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Show Thursday May 4, 1967 Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648 THE BES-T- YOU DESERVE That's News of your friends in Nephi Mrs. Edward Ockey recently returned home from Piedmont, California after spending two months with her son In law Mr. and Mrs, and daughter, George Langdon. undergoes an macist training exacting pro-man- y He must years. trained be thoroughly when you consider your your life is in his hands Mr. and Mrs. John Parkin Clifton Warner and his fianattended the funeral services cee, Miss Beth Nielsen of Lofor Mrs. Fern Wilkey in Salt gan, were week end guests of Lake City on Thursday. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Warner. Mrs. and Parkin John Mrs. Melvin Kay of Mona visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilkey with their daughters, Claudia of California are visiting with Parkin and Sally Kay at Cedar his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John City over the week end. While H. Wilkey this week. there they attended a fashion Mr. and Mrs. Chad Winn and show, and a mothers and son also Casey of Wendover, and banquet. They daughters Winn and son Larry of Keith the school at the play enjoyed Magna spent the week end in College of Southern Utah. Nephi with their parents, Mr. of St. and Mrs. Dean Winn. Clarence Prisbrey George visited with his son and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Prisbrey last week. He is qualified to work with most prescriptions. with your doctor in ths vital and health life-savi- giving profession. NEPHI DRUG CO. "WE ARE HERE TO SERVE" 48 SOUTH MAIN NEPH, UTAH Phone 62M568 Use the TNT's to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Talbot of Kearns visited on Sunday with his brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Prisbrey. Week end guests of Mrs. J, Earl Reid were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Heiner of Salt Lake City. Buy - Sell - Rent Don't Waid GET YOUR CAR INSPECTED COME IN NOW JENKINS SALES AND SERVICE -- 105 West Center -- Nephi jr ; s V ' A A SPONSORED BY THE UTAH ' J 5 ,, STATE MEDICAL A Dr. Carl J. Taylor of Bar-stoCalifornia returned home after visiting over the week end with his mother, Mrs. Joel Taylor. Miss Verna Palmer of Salt Lake City spent the week end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner. ASSOCIATION AND THE ", UTAH STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DR. a CLARK . what is now Dumbarton, about 373 and that his father was a Roman Centurion, his mother unnamed. He supposedly. was captured in ft Piet raid and sold as a slave in A second account says he as born at Carnarvonshire, his mothers name Concha and his own iielsh name Maenwyn, According to this record, Pope Celestine gave him. the name of Patricius when he consecrated him a bishop and sent him as a missionary to Ireland, Cal-purni- IT DOES THE TRICK ALL RIGHT. MY DAD CURED ME OF PRANKS WITH iltJST ONE HICKORY STICK!" A 1 Saturday, ay 13th o A MEASLES SHOT? PEANUTS accc-- ... . not Irish. One During Clevelands says he was bora at first term, a surplus in the na1893-189- . ' V - -H- istory notebook ERADICATION DAY: , v , vO.' from a h!,n s P4 , ox-dra- JJ - NEW HOME, NEW WELL , . , young and old, gather around a well dug by engineer of i bo 86th Combat Engineer Battalion at Phu LoJ, Vietnam. Befugees from the Uvlnglniwwly-bull- t refugee cenlerTriangl , ALONG THE ROAD . . . The serenity of a palm lined road near Colombo, Ceylon, Is broken only by a man going to market on his cart. r" t s , Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Edna M. Sherwood were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Christensen and sons Gary, Mark and Todd of Nephi. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill StepThe Modernette Club members met at the home of Mary hensen and family visited in Lou Dal by on Wednesday even- Moroni on Sunday with her paring, April 26. The book Fas- ents, Mr .and Mrs. Lee Nunley. cinating Womanhood was presented by Rosaie Belliston of Saturday visitors of Mr. and Clark S. Wood were his Mrs. Those the Nephi. enjoying and sisters who came brothers Carwere evening Betty Jean ter, Margaret Harward, Janet to observe his birthday annivBaxter, Stephensen, ersary; Frank Wood of Delta, Cheryl Kathleen Dalby, Phyllis Ander- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Benson, Florence Peterson, Joyce nett of Deseret; Mr. and Mrs. Harward Judy Hall, Ramona Clyde Wood and Mrs. Hazel Hoyt, Marilyn Kendall, Linda Harmon of Holden, Mr. and Jenkins, Maa Don Ballow, Joy Mrs. Lee Wood of Provo, and Carter, Nancy Aagard, Jessie Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wood of Ann Wood, Mary Ellen Carter, Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. . Diane Ballow, Sharon Christen- Earl Woodall and family of sen, the hostess, Mary Lou Dal- Bountiful and Mr. and Mrs. Ru-lo- n Wood and family were Sunby, and guests Rosalie Belliston and Mildred Beliston of Nephi. day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clark S. Wood. Mr. Eind Mrs. Lavern Ricky Engle of Cedar City sen of Salt Lake City visited spent two days last week with with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dalby his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. on Saturday. . Ralph Jackman. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Thomas of East Ely, Nevada visited with her parents, Mr. Eind Mrs. Clinn A. Morgan over the week end. Mrs. Richard Sudweeks visited in Provo over the week end with her daughters. UNTIL THE LAST DAY TO Local and Social News Mrs. Carolyn Van Lelw of Santa Anna, California is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Warner for two weeks. Mrs. Ivol White spent the week end in Salt Lake City Mrs. Bernice Peterson of with members of her family. Castle Dale is visiting with her Mr. and Mrs. Ivol White and mother, Mrs. Aurilla Bean for sons Fred and Hap, Mr. and a few days. Mrs. Vard White and son Mrs. George Parkin accom Shawn and Mr. and Mrs. Ladd panied Mr. and Mrs. Victor E, White were in Salt Lake City Gadd of Salt Lake City over on Sunday for the blessing and the week end to visit with Mr. naming of the baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Penrod, son and Mrs. Steve White. They in law and daughter of Mr, were all dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Robinson.. and Mrs. Gadd. why your phar- an r-Lev- Page Pour WELLING, GENERAL CHAIRMAN WHAT DOES THAT PEDIATRICIAN THINK I AM, A ABOARD?! w. C United Futures Syndicate, Inc. 1967 7. tional treasury gave political opponents opportunity to criticize the tariff policy In effect. The AMUSES CHILDREN . . . PFC Stanley Kofsky of White-Iton- e, N. Y, amuses some of the children at the Hoi Due Anh orphanage in Saigon. Kofsky is a member of the U. S. Army Strategic Communications Command facility at Phu Tj", near Saigon, which supports the orphanage. surplus encouraged political patronage and was the basis for numerous legislative bills. Cleveland vetoed many pension bills. Labor troubles, strikes, monetary standards and immigration were also in the national spotbut mainly the tariff light situation was blamed for Clevelands unsuccessful bid for The tariff question was still an issue when Cleveland was elected to a second term four March 17 Is more than St. years later; , Patricks Day in Boston. On Commodore . Stephen DecaMarch 17,1777, General George Washington, from atop Dorches- tur, naval hero of the wars with ter Heights, South Boston, the Barbary pirates and the War watched with pleasure as British of 1812, died March 22, 1820, troops under command of Gen- of a wound suffered in a duel eral Howe evacuated Boston, earlier that day. His opponent was Commodore James Barron, sailing away to Halifax, N. S. member of a family famous in Grover Cleveland, born naval history. The duel was March 18, 1837, was the 22nd fought near the village of and 24 th President of the United Bladensburg, just outside Wash& ington, D. C. States, serving 1885-188- 9 Ire-'an- d. For And About Teenagers ) Offlsi sllsiip THE WEEKS LETTER: "I am a freshman. I am 14 years old. My problem is that I like a boy who is exactly nine years and five months older than I am. He acts as if he likes me. I realize that he is much too old, but I cannot help myself. I have tried, but it doesnt seem to work. He does not go with anyone and, as far as I know, he does not date anyone. I have asked others what they thought and they say he is not too old. .Should I continue liking him? I have never really dated him, although I have sat by him many times at ball games. Please help! OUR REPLY: Ask your par ents, or some adult you like and respect, about the difference in your ages. I believe they will tell you that he is much too old for a girl who is but 14 years of age. He is a young adult You are in your early teens. Few males who have reached almost 24 years of age would even consider dating a girl who is almost ten years younger. You can help yourself avoid sure and certain future unhappiness by staying within your own age group. ... you hov. I.. nos problem you Mint to Siicutf, or on observation to mo to, oddraw you ltt.r to FOR AND ABOUT TEENAGERS. COMMUNITY AND SUBURBAN PRESS SERVICE. FRANKFORT, KY. a" o iRimjEEMinaRj nonzniis I .fip to HCiTMlOUHC Uortitte Utopm) C UoAod Fatons 60 (DENT OVER TO OUR PE0lATRlClAN'5,i SE- E- And lucv and measles SET MEASLES, i both got WkJ.WEU NEVER ISNT THAT GREAT ? "TT such it uonderfdltkat VACCINE BEEN ISnT A HA5 DEVELOPED SO THAT CHILDREN DOST HAVE TO GET MEASLES, AN- D- I SfndKMt. Inc 1967 KNOW WHAT, SIMM aauvfaMtr '1 jmRj- J 14- - - i t Pass the word: Corn silage can be one of the most profitable crops grown in this area. At present, the average western grower harvests only 17 tons per acre of corn silage. With just a little extra effort, and a little USS Fertilizer, he can boost those yields to 35 tons per acre! lbs. of Nitrogen lbs. of P.O, With proper soil management and irrigation your yields will nearly double and your profits will be up too! Your nearby USS Fertilizer dealer has a copy of the WESTERN IRRIGATED CORN HANDBOOK. See it for further details on soil fertility and ask for USS Fertilizer, made by United States Steel. 150-20- 0 75-10- 0 iimtaiDuir You mu Fertilizers! rn-- . cant afford not to use enough USS YOU'RE HINTING . I PEANUTS OETM n Is Heres how: B Select a good seed. B Use narrow rows, 30 inches if possible. B Apply the proper amounts of USS Fertilizer: O ) jfelds wvl- - .1967 uni (UsS) Fertilizers |