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Show Nepfii, Juab County, Utah 84648 Sljt' NOTICE OF FINAL TAX SALE n StHtca-lfotU- O PLANTING TIME Notice Is hereby given that on Wednesday, the 27th day of IAFF OF at ten oclock A.M. at the front door of the County May, 1970, THEmWEEK Courthouse in Nephi, Juab Counsale ty, Utah, I will offer for the at public auction end sell to pursuhighest bidder for cash, Section ant to the provisions of Utah Code Annotated 1953, the following described real estate situate in said county and now held by it under preliminary tax sale. No bid for less than the total amount of taxes, interest, penalties and costs which are a charge upon such real estate will be accepted. Thursday, May 14, 1970 An IMES 4, CLEAN Even If youve never had a vegetable garden before, try one this year. Growing your own helps reduce food bills, gives your family better quality produce and is fun, too. Planting time in your area will depend on when the frost leaves the ground. As soon as that happens and a handful of d soil crumbles when you drop it, the hardy vegetables can be planted. In the North this will be between mid l. March and In alphabetical order, these as soon as possible. Break up hardy plants are beets, cabclods of soil with the back of bage, carrots, chard, kale, kohla rake, level the area and make rabi, lettuce, onions, parsley, soil fine by raking back and parsnips, peas, radishes, spinforth with the tines. ach and turnips. Cord, attached at either end As long as the temperature to stakes will make it easy to does not go below 28 degrees mark the rows where seeds arc Fahrenheit (a heavy frost) these to be planted. Set the first crops will survive. stake where you want the row After danger of a heavy frost to start, unroll cord as you is over the y crops walk, place the second stake can go into the ground. Brocwhere the othei end of the tow coli, cauliflower, celery, endive is to be. Sight along the cord and leek are If you to make sure the row is straight intend to transplant these anyMeasure the same distance way, plant seeds in small sideways from each stake to groups and cover each group find the place for the next row. with a hotkap. This will proMany vegetables are grown in tect seedlings from extreme rows 18 inches apart weather. With cord in place, use the frost-free date Shortly before blade of a hoe to mark furrows in your area, how much defor vegetables like corn, or turn pending on how many days the hoe so you can use one corseeds take, to sprout, you can ner to mark drills in which plant seeds of tender vegetables smaller seeds, like those of car-like beans, corn and potatoes. rots or beets, are sown. These are killed or severely inAs planting time for each even ones. frosts, jured by light kind of vegetable arrives, take When the soil has wanned to seed packets to the garden, a temperature of 60 degrees it mark each row, keeping the is time to plant seeds of extra handle of the hoe against the tender vegetables. These incord for aid in keeping it clude cucumbers, eggplants, straight, and plant the seeds, lima beans, melons, okra, pepcovering them about twice pers, pumpkins, squash, tomatheir largest measurement Then toes and rutabaga. label the rows so youll know To prepare for all this plantwhat is to come up and beg; ing, spade the vegetable area the game of garden wat tightly-squeeze- mid-Apri- half-hard- beg. . . . Velio Tax Sale. No. 1061965 Beg. at SE. Clara Jerman comer of Lot 22, Blk. 7, Plat B, Eureka City Survey, th. S. 59 12 W. 12 ft., th. N. 28 24 W. 22.19 ft, th. N. 62 49 E. 12 ft., th. S. 28 24 E. 22.93 ft. to beg. Tax Sale No.. 109 1965 : Sheldon R. ' Kirkham, Lavon