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Show Thursday, April 27, 1967 Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648 page Nephi Local and Social News Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Mrs. J. Lk Belliston recently of Henderson, Nevada returned to her home in Nephi after visiting: in Modesto, Lan- and Mrs. Reva Ballow and sons caster and San Diegro, Califor- of Sandy were week end guests nia with members of her fam- of their parents Mr. and Mra Step-rens- en Published Thursdays at Nephi, Juab County, class Second Utah. Utah. at Nephi, entry Rnm&irXMoaATioN NEWSPAPER NATIONAL 3&l asc6ti7n Gibson E. Subscription: $4.00 per winter in Scotsdale, Arizona. Office: 96 South Main 5 Phone Mrs. T. G. Fowkes recently visiting1 for five weeks in Heber City, Salt Lake .City, Magna and Midvale with her sisters and members of her family. Me, My Club and My Community was the theme of the annual spring convention of the Nebo First District, Utah Federation of Womens Clubs, held Saturday at the Springville Art Gallery. Mrs. Richard Morrison of Delta, president of the district, presided. Those attending from Nephi and Mrs. Gien Jarrett and two children Roger Jarrett and of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Abner Rosenlof of Mt. Pleas-- 1 Editor and Manager ant; Mrs. Delta Hedberg of Nephi, and Mr. and Mrs. Von Jarrett and six children of Logan. The occasion was the birthday year, payable in advance. anniversary of Rodger Jarrett. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Skidmore and family of Salt Lake City visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jackson over Doyle Orgil, Mayor of Mona, the week end. has expressed appreciation to all who assisted in making the Victor E. Gadd and John W. Mona Clean-U- p day successful Gadd of Salt Lake visited! The day was successful in with their mother, City Mrs. A. V. were Mrs. Claude R. Lomax, Mrs. Max Orme, Mrs. A. V. every way, Mayor Orgill stat Gadd on Saturday afternoon. ed. trucks and equip Gadd, Mrs. W. W. Stephenson, ment County and operators handled Mrs. Mrs. Frank Greenhalgh, John Robertson, Mrs. William heavy items, while men of the Schofield, Mrs. F. H. Beckstead, community and others used Mrs. Harold E. Laird, Mrs. Fired chain saws, trucks and other to remove much deHedberg, Mrs. Leo O. Osborne, equipment Mrs. E. R. Shaw, Mrs. J. Earl bris. Ladies of the community went a second mile in the Reid; and Mrs. James R. Stan- and temperature activities and prepared Precipitation days Mona. of the for ley figures past week, as a dinner for the workmen. recorded at the Nephi and Levan weather reporting stations Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mower are as follows: and family of Salt Lake City j and James P. Christensen of NEPHI STATION Levan were dinner guests of (readings taken at 10 ajn.) Mr. and Mrs. Homer Christen- Date High Low Prec. sen on Sunday evening. 45 25 .02 April 20 40 24 .10 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Schwanr April 21 32 ...49 .00, and family of Bountiful visited April 22 51 31 A3 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. April 23 52 28 '.00 E. Alton Ellertson on Saturday. April 24 54 34 .09 April 25 W. A. Dunn of Salt Lake April 26 51 .001 32 City was a Thursday visitor at 34 for week Precipitation -- S5.00 to $7.00 the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Alton Ellertson. LEVAN STATION (readings taken at 5 p.m.) Sally Kay, a student of the College of Southern Utah at Date High Low Prec. Cedar City spent the week end April 19 .00 67 31 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. April 20 .00 24 43 Melvin Kay. .00 22 49 April 21 .00 22 27 51 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kay vis- April 23 .00 30 52 ited in Montana several days April 24 .00 26 ;...55 April 14.95 to 24.95 last week with friends. .15 32 48 April 25 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sum4.00 mers and son Richard Jr., Keith Taylor, and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Newton and