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Show Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648 far' ciiiicoctiiG Mona News Briefs CHANNEL It 8:30 (c) BLACK HORSE CANYON, Joel McCrea, Mari Blanchard (c) 10:00 Channel 5 News (c) 10:35 6:30 Lost in Space 7:30 The Loner 8:00 Gunsmoke Jackie Gleason 10:00 Channel 5 News (c) 10:30 BLACKBOARD WHAT PRICE GLORY, James Cagney, Dan Dailey (c) 12:30 News Final 6:30 My Three Sons (c) 7:00 MARY, MARY, Debbie Reynolds, Barry Nelson (c) 9:15 Trials of OBrien 10:15 Channel 5 News (c) 10:45 MAN ON A JUNGLE, Glenn Ford, Anne Francis SUNDAY, OCT. a Fredric March, Terry ' 6:00 7:00 8:00 8:30 9:00 10:00 Perry Mason Candid Camera Whats My Line? Savage Sunday Channel 5 News (c) MONDAY, NOV. 5:00 I I Robert Taylor, Ann Blyth, Stewart Granger (c) 12:30 News Final WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6.-0-0 3 AMERICAI (c) 6:30 Beverly Hillbillies (c) i 1 Vincent Price, Frank I I I I I I I I I K I I I I I Green Acres (c) 7:30 Dick Van Dyke 8:00 Danny Kaye (c) 9:00 10:00 Channel 5 News 7.-0-0 I I I I I 10:35 BROKEN ARROMf HOUSE OF WAX, I I I 6:00 The Rifleman i:30 The Lucy Show (c) 7:00 Andy Griffith (c) 30 James Stewart, Debra Paget, Jeff Chandler (c) 12:30 News Final 7:30 Hazel (c) The Munsten 8.-0-0 Loveioy I WERE VALIANT, Ed Sullivan (c) 10:30 TEA A SYMPATHY, Deborah Kerr, John Kerr (c) SATURDAY, OCT. s Show 10:00 Channel 5 News (c) 10:35 ALL THE BROTHERS 29 7:30 Smothers Brothers 8:00 "MISS TEENAGE AMERICA PAGEANT 9:30 Channel 5 News (c) 10:00 THE FLAME A THE FLESH, Lana Turner, Pier Angeli (c) 12:30 News Final I 7:30 Petticoat Junction (c) 8:00 Rawhide 9:00 Steve Lawrence Moore 12:30 News Final 6:00 Death Valley Days (c) 6:30 Hogans Heroes (c) 7:00 Gomer Pyle - USMC(c) I " 5:00 Lassie (c) 5:30 My Favorite Martian TIGHTROPE, FRIDAY, OCT. TUESDAY, NOV. 2 6:00 The Rifleman 6:30 Red Skelton Jc) 31 I I I 9.-0- WBIjTV I I I MOUNTAN AMERICA'S NUMBER ONE ENTERTAINMENT STATION KSL-T- V SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH PROGRAMS also A Lake YOUR CONTINUED Week end visitor at the home SUPPORT of Mr. and Mr. Harry Newell were their son and daughter in WILL BE APPRECIATED law, Mr. and Mr. Shertl New-re- ll and son of Salt Lake City; also Jery Van Gerven of Salt Lake Gueeta at the City. Newell home on Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellertson of Salt Lake City, Marlow Ellertson of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Ellertson and family of Salt Lake iCty. They were at Mona for the funeral services of Leonard Garfield. WATCH THE NATION'S TOP SHOWS ON KSL TELEVISION THUSSDAY, OCT. 6:00 Gilligant Island Thursday, October 28, 1965 I f I J Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Garfield of Coalville were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Brooks. Nephi Local, City and Her Ogden. daughter, Mrs. Clela Jorgensen, and a niece, Iris Irons, accompanied her to Nephi and visited over the W'eek end While! In Salt Lake City and Ogden Seci?l News Page Rv tmPB-5fllU- 0 Mrs. Bailey visited with Mr. and Mrs. Monte Bailey and their son In law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Kern Shumacher, who are parents of a new son; end with Mrs. Clela Jorgenspn and family in Salt Lake City. Subscription: 94.09 per Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Price payable In advance. spent the week end In Salt Published Thursdays at Nephi, Lake City with Mr. and Mrs. James H. Vickers and Mr. and I 'tab. Second claaa entry e! NephL Utah. Mrs. R. D. Shill. