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Show NopKI, 1 V i1 , i" if , W News of Your Friends in Nephi i! "4 . Mothers day visitors at the Mr. and Mrs. Leo Christensen had as their dinner guests on Mothers day, their family: Mrs. Brent Aagard and baby of Levan; Mr. and Mrs. David Christensen of Provo; Miss Kathy: Christensen and James Pritchett of Provo, and Mrs. Dulcie Fran-coof Levan. .. Mrs. Leonard Belliston was a visitor over the week end at the home of her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glade Van Nosdol. On Saturday she attended the funeral services at Payson for Mrs. Mabel Horton i Hi V h V home of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Cazier were Mr. and Mrs. Don Ferguson of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cazier and children Debbie, and Scott of Kearns, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hartvigsen and family Patricia, Rosella and Jeffery of Spanish Fork; Mr. and Mrs. Lane Ewell and children Angela and Jeffery of Provo. Mr. Ewell is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Cazier. yvy;1 K ' ; V Mr. and Mrs. Bert Powell and Mrs. Ralph B. Belliston spent Mrs. James H. Eagar spent Mothers day in Salt Lake City. "V- Mothers day in Delta with Mr. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. J Mrs. Lee Wankier and Robert B. Powell and children and .1' j family. Mrs. Wankier is a niece and also with Mr. and Mrs. A1 V ma Rasmussen (Ruby Belliston) of Mrs. Eagar. Mrs. Ernest Brough and herj Mothers day guests at the daughter. Miss Helen Brough home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry were dinner guests on Mothers Black were Mr. and Mrs. Neil day at the home of Mr. and Black and family of Kearns. "V Mrs. Arnold Brough. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Larson Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Park and family of Heber spent of Layton were Mothers day Mothers day with Mrs. Anna Miss Dorothy Ingram and week end visitors at the D. Allred. home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Mother's day guests at the Planned Park. home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marriage Mrs. Wanda Burridge return- Warner were Mrs. Beth Mitched to her home Saturday after ell, Verna and Kimberly Palmer At Manti Temple spending the winter in Calif- of Sait Lake City. ornia. She visited with her son Mr. and Mrs. Leo G. Ingram Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott in law and daughters: Mr. and the engagement and announce at on were Mothers day guests Mrs. M. R. Orme at San Ramarriage of their forthcoming in son law of home the their fael, California, and with Mrs. and and Mrs. daughter, Miss Dorothy Ingram Mr. daughter, Kathryn Newald. Her daughter, to Kim Ellertson, son of Mr. Mrs. Max D. Strong and son Keith Aston at Provo. an dMrs. John Winslow EllertRichard accompanied her home. Mrs. Julia Rasmussen return- son (formar Laura Lee Brough) Mrs. Burridge also spent some ed to her home after having of Tempe, Arizona. time in Tooele with Mr. and spent the past several months The bride to be is presently Mrs. Max D. Strong and in with her son in law and daugh- attending Juab High School. She Salt Lake City with Mr. and ter, Mr. and Mrs. Bayson Matsu is president of her class and an Mrs. John Springer. and boys at Kailua, Hawaii. active member of the ProVita. The prospctive bridegroom Is Mary E. Brown returned to a senior at Juab High School j her home in San Diego Sunday and a graduate of Juab Stake Big evening after spending a month Seminary. in Utah. She visited with her will be married The sister, Mrs. J. L. Belliston