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Show I i Universal Microfilming Corp. 111 Pfeerpont Avenue Saltt Lake cityy y Ofm .X v, ,v- rV by the Single Copy Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648, Thursday, April 27, 10c 1967 Volume 58, Number 17 - -- S3 m ditor Juab Bond Sales Increase Levan Matron The years are beginning to add up If It takes you longer to get rested up than it did to get tired. -- Services Set nreg Info Is that many folks are to worrying about the change come this time daylight saving week end. Theres only one to way to do: Before you go bed Saturday night, set the household clocks and your personal watches an hour ahead and then forget all about any "daylight saving' or "mountain standard time . . and live each before! day just the same asOf course Its just that simple! you who "live by the clock in so far as going to bed and getwill lose ting up is concernedcome next an hours sleep, but October you can gain it back! weather . . you Its just likeblamed cant do a thing about it, so you might as well forget the minor inconveniences and enjoy each day fully! 1 p.m. Saturday Levan Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Nielsen Mangelson, 87, will be conducted Saturday at 1 p.m. at the Levan Ward Chapel. Mrs. Mangelson died at the Juab County Hospital Tuesday evening of natural causes. Friends may call at the family residence in Levan Friday evening and Saturday from 11 a.m. until time of services. Mrs. Mangelson was born in Aalborg, Denmark October 17, 1879, a daughter of Mads and Juliane Marie Terkelson Nielsen. She came to Levan in 1891. She was married to Charles A. Mangelson January 4, 1899, at the Manti Temple of reg the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Mr. ManSaints. More than a dozen letters gelson died December 12, 1957. were received in a recent week Mrs. Mangelson was active in from members of the Utah the Levan Ward Relief Society. Congressional delegation. Not She is survived by three sons one of them contained the ZIP and three daughters: Glenn code of the addressee. It makes Mangelson, Provo; Austin Manus wonder who started this Zip was Miss gelson, Salt Lake City and Code deal, anyway. We always SELECTED AS MISS NEPHI in the annual contest held last Thursday evening, Vern Mangelson, Levan; Mrs. had the impression that propis Miss new The Nephi Kenneth Nyman. James P. (Vera) Christensen, JuLee Nyman, center, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. er example should start at the left and Miss Tonya Julia Miss are Nebeker, Levan; Mrs. Karl D. (Inez) Attendants Juab senior at High. top. a graduating Zaugg of Clearfield and Mrs. Mrs. Thad Nebeker and Mr. and and Mr. reg are attendants of the Parents Anderson, right. Karl (Anna Mae) Newton of and Clubs by the Federated Womens Salt Lake City; also surviving Mrs. Robert Anderson. The contest was Times-Neare 30 grandchildren, 30 great LETTERS photo Nephi City TH T grandchildren and four great-greEDITOR grandchildren; and four L. V. and Willbrothers: half Commerce Chamber of Junior High Officers Dear Editor: iam Salt Lake City; Nielsen, May I use your paper as a Frank Nielsen, Sunny Vale, OreSchedules Evening to to thanks Pulic of Invite means expressing gon and Oscar Nielsen of Dena group of people that perver. 2 Start May Meetings; form a great work with little Achievement Exercises Burial at the Levan Cemetor no recognition. ery will be directed by AnderComof Chamber The few a of Nephi Proa Within period The annual Achievement merce is changing their meet- son Funeral Home. short weeks, many of us have gram of the Junior High School ing time from a breakfast meetwinessed school plays, operas, will be presented on Friday at ing to an evening meeting. It Gold and Green ball, Junior at 7:30 p.m. is doing so in the hope that it The student council, under Prom, Miss Nephi contest and will result in a convenience perhaps other performances on the direction of Patti Andrea-seUtah has the potential of a to board members as well as to the stage. president, selected as one billion dollar tourist in- those who may desire to meet At each of these entertain- theme Try to Remember. ments one of the things that This theme will be present- dustry by 1975, and Nephi with them to present their1 added to our enjoyment was the ed by a special chorus under should be prepared to get its views or suggested projects. An open invitation is extendbeautiful scenery and decora- the direction of Mr. Smith, and share of that, John Hunt, USU tions. . will be accompanied by a combo Extension Service Forest and ed to all or any members wh$ may have any suggestions or Indeed, the talents of those group. Recreation Specialist, complaints to meet with the who take part would not be so Janet Greenwood, secretary, Outdoor and President of Utahns, Inc., Chamber of Commerce Board outstanding on a bare stage or and Blake Ingram, vice presiddance floor void of any decor- ent, will serve as mistress and told those attending the Tour- of Directors at any meeting. At a recent meeting, Leo W. There will be lots of activity ist Hospitality Schools on Monmaster of