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Carter Roy E. Olbson Editor and Manager and four children of Spanish Fork spent Saturday with his Office M Sooth Mata Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Beck parents, Mr .and Mrs. Wallace 6 Telephone and family of Salt Lake City Carter. NephL Utah and Miss Cherrlnda Beck were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Eugene Beck over the week end. Week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bailey were their daughters, Mrs. Mary Burraston and children Tod. Lrl and Troy; and Miss Lucille Bailey of Salt Lake City. Dale Bailey, a student at U1 B. Y. U. at Provo, also was a guest at the home of his parents over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Max Barnes of Draper visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Barnes ovei the week end. 623-062- Mr. and Mrs. Wells Ellertson have had as their visitors for the past two weeks, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Straub of San Diego, California. Mr 8. Ray Newton had as her guests over the week end for the opening of the deer hunt, As a candidate for Mayor, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jarrett and family of Garland, and Mr. and don't Intend to make any specMrs. Richard Summers of Salt tacular promises to gain votes, Lake City. however, I will mention that a Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kay over the reduction In electric rates has week end were Neil Kay of been a topic of discussion on Sandy and Archie Kay of Provo. several occasions in City CounDinner guests at the home of cil meetings the past year. As Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Orgill on a City Council, we have worked Sunday were Clifford Orgill of Livermore, California, Mr. and together for the past 3 yean Mrs. Keith Anderson and son and 10 months with very few Rodger of Salt Lake City, Mrs. controversial Issues manifest. Hazel Jackson and children Del Ray, Julie, Perry and Jamie of Council voting on Important Salt Lake City. issues has been done on a Mr. and Mrs. Calvin E. Neil-se- n unanimous basis. were in Salt Lake City on Sunday to attend the missionI will stand on my past d ary farewell testimonial for and pledge to use the Darwin Colton, who will leave in the near future for the Florwisdom and knowledge I ida mission. He Is the son of have gained to further adMrs. Neilsens brother and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill minister the office of Mayer Colton. In the best Interests of all Week end visitors at the the citizens of NephL home of Mrs. Katie Sheperd in Mona were her daughter, Mrs. I will always be receptive to Basil Shepherd and daughter constructive criticism by anyRobyn; also her son, Wayne one In relation to my position Sheperd of Springville. as Mayor of NephL FOR OVATION COSMETICS In conclusion, I want to take call Carolyn Hayes Bailey at 213 East 6th North, this opportunity to thank the NephL 4043 Ind. citizens of Nephi for the support they see fit to give me on Mrs. Anna D. Allred had as her week end visitors, Mrs. Helen Larson and children of Heber, and on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Olsen of Moroni. Home at 108 November 2nd. FOR SALE oil furThird East South (Paid Political Advertisement nace large lot See Mont by Nephi City Democrlatlo Blackett at 607 North 2nd East Committee.) or phone CLOROX - 3c IGA BLEACH Keep Your Car Clean IT'S EASY AT RAM JET Mrs. Chloe N. Bailey visited last week In Ogden with her daugters and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hull and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harames. CAR WASH Z3)( 30 WEST 4h SOUTH Mrs. Gilbert Bailey returned to her home Saturday after spending two weeks in Salt (Just West of Tiara Cafe) IGA CANNED POP 13 CANS APPLE CIDER FREE FRUIT DISH COUPON REEDEEM 7A NOW FRESH 623-144- 8, 2 weU built FOR SALE homes, 36 x 24 feet. Lifetime roof, 4 and 5 rooms, plus bath and back porch. Both have nice cupboards. Contact Eddie Dutson at LynndyL Utah. Fh. 1.C3 IGA POTATO LB BAG CHIPS reo-or- 623-147- 3. . Off - Gallon PUMPKINS FANCY 53c PEANUTS LB lb 49c JONATHON ZEE T'LET TISSUE 12 rolls 89c 10c off -- Gal APPLES-- - MAYONNAISE-IG- A NIBLETS-12ozcans6for1.