C. Kirkham.' Joint ) Tenants All .of Lot 28, . Blk, 8, Plat B. Eureka City Survey. " Perpetual easement adjoining Lot 26, Blk 8, Plat B, for right of trespass. ( a. K. JOHNSON, until 'tomorrow ALKERS SAVE ON MEAT PRICES Buy grain fed, locker meat price at Call 623 best for a reasonable CHILD CARE in my home days opening for one or two MODERN BRICK HOME FOR 4 bedrooms, carpeting, children. Call Joyce Bracken at SALE 8 ideal location at 244 20 built-inTake over North First East. balFHA mortgage on 5)4 WALLPAPER CLEANING ance less than $17,000. Send offer to Pearson S. Corbett at 8 Call Expert and fast West, Brigham Don Ockey 2021 337 South Third To City 84302, or call see the home, make appointSEE THE NEW SADDLES ment with Mrs. Jerry Bryan, ; OF THE YEAR . . Western Out- tenant. fitters saddles and riding equipment at Sportsmans Supply, One Shetland FOR SALE 123 South Main, Nephi pony, one young Duroc Jersey Ronald Worwood, 645 Boar 2021 SPOTS before your eyes on East Fifth North your new carpet! Remove them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric FOR SALE 2 bedroom tiome. Plumbshampooer, $1.00 in living room. Large Fireplace & Builders See ing Supply House newly sided. 287 yard. our big advertisement on back call 700 East North, page for TERRIFIC PRO VAL1920 20 UES 623-129- s, 623-056- 723-822- 4-- 623-005- HOME FOR SALE OR RENT 3 bedrooms, full basement, garden spot, irrigation water share, VA financed, 5)4 TIME FOR SPRING HOUSESee at 460 South First West, NEW WATCHES BY BULOVA Send your CLEANING? and Caravelle, $10.95 up Nephi. drapes and household furnishNephi Jewelry. ings to us. We will restore them to their original beuaty. Carter WANTED TEACHER 123 South Main. OR HOUSEWIFE BEAUTIFUL OPPORTUNITY Cleaners, with background in education, WITH MERLE NORMAN RENT FOR as sales consultant for World apartment Nephis finest COSMETICS Book and Childcraft in Juab 4 call Jay Mickelson at and Materials, County. mileage BE INDEPENDENT!! Exciting or motel accomodations will be furnished for selected applicants and rewarding Francsise opporwho will attend our educational tunity in NEPHI with your own SEE OUR NEW SPRING Merle retail cosmetic store. , JEWELRY symposium in Provo June 8 Norman Cosmetics offers a you through 12th. Write: Field En- prestige business with Nephi Jewelry complete terprises Educational Corp. 1355 guidance and free continuous Foothill Blvd., Salt Lake City, training. LAY AWAY NOW for graduaUtah. Attn: Mr. Terry. tion on May 26 . . a favorite FINANCING IS AVAILABLE SevWrite, wire or call collect: Mrs. LANE CEDAR CHEST HELP WANTED Lady for Elaine Grayson, MERLE NOR- eral styles, several prices to housework part time work MAN COSMETICS, Dept. LN 13, select from. Come in today for Cali Maurice L. Memmott at 9130 Bellanca Chapman Ave., L. A. Calif. the best selection Furniture Co., 27 South Main. -3777 90045. Area code 623-033- 623-015- 2. 623-118- 9. 213-341- EXPERT SHARPENING . RANCHO . has. immediate, 623-048- what he canet. someone to do today 623-055- - 4-- D 623-192- 4. s from HISTORY'S SCRAPBOOK DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS 't e r--- The National Park ; Service began operations, April 17, was organized as a territory, April 17, 1798. Pierre Laval formed a new cabinet in Vichy, assuming the title of chief of government, April 18, 1942. President F. D. Roosevelt created the War Manpower Commission, April 18, 1942. V.. Time To , Cessation of hostilities marked the end of the Revolution-- , : ary War, April 19, 1783. r . Adolph Hitler was bom, April 20, 1889. The first electric railroad was put into operation, Washington, D.C. to Bladens-burg- , " Md., April 20, 1851. J The Maryland Toleration Act guaranteed religious freedom to all, April 21, 1649. Jury trials were established is Canada, April 21, 1785. " The Office of Price Administration began sugar rationing, April 22, 1942. Oklahoma was opened to settlers, April 22, , ; - Spare . 