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Show Juab County, Utah 84648 Nephi. Thursday May 4, 1967 NOTICE TO WATER USERS Notice la hereby given that Glynn C. Bennion, Vernon, Utah haa filed a request for extension of time from the State Engineer to make and submit Proof of Appropriation under ), Application No. 23863 of water to covering 5 sec.-f- t. be diverted from Judd Creek, tributary to Great Salt Lake, In Juab County, Utah, to be used for Irrigation purposes. It is represented that the applicant has been unable to obtain a measurement of the flow of Judd Creek because of the last series of low water years. Additional time Is necessary to complete and submit Proof of Appropriation. Notice To Water Users Club Members Enjoy The following ' applications have been filed with the State Engineer to change and appropriate water in Juab County, State of Utah, throughout the entire year unless otherwise Locations are SL designated. (16-198- Student Satisfactory Stage Play at Ephraim Following Accidental Gun Shot Injury B&M. i Robert O. Hansen, whose home address is Independence, Missouri, and five companions had hunted in the Boating park area Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, and Hansen said he had flipped his pump twice to be sure there were no shells left, before getting in the car. Shortly after leaving the Dam area, he to check the gun again, an dit discharged, the bullet hitting him in the lower rib area. The bullet lodged just under the skin near the right shoulder. It apparently had folowed the rib cage rather than going through the lung area, stated Jack Brough, Nephi Chief of Police, dho talked to the young men at the Hospital after they had reported there. Chief Brough said the young man was treated by a local physician and released to the BYU medical center. According to Chief Broughs report, others in the car were Terry LeGrand Jensen, Salt Brian Wenegren, Lake City; Walla Walla, Washington, Mark C. Lloyd and Steve Dameron, both of Provo and Michael La Fontaine, Concord, California. (66-58- n. 22-rif- le de-id- t. Nephi, and (2) well, 300 - 800 ft. deep at a point S. 1699.5 ft. and W. 4306.5 ft. from NE. Cor. Sec. 31, T14S, R1E, and used the same as heretofore. 20-in- Utah. Protestants should appear at the hearing. Hubert C. Lambert State Engineer Eureka City, Eureka, Utah, proposes to change the t. Dates of publication: April 20, point of diversion of 0.074 sec.-fUnevidenced water of by Aprl 27, May 4, 1967, in The derground Water Claim 15316 Nephi, Utah, The water has been diverted from drifts and a shaft 5 X 8 X 100, at a point S. 100 ft. and W. 218 ft. from Times-New- s, (68-116- AK. v S' YV& Cor. Sec. 18, T10S, R2W, N and used for municipal purposes in Eureka City. of Hereafter, .074 sec.-f- t. water will be diverted from any, each or all of four wells, ft. 2 In. in diam. deep, at the following points: (1) S. 1200 ft. and E. 50 ft., (2) S. 1830 ft. and E. 650 ft., (3) S. 1850 ft. and W. 1650 ft., Leora Sperry of Nephi were all from N4 Cor. Sec. 18, Sunday dinner guests of Mr. T10S, R2W; (4) S. 2140 ft. and Mrs. Milton Neilsen. W. 1125 ft. from NE. Oor. Sec. 13, T10S, R3W, and used for municipal purposes in corporate limits of Eureka C3ty. 50-5- 10-1- vr vk 4'' ? LARRY PETERSON INPECTION DEADLINE IS Wky 15th ar A hearing will be held on Hereafter, 15.0 sec.-fof this request before the State water is to be diverted from Engineer at 10:00 a.m., Wed- either or both of two wells as nesday, June 14, 1967, at the follows: (1) same as heretofore, Courthouse, Weather . . Precipitation and temperature figures for the past week as recorded at the Nephi and Would you like to be a Levan Weather old Brigham Young A Reporting statmagician in your kitchen? You ions, are as follows: University student, enroute to can be" says Clara Schofield, NEPin STATION Provo after a rabbit hunting Juab County Home Agent. Date High Low Prec. trip to the Yuba State Boating You can clever April 27 66 42 Park was treated for gunshot and labor learn many You ideas. saving 68 38 wounds in the right side and can April 28 on our get magic carpet April 29 61 33 ride shoulder Wednesday after43 29 noon at the Juab County Hos- by attending the Meal Planning April 30 Demonstration at the Fourth 1 42 26 May pital. Ward on Thursday night at 44 25 May 2 Utah Water and Power Board, 435 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah, proposes to change the point of diver- of water sion of 15.0 sec.-f- t. evidenced by App. No. 27860 ). The water was to have been diverted from two 16-iwells, 300 - 800 ft. deep, at the following points: (1) S. 1500 ft. and W. 80 ft. from NE. Cor. Sec. 31, (2) N. 1050 ft. and E. Protests resisting the grant- 30 ft. from SW Cor. Sep. 29, ing of this request with reas- both of T14S, R1E, and used ons therefor must be filed In from March 1 to October 31 for duplicate with the State En- supplemental irrigation of 3200 gineer, 442 State Capitol, Salt acs. in Secs. 24, 25 and 36, Lake City, Utah, on or before T14S, R1W, and Secs. 30 and June 3, 1967. 