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Show Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648 J)t jwrv hncij-iVrtx- ifi Thursday, April 27, 1967 Patient List Levan Local and Social News INFECTION Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dalby of her parents, Mr. and ab Hospital companied a group of Juab guests Mrs. Lavern Stephensen. Page Five DEADLINE IS ac- 4 4 ALL NEW 1967 MODELS 2 ONLY POLAROIDS Reg. $74.95 -- SALE Model 220 PRICE 59.95 2 ONLY POLAROIDS Reg. $49.95 Model 210 SALE PRICE 42.50 ONLY AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC 8mm MOVIE CAMERA 1 complete with tight priced at $57.45 - Regular - SALE 3$.00 f 1 ! i EZY MATIC ELCTRIC CAMERA complete with case Regular 64.50 - SPECIAL 45.00 ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC CAMERA - complets with case Regular 119.50 SPECIAL 79.50 107 POLAROID COLOR FILM Reg. 5.25 -- WHILE IT LASTS.. Camera 3.95 FILM for Instamatic 126 Black and White O: W - Reg. 60c . . HOW only 30c pack CHAPMAN r STUDIO Studio Hours - - 2 to 6 p.m. every day Closed Saturdays Terry Roper, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Roper of the Nephi Fourth Ward, keeps his mind on his work even as the camera shutter clicks. He was one of the group of Boy Scouts who participated In a conservation project last Scouts from the Nephi First and Nephi Fourth Wards participated in a conservation project provided by the Forest Service and supervised by For- estry Technician Byran E. Niel- High School Students to Salt Lake City on Friday and SatRecently admitted patients at the Juab County Hospital at urday where they attended the Model United Nations at the Nephri include the following, Mr. and University of Utah. to the list released according on Wednesday morning by Hos- Mrs. Dalby were the over night pital authorities: Patricia Coombs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Coombs DUP Camp Birch Meets Nephi. PleasRoyd Jorgensen, Mt. Mrs. Jessie Worthington was ant. elected captain of the Camp Nell Crosland, Levan Fred M. Ficklln Salt Lake Birch Company of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers when they City. met at the home of Mildred Alden Peterson, Santaquin Lunt on Friday, April 14. Other A. Grant Peterson, Moroni John H. Stulce, Mt. Pleasant officers elected were Ooquella Monica Fausett, daughter of McPherson, first vice captain; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fausett, Ne- Erva Howard, second vice captain; Velma Hansen, secretary phi. Louise Lovell, Leamington. and treasurer; Mildred Lunt, registrar; Blanch Cooper, historian; Luella Ostler, custodian of relics; Lorene Kirgan, lesson leader; Norma Bailey, ChapMarriage License . . lin; Fern Garrett, chorister and Rheta Sperry, organist. A marriage license was issuThe meeting was conducted ed by the Juab County Clerks office on April 19 to Jerry G. by Captain Erva Howard and Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs. she welcomed Laura Price as a Earl T. Chapman of Nephi, and new member of the camp. The Karen M. Funkhouser, aaught lesson was given by Mildred er of Mr .and Mrs. Jack Funk Lunt. Present were Blanch Cooper, houser of Chino, California. Laura Price, Sylvia Peters, Norma Bailey, Tacy Bracken, FOR SALE 3 point hook' Nona Smith, Rheta Sperry, Lor-ren- e up John Deere Tractor; 1 Kirgan, Ada Qldroyd, VelSpring tooth; 1 plow ma Hansen, Twila Winn, Erva 1 old moker, 1 rake, Howard, Virlie Tolley, Erma 40 Garrett, Maude FOR LEASE $800.00: Ingram, acres, about 30 acres of hay McPherson and the hostwith 2 shares of water. Call ess, Mildred Lunt. Nephi sen. The Scouts planted 250 Pine seedlings in the Canyon area. Seedlings planted by the Scouts in 1965 were checked and a small area surrounding each tree was cultivated to reduce competition from weeds and grass. Many of the trees planted in 1965 are still alive and will be a good momento to those who helped plant them, as well as providFOR SALE ing ground cover and beauty My home at in the years to come. 245 East First North, Nephi. Family home .also with apartment. Call Mrs. Marvel Wor-woo- d Salt Creek Camp Meets 3 after 2 pan. Members of the Salt Creek Camp of the Daughters of the SINGER Utah Pioneers met Wednesday will zig zag, Repossessed April 19 at the home of Delta button hole and blind stitch W. Priscilla Hedberg. Captain of Nielsen ocnducted the meeting. $27.50 cash or 7 payments in4 for Phone $4.85. Prayer was given by Chaplain formation. 7 Laura B. Brough and singing was led by Ireta Carter. A report on the recent DUP BEAUTIFUL KNABE PIANO convention in Salt Lake City available in your locality at was given by Maude Robert- $15.00 or more per month. son. The history of Joseph d Simple Interest on unpaid balHeywood was given by ance at Write Box 15053, Naomi Bailey, and the lesson South Salt Lake Branch 84115. The Early Chinese of the Western States was presented by Maude Robertson. One 16-- 6 John Those attending were Ireta FOR SALE Sealed Carter, Bessie Wilkey, Evelyn Deere Grain Drill. Kendall, Ruth Wells, Lois Nel- bids will be received until May son, Elm a Cole, Catherine B. 5, 1967 by the Juab Soil ConBowles, Lillian Ostler, Maude servation District, for the purRobertson, Laura Brough, Nao- chase of the drill. The District mi Bailey, Priscilla Nielsen, reserves the right to reject any Foote, Laurel Hall and or all bids. Drill may be seen 1516 the hostess, Delta Hedberg. at Earl Jarretts. Pon-dero- sa Mc-Cu- ne 6-- ft, h; 623-155- 5, 4-- 225-690- 6. 623-188- 7, TRY OUR NEW 100 PENNSYLVANIA OIL for perfect lubrication and carefree spring and summer driving! Mr. and Mrs. Grant Kendall and family of Magna visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Gardner on Sunday. Man-gelso- n were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Mangelson at Payson on Thursday evenThe occasion was the ing. birthday anniversary of David Mangelson. Maynard Mangelson and Miss Sandra McDaniel, students at the Brigham Young University, were Friday over night and Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. LeGrande Mangelson. DON'T DRIVE ON BALDIE- SYour'II have safety our SPECIAL ON TIRES E3-no- ra A SIMPLE LITTLE LEVER MAKES THIS THE MOST ADVANCED TRAIL BIKE IN THE WORLD. S PcoMfi 1 CHIQUITA BANANAS - --N- ew! Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mower and family of Salt Lake City visited with her father, James P. Christensen, and with her mother, a patient at the Juab County Hospital, on Sunday. LARGE CHOICE ORANGES lb c LEMONS-EA- - - lb CANTALOUPES CELEtiY (Tift STRAWBERRIES lull cup23 ASPARAGUS -- bunch -- CUCUMBERS PINEAPPLE EACH First in Looks WAIKIKI FROSTED SMOOTH WHITE GREEK BRIAR Also SALE Reg. 23c SALE Reg. 20c SALE Reg. 1 6c SALE -- Reg. 23c SALE - Smooth White Coated 16 19c 17 14c 19c Vinyl Reg. 20c SALE 17e VALLEY BUILDERS 21 0 West Center - - Ph. 623 0044 - - Nephi & Performance. ..Lowest in Cost NOW on the Honda Trail 90: an exclusive automatic gear ratio selector and auxiliary transmission that makes all other trail bikes obsolete! HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: The new HONDA TRAIL 90 offers a standard equipment auxiliary transmission and automatic selector lever which enables the rider to change from street gearing to trail gearing without ever changing the spockets or chains, as on virtually all other trail bikes. You simply flip a lever and ride away that's all there is to it! And this exclusive Honda feature makes the Trail 90 the most versatile machine of its type anywhere. 