daughter, all of Salt Lake City, visited with Mrs. Newton on Saturday. ZOO to 5.00 Paul Ray Newton of Kearns spent Saturday and Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Ray Newton. returned home after Mona News Club News "A Better World Begins with I Mrs. W. H. Belliston has reSunday dinner guests of Mr. turned home after spending: the and Mrs. Earl Jarrett were Mr. 623-052- Rov Roy Chase. ily. Weather . . ( ITALIAN SANDALS NEW JANTZEN SHORTS CAPRIS - KNIT TOPS SAMSONITE LUGGAGE 1 - SUMMER HANDBAGS - - GIFT PACKED NOVELTY ITEMS NEW SHIPMENT OF HALF SIZE DRESSES - 7.99 to 12.99 ie Sunday visitors of Mrs. KatSheperd were Mr. and Mrs. YOUR INSURANCE ONE QUART OF BENNETTS SEMI GLOSS COUNSELOR Just as you are a special- ist in your line, so are we trained and equipped to advise you regarding your insurance needs! wifh the purchase of each gallon of BENNETT'S RUBBER LATEX WALL PAINT TODAY! There is no obligation. Central Utah -- E-GRAPEFRUIT JUICE - 46 oz cans - 4 for 93 DEL MONTE CUT BEANS - - 4 cans 87 ORLEANS BROKEN SHRIMP can 39 TOILET TISSUE 1289 -- HALO HAIR SPRAY Large size 2 fr 89 WESTERN FAMILY VEGETABLE OIL 48 oz bottle 79 SNOWDRIFT -- 3 lb Hn 69 TOMATOES - Scans 00 DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIX- -$ Pkgs 89 SPRING GARDEN PEAS --- 7 cans 100 LIBBY'S CATSUP 14 oz bottles 4 fr 89 WESTERN FAMILY PORK& BEAN S 300 size can - je HUNTS PORK & BEANS -- 212 si 4 for 89 tali tins CUDAHY CORNED BEEF--1- CUT . . . Street corner is barber shop in TaiHATH INSURANCE 33 South Main pei, Taiwan, the Republic of China which is also known as Formosa, Street barber grins, butyoung lad appears about NEPHI Office 623-025- 623-003- 9 O UmttefcaM CUDAHY VIENNA SAUSAGES 4 cans 89 WESTERN FAMILY BISCUITS - - 3 pkgs 25 ow budget prices MORRELL FRANKS - CLIP TOP CARROTS 1 EACH ALL MEAT - -lb package 55 TEXAS YELLOW LINK ONIONS -- 2 EACH SAUSAGES lb 59 GREEN ONIONS OR MEAT RADISHES - bunch 5 HER LUNCH for packages 3 1.00 TEXAS PINK IxljL' ' 1 rSi oz POTROASTS--7-BON- E GRAPFRUIT-4EA- CH CUT lb 49 ROUND BONE lb 58 NAVEL ORANGES RUG MATE RUG If you want your carpets REALLY CLEAN, use! RUG MATE SHAMPOO the NEWEST product - on the market. We have a machine for use on a rental basis to keep your "costs for cleanliness" to a bare minimum! Come fn!i NEPHI LUMDER 55 West 2nd North - - Nephi In fact hava thm . high-qualit- y, . . genuina Arnold Palmer, golf balls, that isl Only $1.50 for 3 normally $ 3.751 CHUCK STEAK -- lb 55 GROUND CHUCK FRESH, per lb 55 BEET GREENS AVOCADOS --E- bunch ACH WATER MELON w hu 131 SOUTH MAIN -l- 8 9 b7 for 95 6 PIES MEAT Small sizes - A grade - per lb 41 STRAWBERRIES OR GROUND BEEF - RASPBERRIES - - 698 FRESHLY GROUND 2 lbs 1.09. RHODES BREAD T BONE STEAKS 5 loaf package - - 79 EXTRA GOOD per pound 98 ORANGE JUICE Cl 6 oz cans 5 fr 89 For a limited time only, we are offering you the chance to buy up to a half dozen genuine Arnold Palmer golf balls at the unbelievably-loprice of 3 for $1,501 Regularly availabla only through golf professional shops, this is a than half price I One round with this $3.75 value for great pro ball and youll went more from your local pro shop. PARKIN MOTOR 7 per pound BELTS TURKEYS SHAMPOO 510 0 Home somewhat uncertain the whole thing. oz can 2 0t LEAN 'ORTHO-GU- DEL MONTE STEWED IV 6-- CALL at regular prices! the best day to get you ORTHO LAWN FOOD and Weed We have a and Pest Control Chemicals good supply of Lawn Seed for your new lawn! lb pkgs MARGARINE -- 4 for 1.00 DEL MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL -- 6 cans 100 DEL MONTE PINEAPPL- .ew.,c.at LARRY PETERSON LET US BE - - is 1 Wayne Sheperd of Springville and Mir. and Mrs. Gary Van Ausdal of Santaquin. Mrs. Pearl Forman of Nephi and Mrs. Rose Neilsen were guests of Mrs. Katie Sheperd on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arlan Seamons spent Sunday in Salt Lake City visiting with Mrs. Lillian Fletcher of Snowheggan, Maine at the home of Miss Verda Haws. TODAY TABLE MAID ME ATS GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES-FilCil- E 623-04- 52 T |