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Show NepM, Juab County, Utah 84648 Thursday, Levan Mews Mra. Jamea Lewis and and three aona of Joseph, Ore gon were gueats Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Francom. Mr. M yi(3MBHiUliaJiii Recently according to the list released Wednesday by Hospital auth- orities: I I I 623-180- 3. dill avail-abl- e. in lira: iMi Uimv Coun- City. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ballow this week are their son and daughter In law, Mr .and Mrs. Wallace Ballow of Tollhouse, California. Also visiting at the Ballow home is Max Christensen of Huntington Beach, California brother of Mrs. Ballow. Mrs. Sadie Bowers spent Sunday in Mt Pleasant with her (38), Plat A" of the Nephl Townsite Survey, thence south 105 feet, ht thirty-eig- thence West 214.5 feet to the West boundary line of said Lot Four (4), thence North 105 feet to the Northwest comer of said Lot Four (4), thence East 214.5 feet to the place of beginning; together with all improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging. Dated this 27th day of Octobmother, Mrs. er, A. D. 1965. Carlson. She was accompanied R. A. JACKSON, to Mt. Pleasant by Mrs. Dick Sheriff of Juab County, Bowers. Utah Mrs. Grace Christensen reof publication: October turned home recently after vis- Dates 28, November 4, 11 and 18, 1965 memweeks with for three iting In The Times-New- s, Nephl, Utah bers of her family In Otto, Wyoming and in Salt Lake City. PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. Consult GET YOUR HALLOWEEN PUMPKIN now from Ed. Chase County Clerk or Respective 0 or call at telephone Signers for additional indaughter-in-law- Cleans faster and more effectively because of a high power, motor. 30 more efficient on rugs, 250 more efficient with tools. No more pulling or tugging - dial on the back lets you control exact suction needed. Bag completely enclosed inside... where it belongs, A signal tells when to change. Air filtered three times before returning to room. twin-fa- n s Ete-el- ed VooDGog, Vigorous, Adiw CepaEfe and Mfcofled Yiir fflsyor ton IFr Offy Comdliieiii 623-001- Forth 4th East. 504 formation. ty Theres more, a lot more, so why Barbee and other doll clothes also Troll doll clohtes 50c 1 15c, 35c Phone not come 623-060- and have a look. 4344 CHAPMAN FURNITURE COMPANY GOOD SQUASH FOR SALE Also carrots Contact Perry C. Hall 445 East 2 North, ph. 623-151- 2. 4344 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of BARBARA HOYT FRASER deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouch ers to the undersigned at Nephi, Utah, on or before the 8 day of January A.D. 1966. Claims must be presented in accordance with the provisions of Sec. Utah Code Annotated 1953, with proper verification as required therein. 75-9-- 5 Jmiivap JUSTIN! WILL L. HOYT, Administrator of Estate of Barbara Hoyt Fraser Deceased. Dates of publication: October 7, 14, 21, and 28, 1965 in The Times-NewNephi, Utah s, (ctsigisioTua (ctgsgggaauQgf A!I in One Fine Furniture -- -- Console Cabinet HANDCRAFTED AND GLORIOUS TV COLOR TV BLACK-AND-WHI- STATIC-FRE- RECORD CROSS BLUE AM RADIO AND BLUE SHIELD GROUP EXTENDED TO DECEMBER 1st CALL 484-767- 7 Salt Lake City, or local FARMERS UNION AGENT m . 7050W Beautiful Contemporary Modem styling in oil finished Walnut veneers snd select hardwood solids. 00 PER AS LOW genuint WEEK THIS DELUXE HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER FEATURES ZENITHS OWN DEVELOPMENTS FOR FINEST PERFORMANCE! Get ready for an exciting new thrill in home entertainment from this superb complete home entertainment center from Zenith the world's most famous name for quality. This beautiful console combination features crafted Color Television with 25,000 volts of picture power. COLOR PICTURE TUBE Plus the new Zenith SUNSHINE for greater picture brightness. Hand- Every week The High Fidelity Stereo Phonograph features the Zenith 2G "Stereo Precision" Record Changer with exclusive Zenith MICRO-TOUC28 TONE ARM with the fabulous "Free Floating" Stereo Cartridge. For the world's finest sound, then an four Zenith quality high fidelity speakers with cross-ove- r networks: two 10' woofers, two 6' x 4 mid range speakers. Zenith quality through and through. thousand! and thousands of families choose the yreater dependability ZENITH HANDCRAFTED TV THIS COMING SUNDAY Quiet day MAURICE TOLLEY DWANE TIDWELL For Councilman For Mayor special planned-perf- ect time to or old friends. What a joyful way to start the week! Mountain Phone $23-047- 1 en- joy Long Distance. Visit with the family Telephone D WHAT ARE THE FACTS ON POWER RATES? In September of 1963, the Public Service Council elected to purchase all of the City's Commission allowed Utah Power and Light power from the Federal Bureau of Reclam- Company to increase their electric rates ation approximately 7. Taking a typical powe bill of Nephi City for the period of Oct. 15, to Nov. 14, 1963, Nephi City paid $572.44 MORE due to the Utah Power and Light increase in rates to the city. NO INCREASE WAS MADE TO CITIZENS OF NEPHI TO COMPESATE FOR THE INCREASE IN COST On November 26 1964, BY A UNANIMOUS VOTE OF THE CITY COUNCIL nothing States 111! 