303 cans GRAND OPENING OF OUR HONDA SHOP 90 to be given . . Come in Main Street for full details . . . HONDA at 563 No. Garrett Honda Sales 15c Sweet, each 39e TOMATO JUICE j00 46 oz cans KLEENEX MIXES PAPER TOWELS Regular 37c IFREE! with purchase of Schilling's 26 oz package BLACK IGA SALT PEPPER earn Drinks top Fruit (Tjffil PEAS SPINACH-BROCCO- 6 oz RIB STEAK can PRIME RIB ROAST o; CUTS lb CIFRESH STEAKS lb BOSTON BUTT a.m.-6:0- 0 p.m. OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL P.M. for yourconvenience 79e PORK1E4 lb TS) NEARLY BONELESS CORN KING BACON "5 Fish Sticks Breaded WEEK DAYS LB TADLERITE U S CHOICE 2 - CORN LI H Clnieese STRAWBERRIES RASPBERRIES 7:30 DECORATED JUMBO ROLL OPEN day., the lb EACH "Posi-Torqu- Watch for the big - Naturally APPLE SAUCE RO;ZENlVAUUE.S HONDA CH RADISHES BUNCH or GREEN ONIONS AVOCADOS- -- EACH ARTICHOKES - - EACH BEET GREENS ea. LARGE FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT - EA. lb CARROTS-Ilbb- ag FOR THE BALANCE OF APRIL Reg. 19c - Lower Mr. and Mrs. Myron Shepherd of Henderson, Nevada visited with Mrs. Floy Mortensen on Sunday. Regular Packages CASHMERE with prices today on a discontinued tread deSafe! Most sizes. sign tire 5 FLAVORS SPECIAL SPRING PRICES ON SIMPSON CEILING TILE at lower cost 16-1- m CAKE DISCOUNT ON ALL PAINT IN TODAY 623-112- 6. 623-198- 8. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Francom and family of Springville were dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ray Francom on Saturday. raranlleed Fresh Promise leaeuse 623-126- Le-lan- FOR SALE ....Mothers Day is coming soon cart get her a special gift at the cheap. George Pay, 503 So. Mona Ward Relief Societys Main, phone 17 SPRING CARNIVAL, on Saturday, April 29. Bring the LAWN MOWERS for sale at whole family to a Cafeterial-styl- e Plumbing 'and Builders supper at 5 p.m., and buy 66 South Main, Nephi your gift items starting at 7:30 Supply, at the Mona Ward Hall. LAWN MOWER & BICYCLE SERVICE. Lawn mowers shar GIVE a textile painted gift and repaired. We have pened for Mothers Day, graduation, tires, engine parts, wheels and birthdays, anniversaries or any blades for most mowers. All Place your sizes of tires, tubes and parts special occasion. order now. For more infor- for bicycles and tricycles. Saws mation phone 623-10filed and set. Leave word at Clarks Market in Nephi or at Kenneth Hoyt in Levan for pick MAN OR WOMAN and delivery. Sams Shop, to service Watkins Route in up 12 tf Gunnison. Juab County. Minimum 20 hours weekly. Average 2.79 per hour. Call Mr. Fuell, Orem BABY SITTING SERVICE Call Judy at Nephi Co-que- lla m Mr. and Mrs. LeGrande 1 59 ll ayCOME Mr. and Mrs. H. Ray Fran-covisited on Thursday with members of their family In Orem, Springville and Provo. FREE GOLD STRIKE tsr " stamps " 10 56 EAST CENTER STREET NEPHI PHONE 623-- 1 131 Custom Cutting, Wrapping, Freezing SOFT lb OLEO CREAM CHEESE 49 8 oz pkg SAYE 10c 37 Meadow Gold -- V2 pint cart. WHIPPING CREAM (5)C 5J J |