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Show Thursday May 4, 1967 Nphi, Juab County, Utah 84648 Officers Invited follngk Training Meet May 10 4-- Wbz 4-- Published Thursdays et Nephi. Juab County, class Second Utah. Utah. at Nephi, entry M9M rcan SOOATION NEWSPAPER NATIONAL Office: 96 South Main riUMi.'ll.'Ua'.H.'irri E. phone 623-052- 4-- 5 Editor and Manager Gibson Subscription: 4-- H First-Secon- lAScg1 Roy H Club members who have been elected to serve as club officers this year will receive training for their new leadership roll at the annual Club Officers training meeting on May 10. This meeting will be held at d 7 p.m. In the Nephi Ward Hall, according to JoAnn Tolley, H Advisory Council member In charge of the event. Club presidents, vice treaspresidents, secretaries urers, reporters, song leaders, recreation leaders and other officers will be given suggestions on how best to perform their leadership responsibilities during the coming year. leaders are urged to attend the meeting with their members. Another Important event of the evening will be the election of camp officers for the 1967 4H club camp. Mrs. Tolley urges all seamembers to start the son out right by coming out to the officers training meet ing Wednesday. $4.00 per year, payable in advance. Levan Local News Briefs 4-- H Mrs. Harry Olsen of Ogden. The members of the Civic-ettmet at the home of Mrs. Bonnie Bosh on Wednesday evening, April 26. Attending were Gwen Stephensen, Louise Taylor, Pauline Mangelson, Melba Ballaw, Floy Harper, Blanch Stephensen, Myrtis Stephensen, Eileen Ballow, Irene Mangel-soFOR THE FAMILY Alice Shepherd, Enid War-wooFern Wankier, Mary Aagard, Marva Shepherd Mary Jane Winter, Codeal Brough, and the hostess, Bonnie Bosh. ITEM: Among thenewestfab-rlc- s The members spent the evening a is Chameleon cloth sewing. printed fabric that can be' given a second set of colors when the tires of the original set, buyer 4-Club News The color is changed by1 plunging the garment into hot watejr The Seven Silly Mixers held containing a special powder tha. Club meeting on comes wifi the garment. its first April 17 at the home of Linda Hall, leader of the club. Brenda ITEM: Potted chrysantheBlackett also is one of the mums like full sunlight, tempo leaders. The meeting started at atures' between 60 and 70 with Winch Truck, Loader 4:30, and ended at 5:30. Offic- degrees, and plenty of water. and Back Hoe ers elected are President, Ooye Not all potted mums are satiTOP SOIL FILL DIRT McPherson: vice president, Joy sfactory for later planting Sperry; secretary, Carol Hay- outdoors. However, some new CALL cock; treasurer, Ruth Kendall; varieties are. Ask your florist if repjorter, Karen Ockey; song die one you have can be' planted Clarence Phillipsen leader, Sarah Ingram; activity outdoors. manager, Cheryl Whittington. Nephi, for The name selected was Seven FREE ESTIMATE ITEM: Youcanmake aWash-ingtoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA? Silly Mixers." Jubilee by sauteing cup slivered almonds in 2 tablespoons blitter. Thicken the drained juice from a 1 lb. can red pitted dessert cherries with 1 teaspoons cornstarch. Add teacherries, almonds and almond extract to the spoon thickened sauce. Serve warm over vanilla ice cream for a The Levan Ward Explorers and advisor Gay Worwood spent Saturday cutting posts to be used for the improvements of the grounds surrounding the Scout cabin. They also are cleaning and fixing the cabin so It can be used for meetings. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hansen were Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Baker of Teasdae, Mrs. Lorraine Gold-di- e of Kanab, Mrs. Dora Christensen, son Byron and daughter Laurel of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Barlow and es 4-- H 4-- H n, d, gSJMMGffy H TREE TOPPING OR Patient List Recently admitted patients at the Juab County Hospital at Nephi Include the following, according to the list released on Wednesday morning by Hos- pital authorities: Sheril Lynn Jepson, Nephi Mrs. Oliver Penrod, Nephi Dwain King, Wales Mrs. Joseph Allen, Nephi Mrs. Therle Ostler, Provo Mrs. Clarence Pay, Nephi Mrs. B. L. VanAusdal, Grants-vill- 2, n g compliment-gettin- Eliza Peterson, Santaquln. Clarence W. Hansen, Nephi Mrs. Byron Evans, Mona LeRoy Jackman, Levan Mrs. Elden Nielson, Mantl Mrs. James W. Garrett, Nephi Jens Mlckelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Mlckelson, Nephi Elden Nielson, Manti Mrs. Blaine Day, Fillmore Mrs. Lynn J. Esplin, Nephi Douglas Reich, Salt Lake City, Mrs. Reich, William Brett Correy Allen and Todd Douglas Reich, all of Salt Lake City Clinn A. Morgan, Levan Maida Allred, Ftn. Green Geneva Tulley, ML Pleasant Daniel Allbee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Allbee, Nephi AND GUARDIANConsult SHIP NOTICES. County Clerk or respective PROBATE signers for additiona mation. linfor-- j dessert NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Walter Mingus, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at office of Willi L. Hoyt Attorney at Law, 31 South Main St., Nephi, Utah, on or before the 5th day of Claims August, A. D. 1967. must be presented In accordance with the provisions ofj 5, Section Utali Code Annotated 1953 as amended with proper verification as required 75-9-- therein. GERALD SANDERSON, Executor of Estate of ter Mingus, deceased. Wal- Will L. Hoyt, Attorney for Executor Dates of publication: May 11, 18 and Times-New- s, CARNATION TUNA Regular size can 25 DUBUQUE VIENNA SAUSAGES -- 5 cans 100 TIP TOP FRUIT JENO'S PIZZA with OR LEMONADE DRINKS cheese package 49 Regular size cans - - 12 fr 100 F&P FRUIT Regular cans COCKTAIL 1.00 6 DRINKS 46oz 4 PIERCES TOMATO JUICE - 46 oz cans 4 for 100 WESTERN FAMILY FANCY PEAS -- 5 cans 89 MAGIC IDAHO LIBBY PEAS -- PEAS & CARROTS OR My home at East First North, Nephi. Family home .also with apartment. Call Mrs. Marvel Worafter 2 pjn. wood FOR SALE MOM doesnt have to be ashamed of her silverware. Why not let her select one of the many beautiful patterns of Stainless Steelware priced as low as 314.95 and up. Nephi BEAUTIFUL KNABE PIANO Jewelry. available in your locality at 315.00 or more per month. TAKE soil away the Blue Simple interest on unpaid bal- Lustre way from carpets and ance at Write Box 15053, upholstery. Rent an electric South Salt Lake Branch 84115. shampooer, . Chapman Furniture Co., 27 South Main 623-12- 6. KfirstIsecOr MOTHERS DAT Is only a LACES AND TRIMS week away. Make Christensen's thousands of yards! Biggest your Mothers Day gift center. seection ever. Come and see it today at Christensens Nephi store. The biggest ....SHOE SALE! AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES in our history! For men, wo men and children. Hundreds of LAWN MOWER & BICYCLE tf" SERVICE. Lawn mowers sharpairs! Low as 122 per pair CHRISTEN SENS, Nephi pened and repaired. We have tires, engine parts, wheels and blades for most mowers. All decorRENT FOR With this handy, home improvement helper you can get busy now Newly sizes of tires, tubes and parts ated, heated, furnished apartand pay later for your improvement needs. Just say charge it for bicycles and tricycles. Saws ment with lawn and shade; also for tools, lumber, paint, wallpaper, paneling, garden equipment, hardand set. Leave word at trailer space. Collard Apart- filed ware, plumbing . . . you name it. Clarks Market in Nephi or ait 148 West First North, ments, Kenneth Hoyt in Levan for pick These fine merchants all welcome First Security BankAmericard: Also sleeping room for rent! up and delivery. Sams Shop, Gunnison. 