5 L For Councilman TIME LIMIT FOR TRANSFER AND NEW MEMBERSHIPS farmers union FM RADIO E PLAYER The R0SEM0NT DONALD A. ROYCE UTAH STEREO FM RADIO LONG DISTANCE HIGH FIDELITY STEREO Page Si NOTICE OF SALE i TO BE SOLD for labor, ma-- J terial and tor&go at 140 South Main, Nephl, Utah on tha 9th day of November, 1965, at 2 p.m. tho following motor vehicle: 1965 Ford HT. Coupe, aerial OJ53X127580, registered In the name of Mary Morgan Winger, whose last known arklress is 3902 Revera Drive, San Diego, California. Amount now due, 3242.00. Dated this 26 day of October Boy, bom October 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Nlday, enroute from California to Lafayette, Colorado. Girl, bom October 23 to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis K. Sldwell of 1963. PAINTER MOTOR CO. Mt. Pleasant. Lienholder are Mr. and Mrs. Grandparents PetC. Ray erson of Mt. Pleasant. Mrs. Alton Bills of Nephl and Loren Sldwell of Payson. Great grand NOTICE OF CALL FOB BIDS Notice Is hereby given that mother Is Mrs. eBtty Stanley Juab School District Board of of Nephl Education will receive sealed FOR SALE: SPINET PIANO bids for the sale of one 1951 D. Shepherd In Levan. COUNTY thia area. Take over 314.58 CMC chassis No. A27077123 monthly For more complete with school bus body. payments. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ray Fran- JOHN G. STEELE, in his own details write Credit Manager, Bids will be received at the com were in Lehi on October right; and VERN C. MANGELBox 6179, Sugar House Station office of the echoed board at 13 to attend the wedding rec- SON, et al, Trusteees, 305 East First North, Nephl, Salt Lake City, Utah 84117 Plaintiffs eption honoring Mr. and Mra. Utah until 5:00 oclock p.m. on vs James Bradley. Mrs. Bradley is November 15, 1965. and COM FOR Mr. of VALLEY FEED JUAB a granddaughter GUITAR LESSONS call Bids will be opened and read Mrs. Francom, and daughter of PA NY, a Utah Corporation, et Kirk Morgan at Also aloud at the regular meeting of has agency for sale of Fender the Board of Education of Juab Mr. and Mrs. Carl Francom al. Defendants. Mr. and Mrs. Francom were guitars and amplifiers, acous- School District to be held Nov tic or electric. Terms can be 15, 1965, at 7:30 oclock NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S over night guests of their son p.m. SALE Contracts handled and daughter In law. arranged. Bids made must be for cash No. 3313 by Progressive School of Mus- only. The Board of Education Mr. and Mrs. Evan Mangelson ic. Rental guitars also of Juab School District reservand three children of American TO BE SOLD AT SHERIFFS 29 tf es the right to reject any or Fork spent Sunday at the home SALE on the 22nd day of Novall bids. ChrisP. of Mr. and Mrs. James FENDER GUITARS, basses ember, 1965, at 12:00 o'clock By Order of the Board of tensen, where they visited with noon of said day at the front and amplifiers. Also various Education of Juab School his grandmother, Mrs. Emma door of the Juab County Court- non - electric District guitar a Ludwig Mangelson. house in Nephl, Juab County, drums. All prices. Herger By A C Starr, Clerk Music, 158 South 1st West, ProWeek end visitors at the Utah, the following described vo. Closed Mondays Date of publication: October home of Mr. and Mrs. James P. property situated in Nephi, 3850 lnd. 28, 1965. Christensen were their son and Juab County, Utah, at the Northeast daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs corner of Lot Four (4), Block Vance Christensen of Salt Lake RESTAURANT Ifigll nnnmih admitted patients at the Juab County Hospital Include the following, accordng Visitors Sunday at the home to the list released Wednesday of Mr. and Mra. E. C. Malm-gre- n by Hospital authorities: were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Betty Parkin, Nephl Norma Bailey, Nephl Jones and three sons of St. Jar-rett LaFonda K. Anderson, Wales George; Mr. and Mrs. Glen of Salt Lake City; Robert Connie Kelson, Nephl Durrant and son Bobby, and Jeffery Allred, Dugway Sandra Edmunds, Ftn. Green Terry Jorgensen of Salt Lake LaPreal Sperry, Nephl City. Tola Hansen, Nephl Mr. and Mrs. John J. Shepherd and family of Salt Lake City were week end visitors at IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF the home of Mr. and Mrs. John UTAH, IN AND FOR JUAB MICKELSONS IMi Juab Hospital -New babies at the Juab at Nephl during the ty Patient List pastHospital week Include the following, October 28, 1965 the Mayor and City These facts presented by the Nephi City Democratic Committee This resulted in a more favor- able rate for Nephi City. A rate adjustment for the power users of Nephi has been dis- cussed many times in the past year. The councilman in charge of the electrical de- partment was assigned, and agreed, to make a study for rate reduction and pre- sent if to the council for approval. date To if has not been presented to the City Council. It has, however, been presented as a political promise! VOTE DEMOCRATIC!! Paid Polifical Advertisement by Nephi City Democratic Committee. |