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Show NephI, Juab County, Utah 84648 Thursday, April 27, 1967 WATCHES for Mother's Day STALLION FOR SERVICE and Graduation. See the New Any ? a chestnut sorrel with Caravella by Bulova. Prices be- four stocking feet. Floyd Swa-seMona. gin at 10.95 at Nephl Jewelry. News of your friends in Nephi y, TWW6ER8 mWEP f40FspMmre and family of Ephraim, were I Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ivan Tew. Bishop and Mrs. Dale Payne Delta with her son and daughtMr. and Mrs. W. W. Stephenof Warden, Washington visited er in law, Mr. and Mrs. Dee son spent the week end In at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Yates. Springville with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haney on Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pay Alma Garrett last week. and family of Salt Lake City Mr. and Mrs. VaMar Soren- spent the week end with her Richard Fexton, son of Mayor and Mrs. Harlow W. Pexton, sen of Clearfield were Saturday mother, Mrs. Verna Wright. is one of the cast of "Once visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Charls, Private John Michael es Williams. Upon A Mattress being prowho Is stationed at Fort duced at the College of SouthMr. and Mrs. Bill Preece of Ord, California spent the week ern Utah at Cedar City April Salt Lake City visited with end with his parents, Mr. and 26 - 29. This production is a Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams Mrs. Jule WiUiams. popular broadway musical, and on Sunday. Miss Mlckie Sorenis adapted from a fairy tale Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Cazler about sen and Miss Kelly Smith ac a princess with such sencompanied Mr. and Mrs. Preece and two sons of Salt Lake City sitivity that she was unable to home after spending a week at visited with her brother in law sleep because of a pea underand sister, Mr. and Mrs. George neath the Williams home. 20 mattresses on her W. Williams on Sunday. bed. Mrs. Charles Williams and Miss Cheryl Williams and a Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Mr. and Mrs. VaMar Sorensen of Clearfield were in Center friend. Miss Camille Russell, Pay visited in Salt Lake City on field on April 14 to attend the students at Snow College, spent Sunday with their daughter In funeral services for an aunt, the week end with Mr. and Mrs. law, Mrs. Dennis Pay and son Mrs. Elizabeth Jensen. George W. Williams, parents of Dennis Jr., and also with their Miss Williams. daughter, Miss Carolee Pay. Mr. and Mrs. Aure Garlick of Salt Lake City visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Warner .ATcrsr Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garlick on of Grantsville and Mrs. BerCARD OF THANKS of Warner nice Tooele were the Sunday. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank We would like to thank relaMr. and Mrs. Lorin Corbin Warner on Thursday. tives, friends, and neighbors, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Day Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Cazier Bishop Paxman and the Elders and sons Todd, Russ and Shane were in Delta on Sunday visit- and sons of Salt Lake City vis- of the Nephi Second Ward, the ing with Mr. and Mrs. Rex ited with her parents, Mr. and Relief Society ladies; also the Garfield and son Richard, and Mrs. Claude Tolley on Sunday. Hospital staff, the kind work in Oasis with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tolley of of the nurses and Dr. Steele Springville were Monday visit- during our illness of two Robert Day. ors at the Claude Tolley home. months. We will always be Mrs. Herbert Yates recently grateful for their kindnesses. Mir. and Mrs. Ward Olsen returned home after visiting in Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Lunt. Wlll-lam- T ' CENM&TH QYLV1A AND RICHARD HATHAWAY, OF NEW BEDFORD, WON SCHOLARSHIPS WORTH BY FIXING 14 HIDDEN ItsSiF ENGINE 'BOSS" IN 74 MMUTE9. THEY WERE AMONG 10 WINNERS IN THE PLYMOUTH TROUBLE SHOOTING CONTEST. 3,000 P6 Q0,000 STUDENTS 2,000 HIGH SCHOOLS ARE COMPETING FDR INVITATIONS TO THE DETROIT '67 FINALS AND PRIZES WORTH IN 100,000. TEEN-AG- E contestants find AND FIX MALFUNCTIONS PLACED IN ENGINES BY PLYMOUTH EXPERft OUR PLYMOUTH FURY SALES ARE UP 28 rrm... ' S' ' . ' ' S ' Plymouth is winning em over. Kennecott employees, who this month were presented an award Outstanding Service in Support of the U.S. Savings Bonds Program, begin their 1967 drive in May with a determination to reach a 100 per cent participation by all employees. for Kennecott Employees Seek Perfect Bond Buying Record Among other things, the award paid tribute to employees for consistently purchasing bonds during the past 25 years. In accepting the award for employees, J. P. OKeefe, Utah Copper Division General Manager, said: We are fortunate in having the support of our union leaders, because this has been a joint effort with a great deal of deep and sincere cooperation. . . . We are proud of our employees, we are proud of what they have done Plymouth Fury sales in this region are up dramatically for 1967. Magic? Juggling the figures? Nope. By actual sales figures were winning them over with Plymouth Fury it has styling and performance to -- Last year, employees attained a 96.1 per cent participation in bond buying. In 1965, the percentage was 95.05; 1964, 86.96; 1963, 75.58; and 71.37 for 1962. Campaign leaders this year, in noting the steady annual increase for the five-yeperiod, were hopeful that perfect participation of all employees would be achieved this year. ar all-ne- w capture your imagination. Our all-ne- w Plymouth Barracudas are winning them over too! Take your pick from our 61 Plymouth models right now. Drive a winner. Salta flaunt kaeedeaatHeeeM la Me Vila medal year compared with 1K4 model year to lame data. AUTHORIZED DEALER CHRYSLER MOTORS CORPORATION LSonnocott Copper Corporation Utah Copper Division "An Equal Opportunity Employer PAINTER MOTOR CO. 140 South Main -- Nephi, Utah Page hree 1 |