12 tf Furniture & Home Furnishings ....BUSINESS CARDS Spec Building Materials 1 color ial until May 15th GRANDMA would have one Chapman Furniture, 27 S. Main cards, 37.00 Barton Plumbing & Heating per 1000; of the New Caravella watches 1000 week cards, North Main per 347 Hardware p riled from $12.95 and up at to 10 days delivery time Nephi N. Jewelry. 2 55 Builders' W. and Lumber Times-News. Co., 96 South Main. Plumbing Nephi South Main 66 Center W. 210 Buliderrs. Supply, Valley 1941 All State ....FOR SALE STALLION FOR SERVICE Scooter 320.00 or will trade for Any ? a chestnut sorrel with one good boys blcyce. Gall four stocking feet Floyd Swa-se- y, Mona. Timmy Marshall at 623-07after 4 pjn. or on week end. 39-5- PIERCES TOMATOES No. 2V2 size fins 4 fr 1 00 HEINZ CATSUP 24 z 43 39c BISQUICK--40ozpk- g 1 LB CERTI FRESH ORANGE SLICES 19 KLEENEX JUMBO TOWELS 4 rolls 100 --- MODESS-URG- E BOX OF 99 48 LINDSAY OLIVES URGE PITTED SUNNY JIM TALL CAN 29 PRESERVES - URGE ASSORTMENT - 20 OZ JAR 49 8 oz botHes 7 SEASONS 2 for 69 DRESSING STA FLO SPRAY 13 ; BANQUET DINNER Several kinds NOW 3 for 00 PEiooden mo; WATERMELON 4, 25, 1967, in The Nephi, Utah. CORN Regular size package cans for 1 00 Several flavors POTATOES-2y2size38- 9 245 4-- 27 DUeiiis Sira Away iacti WEi Hl-- C evsUalicers BANANAS - LB pound 5 10 CUCUMBERS -- 2 for 15 per cup FRESH STRAWBERRIES 23 at low budget prices CHEESE MEDIUM -- LB 59 GROUND 2 lbs 99 BOLOGNA - Sliced and packaged - - lb 59 PORK CHOPS CENTTR CUT RIB CHOPS LB 59e eew.iNC. BEEF--SPECIA- L- SPARE RIBS STYLE - per -C- OUNTRY pound 49 D it costs nothing to obtain BankAmericard 1. First Security BankAmericard is absolutely FREE! There are no dues and no fees, and you dont have to be a First Security customer to get one. Any credit worthy person is eligible. 2. You receive just one bill a month for all your charge purchases. So you need make only one payment for everything. 3. A First Security BankAmericard costs you nothing when you pay your monthly statement in full within 25 days from the billing date. 4. You may budget your payments if you desire (pay as little as 5 of the total bill) with a nominal service charge on the unpaid balance. 5. Borrow up to $100 cash with your First Security Bank- Americard. Simply present the card at any First Security Bank office and get a quick cash advance. Its that e. 4-- REMOVAL 623-052- X HoSDltal 1 ' H Page Two easy. you need not bo a FIRST SECURITY Customer WE NOW HAVE a supply of MAN OR WOMAN 10c to service Watkins Route In Duplicator Master Units Juab County. Minimum 20 hours each or 3 for 25c. Also several sizes of envelopes in stock weekly. Average 2.79 per hour. large Times-New- s, 96 at all times Call Mr. Fuell, Orem South Main. 225-690- 6. Mothers like Jewelry. We have a nice selection of pins, pearls and pendants. Nephi jewelry. APARTMENT FOR RENT 3 rooms. Ray D. Tolley, 97 West 6th North, Nephi 17-1- 8 WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR NEPHI JEWELRY, 17 N. Main 13 IF MOM tf isnt wearing her watch because the band is broken or Is too tight, why not get her one of the new Speldel bands? Nephi Jewelry. GIANT IIERSIIEY BARS S varieties Now S for 89e at CHRISTENSENS Reg. price Me each. STARCH-15coff-22oz- CRISCO 3 lb tin - 79 RINSO- - GIANT PK 63 STYLE HAIR SPRAY 47 NOW COLGATE TOOTH PASTE-Largetub- Advertising fa this publication K3ST pay dividends, just faok nt the 49 RICE Reg. 1.19 e, -- 10 59 LBS-1- .39 MORRELL PRIDE FRANKS PECIAL -- LB 49 PORK ROAST -S- LOIN YND per pound - 53 MORRELL PALACE BACON -- 2 lbs 1.23 PURE LARD 2 lbs 37 reliable people who hovo dono It lor MEATS - GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES.-RICn- E G23-C- 32 think about it, y B ESaaiSS KJCK2 mesa i |