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Show UTAH NATIONAL NEWSPAPER " lHMUfltiT fnriii IlM NNA SUSTAINING Fra mss wr MEMBER -1- 970 Roy E. Gibson Published Thursdays at Nephi, Juab County, class Second Utah. entry at Nephi, Utah. Mrs. Thomas H. Burton re- turned to her home last week after visiting in Salt Lake City with her sons and daughters in law, Dr. and Mrs. Marcus H, Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burton, and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Burton and families. She also spent a few days in Logan with her daughter, Mrs. Glen Worthington, and visited with her sister, Mrs. Eva Jones at Mur ray, Office: 96 South Main Phone (801) Publisher and t 623-052- 5 Editor-Manag- er Subscription: $4.00 per year, payable in advance. Advertising rates on request. Levan News Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Shepherd were in Tooele Tuesday and Wednesday of last week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. W. Woodrow Beard visited in Provo on Mothers day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hodson. Also as guests at the Hodson home were Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hodson and family of Midvale, son in law and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Beard. Visitors on Sunday, Mothers day, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Shepherd were Mr. and Mrs. Delwin Shepherd and Mrs. Heber Taylor of Levan, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shepherd and daughter Kathie, Mr. and ' Mrs. Randy Memmott and baby daughter of Spanish Fork, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Shepard and daughter Robin of Salt Lake City; Mrs. Mont Shepherd and baby son of Las Vegas, Nevada. and son , Mrs. Mont Shepherd spent several days at the home of her parents in law. n Mr. and Mrs. Glen H. and family spent Mothers day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Chap pell in Lyman, Utah Visitors on Mothers day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephensen were Mr. and Mrs Fred Hansen and daughter of Payson. Mr.r and Mrs. Owen D. Tay lor had as their Mothers day visitors, , Mr. and Mrs. Gam A. Stewart and family of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Ostler, Larry Ostler and Miss Ellen Williams of Nephi, and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Vickery of Provo. Mrs. Chloe Anderson had as her guests on Mothers day, Mr. and Mrs. Farren Anderson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alton An derson of Salt Lake City, also Mr. and Mrs. Duane Anderson and family of Manti. Step-hense- Mrs. Bailey Reviews Interesting Book for Ladies Literacy Club The Ladies Literary Club met on May 7 at the home of Mrs J. L. Belliston. Mrs. Leo Chris tensen, club president, was in charge of the meeting and wel corned the members. Club col lect was read by Mrs. Frank Greenhalgh. The luncheon for the girl graduates of Juab High School, to be held on May 21 was discussed. A review of the book The House of Many Rooms by Hunter was given by Mrs Jesse Bailey. Members present were Mrs. T. W. Allred, Mrs Wilford Bailey, Mrs. Floyd Lunt, Mrs. Ralph Belliston, Mrs. P. N, Anderson, Mrs. George V. Jones, Mrs. Leo Christensen, Mrs James H. Eagar, Mrs. Frank P. Greenhalgh, Miss Mabel Sperry, Mrs. J. L. Belliston. Special guests were Miss Mary Brown and Mrs. Jesse Bailey. . Dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dell R. Carter were Mr. and Mrs. John Leavitt of Ontario, California, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leavitt of Chino, California, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Robbins and son of Bountiful, Carol Henderson and a friend, both students at the Brigham Young University; Mr. and Mrs. Billie Sidwell and family of Price, Mr. and Mrs Miss Thomas W. Stephenson, Mr. and Mildred Stephenson, Mrs. Otis Kay and family, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Sidwell and fam ily, of Nephi. Nephi News Briefs Mothers day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Collard included: Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Jones and baby of Tooele, Ivy Christensen of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Callaway and two children of Santa-quiJulia Rasmussen and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lunt and baby of Nephi. On May 6, 24 members of the Senior Citizens enjoyed two films and refreshments. WedCOPPERBELT . . . Miners at nesday, May 20 is the date set Roan Belt, Zambia, use a mas-iv- c for the Senior Citizens monthly diamond drill on the ore