- 00 2701. PUMPKIN -- -- QT. T -- LB 49c OCEAN SPRAY FRESH - -- 1 lb bag 2Vkcans 3for 49c CRANBERRIES FREE BICYCLE! NOWS the time you need a HOM( is and now FREEZER the time to make a GREAT BUY! INTERMOUilTAIiJ FARMERS UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ROCK ISLAND RAILROAD The Union Pacific-Roc- k Island Merger: Northern Portion Southern Portion If you are a shipper you will benefit from this merger by: REFRIGERATOR or C0MBKlATI0;i IGA BAG CANDY INDIVIDUALLY COUNTRY STYLE HERSHEY 5c BARS "7? BACON FRANKS WRAPPED PIECES LB FREEZER 1 20-- 5c lb Bag 10 off.J CANDIES SUN MAID WJ 6 Individual 59c RAISINS -- LB -- tLu -bag.S BRACHS ASSORTED VALLEY CHILI ROLLS pkgs, ONLY fj?;o:zenko:od:si If you are a consumer, service. Better scheduling and improved single-lin- e service linking your comsingle-lin- e munity with the major Eastern gateways and the West Coast 3. Greater incentive for new industries to locate in your community with more payrolls, jobs and business for community growth. g 4. A boost to the economic health and of your community and the entire state. These are some of the reasons the Union Pacific-RocIsland merger is vital to the public interest These are reasons why it is important to YOU. For additional information on this Union Pacific-Roc- k Island merger, and the proposed sale of the southern portion of the Rock Island to the Southern Pacific, write or drop in at your local Union Pacific or Rock Island office Learn the factual story and then lend your support This merger is important to YOUI 1. 2. Improved For instance, you can purchase a 23 cu. ft. Upright Freezer and get too, for just . . the bicycle . 2S090 well-bein- i Union Pacific Qjnj) Railroad - 2 LB PUMPKIN PIES each 29c KRAFT you and your community will benefit from this merger by; k Better and more reliable rail service. tail service between the 2. Improved single-lin- e major Eastern gateways at Chicago, Peoria, Joliet, and SL Louis and the West Coast rail service between 3. Also, improved single-Un- e Paul and the West Coast Minneapolis-S- t 4. The elimination of interchanges on Union Pacific-Roc- k Island shipments. This will save time and reduce exposure to freight damage. 5. A better chance for you to meet competition railroads. from companies served by one-lin- e with a single line 6. The advantage of dealing rather than with two or more roads. 1. offers you a BICYCLE, FREE with the purchase of a foots for '7rckorrfre4tei'$l lb o Center Rib SPARE RIBS HOME A program for growth for YOU and your area! The Union Pacific and Rock Island railroads have proposed a merger that has been endorsed by transportation experts, that has been approved by stockholders of both companies, that offers a program for growth for this and other areas now served by Union Pacific and Rock Island. Who is the public that will benefit from the merger of the Union Pacific and Rock Island railroads? Its the shippers, the consumers, the citizens of this community served by these railroads . . . ita you! association PORK CHOPS You can buy a 28-f- t. Chest type freezer, bicycle too, for ust .... j.90 COME IN TODAY put the bike away for Christinas either boys or giris models. 5mal! down payment. Easy monthly payments if desired. No interest or carrying charges. See your Branch Manager, ROSS GARRETT at 285 West Center Nephi 1 Phone 623-031- nsoircnnniHni BIB CHEESE PIZZA each69c SAUSAGE PIZZA ea. 79c HAWAIIAN 7 6ozj00 'cans II PUNCH IGA 6 oz cans 3fRi7(p) LEMONADE II W U 11 VELVEEETA PKG IGA ASSORTED Ec OFF CHUNK CHEESE) anypkg. Pillsbury or Ballard BISCUITS 8 oz cans MEADOW GOLD pint WHIPPING CREAM LAY AWAY MATTEL TOYS NOW! 10 DISCOUNT OPEN WEEK DAYS 7:30 AM-- 6:00 PM OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 7:00 PM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE IF PAID IN FULL BY NOVEMBER 15 FREE GOLD STRIKE STAMPS Morkati af 56 EAST CENTER STREET NEPHI PHONE 623-- 1 131 Custom Cutting, Wrapping, Freezing |