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Show Nephi, Juab County. Utah 84648 p mnw Rl5s AsSOCIATit UTAH $TATE NATIONAL NEWSPAPER 1Ias,c61' USIAINING-MtM- ilt - 2itnca-iVrctu- s Published Thursdays at Nephi, Juab County, class Second Utah, Utah, at Nephi, entry Office: 96 South Main 5 Phone 623-052- $4.00 per year, payable in advance. News of Your Friends in Nephi The Ladles Literary Club them never nave seen a doctor was entertained Friday May 3 and 90 per cent never have Most of at the Mona Ward Chapel with been to a dentist. Mrs. EL Alton Ellertson as the them never have slept in sheets hostess. The meeting was con- and they average 15 pounds unHe said most of ducted by Mrs. W. W. Stephen- der weight. them appreciate what Is being son, club vice president done for them and cooperate Collect was read by Mrs. very well with the Instructors which Frank Greenhalgh after and with each other. Mrs. Ellertson Introduced her He told of the advancements topic, Home Life. She stated made by several Individual casthat one of our main concerns es and also stated that In the! Is to help children so they won't year and a half the center hasj be confused today. The family been established, 156 young Is the most Important Organiz- men have passed the GED test ation In the world and the suc- which is the equivalent of a cess of the organization de- high school diploma; 27 more pends on the adequacy of the have gone to night school and the father. He should also earned their high school dihead see that there is order and re- ploma; 28 are full time students! P g&kn 3 Diesel smoking? rnp WHEATIES--KI- eosxna (fen -- X CHEERIOS 3Pk 1.00 DUBUQUE VIENNA SAUSAGES -- 5 fr 1.00 DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE Chunk or Tidbits 5cans 1 .00 SHASTA DRINKS 46 oz cans 5 fr 1 .00 -C- 623-0G4- nn nn wain hunk-Sliced IDAHOAN POTATO FLAKES No. 10 tin - 69c PIERCES PORK & BEANS - No. IVt cans 4 for 1 00 3 fin 69 CRISC- OWHIFFS OF RICE OR WHEAT -- 10 oz package 45 ORLEANS SHRIMP ORLEANS MEDIUM - CLEAN'D 69 10 imfteir PeffliBii? Qocraio M tf, Levan Area News Notes Mrs. Frank Wren and Mr. and Mrs. Kartchner of Taylor, Arizona and Mrs. Lillie Gillesa day in Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. Lester Briggs pie spent City doing genealogy recently her had as their visitors Friday, research. brother in law and sister, Mr. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Harold Anderson of Kearns; also Mrs. Briggs niece, William Marshall were Mrs. Frank Wren, Mr. and Mrs. Betty Compton of Provo. Sheldon Kartchner, Mrs. Lillie Gillisple, Miss Phyllis Beard SHAMPOO RUGS and Woodrow Beard. FOR U A FOOT! l'cphi News The only catch Is the fish youll with this popular, high quality lure. See the great Wolverine boot line now and ask for your free lurel net TRY THE 30 SECOND FOOTHOLD COMFORT TEST! Service starved? L"JIL17EC2DCJE ACTION BOOTS GET YOUR FREE FISHING LURE NOW AT RENT SPORTSMAN S SUPPLY 123 South Main FOR SHAMPOOER CHAPMAN Nephi LUCKY WHIP-4- z 37 -- JENO'S CHEESE I PIZZA - - - - Package 49c LIBBY'S BEETS -- OICED OR 1.00 KLEENEX TISSUES- 280 count Double pkg 39 SHOESTRING --- cans 7 It's free and plentiful with any product in our full line of fuels and lubricants. FURNITURE Uo Christensen Standard Oil 623-064- OIL 6 Company of California WESTERN FAMILY GELATIN--1- 2 at low budget prices MORRELL CHEF OR SWIFT BONELESS HA- M- -- per pound 98 MORRELL PRIDE WEINERS -- per lb 53 9 MW, I $1 CALL YOUR STANDARD MAN IN NEPHI 100 Pkgs MORRELL VAC PAC -BOLOGNA--H- b 69 POT ROASTS ALKA SELTZER LARGE - LADE 53 CHUCK STEAK -l- b 57 CUT 39c -B- per pound v,',sw.w.vav.-.- ROPE BEADS AND CHAINS rlOO & PINS -R- INGS -E- ARRINGS UtAA'fc I'AJ v . 