1889. The World War I Soldiers Bonus bill passed the Senate, April 23. 1925. They Said It Like This... FROM THE LETTER. 75 SULVM OF MUSCAT, EAR, Z-A- UOIV CAN YOU THINK TO PE JUST THAT WHILE WE OPEN SO MANY -- lHunprep ports to you, you SH0ULP WISH H CONFINEUSTDA SINGLE PORT, OR THIS CANNOT EE". 2m.LA.TU) TILLW07.E iTH V.f. PRhSIPEHT 30Q000.00 in his lifetime. ? will corn 1917. Mississippi AND GOOD FRIEND 1 Bull-dogg- er V. 623-018- POMlNlONS. GREAT I; GET YOUR Western shirts, Pants, Moore and Grand Entry straw hats,, also, western, ties .and jewelry Sportsmans Supply, 123 South Main. 19 bell-botto- m ) 20 the Bob Ballow ranch. 0183. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR Prompt Service - Reasonable written FROM GOING TO ALL PARTS OF YOUR :s For And About Teenagers ) . rV 1 1 TRAILERS openings .for Saws Uofl 3: Have Knives Scissors MEN -- AND WOMEN. Apply Mowers All Tools immediately at the office of 17 N. Mato V. W. (Bill) TUNBRIDGE at Rancho Trailers, at 845 South NEPHI JEWELRY, HER LETTERS 52 West First South. Phone Main, Nephi 0 AMP 5ISM NAMES-LIKITS SPRING . . and thats loJELY DRlFJERf the especially good time to HOME REMODELING DONE FOR 2 SALE clean your rugs to rid them of Good 1956 Contact Jeff Rosquist at we GMC pickup Bill Tunbridge, winters dirt and grime 19202122 suggest RUG MATE shampoo 52 West First South, phone 623 20 THE WEEKS LETTER: I am a problem if the girl never likes for the glamorous cleaning job 0180 3 bedroom FOR SALE want-- . . reasonably and he never finds any- which you only eleven years old, but I him home at 479 North Main. Phone Nephi Lumber Co., have a very serious problem. I one else that he likes at aU. priced at Second 6 North. MachWest Jerry Steele. have liked a girl ever since I Your problem is neither serious, 55 For bigger and better Brus1920 available. ine also first saw her. It was in the first nor immediate. Take it easy. You sels sprouts pinch out the top of the plant when the sprouts grade that I met her. Now, I am have plenty of time and plenty 8 x 47 Trailer FOR SALE in the sixth. For almost three of years ahead of you. Dont 1970 Fishing at the bottom are HERE NOW in goodA condition. Air conditLicenses days, I almost started liking an- waste your young years moonget yours before the ''The- smaller, upper sprouts ioned. For more information head- are thus encouraged to grow other girl. Then, I learned I ing over one single girl. Look rush. Hardware call Daryl Carter at couldnt. I think the one 1 really for things to like in everyone quarters also for fishing and much larger , than they otherwise would. 18tf love loves another boy. I have you know. Develop your person- hunting gear! written her letters, but I do not ality. Be a friendly person and sign my name. I sign names like, you will gather friends as yon t;;.v The Lonely Drifter. I really go. If you have to write notes, f dont-writnotes. And, need your help. Please answer-thisilly" r letter." sign your own name. The girl notes the where knows probably OUR REPLY: Let us say, first, come from) anyway. that it is not rare for a boy to If you havo a toonago problem you to discuss or an observation to make, begin liking a girl he sees in the want address your letter to FOR ANO ABOUT first grade and to like her all TEENAGERS. COMMUNITY AND SUBURthrough the school years. He has BAN PRESS SERVICE. FRANKFVMT, KY, - : PREVENT OUR SHIPS rested in said county. of publication: April 30, May 7. 