ceremonies. ations. distributor for the at the County Fair Grounds Christensen, the perWe always applaud The various departments, day, April 24. The Nephi Chamformers, as certainly they de- music, English, physical educ- ber of Commerce and the Utah Chevron Oil Company, was ap- next Tuesday, May 2. The anserve it, but few people know ation and Spanish have chosen State University Extension Ser- pointed chairman of the retail nual Spring Livestock Show, trades committee, with Maur- sponsored by the Kiwanis Club very much about the long hours and prepared excellent numb- vices these train- ice Tolley, founmanager of Forseys of Nephi, will be in full swing ers for in the program. An art ing schools to acquaint sales spent creating flowers, toy 9a.m. tains, stars, trees or butter- exhibit will be hung and work people with proper approach to- Variety Store, as The days activities will inflies. We see stages as monas- from the Industrial arts depart- ward customers with particul- They will complete the organmembers and ization with other bara livestock judging conclude of ment islands sea, will the be ar teries, attention to the tourist displayed. proceed to promote the inter- test, fitting and showmanship ren deserts or humble homes or Awards for academic achieve- trade. and contest, demonstrations, Milt Jolley, assistant direct- ests of all retail merchants. castles, whatever the script ment and leadership skill will The first evening meeting judging of project animals. be made. Student officers for or of the Utah Tourist Council calls for. be will held at the City Hall All and F.F.A. members As I watched each star the year 1967-6- 8 will be an- told the group that 24 new tourwith livestock projects are intwinkle on the stage at the nounced. ists daily stopping over in a at 8 p.m. Tuesday, May 2nd. vited to participate. This edu'Student council officers and community would Miss Nephi Contest, I could rehelp the area cational show is very important call faces down through the faculty members join in extend- economy as much as a $100,000 'VS'' to the young people of the area years that had devoted many, ing a cordial invitation to all. payroll from a new industry. in preparing and training them Mr. Hunt stressed the immany hours of work in this for future shows throughout "I Am a Princess Is the portance of organized effort to type of service. the state. I am sure people appreciated theme for the Stake Mia Maid reach the goals of (1) encourKiwanians will be on hand to the Ute Stampede Parades very Father and Daughters night to age more visitors (tourists), direct the various phases of the more when dozens of be held on Tuesday, May 2 at (2) encourage tourists to much show. They will be working them had made floats, and then 7:30 p.m. at the Jiuab Stake longer in the community, stay and with Jay Dailey, FHA superwatched their handy work go House. All fathers who have (3) encourage them to spend visor, and Lynn Esplin, Juab by, than they do in merely iMia Maid daughters are urged more money while here. This, to them. to for out check a County Agent. Harold Laird is accompany he said, depends not alone on pay writing chairman of the Agricultural what some one else has creatthe Chamber of Commerce, the and Conservation Committee of ed. Extension Service, the salesthe Kiwanis Club and has maTo me, the talents of these CLEANUP AT LEVAN people, but upon every individual. Tour attitude, your cojor responsibility fo rthe days people are as necessary and activities. outstanding as those taking CEMETERY SATURDAY operation and your courtesy Refreshments for participknow to want them it can I build inpart help Nephi by ants will be furnished at noon is noticed and appreciated. AH resident sof creasing the tourist trade. Levan Sadie H. Greenhalgh by Allens Cash Store, and by A morning session in the the community are invited to Theo Park, distributor for the reg be at the Levan Cemetery on Juab High School far the studCream O Weber dairy products Saturday at 8 ami. to assist ent body and faculty and afterOften has it been said that in this area. noon and in completion of the clean-u- p evening sessions were "one of these days, Pm going well attended. to Heber C. there, according to put an extension phone in Films and discussion covered Taylor, Chairman. the bathroom . . cause every the various attractions availThe change from previoustime . . almost . . that the ly announced plans was made able in our own state and own door is locked the phone rings Jerry Chapman, son of Mr. late Wednesday because of immediate area. Suggestions on the and youre wanted and Mrs. Earl Chapman of funeral services scheduled were presented to assist salesThis brings to mind line. for in people developing tchnlqus Saturday. Nephi, who will report his the historic fact as reported to enhance our opportimes convenient on SatAt British mission at the Nedesigned "Good of issue recent in a Inin tunities residents holdalso are and urday, attracting phi Second Ward SacraImpressions" by the Salt lake in our area. cleanto vited ment tourists the meeting Sunday at 7 ing complete Stamp Co., that the bath tup up of their own