for1 June 6 couple of in the Manti two weeks and also spent two Church of Jesus chr?st of Lake Clty Wlth the Latter-da- y Saints, with a rec her brother. eption that evening at the Juab Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barker Stake House. and children Karen and Kevin They both plan to attend colof Bountiful spent Saturday in lege this fall. Nephi with her mother, Mrs. Catherin B. Bowles. Heating Fuel Budget Plan: Mrs. Catherin B. Bowles was Past Preisdents even, low monthly payments a guest on Mothers day at the through the heating season. Event home of Professor and Mrs. J. Honored Chevron J. Keeler and family at Provo. District Four annual The She also visited with Miss CathPast Presidents breakfast of the erin Bowles. American Legion Auxiliary was j CALL YOUR STANDARD OIL O. Ray Powell visited over hosted by the Nephi unit on MAN IN NEPHI the week end in Orem with his May 9 at the Juab Stake House. LEO CHRISTENSEN son in law and daughter, Mr. Mrs. Vem Davis, president of and Mrs. Sherrel Taylor and the Nephi unit, conducted. Standard Oil Company of California Prayer by Mrs. Chester Foote family. was followed by the pledge of allegiance led by Mrs. Albert Haney. Remarks were given by Mrs. Ethel Brown, district president and Mrs. Afton Obom, state representative. Mrs. Merle White was in charge of the program, which consisted of violin and accordian selections by Mrs. Elden Sherwood and Mrs. Lynn Brough; a very timely and informaive talk by Mrs. Claude Lomax; a vocal trio by Mrs. Leo Osborne, Mrs. Reed Christensen and Mrs. Lynn Brough, accompanied by Miss Rheta Sperry. Approximately 70 past presidents from the district enjoyed the affair. k Week home of Nyman Stephen Charles Kristine end visitors at the Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth were Mr. and Mrs. Nyman of Provo, Mrs. Rose and daughter of Salt Lake City. ' III I heat bills? I at 8 . SHIRTS cotton MEN S Patients at the Juab County Hospital include the following: Chloe N. Bailey, Nephi Mrytle A. Christensen, Mor- oni James H .Ockey, Nephi Edward Ostler, Nephi Alice Winn Park, Nephi Desma Stowell, Nephi Floyd Swasey, Mona Earl Vest, Mona Elizabeth Wilkey, Nephi Susie Tidwell, Nephi John Bell, Phoenix, Arizona James W. Lawrence, Phoenix, Arizona Malinda Roundy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Roundy, Spanish Fork. - Reg. 99c DENIM SUM-FI- T JEANS - - Famous CLOSEOUT -- 88 make Reg. price 4.99 STRAW HATS Cool o IHUt it this summer a straw . . . "DICKIE" WORK. PANTS Tan and grey colors 100 cotton A new Registered Nurse at the Juab County Hospital is a former Mrs. Don Nephite, Brinkman of Payson. She was formerly Hiss Nol aWinn ofM formerly Miss Nola Winn of Nephi, and is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Winn. Brinkman Mrs. graduated from Juab High School and the LDS Nurses Training School at Idaho Falls, Idaho, where she earned her degree. Later she became an anaethetist and served in this capacity for 16 years at the Payson City Hospital. Nita Park, Reporter AJ77 pair tL 2 pair for 5.00 "RAYETTE" CURLERS AND CONTAINER YCustom Curling at - Home" 0Q( RED HEART YARN kJusf Arrived! Best selection in month- s- skien Too many greases? ) RPM Multi-Motiv- Chevron - eMLYOtn STANDARD OK. NEPHI LEO CHRISTENSEN - 6234)648 MAN IN Stjndrd OH home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank at May 22 The next Mt. Pleasant Mobile a.m. and Mrs. Wayne Shepard of Application forms can be obSpringville, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil VanAusdal of Santaquin. tained from Mrs. Marjorie M. Greenhalgh. All new applicants must return their completed