11 ' : y uvl 1 ' M A C: '7 LARRY Shoes Nylons Slips Sandals Lingerie Page Two j discipline, Mrs. Ellert- at Universities In Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. John Wllkey nesday of last week: Mr. and ligious stated. son Utah. He further stated that had as their visitors on Wed- - Mrs. Paul Kendall and their 214 have left the center the son in law and daughter, Mr. further pointed Her remarks month and are either in past estimIs and Mrs. Merlin Grant; also out the following:. It In Jobs In the Mr. and Mrs. Kendalls daught- ated that by the time a child school or placed Prior to enterer Ramola, her husband and Is 12 years of age, he or she armedtheforces. center most of these has spent 52,000 hours In the ing were unable to baby, all of Magna. pass either boys Is time most the of home and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warner, with the mother. Children the physical or academic test Mrs. Myrtle W. Taylor and should be more than boarders to qualify them for military service. Mrs. Prank Warner attended the In the homes, and they always Mr. Schwarr said there are In kisses. and funeral services held at Tooele thrive on hugs 485 staff members. Only one 1000 hippies a survey made of Thursday for Alice Warner, a It was found that they all had of this number is a governin-- 1 cousin of Frank Warner of Ne- one Each had ment employee; the others, thing in homTlevold T phi. a raised been 111101101 Chemical CorPora Chevron Diesel Fuels bum now they talk about Mrs. Delta Yates has return- of love tion. clean, increase in lector life; what know don't love but the they home ed after Bpending Slides were shown of the diftriple fuel filter life. winter in Provo with Mr. and It is. ferent departments and work Mrs. Eillertson also quoted at the school, of the buildings Mrs. George Clark; and In Mapleton with Mr. and Mrs. from the phamplet The Art of and living quarters. They have Kine Hatch. She also visited Rearing Children Peacefully the largest plastic industries for two weeks at Phoenix, Ari- by Elmma Rae McKay. school in the United States. CALL YOUR STANDARD OIL zona with Mr. and Mrs. Earl introMr. Schwarr pointed out that Eillertson then Mrs. MAN IN NEPHI Hawkins and Mr. and Mrs. Max duced her son in law, Leslie on Sundays the boys are taken Leo Christensen Hawkins. She returned to Ne- Schwarr, who Is director of the by bus Into Salt Lake City to phi with Mr. and Mrs. Earl education program at the attend the church of their Standard Oil Company of California I Hawkins. He also stated that choice. Clearfield Job Corps Center. tours through the center can be Mr. Schwarr then told about arranged at any time by any the 1300 young men at the club or group, and also that Clearfield Center who have personnel from the school are come from different kinds of available for lectures and dishomes; and of the efforts of cussions in any community. the Job Corps to give them a Ten club members and 20 hand up, Instead of a hand guests were present and at the out. He said It was necess- conclusion of an informative ary to Instill initiative in these evening visiting was enjoyed, young men so that some day nad delicious refreshments serthey can be taxpayers instead ved by Mrs. Eillertson and Mrs. of tax users. James R. Stanley. Mr. Schwarr stated 80 per cent of the boys who come to MtertJ 1968 Thursday, May 9 Club Hears of Job Crops Gains Editor and Manager Roy E. Gibson Subscription: Wit Slippers Dresses Swirls Gowns Books Blouses PETERSON You can SAVE your- ' BONELESS BEEF STEW SHORT RIBS 1 4 I! . Xfc A A A HAWAIIAN PUNCH 6 oz cans 6 for 1.00 MORTON MEAT PIES -- NOW 7 for 1.00 LIOOYS PEAS-8pk- gs 100 PBQBBBi VAUE8I SB&M lb BANANAS CELERY- - Crisp heads --- per self a lot of grief on Stretch Pants Insurance... IF YOU SEE US FIRST Were INDEPENDENT M 0 agento writing insurance with several strong companies. Wa work for you --nfor any one company. CaO us today. n ot ''3H!0Ttv BaiikAmericaro, DEPARTMENT STORES Central Utah tXSVRANCE 33 South Main NEPHI Office-623-0- 250 MEATS GROCERIES -- 11 if) j Home 623-003- 9 73 lb 43 lb -F- RUITS-VEGETABLES..PKOIIE 623-04- 52 12 lb 10 |