premises and Refreshments were Mrs. Chapman, wife served, p.m. Announcement was made this was invented in I860; the the street areas, Mr. courtesy of the Chamber of of the recetly returned Eladjacent week by A. K. Johnson, Juab Had 1875. in you telephone Commerce. Taylor stated. der, also will speak. County Clerk, of the list of lived in that period, you jurors drawn for the second could have sat in the bathterm of the Fifth Judicial Dist-Cou- rt tub for 25 years without the for Juab County. The once! phone ringing term will begin on May 2. Jurors selected from Nephi One of these days when youre include: on main street, take a few minEdward W. Worwood, Clarutes to stop and take a look-se- e ence Greenhalgh, Marion Jep-so- n, at the Interesting collection ir Reese Sherwood, Byron the window of Elmo Wilsons to eggs or who have a history Johnson, Robert L. Tolley, ClinOver 60 immunization clinics Schwarz of the Pitman-Moor- e Rainbow Tavern. Towll see Chemical Co. can be given of convulsions should receive the ton Kirgan, Frank Greenhalgh, many rocks (stones) of various will be established throughoutof which will prevent a child from vaccine under the care of a Ethel R. Mathews, Kenneth Nycolors and shapes, something the state of Utah in support private physician and not at man, Elizabeth R. Black, Maurcontracting measles. that evidentaly is lava rock, the "Muzzle Measles campaign Asto one child from Medical the clinic site. Richard S. State of the Utah ages arms Any ice B. Chapman, some fire old time plus Serious complications can May and George C. Sperry. and a weapon used by many sociation and the Utah State 12 who has not had measles or has never had a measles shot arise from measles. Yet, measwomen in the days before the Department of Health. From Levan: Leiand Jack-maIn Nephi, the clinic will be can be immunized at the clinic. les can be eliminated with one an old stove-to- p electric era Heber C. Taydor, H. Ray flat Iron. They tell me the held at the Elementary School The vaccine is free of charge. simple immunization. there are Franoom. It is estimated that women used it as a weapon at 380 East Second North, on A donation of 50c per child James Loras From Mona: is suggested. nearly 56,000 susceptible childas well as a shirt lroner, and It Saturday May 13. and Don Yates. Kay of the The ren C. in Utah. Dr. to Clark immunization measles goal The According is easy to believe that a hot From Eureka: Robert C. Muzzle Measles campaign is general campaign program is being conducted as Welling, flat Iron was a good one! on Sat- Thomas, Alice Peart, Pierre L. one The windows are lighted in a part of a nation wide cam- chairman, children under treat- to immunize each Stapley, Audrey N. Sanderson, the evening, if more convenient paign to wipe out red measles. ment for tuberculosis, leukem- urday, May 13, 1967. It was D. Jameson and Leona and can It Cloyed done ss with ia and other vaocine polio. dose the A of malignancies for you, but the collection Is single G. Franks. measlea with must done be well are those F. who ss allergic developed by Dr. Anton J. very much worth studying. nd at Vast Potential Seen in Future Utah Tourists Youth of Area n, Await Annual Spring Show During Marcn, the investment made by Utahns in U. S. Savings Bonds, Series E and H, exceeded the $2 million mark for the third consecutive month, Kathleen Meikle, State Savings Bond Director, announced today when reporting local sales results to state and county volunteers. The March sales figure of $2,129,936 brought the first-quart- er total up to $6,738,058 up $872,000 or 15 per cent above sales during the same period of 1966 which sets a post war record," Mrs. Meikle said. March bond purchases in Juab County were reported at $6,528, bringing the first quarter total to $22,068, according to Kenneth Nyman, Manager of the First Security Bank at Nephi and Juab County bonds chairman. This is 26.9 per cent of the 1967 goal. Our Utah bond sales the Director continued, are building an excellent foundation for the Share in Freedom bond campaign scheduled to open on May 1 with the introduction of the new Freedom Share note which returns 4.74 per cent when held to maturity of four and one-hayears. Every American is being asked to buy bonds where he works or at his bank. The dollar sales goal for Utah in 1967 is $26 million. At the end of the first quarter 26 per cent had been achieved, Mrs. Meikle noted. lf New Babies . . PART A plastic plate, that will ...REPLACEMENT a section of his skull, replace is checked for fit on Navy Machinery RepairmanAllan Smith at Chelsea Naval Hospital near Boston. Smith, of Westboro, Mass., was injured in an accident aboard the U.S.S. Proteus, and a portion of his skull had to be removed. Following the surgery, a navy dentist and enlisted a specially-traine- d dental technician designed and built the plastic plate. A neuro-surgeo- n will install the plate in the operating room, while the dentist stands by to make any final adjustments on the replacement part that may be necessary. u k- - H C PACKING 1IIS LUGGAGE into the trunk is Greg Stuart, a member of the FFA Land Judging Team participating