banquet at 12 noon. Call Mrs. ice of one of the world's Lawrence Boswell for reservachest copper deposits. tions as early as possible. The deadline for reservations will 4 be May 19. n; and Mrs. Kent Jarrett of Lindon spent Mothers day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. R. R. Jarrett. Mrs. Eugene Jackson and daughters Carol and Peggy attended the annual Mothers and Daughters banquet held at Moroni Saturday evening. Dinner guests on Mothers day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Jarrett were their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Price and family of Salt Lake City; also Steven, Gary and Jeffery, 6ons of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jarrett of Nephi. Recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Harry Irons were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Woods and two children who were enroute to West Samoa where Mr. Woods will teach Seminary for the next three years. Mrs. Harry J. Irons spent Mothers day in Fountain Green as a guest at the home of her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Cook. Other guests at the Cook home were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ryan and two daughters of Granger, Mr and Mrs. Jay Worthington and three children of Granger, Mr. and Mrs. Dave McFadden and daughter Michelle of Las Vegas Mrs. Elva N. Lofthouse spent Friday and Saturday in Salt Lake City where she attended the volley ball touma ment. Two daughters and a son played in the tournament from the St. Lewis First Ward in Missouri. Mrs. Lofthouse also visited with her daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Haynes Deon Marlock and Marjene of Provo visited on Saturday at Carr. the home of Mr. and Mrs. AnJames D. Mathews of Rapid gus Haynes. City, South Dakota, was in Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jarrett Provo to attend the Lamanite of City spent the conference at the BYU. He is weekBrigham end in Nephi and Mona LDS Seminary Coordinator of visited with Mrs. Delta the Northern Indian mission They and Mrs. Ray Newton. Hedberg area. He spent Thursday and Mothers day and week end Friday nights at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James visitors at the home of Mr. and W. Mathews. They accompanied Mrs. Earl Howard were mem' him to Provo Saturday to at- bers of their family, Mr. and tend the Lamanite testimony Mrs. Newell Bracken and fam meeting and other activities. ily of Lindon, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Blackett and Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Jack Wright returned Larry Howarth and families of home Wednesday after spending Nephi, Mr and Mrs. Clifford the past two months in Poca- Park and family of Layton, Mr. Mrs. Boyd Coombs and tello, Idaho with her son in and law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. family of Granger. Arthur Latimer. The Latimers Miss Louise Hall of Salt Lake accompanied her home and spent the week end here. City and Howard Lunier, formerly of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Jarrett now living in Michigan, were had as their visitors on Friday guests Sunday at the home of of last week, their son in law Miss Halls parents, Mr. and and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Perry C. Hall. Blaine Martell and children Visitors on Mothers day at Barbara and Gordon of Salt Lake City, and on Saturday, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alma Mrs. Melva Openshaw of Pro- Haycock were their son in law vo visited at the home of her and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Robert Houghton and four childparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett. ren of Granger. Mrs. Grace Ostler, Mrs. Mar-cil- e Mr. and Mrs. Alma Haycock Jackson, both of Nephi; had as their visitors on MonMrs Iona Baxter of Milford and morning, her brother, EuMrs. Jewel Bailey of Moroni, day gene Jensen of Santa Ana, wit htheir mother, Mrs. Sophia Bruno, attended the Moroni Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thompson Stake Mothers and DaunhtTs banquet held Saturday evening of Spanish Fork were visitors in Moroni. Over 700 mothers on Sunday afternoon at the and daughters attended the af- - home of Mr. and Mrs. George fair. D. Haymond. Ro-edl- lo Senior Citizens News r Thursday, May 14, 1970 TI)c- - SilUW iVrf iufi Nephf, Juab County, Utah 84648 all-sta- Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. Pace. Mr. and Mrs. George V. Jones ' of Pleasant Grove visited on and son Sherman attended a family dinner Sunday In Salt Lake City