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Show Nephl, Juab County, Utah 84648 fjc Try our Sunday Special Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn Bur raston and family of Salt Lake City and Dale Bailey of Provo were week ned visitors of their parents, Mr .and Mrs. Jesse A. Bailey. Mrs. Esther Connelly of Salt Lake City was a Friday over night and Saturday guest of her brother in law'and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Bailey. Mar go Connelly and Sherma Christensen of Salt Lake City also were Saturday visitors at the Bailey home. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Barnes visited in Fountain Green with her mother, Mrs. Luela Mlkkelson on Sunday. Garrett Hardeman and son Earl of Wilson, Wyoming were Friday over night and Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Belliston. Mrs. Leonard All day long on Sunday, Long Distance rates are at their lowest. No need to wait till evening. t n call a anywhere in the country (except Alaska and Hawaii), and the first three minutes will never cost more than a dollar. You can dial Belliston rec- ently returned home after enjoying ten days In Logan with her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bird. While there Mrs. Belliston welcomed her first great grandson, a new son bom to Mr. and Mrs. Terry Maughn (Carol Bird). station-to-statlo- Why not take advantage of our Sundav Special rates, and make this a very special Sunday for someone somewhere else? DON'T BORROW.. SUBSCRIBE TODAY!' Ullrich of Sunnyvale, nia. Califor- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burton of Salt Lake City visited on Saturday with his mother and sister, Mrs. Thomas H. Burton and Mrs. Glen Worthington of Logan, who spent Saturday and Sunday In Nephl. Mr .and Mrs. Curtis Butler of Eureka visited with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Butler on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Christison of Salt Lake City were recent visitors of his brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Cazier spent the week end with Mr. end visitors of Mrs. Fred Hedberg. Mrs. Ralph Beard of St. George was a recent week end visitor of her mother, Mrs. Fred Hedberg. Mrs. Earl Jarrett was In Mt. Pleasant on Saturday evenmg to attend a Mothers & Daughters party with her mother, Mrs. Abner Rosenlof. The party was given by the North Sanpete Stake Relief Society. Bishop William R. Jarrett and son Craig of Salt Lake City were dinner guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jarrett, parents of Bishop Jar- rett Buick Bargain Days are here. $2411 Thin Pillar Coupe inManufacturers suggested retail price for a Buick Special and federal tax dealer and excise handling charge. Transcluding delivery suggested portation charges, accessories, optional equipment, state and local taxes additional. r. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Martell and Mrs. Clyde Cazier and famof ily in Kearns, Mr. and Mrs. her Salt Lake City visited with parents, Mr. and Mrs. RonMaurice Cazier and family in Salt Lake City, and Mr. and ald Jarrett on Thursday. Mrs. Don Ferguson in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Nelson of Salt Lake City visited with Mrs. Ralph Chase entertain- their son in law and ed on Thursday, May 27, in hon- Mr. and Mrs. Robertdaughter, Jarrett or of her son David on his fifth over the week end. They came David birthday anniversary. for the sixth birthday anniverand 14 little friends enjoyed of their granddaughter, sary games and refreshments. Ellen Jarrett Douglas Cox and four children of Bountiful spent Sunday andMr. and Mrs. Lavar Waters family of Salt Lake City, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Steele and Ed. P. Cox. family of Orem, and Mr. and Recent over night guests of Mrs. James Bills of Fountain Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P. Cox were Green spent Sunday with their Judge and Mrs. F. W. Keller parents, Mr .and Mrs. Joseph of Price. Lyman. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Broadhead Glen Davis, a student at the of Salt Lake City were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harry College of Southern Utah, spent Black. Mr. and Mrs. Ott Gol- the week end with his parents, den of Orem also visited Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Vem Davis. day at the Harry Black home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. and Mrs.- - James H. Mrs. Hazel Bosh returned to Warner her home on Thursday evening Eagar were in Sat Lake City after spending a month in Las on Wednesday of last week visrelaVegas, Nevada with her son iting with friends and and daughter in law, Mir. and tives. Mrs. Vernon Bosh. Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Wan-kiof Delta spent Saturday Mrs. Haze Bosh accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bosh to evening with Mrs. James H. Salt Lake City and Kearns on Eagar. Sunday where they visited Mr. and Mrs. John V. Garrett with members of their family Jr. of Provo and Miss Patsy and other relatives. Garrett, a student of the Brigham Young University, spent Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowles the week end with their parafter returned spendrecently ents, Mr. and Mrs. John V. ing two weeks in California Garrett. Dean H. Mrs. with Dr. and Bowles at Orange and Mr. and Mis Ann Hall of Salt Lake Mrs. Thomas A. Gates at Buena spent the week end with City Park. