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Show Nephi, Juab County. Utah 84648 Prec. .00 .00 .00 .32 .00 .00 .00 On May 5, Joyce Wilkeys 12 Little Cookie Cutters met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilkey to elect officers. Offic- ers named are: Angel May, president; Lorilee Eyre, vice president; Debra Gadd, secretary; Sheila Jarrett, recreation chairman; Becky Sperry, song Other members are leader. Jeanette Wilkey, Fackrell, Betty Laura Greenhalgh, Jill Sperry, and Mary McPherson. Reporter: Kristy Parkin. Prec. .00 .00 Tr. .08 .00 .00 .00 ' . VENICE THEATRE SATURDAY FRIDAY THURSDAY MAY 1415 16 Only Walt Disney could Ml Otis incredible JidesVertie adventure, jujs In seunii of the TECHNICOLOR SUNDAY 190 WH Oivwy TUESDAY MONDAY 18 MAY 17 19 i V 20th Piwkicwm Century-Fo- x presents GIlEGOnV PEtll jinnE iiEVUiooD An Arthur P. Jacobs Production the mninmnn" Panavlslon- - Color by Shirley Rae Paystrup became. the bride of Kirt R. Kellett when ceremonies were perform-- 1 ed at the Juab Stake House on Friday, May 1. A recepeiton followed. The couple was honored at a dinner at Mickelsons Cafe, given by parents of the bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. Rex G. Kellett of Moroni. Mrs. Bonnie Paystrup of Ne-pand Reuben Paystrup of Levan are parents of the bride. Bridesmaids were Judy Wan-kie- r, Kay Anderson fand Tina Kellett. They wore green crepe dresses and carried bouquets of green and blue poms. Mothers of the couple were in blue crepe dresses. Flower girls were Dawn Lee Paystrup, Christine Cook, Jan-ee- n and Janice Pettersson. Nora and Connie Kellett were at the guest book. Tohe brides bouquet was a white orchid surrounded with green and blue poms. The couple left following the reception for a honeymoon trip to Lake Tahoe. ONE SHOW ONLY STARTS 8:00 P.M. WILDLIFE WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 SPECIAL SHOW cam CUIMII covcucr osancobumc: -i- J CROWN INTERNATIONAL vers or wmw FEDERATION PICTURES presents RON E SHANlN FRiEan scJFam S Daughters of Utah Pioneers of Camp Birch held their May meeting and social at the home of Effie Scott on May 8. Captain Lorene Kirgan presided, Following the pledge of allegiance and prayer by Chaplain Nona Smith, singing was led by Chorister Fern Garrett. Minutes of the April meeting were read by Velma Hansen, secretary. The history of Salena Roper Bartholomew and the Journal of John Speirs were read by Effie Scott. The lesson on Mormon Ghost Towns was given by Er-v- a Howard. Refrehrments were served by the officers of the camp. Present were Lorene Kirgan, Alberta Jones, Mildred Lunt, Velma Hansen, Blanche Cooper, Tacy Bracken, Verlie Tolley, Nona Smith, Fern Garrett, Sylvia Peters, Norma Bailey, Effie Scott, Tola Stephenson, Erva Howard, Erma Garrett, Jessie Worthington, s, McPherson, Flossie Melva Scott, Maude Ingram and LaVell Svedin. It's Fishing Opening The prescription the NEPHI DRUG all day department of CO. will be closed SATURDAY FRIDAY, - June SUNDAY AND Please have necessary refills in our store on Thursday, June 4th. 7. Thanks! TO BUY -S- Don't put yourself in the place where you have to say "Sorry, but we're drastically See us today! FIRE! VK. er CALL YOUR STANDARD IN NEPHI LEO CHRISTENSEN Oil ." Larry Peterson CENTRAL UTAH INSURANCE AGENCY OIL 33 South Main Street MAN Standard under-insured- e, Chevron Oil Powered Water Heaters provide hot water for the family 24 hours a day. Economical, too. Office: 6 623-025- Nephi, Utah Residence 0 623-003- 9 Company of California r RPM DELO Multi-Servic- e Oil is the one oil best for both diesel and gasoline engines. Chevron IGA TableRite ASSORTED 'Standard Oil MILK JELL-- O CALI YOUR STANDARD OIL MAN IN NEPHI 23-0646 LEO CHRISTENSEN ELL- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Drage of Payson announce the birth of a son on May 11. Mrs. Drage is the former Sherilyn Jepson of Nephi. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Drage of Spanish Fork and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Jepson of Nephi. Great grandfather is R. V. Huff-akof Salt Lake City. Chevron Too many oils? BUD HAYMOND THE INSURANCE MAN and Mrs. Walter Smith are parents of a son born May 1 at Cottonwood Hospital in Salt Lake City. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Smith of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Skow of Walla Walla, Washington. hi Use the TNTSI H Mr. full-leng- th 31 ainct Of Booklore Club New Babies . Kellett Following Recent Marriage Rites Inc Meets at Scott Home Need hot water? Reception at Stake House Honors Mr.f Mrs. B0.n6virtb8UtW(S!OiSiiBUIiOfiCO At Recent Meeting P. D. U. la Mr. and Mrs. Kirt R. Kellett (Shirley Rae Paystrup) , Camp Birch, Sud-week- dPa7 Walt DisnejV Mrs. Garrett Hostess The Booklore Club met at the home of Mrs. Joe Garrett on May 7, with Mrs. Theo Westring, vice president, presiding. Mrs. Glade Sanders introduced her guest, Stephen Bracken, who sang two beautiful solos. He was accompanied by Mrs. Garrett. Mrs. Sanders then reviewed the very witty and humorous book At Wits End written by Erma Bombeck. Mrs. Bombeck, whose syndicated column appears in The Deseret News, has the ability to make people laugh at themselves. Her book describes the frustrations of everyday family life, and her flair for writing makes the ordinary seem extarordinary. She was a copy girl on a paper in Dayton, Ohio during World War was interviewing Shirley Tem-I- I, and her first big assignment pie. Today, her highly successful column with its flashes of truth and constant wit is enjoyed by readers from coast to coast. CARD OF THANKS We sincerly extend to friends Refreshments were served to Mrs. James Smith, Mrs. Ralph and relatives our thanks and E. Chase, Mrs. Jesse Bailey, appreciation for their help dur Mrs. Herman Young, Mrs. Alton ing the recent illness of Mrs. Many offerS. Gadd, Mrs. DeLos Garrett, Lucille Mattinson. Mrs. Ronald Belliston, Mrs. Roy ed assistance, and this too is is Greenhalgh, Mrs. Glade San- deeply appreciated. It is pleasshe to that report ing doing ders, Mrs. Theo Westring, Mrs. Leonard Garfield, and the host- well. Robert Mattinson ess, Mrs. Joe Garrett. " Page Five Thursday, May 14, 1970 QTimwfUus 10 SI" Company of California Vi gal ctn. Cubed 100 fo o C T.V. DINNERS PICTSWEET oiC VEGETABLES AWAKE - 9 oz. - 3 for 89c MEADOW GOLD MILK (Lrji) Vi Gallon ASSORTED ICE MILK Vz GALLON - - Plastic boll GALLON lb. FROZENIFOODS1 SWANSON REGULAR BREAD CHICKEN No deposit K -- OVENFRESH 5 BLEACH BUTTER IGA WEEK! TOMATO JUICE IGA 46 oz. 29c PEACHES - IGA - IVz can 29c GREEN BEANS IGA 5for SI. ALUMINUM FOIL -I- GA -- 23c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE IGA 49c CUT UP SALTINES - IGA - 2 lb box 49c PAN READY, PLASTIC WRAP EC 3 LEGGED IGA -- 100 ft. CUT (Q) SNOKREEM CHUCK SHORTEN ING - 3 lb fin r OPEN o o o o o 7:30 A.M Mon. thru Friday 8 a.m. Saturday STEAK HOT BAR Simply invest $500 or more In First Security Bank subordinated notes. Interest at 7 per annum Is paid twice a year. r '' 'J Ask for offering circular. lb 530 12 oz K)C pkg aw Table Fresh Produce BONUS STAMPS u. s. Monday - Tuesday -- Wednesday BANANAS FREE GOLD STRIKE FANCY SLICING STAMPS atCUCUMBERS CLIP TOP lb 1 IT 215 1 6 p.m. daily except Friday! cello A WPnf 623ll3lgniaMnpM beKKIE5 cuP WRAPPING, 66 EAST CENTER PHONE JEPHI CUSTOM CUTTING, STREETgSTR 25c CANTALOUPE lb 12c ORANGES - - lb - - 10c p.m. FRIDAY! LENtYlOFjANGL juEQGEI NEW RED 5 lbs for your r FREEZING OPEN UNTIL FIRST SECURITY BANK uaMsauiiAi al Q FRYERS ORDER NOW! 37c FRANKS BACON CARROTS Closed B -- Saturday Only convenience ( o o o mmoMEasiii? POTATOES |