at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hansen. Other Dinner guests at the home of members of the family present r' ! Greenhalgh were Qr and Mrs. Richard W. for Mothers day were their an(j family of Logan, Mr. sons and daughters in law Mr ijones and MrSi Lee c. Burton and and Mrs Norman Greenhalgh family of Salt Lake Cityi and and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gary,the j,ost and hostess, Mr. and Greenhalgh and family, Mr. and Mrs Hansen and family. Mrs. Richard Greenhalgh and Michael Garrett of Bountiful family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur O Greenhalgh called his mother visited at the home of Mr. and from Richland, Washington. Mrs. Floyd Garrett over the week end. Mother's day guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Rue Golden home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Greenhalgh were Mr. and Mrs. spent Wednesday and Thursday George Hawkins and family of of last week in Salt Lake City Bountiful, Mr. Hawkins mother, and Bountiful. They visited with also Mrs. Musig, mother of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Golden and Mrs. Greenhalgh who is visiting family at Bountiful and with Mr. and Mrs. Byron Chase and at the Greenhalgh home. family and Mrs. Alice Bunchich Mr. and Mrs. George V. Jones in Salt Lake City. attended the funeral services at Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Gowers Payson Saturday for Mrs. Mabel had as their guests last week, Horton. her brother and sister in law, Mr and Mrs. H. L. Grace Mr. and Mrs. Grant Anderson of were guests on Mothers day at Reno, Nevada. On Sunday, May the home of their son in law 3 Mr. and Mrs. Gowers and and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. May- Mr. and Mrs. Anderson attendnard Wankier at Midvale, at a ed Sunday School and sacrament family gathering. Other guests meeting at Moroni. at the Wankier home were Mr. Mrs. Geniel Loveless and her and Mrs. Dix Grace and family of Payson, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- daughter Annette visited on ert Zumpano of Salt Lake City, Saturday with Mrs. Lovelesss and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merrill brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Gadd, and with Grace and family of Provo. Mrs. Naomi Allred. The easy way to train such plants as sweet peas and morning glories is on specially treated string netting. It can be hung wherever you want the vines to climb. Want material for delightful sachets? Grow lavender, a perennial. and use its flowers. Chill the seeds before you plant them for this makes them sprout more surely. of easily-grow- annuals and will produce variety of flowers for cutting from early summer until frost. Comfort Ruggedness Long wear. You'll find them all In this new plain toe boot by WOLVERINE. Tough, 'top grade cowhide that resists water and acids. Comfort cushion insole. Steel shank support and extra wear Durables sole. Try a pair, youll be sold. OIL-PROO- GERMAN HORSEMAN ... A CURWOOD there's a Woiverineoot to match it CARTER CLEANERS e DR. D. D. CAMPBELL Chiropractic Physician In Nephi Every TUESDAY. Hours: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Office, 69 South Main Nephi Utah & SPORTSMANS SUPPLY 123 SOUTH MAIN PHONE 423-014- 6 NEPHI, UTAH WANTED FARMS & RANCHES TO SELL - Large and small give us an opportunity to help you. If we don't sell it you owe tis Four offices to serve you. nothing. Call Collect: Theron T. Miller, 255-650- 0 Manager, Farm S Ranch Dept., Utah - Idaho MONSON & CO., INC. 666 East 4th South, Salt Lake City Weve got what it takes to take what youve got To take what F DURABLES SOLE whatever the action Two whose ipece for Gardener planting is extremely limited or new gardeners who don't know one flower from another might profitably buy seeds of a cut flower mixture. This will contain a nurabei Tte grown man on a toy horse? Ya! and who has a better right than the man who made the lieises? Chicagoan Nikolaas Klein learned the art of custom-madquality rocking horses from master craftsmen when he was a youth in Germany. This par ticular model appears to be one of the rocking variety. Some are equipped with wheels to roll You might say a customers preference depends on whether hed rather rock or rolL Page youve got, weve got the computers, electronic of all-- the controls, the right rolling stock and-m- ost right people to deliver whatever youve got. a call to Union Pacific will pay dividends in Be Specific and schedule-pressure- d these days. ... cost-conscio- us American business has a new go sign -- |