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Week end visitors of Mr. F. Hall. and "Mrs. Dwain Bracken were Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Howell of Salt Lake City visited with Buy Bonds where you work, James D. Mathews of Brigham City visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Mathews on Thursday evening. He was attending Indian Week at the Brigham Young University last week. Hieydo. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Mem mott and daughters Jann and Laurel of Lehi were the dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Memmott on Sunday. Week end guest of Mrs. Ruth Wells and Mrs. Lois Nelson was their niece, Miss Melody Carver of Sunland, California. Mrs. Ruth Wells and Mrs. Lois Nelson spent the fore part of last week jn Heber City with Mrs. William Scribner. mwsmrn laappiness is cooliing roitti an electric range .. S awe They move out from the landing area and toward their work. Not knowing what theyll find over the ridge. Its a tense job, defending freedom. It takes brave men to do it well. These men are brave and farsighted as well. You see, a majority of all our servicemen overseas save for the future and support freedom with their dollars through e . BuRe s ch GENERALLY . . . Captured North Vietnamese equipment is topic of conversation for General William Westmoreland, Commander, Military Assistance "YOUR PARENTS MONEY A EARN THAT MUCH F IRM? THAT'S OUT OF YOUR Pearson, Commander, 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne regular purchase of U.S. Sav- ings Bonds. Should you be showing these brave men you appreciate their sacrifices? You do it when you buy Savings Bonds where you bank or join the Payroll Savings Plan where you work. You also walk a bit taller. U.S. Savings Bonds Bond facts: Savings Bonds pay you back f4 for tvtry $3 at maturity in only seven years are replaced free if lost, destroyed or stolen . . . have special tax advantages ...can be redeemed whenever the need arises. ... Command, Vietnam, and Brigadier General Willard 7 The U.8. Government doee not pay for thte advertisement. It le pretented at a pubHo service in cooperation with the Treasury Department and The advertising Council. FABLE!" LET'S LOOK AT THE X fCORDS. BY LINDA NORRIS v The death of Jack Ruby on Jan. 3rd propelled Capitol Records documentarynews album The Controversy into national prominence and drew particular attention to one small three minute and 55 second segment of that album in which Ruby was interviewed at Parkland Hospital just prior to his death . . . The portion of the tape included in the album was part of interview which was a conducted with Ruby on Dec. 16th At the time of his death, the entire unedited tape could not be released because it had not been equalized for proper listening and it was in a safe deposit box in California and could not be' played publicly without permission of the album's producer. Lawrence Schiller, producer of the album, chose not to release the unedited version because he felt it would be improper to make the tape public luring the Ruby familys mournAt the end of ing period that period, steps were taken to prepare the quality of tape and transcription for a Also on public release the record is an interview with Edward J. Epstein, author of Inquest and one of the most vo-'j- d critics of the Warren Commission Report. In the interview, conducted on t Boston radio show, Epstein referred to interviews on the Capitol recording with two eyewitnesses to the assassination, Mrs. Carolyn Walt her and Charles Brchra Neither one was ever called to testify before the Warren Commission or its staff, Controversy will produce a controversy of its own,-- but its well worth having in a n ord library, Give The Times-New- s For Birthday or Wedding Gifts -- only $4.00 per year ... ... OfoSoDfc BJ ... Ask the woman who cooks electrically. Shell tell you curtains and walls stay cleaner and fresher so much longer with a flameless electric range. Electric heat cannot create dirt There are no products of combustion. Only with an electric range do you get a another reason an elecself cleaning oven is the tric range overwhelming choice of women in this area. Happy thought: Because its electric, its better Buy now from jour electric dealer UTAH POWER a LIGHT CO. Tim her mother and brother, Mrs. Air. and Mrs. Clyde Garrett Francis Huber of Ogden, and Chuck Huber and Miss Barbara and family of Garland were week er Mountain States Telephone Pago Mrs. Fred Hedberg on Saturday. They also attended the funera services for Mrs. Emma Mangelson at Levan. Nephi Local and Social News Mrs. Lloyd Hansen of Sandy visited with, Mrs. Gilbert Bailey I I on Thursday. Saturday visitors of Mrs. Gilbert Bailey were Mr. and Mrs. J. Norman Jorgensen of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brienholt of Provo. Thursday May 4, 1967 (5imeO'Tcl)fi ... U 1 gfoQQ0 80 Our advertisers have confidence well get this paper to the right people... YOU! ...In turn, you can depend on them. $$$?' think about 71 it... S1H11 ri on finniflniJiifl finn fsUBiiBi |