14 and 21. 1970. in Times-New- s, Nephi, Juab nty, Utah. . The executive never puts off Tax Sale No. 1181965 Maria Berrv Part of Farrell Mill Plat, Blk. A, Robinson Townsite, Mammoth City Survey, described as Beg. at SE. Comer of Lot 1, Blk. A, Robinson Townsite, Mammoth City Survey, th. N. 58 20 seconds E. 125 ft., NTy 75 ft. to SE. comer of Lot 5 of said Blk, W. 82.5 ft. to SW. comer of said Lot 5, Wly, Sly and WTy along bdy. line of said Lot 1, to SE. Comer thereof being the place of beg. ' The right of ingress and egress are hereby granted along S. side of said Lot 1 to Gold Street, the same being an alley way 16 ft. wide. Surface rights only. Juab County Auditor 11 property here offered for and which has not been :ken off to a private purser is hereby stricken off sold to the County of Juab, I hereby declare the fee 3le title of said property to ' f i XL)1970' half-hard- , N. 75 IT E. 161.5 fCN. 14 41 W. 107.7 ft., N. 75 IT E. 548.9 ft. along S. side of Sioux Ave. to beg. Cont. 20.34 Ac. WHEREOF,' I e hereunto set my hand and cial seal this 22nd day of ... Punch Line of the Week Tax Sale No. 1171965 James L. Lunt and Margaret Part E. Lunt, Joint Tenants of the Farrell Mill Plat, Blk. A, Robinson Townsite, Mammoth City Survey, described as Com. at a pt. from S. side of Sioux Ave., S. 112 W. 172.4 ft. from NE. comer of Buckeve Mining Claim, Sur. Number 3232 A post 4 ins. by 4 ins. by 1 ft. long B, from which marked pt. runs S. 1 12 W. 803.3 ft.. S. 80 13 E. 214.8 ft., S. 10" 42 E. 541.5 ft., N. 80 29 W. 54 E. 255.6 594.1 ft.. N. 0 ft., N. 80 29 W. 606.7 ft., N 0 54 E. 340 ft., N. 73 50 E. 174.6 ft., N. 16 10 W. 107.9 ,ft., N. 59 20 E. 88.3 ft., N. 20 48 W. 80.4 ft., N. 71 30 E. 40 ft.. N. 2036 W. 7.1 ft., WITNESS Dec TORO & JACOBSEN LAWN MOWERS SCHWINN BICYCLES Lawn Mower and Bicycle Service Lawn Mowers sharpened and repaired. We have tires, engine parts, wheels and blades for most mowers. All sizes of tires and tubes, and parts for bicycle and tricycles. u Saws . machine filed and set Leave word at Clarks Market In Nephi or with Kenneth Hoyt in Levan for pick up and delivery calls on MonWESTENSKOWS 39 day South Main, Gunnison. 15 tf N :.r, I - Retirement r) I $ rewry pcvvf . By GERALD ANDREWS y?u cur 2 - iY:' l as Generally speaking, it is long as you avoid the pitfalls. You know the individual real estate enterprise. You see the plot you want purchase it, and hold it for sale at some future date. Or you buy a house or an apartment building and become a landlord. This is OX as long as you realize that for an individual, especially an amateur, its even riskier tan buying stocks. There's another method available to those who arent in a position to act for themselves. Tm referring to REIT, which stands for Real Estate Investment Trust Here you buy shares in a trust transjust as in most investment actions. But the trust puts your money into real estate instead of into companies involved in goods or services. You might decide on Equity Trust which depends on rents from property. Alternatively, you could go for .a Mortgage Trust where the main reliance is on interest from mortgages. In any case, the prudent man will consult a broker before buystill no ing into REIT. There is substitute for the expertise of the specialist. N j i Spend it, what else? WeK, lets hope you save a little. Lets hope you have something see aside for those years wheriyour childrei are going to college. For that dream trip youve always wanted to take. For retirement. Oae of the easiest ways to make sure youll have that nest egg is by joining the Iayroll Savings Plan where yot work or he Bond-a-Mon-th Plan where