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Show Thursday, October 28, 1965 Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84&4i Nephi Local, Social News a Mr. and Mra. J. air Col lard had a their week end quests. Mr. and Mr. Burl Mor-le- y and daughter of Hunting-ton- , Utah and Mr. and Mr. Donald Dastrup of Murray. 'nn) Mr. and Mr. Merl Jarrett received word recently of the birth of a grandson. The parent are Mr .and Mrs. Cordon Green of Salt Lake City. Mra. Creen is the fomer Mis Evon Jarrett. Mr. and Mr. Ceorge Victor Jones had a their guest this week their daughters, Mrs. Darlene Anderson and Mrs. Barbara Hanson of Salt Lake City. They attended the funeral services at Mona Tuesday for Leonard Garfield. SPECIALIST Because of his years of study, your training and experience, pharmacist is qualified to dispense drugs and othe rimportant health Mrs. Olive Broedhead had as her dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Christiansen and children Connie and Wesley, and Mr. and Mrs. James Christiansen of Salt Lake City. He is dedicated to acand to knowledge of the curacy, number of pharmaceuticals of today! needs. lever-increasin- g Mrs. Max Hawkins and sons and Carl of Phoenix, Arizona spent several days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hawkins. Warren, Wayne n; members of the Twenty-si- x family of Mr. and Mrs. Rue S. Golden were home for the week end deer hunt They all enjoyed camping out west ofNe-ph- i. They Included Mr. and M.s. Glen Golden, Sharon and Scott Powell, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Werlie and baby of Bountiful; Mr. and Mrs. Byron Chase, daughter Vickie and son Rue of Salt Lake City; Gary Golden of Spanish Fork; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Golden and daughters Terry, Lesia and Sharon; Mr. and Mrs. Don Golden of Henderson, Nevada; Mr. and M-Fay Morgan and children Russell, Sydnee, Brad, Randy and Karen, and Mr. and Mrs. Rue Golden. s. Mrs. Don Gadd visited in Fountain Green Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Allred, and with her brother In law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mower and son Vaughn who also were guests at the Allred home. SHOP HERE KM ALL YOUR Mr. and Mrs. Darrell B. Larsen (Ellen Parkin) at Reception Following Impressive Rites at Manti L D S Temple Couple Honored - 2 for 97c AQUA NET KNITTING WORSTED 4 oz 87c --N- OW PLAINS AND 3 yards 1.00 PRINTS FLANNEL WRANGLERS - 3.57 pair WOODDURY CREME , SHAMPOO 44c 1.40 Value SWEATERS Vi PRICE TABLE 1 PENDLETON SHIRTS 100 WOOL --H- -- 14.95 OW RED SHIRTS AND SWEAT SHIRTS NOW-V- s OFF Miss Ellen Parkin and Darrell B. Larsen were married on Friday, October 22, at the LDS Manti Temple with President A. Bent Peterson performing the ceremony. The bride, who has been residing in Salt Lake City, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkin of Nephi. Mr. Larsen is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Larsen of Pres- were Judy Court, Parkin and Tamara Larsen. Gary Ransom was best Bridesmaids Janette man. Dick Blackburn, Malin Davis and Dick Davis ushered. The couple will be further honored at an open house In Preston. The bride la a graduate of College, and the bridegroom is a student at ton, Idaho. college, and On Saturday evening they the LDS Business LDS mission to an served has a were honored at reception at Brazil. the Nephi Fourth Ward hall. The young couple will reside Attending the bride as maid of honor was Angela Parkin. in Salt Lake City. Nephi Local,-- er of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chase are Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Step-hensand Mr. and Mrs. Roland Parkin of Henderson, Nevada; Mrs. Reva Ballow and sons of Sandy, and Mrs. Colleen Nielson and sons of Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Parkin also visited with his parents, Mr. and en Mr. and Mrs. Milo Cazier had as their guests over the week endfc Mr. and Mrs. Byron Lowry and children of Pleasant Grove and his brother, Jimmy Lowry. Also visiting at the Cazier home were Mr. and Mrs. Don Ferguson of Provo, and Mr. and Mrs. Loris Park of Spring-vill- e. JUICE--46oz4for.O- Mra Lynn Parkin. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Price for the deer hunt are Mr. and Mrs. John Vickers of San Diego, and Jim Price from Camoga Park, California. Week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Brough were Mr. and Mrs. the home James Golden of Provo. Official List of Nominees for Nephi City Election Tuesday, November 2, 1965 GARDEN PEAS 51.00 UBBY PUMPKIN No. 214 size cans - 2 for 35 DEL MONTE RAISINS 15 oz packages - 4 pkgs 1.00 ZEE TOILET TISSUE 12 rolls for 1.00 KLEENEX 600 count 2 pks 89 SUNRIPE OLIVES Large Pitted Olives Tall cans 5 for 1.00 SEGO MILK 7 cans 1.00 MORTON IODIZED 11 SALTor DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN o For Mayor HARLOW o O (4 Year Term) For Mayor L W.PEXT0N (4 Year Term) For Mayor 4 Year Term) (4 PIES EUGENE LUNT For Councilman (4 Year Term) DONALD A. ROYCE DEAN SHAW VOTE FOR ANY (4 Year Term) ! I kg F. MAURICE TOLLEY 3 lb fin 83 SPAGHETTI -F- PINEAPPLE- GRAPEFRUIT 46 oz tins - NOW 4' lr 1 .00 POWDERED SUGAR DEL MONTE U& -- lb pkgs 6fr 1.00 WHITE STAR TUNA Regular size cans 4 fori .00 IQ --- GRAPE JELLY GRAPE OF VINE - -- 10 oz 29 20 oz jars - 2 for 89 WELCH'S ADE-FRU- IT JELL--0 Pkgs 1.00 VETS DOG FOOD Regular cans 1 record POT ROASTS BLADE CUT CUT ROUND BONE 89 MINCE -F- RUIT OR - "Frost 'n' Flame" 3 for 89 HAWAIIAN PUNCH Regular 6 oz cans J for 1 .00 43 -- per pound 47 per pound CUT-- per office. R. Date: October 27, 1965 W. CHRISTIANSEN City Recorder C lb 57c GROUND BEEF 2 lbs 89 EXCEL BACON -l- b 63 SPECIAL - LB 49 CHEESE ROUND STEAK lb 79 BARGAIN - W. Christiansen, Nephi City Recorder, hereby certify in my 4 for 1 .00 BANANAS - --- per pound 9c YAMS - Golden colored center lb 9 PEANUTS - - 3pounds 1.00 PERSON FOR MAYOR AND ANY 2 PERSONS FOR COUNCILMAN I, Ray - -- 60FF-12 U that the above and foreging is a full, true and complete list of the nominees for Nephi City Office as the same appears of RANCO 8 cans 1.00 AMERICAN O 1 lb package Year Term) DWANE TIDWELL For Councilman --p- BREADED SHRIMP PUMPKIN For Councilman Plain PASCO ORANGE JUICE--6z-6cansl.O- CRISCO 1 Q DEL MONTE EARLY Social News Mr. and Mrs. Dean F. Johnson of Salt Lake City were guests Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Crane. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. George Crane and children of Provo enjoyed visiting at the home of his parents. Visitors this week at Stevens-Henag- SOUP Campbells - - 9 tans for .QQ HERSHEY INSTANT COCOA MIX 2 lb 59 APPLE CIDER - gallon 63 SHASTA FRUIT DRINKS - 46 oz 4 cans 1 .00 PIERCES TOMATO MEATS GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES..FiX.Z Twd Melea of Santaquln, and Lillian Johnson of Provo. U. S. Navy forces Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wertz and son Chuck of Minneapolis, Kansas were guests Thursday and Friday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mra Steve Greenwood. They were In Utah for the deer hunt and also visited relatives at Richfield and at Joseph. Mrs. Wertz and M Greenwood are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Benson of Lewiston, Idaho visited over the week end at the home of Mr. Guests at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. F. A. Heppler. Olive Broadhead Sunday, and Miss Myma Green of Eph- also attending the homecoming report of Elder Lester Broad raim visited Sunday at the head at the Nephi Second Ward home of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hill Miss Sunday evening were: with Miss Debra Hill. Mina Lou Broadhead of Salt Mrs. Harry J. Irons had as Lake City; Ron and Don Tate, her week end guests, William former roommates of Elder Irons and son Billy of Tooele. Broadhead at the Dixie College; Mrs. Don Tate; Judy Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Goble and Sharry Olsen, students of had as their guest over the week the B Y U; Larry Seare, Charend, their son Sheris fiancee. les Black and Mra Vivian Wing Miss Julie Seal. Miss Seal is of Hunter; Mrs. Thelma Nora student at the Utah State ton and sons Clair and Ray of University in Logan, and is a Heber City; Mrs. Peter Heelis daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Glen and daughter June of Santa-quiMr. and Mrs. Gordon Seal of Mapleton. At the present time Sheri Goble is station- Heelis and children Tommy, ed at Saigon, Viet Nam, with Dennis, Carla, Roeanne and Page C23-C4- 52 |