31, T14S, R1E. County Magic With Food' Is Theme of Thursday Evening Special Event 38142 Eureka City, Eureka, Utah, proposes to diof water from vert 1.5 sec.-f2 any, each or all of four 0 ft. deep, in. diam. wells at the following points: (1) S. 1200 ft. and E. 50 ft., (2) S. 1830 ft. and E. 650 ft., (3) S. 1850 ft. and W.- 1650 ft., all I COME IN TODAY TRY OUR NEW 100 PENNSYLVANIA OIL 7:30 p.m." Mrs. Schofield stat- 49 26 May 3 : Precipitation Dr. Phyllis Snow, Dean of the Total for week College of Famiy Living will Total for Apri be guest speaker. She will give Water year to date 9.45 new and clever ideas for many making meal planning easier, more interesting with more nutritious meals. Every lady of East Juab County is given a special invitation to be in attendance. Especially, the young homemaker is urged to be in attendance to see and hear ways that she can do magic in the Total for week 26 Total for April 1.40 GET MOTHER A POTTED PLANT in addition to a lasting SHEET ROCK TAPING, finfurniture gift. We will present Mother a beautiful plant with ishing, Acoustic texturing. each Mothers Day- furniture or glitter ceilings a specialty Phone appliance or gift purchase of Craigs Drywall $50.00 or over. Order early for Mothers Day delivery Chapman Furniture Co., where your FOR SALE Studio couch Bank Americard is welcome for and chair; double bed with furniture, gift items, floor cov- springs and mattress all in ering, and appliance purchases good condition Call Henry Chapman Furniture Co., 27 Worthington at 2 or South Main, Nephi 6 evenings. for perfecf lubrication and carefree spring and summer driving! ed. DONT DRIVE ON BALDIES Yourll have safety at lower cost with our SPECIAL ON TIRES Lower prices today on a discontinued tread design tire -- New! Safe! Most sizes. - - r?27i - WHLTiING 623-045- 623-074- SATISFACTION HOOVER VACUUM SERA factory VICE CLINIC agent will be at our store Friday and Saturday, May 5 and 6 to give your Hoover Vacuum a Store opthorough servicing. ens at 9 a.m. each day. Take advantage of this service to give you perfect cleaning re-an- d , suits. PERSONAL SERVICE fsPOfiTSpCORVfRf (68-176- t. COULD YOU afford to pay for charges made on your credit cards by unauthorized persons? GET YOUR CREDIT CARD INSURANCE TODAY!! Central Utah INSURANCE 33 South Main NEPHI -L- OWER 10-1- There is "AN EPIDEMIC OF CHARGITIS", sometimes referred to as a "CASHLESS SOCIETY" which has come about by the use of credit cards. Page Fiv OVERHEAD- 50-50- OF THE GREAT- - - n Hockey IS SEM6 MADE comebacks - history BY from Ni4 Cor. Sec. 18, T10S, R2W; and (4) S. 2140 ft. and W. 1125 ft. from NE. Cor. Sec. 13, T10S, R3W, to be used as a supplemental supply for municipal purposes within corporate limits of Eureka City. 36 YEAR 06D BERNIE j MHO ,HA5P1AYS 4 Major role TAB jVtV YORK . RAA6BRS RRSURG&a 1A1 A! Protests resisting the granting of these applications with reasons therefor must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before June 10, 1967. Hubert C. Lambert t WELL CUT EM UP FOR ONLY MA.B... 10c per Fryer STATE ENGINEER Office 623-025- 0 Home 623-003- 9 Dates of publication: April 27, May 4 and May 11, 1967, in The Times-New- s, Nephi, Juab County, Utah. TABLERITE Fc&ps FRANKS 'FRUIT TODAY IS THE TIME TO APPLY PAX - MORGRO OR ORTHO LAWN FOOD TO ASSURE A HEALTHY, BEAUTIFUL LWAN (PIES FRENCH FRIES SRHIMP TIDBITS Mowers GRAPE JUICE-- 6 HAND Electric TOMATOES WATER MELON -- NEW WHITE POTATOES RAKES -- WHEEL BARROWS OPEN WEEK DAYS VEGETABLE 19 FLOWERS plombin3 and Builders' Supply TABLERITE 10c 89c AA LARGE ii a I ffftwraQ ft) 7:30 Because they print the FACTS for all ALL (Including their competitors) to SEE you can BEPEK8 on our ADVERTISERS... think about if. a.m.-6:0- 0 p.m. OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL JP.M for your convenience for LB CAMPBELL'S 5!2C 5' SOUPS CAMPBELLS IGA 97c 15 ' 1 lb box OZ 23' FREE GOLD STRIKE eKSSSi 56 EAST CENTER STREE1 NEPHI PHONE 623-- 1 131 usfom Culling, Wrapping, Freezing IGA 55)C 25 lb bag 1.99 CANS 2 ,w 29c CREAM OF MUSHROOM OR CHICKEN NOODLE TOMATO SOUP REGULAR CAN SALTINES Market! DOZ 10 oz can TABLEFRESH PRODUCE IGA FLOUR 101b Bag FRANCO LBS FIRM RIPE SPAGHETTI AMERICAN Gas Mowers, 3 hp., only 44.88 TOOLS - SHOVELS 9 oz pkg lb pkg ROYAL GARNET GARDEN TILLERS AVAILABLE IN SEVERAL STYLES WE HAVE MOWERS each Regular cars 15c 13c 24 oz bot. SALAD OIL jPHW THIS COUPON WORTH KOTEX pkg of 48 Reg. or Super 1 ONLY U IRONING BOARD COVER Reg. 98c 20c 09 with coupon PAD & CL0SEj7(5)C OlMy |