yv banlc. thS. Savings Bonds now pay 5 interest when held to maturity of 5 years, 10 months (4 the first year; thereafter to maturity). Thats the highest . rate ever. U.S. Savings Bonds. The easy way to save for those times when it will come in handy. ' Investing in Land The National Association of Real Estate Boards has come up with an interesting statistic for anyone who owns land or is thinking of buying some real estate as an investment Here it is: During 1968, single family homes increased in value by an average of about 7 percent In other words, the median sales price climbed upward by approxt imately that much. That figure may be new to you. But Im sure you can put your finger on the reason without any help from the economists. Inflation. And with the government adopting a tight money policy, theres been relatively less building. That means more people in search of real estate. Inflation is a special problem. My subject just now is the real estate market; what does its present condition mean to you and me? For the homeowner, the answer is obvious. He finds himself, all things being equal, in possession of a more valuable commodity. Should he sell, he should realize a handsome profit For the buyer, the continuing upward trend suggests that real estate is a good investment V !. Cl- Adviser '20, Bonds are safe. If kxt, stolen, 9 destroyed, we replace them. When needed, they cm he cashed at year bank. Tax way be deferred until fedempboa. And remember. Bonds am a proud way to nsre. ahyt lake stock in America Wsh highsr paying US. Savings Bondi. - A, ; v i -- v t. m Six TAKE UP PAYMENTS on beautiful console piano. Write; Credit Manager, Box 202, Sandy, Utah 84070. 2022 inch 623-041- Tax Sale No. 141965 Beg. at Mabel S. Golden the NW. Cor of Lot 3, Blk. 19 Plat B, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E. 134.5 ft., th. S. 94.5 ft., th. W. 134.5 ft., th. N. 94.5 ft to beg. Tax Sale No. 1051965 The E. 10 Clara Jerman ft. of Lot 2L Blk. 7, Plat B, Eureka City Survey described as follows: Beg. at NE. comer said Lot th. S. 59 12 W. 10 ft. th. S. 28 24 E. 70.71ft.. th. E. 10 ft., th. NEly 70.71 ft. to Sf t)j EWSU 623-080- 8. 10-19- Jiff -- FOR SALE carpets the "save and old safe way with Blue Lustre Call Leghorn Pullets Rent our shampooer $1.00 20 Chapman Furniture Co., 27 So. Main. Do you have your Lane FOR SALE Used doors and Cedar Chest graduation gift arwindows. Will do custom lawn ranged for your daughters 0 Call or mowing graduation is soon! contact Richard Greenhalgh. Tax Sale No. Beg. at a Sisson C. Chase N. of the SE. Cor. pt 109.5 ft of Lot 1, Blk. 52, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. N. 60 ft., th. W. 57.25 ft., th. S. 60 ft. th. E. 57.25 ft. to beg. Tax Sale No. 1211965 James L. Lunt and Margaret Lot E. Lunt, Joint Tenants 10, Blk. B, Robinson Townsite, Mammoth City Survey Tax Sale No. 1221965 Lots Helen Wilder Milliman 30 and 31, Blk. B, Cowans Add., Mammoth City Survey. Tax Sale No. 1431965 Topaz Uranium Company Being upon mining rights on the Yellow Chief unpatented mining claim situated in the "unknown mining district beginning at the SW comer No. 1 of said claim, (which comer is located and described at that point arrived at by beginning at the NW corner of Sec. 1, T. 12 S, R. 12 W S.L.M.. 78 16 E. 1200 feet; thence North 11 44 E. 2271 feet) and thence running North 11 44 E. 1500 feet; thence South 78 16 E. 600 feet; thence South 11 44 W. 1500 feet; thence North 78 16 W. 600 feet to the point of record-edi- n beginning. This claim is Book 158, page 103; bears the Recorders No. 86850 in the office of the Juab County Recorders Office in Nephi, Utah. Jto V c Page . - r s: r-- i s |