART loaves FLY NAPKINS A FLAG DECORATION 219 0j ICED MILK BUTTER - CUBED - LB MARSHMALLOWS lb 5 RITZ CRACKERS --- lb gallon carton Pole, Halyard, Mounting Brackets Please have June necessaiy refills in our store on Thursday, Tune 4th. SUNDAY -- 7. Thanks! BUD HAYMOND 45c fl 31(5)u Kit - - Complete (J FRYERS Thurs., and Fri. ORDER EARLY! Boneless Feverfew, once used in medicinal teas, has a long blooming season and keeps well outdoors and in. Golden Ball, above, is a dwarf variety good for edging borders. Below is one of the double white varieties, used for cutting. HAMS lb ASSORTED MEATS I TABLERITE SKINLESS Franks NEW Opening SATURDAY AND 1.00 ROT BAR OQ It's Fishing FRIDAY, 39c 39c 77 BRIQUETS 10 lb 59c CHARCOAL : all day - PANCAKE SYRUP 22 oz. CUCUMBER CHIPS 22 oz 5 NEPHI DRUG CO. will be closed 22 oz 3 1 .00 18 x 25 49c ALUM FOIL 3 x 5 ft. "OLD GLORY DAY 12 cans 1.00 DILL PICKLES 60 count 300 Vi D CANNED POP KITCHEN CHARM SELECT PITTED for G REMEDY ONE-TIM- E LIBBY'S 23-0648 the 9 First row: Ann Wankler, Becky Greenhalgh, Valorie Gee, Molly Gardner. Second row: Karen Greenhalgh, Janet Hill, Jaynette Multi-Servic- department of 623-003- ipsurffy Tom! many oils? The prescription Page Five Thursday, May 28, 1970 G CARD OF THANKS Park, Mary Lou Wetherell. Third row: Barbara Week end visitors at the home Jones, Becky Janice Shepherd, AnnaLee Olpin, Sheryl Belliston, Jackson, of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Haynes Peggy Cowan. were Mr. and Mrs. Flmo Haynes of Blackfoot, Idaho and Mr, The drill mistresses are getand Mrs. Merle Haynes of Salt Great Year Expected ting ready for the football seaLake City. son. Becky Pay and Sheryl From the JHS CLARION Belliston have a lot of new Mr. and Mrs. Ora Lunt had The new ProVita Club for ideas. The rest of the officers as their visitors on Wednesday 1970-7that will be helping are secre1 year has many plans of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Lee The of- tary, Janice Shepherd; reportthe year. coming Skan-ch- y for Midval. of Mrs. Skanchy hard er, Janet Hill; demerit chairmen is a sister in law of Mrs. ficers have been working The Peggy Cowan and Karen Greenclub new the going. to get Lunt. club president, Barbara Jack-so- n halgh; historian, AnnaLee Olpin. has many new ideas. She Head cheerleaders are Mary Lou Visitors at the home of Mrs. A. J. Bowers on Sunday were plans to hold another marching Wetherell, varsity and Mollie Mr. and Mrs. James Hicks of competition next year and to in- Gardner, JV. Miss Johnsons only plan for Spanish Fork, Mr. and Mrs. vite clubs with about the same Arthur Bowers of Payson, and number of members. Maybe a next year is to go region if a few new clubs will be invited. region competition is held. Carl Whittington of Provo. Mrs. Ralph Frandsen, son Gary and daughter Marilyn, and Miss Kathy Anderson, all of Salt Lake City visited with Mrs. A. V. Gadd on Wednesday of last week. R. L. tmcfi-H7cti- SUMMER Back in the days when the Colonies were young many kinds of plants were gathered at blooming time, hung in bunches in the attic to dry, and infused as tea when the illness for which each was a cure afflicted a member of the family. One of these plants is feverfew, the name a corruption of febrifuge which can be translated as fever chaser. Nowadays, although the plant retains the common name, its tall varieties are grown between perennials or with other annuals in the border while members of the dwarf, Tom Thumb group are used as an attractive edging. Very easily grown from seeds, feverfew succeeds in seral-ihaas well as in sun. Given good soil it will produce masses of flowers, showy outdoors and excellent for cutting. Blossoms are white or shades of yellow. The tali feverfews grow to 2 feet high. The Improved varieties named Ball Double White and White are most desirable. Flowers of these are looser In form than those of the dwarfs. Golden Ball, Lemon Ball, Snowball are all little fellows 8 to 9 inches high and forming mounded plants which are laden with flowers over a long period. Their names tell their bloom colors. If youd like a sampling rather than just one variety, you can buy seeds of a mixture of Tom Thumb varieties or one of all feverfews; both tall and dwarf. STORE HOURS DAILY de Ultra-Doub- EXCEPT FRIDAY o o o FREE GOLD STRIKE STAMPS 7 p.m. FRIDAY! for your convenience! II LUNCH 3300 pkgs5' II 5 PRICES EFFECTIVE - Thursday - Friday at iStores Closed Saturday May 30 Wednesday s d ea. SWANSON 0 56EastcenterstreetCHICKEN T.V Nmu-rHONEm'SDjN- NEIte c CUSTOM CUTTING, FREEZING OPEN UNTIL 09 digcl Buns OPEN 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. oz II 1TIPT0P 6 oz. 3(fh(5)K p.EMONADElUU'VS MHIMliMrcCOOL WHIP ORANGE 8 JUICE Flamingo 7s?: quart 59c 8z(S)C |