applications, signed by their family doctor to the Primary Childrens Hospital so a definite appointment time can be made. It is suggested that applicaWeek end guests at the home tions be limited to those who of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stephen-se- n cannot afford private care. Adwere Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ditional information can be ob-- j Peterson and daughters Renee tained by calling Mrs. Greenand Jennifer of Midvale. halgh, Primary Stake President. News Levan mnm JUMBO ROLLS --e- ach 32 24 oz 49c CRISCO OIL DAILY DIET DOG FOOD KLEENEX 11 -- cans 100 -- 280 count -- 3100 10 OATH SIZE BAR LINDSAY SELECT RIPE OLIVES -- can27 doz. THRIFTY in law, Mrs. Virginia Christensen; Mrs. Shirieen Newell and mother, Mrs. Marcella Slack; Mrs. Marilyn Park and mother, Mrs. Almina Kay; Mrs. Phyllis Ingram and mother in law, Mrs. Louise Ingram; Mrs. Janice Stephenson and mother, Mrs. Nell Crosland, and mother in law, Mrs. Tola B. Stephenson; Mrs. Karen Kay and mother, Mrs. Mrs. Hene Mansfield; Kayle Peterson and mother, Mrs. Ila Pearson; Mrs. Margaret Hill and mother, Mrs. Coquella McMrs. Carolyn Ockey Pherson; and mother, Mrs. Yvonne Carter; Mrs. LouAnn Osborne and Mrs. Shirley Foote. BACON BIG SAVIHGS 59 per pound POT ROAST SEVEH B0HE CUT per pound 59 CHEESE SUPER BARGAIH! per pound 59 BAR S HAM Boneless Fully Cooked per lb SWANSON MEAT PIES 4 for 89 WESTERN FAMILY VEGETABLES - 7 pkgs 100 ORE-IDFRENCH FRIES -- H pgs 5 for 100 TIP TOP LEMONADE Regular or Pink - 6 oz cans 1 1 for 1 00 A 1 1.23 10 LB BEEF ROAST KINGSFORD Round Bone 77 CHARCOAL-- per pound 79 AMERICAN BEAUTY ELBO RONI - - 24 oz pkg 35 RIB STEAKS per pound 98 PAPER ST. REGIS HALIBUT CUPS"1 00 cups 87 9-o- The Nautilus Club members their mothers at entertained Mickelson's Cafe on Thursday, May 7. The tables were decorated with bouquets of spring flowers. After the dinner, guests and members enjoyed a program arranged by committee members Karen Kay and Janice Stephenson. Enjoying the evening were Mrs. Beth Sperry and her mother, Mrs. Norma K. Jensen; Mrs. Myrleen Liddiard and her mother, Mrs. Madge Allan; Mrs. Doris Anderson and her mother, Mrs. Petrea L. Madsen; Mrs. Myria Christensen and mother INSTANT POTATOES No. 10 size can 79 46 oz cans PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT JUICE NOW - - - 3 cans 89 SCOTT TOILET rolls 79 TISSUE-- 10 39 NECTAR 46 oz DEL MONTE CORN Cream or Whole Kernel 5 for 100 SCOTT TOWELS Nautilus Club Members Honor Mothers YIU K0OWI APRICOT CARNATION TUNA Regular size cans - - 3 for TOO SHASTA POP- Regular or Diet - - 11 for 100 Company of California Page Four Mt. Pleasant At Annual Affair Held Last Thursday Cole were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Clinic will be held Friday, May Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Cole 22, at the LDS Hospital at of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Mt. Pleasant, starting at 9:30 Dean Atkinson of Orem, Mr. LARGE LIBBY Mobile Clinic Visit Set BANANAS pound STRAW BERRIES z FILLETS ORANGE SLICES 19 "Turbot" lb 49c DEL MONTE FRUIT CHUCK DRINKS 46 oz cans 4 for 1 00 STEAK - Cut from the better cuts -- lb 71 VIENNA SAUSAGES Regular size cans 4 fr 95 A&R LINKS SPECIAL - - lb 69c CINDERELLA HAIR -39 SPRAY He cup - - 23 US YELLOW ONIONS-lb- 8 SUNKIST LARGE LEMONS 3 for 19c Grease in e a handy cartridge gun kit greases everything, DEPARTMENT STORES- Mothers day visitors at the DOUBLE A LUX KIDS SWEAT All Thursday, May 14, 1970 SitHffl'ftVtUG Juab County, Utah 84648 TANG LUNCH MEAT-1- 2 oz can 59 VIE ATS GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES.. PIIOIIE 673-1H- 57 |