toWatching are Ron Dailey, Ted day at Oklahoma City. Williams, and Joe Wankier. team members. East Juab Youths Participate In National Land Judging Meet Five members of the Mt. Nebo Chapter of the Future Farmers of America, along with their advisor, left Saturday afternoon to attend the National Land Judging Contest in Okla- - Golf Group Event Dated A fine western movie has been scheduled by the Venice Theatre for Wednesday, May 10. Through the cooperation of Richard Foote, manager of the Venice, the evenings performance will be a benefit showing for the Nephi Golf Association. The proceeds from the movie will be used to start a fund for the construction of a municipal golf course in Nephi. Golfing equipment will be secured for door prizes. Plans are moving forward for the presentation of special live musical numbers during the evening. Officers of the Nephi Golf Association invite the support of all residents of Mona, Nephi and Levan for this special en- Dr. and Mrs. Donald Reay of Salt Lake City announce the birth of a daughter on April 20. Mrs. Reay is the former Miss Judy Pexton. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Munro tertainment. Pexton of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Reay Jr. of Price. Great grandmother is Service Men's News rs. J. N. C. Pexton of Nephi. John L. Carter recently was promoted to the rank of major in the United States Air Force. Major Carter is stationed at Bossier City, Lousiana. He is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Heber J. Fowkes. 4-- H Jurors List Is VV ALA MONTGOMERY, Captain Neil W. Greenhalgh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Greenhalgh of Nephi, Utah has been graduated from the Air Universitys Squadron Officers School at Maxwell AFB. Captain Greenhalgh received a special award during the recent graduation ceremonies for having submitted one of the best 300 word papers submitted in his 372 member class in aero space power studies. Captain Greenhalgh was reassigned to Wright-Patterso- n AFB, Ohio for duty at the Air Force Logistics Command Data Center. Nephi News Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Miles Anderson, Miss Kay Anderson and Mike Anderson visited in Idaho Falls, Idaho with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sidwell and family; and in Logan with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Christensen and family over the week end. Joseph Christensen was recently sustained as a counselor In the bishopric of the Fourth Ward in Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Fack-re- ll and family of Sprlngville were dinner guest3 of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Lunt on Sunday. homa City, Oklahoma. Hie group became eligible to attend this contest by winning the region contest held In Juab County last November. Members attending the 'contest are Greg Stuart, Ted Williams, Ronald Dailey, Glenn Greenhalgh and Joe Wankler. Jay Dailey, vocational agricultural teacher at Juab High School is team coach and FFA advisor. The group is traveling by auto and will visit several places of scenic interest along the way. The trip Includes two days of special training prior to the contest, and the contest will be held on Thursday, April 27. WKY radio and television stations sponsor the contest. The Oklahoma City chamber of commerce and the Oklahoma State University cooperate in making the contest and annual affair. They also have and International divisions of the contest. 4-- H Special Matinee For Kids Scheduled Veterans of World Wax I will especially enjoy "Blue Max which is now playing at the Venice Theatre, according to Richard Foote. The picture will bring to the Venice screen the realities of the first World War, and many veterans will be able to recognize scenes of the movie. A special Saturday afternoon kids matinee also is on the program for this week end, Mr. Foote stated. For full details, see the advertisement on page six of this issue. Victor E. Gadd and John W. Gadd of Salt Lake City visited with their mother, Mrs. A." V. Gadd on Saturday afternoon. Dance Review to Assist In Day Care Financing All are invited to the Dance Review to be held on Saturday, April 29 at 7:30 p.m. at the Juab High School auditorium, under the direction of Beverly Pexton. Preliminary music will be given by a group of young people, consisting of Marjorie Painter, Keith Sperry, Chad Bowles, Stephen Janrett and Randy Blackett, with soloist, Debby Russell, who will sing the theme song "Bom Free. The following dances will be given by 45 young participants: Acrobats, Flea Hop, Good Ship Lollypop, Powder Puff, Cowboy dance, Cane dance, Flower dance, Dark Town Strutters Ball, Waltz Clock, Pattycake jazz, Soldier dance, and Batman, dance. All dancers will participate in the finale. All proceeds will go to the Mt. Nebo Care and Training Center. Support of all is urged. Announced 'f.luzzle Measles' May 13 at Clinic Readied for IJephi Elementary School n, THIS GROUP of young dancers are ready to participate and entertain at the Dance Review to bo held at the High School Auditorium Saturday evening, in a Day Car benefit event. |