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Show Thursday, May 28, 1964 Nephi, Juab County, Ufah 84648 Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Kirgan spent Saturday in Levan with her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Kendall. Mr. and Mrs. Thayne Jarrett and children visited in Ephraim on Sunday with Mr. and DOWN PUTS NEW KELLY 0RC3 II I TIRE ON I MSI4 Mrs. Gordon Thomson. YOUR CAR MIUMW All Carefully Selected Cailngl with Ml Bduwal la llduwoll Nw Traad of Toy Quality, laagtr Wearing KELIV Wf TO MOUTHS TO Mr and Mrs. Gail and two daughters Lake City were week ors of her parents, MT AIMOKU1KR - Nephi, Utah -- Phone 851 BABY SITTER Table-Ed- ge Skidmore of Salt end visit Mr. and ed. At noon served and Lake City is visiting with her 523-- 1 Baby Chair rrx Mrs. Emily Ashdown of Salt son and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Cazier spent three days of last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cazier at Kearns; with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cazier In Salt Lake City, and with Mrs. Betty Davis and children in Bountiful. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Cazier visited in Taylorsville on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Park, and in South Jordan with Mrs. Shirlene Olsen and child ren. The regular meeting of the Salt Creek Camp of the D. U. P. was held at the home of Ireta Carter on May 20. After CcoHCmical! It is 50 less expensive ventional high chairs. Practical! It is convenient to use anywhere, anytime, and teaches the baby to eat at the table. Also: Handy to have with you when dining out. than most con The Baby cannot climb or fall out and limits their reach on the table. it the opening son, prayer was offered by Alice P. McCune. A history of William Furlgate Carter was given by Mildred Brown. The lesson was presented by Maude Robertson. It was announced that the Juab County Convention of the D.U. P. would be held at Nephi on June 6 at 10 am. Light refreshments were served by Ruth Wells, Lois Nelson and Wanda Burridge to 21 Mrs. K. J. Sperry presents scholarship plaquet to Principal Newell. Plaque will honor outstanding students An award for scholastic ex- - compliment the one that has been established 0rs top athletes. at the Juab High School by Funds for the project were the Delphic Literary Club of raised by the club members Nephi. A plaque was presented by Mrs. K. J. Sperry, pres- (through their catering of the ident, to Principal Clark New- 1963 luncheon for the Juab ell in the annual awards as- School girl graduates. Mrs. sembly held May 21. On the Maurice Tolley was cliib presfol- GOING TO SALT LAKE CITY? plaque are engraved the lowing names of the top boy and girl scholars in each of the three high school classes. The first recipients of the attractive pins were Linda Marie Ingram and Terry Christensen, seniors; Kathleen Wankier and Tom Johnson, juniors; and Eunice Broadhead and Earl Anderson, sophomores. Delphic Literary Club pres- ented the plaque because members believe that the scholastic achievements of our stu- dents should be recognized by community groups. The awards will be presented each year. The plaque will be displayed in the trophy case and will Mr. and Mrs. Keith Chap- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT man and son Todd of Loa were We wish to express apprecweek end visitors of her par- iation to the doctors, executive ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin R. board, staff members and all Garrett the workers at the Juab County Hospital, and to our neighbors and friends who have CARD OF THANKS helped us during the sickness Mrs. Amos G. Irons and of Mr. Crane. Thanks to our family wish to express their Bishopric, Stake Presidency sincere appreciation for the and members of the High many kindnesses shown during Priests qorum and to all who the illness and recent death have lightened our burdens by of the! rhusband and father. taking over our farm interests. Special thanks are extended Your cards, letters, telephone to the Bishopric of the Third calls gave me encouragement Ward, and the Relief Society that has helped me mend. Thank you. officers and members for their H. Cy Crane and family. many kindnesses in our behalf. MAKE SE RANCHO YOUR HEADQUARTERS!! Whenever you are going to be in Salt Lake City, stay at wonderful, clean and convenient Se Rancho. 4 a luncheon will be a program Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ander-son attended the funeral services in 8ooele Monday for Mrs. Olivce B. Nielsen, daughter of Mrs. Verda Cloward of Nephi, and a niece of Mr. Anderson. They also visited in Salt Lake Cityl with Mr. and Mrs. Feny J. Ostler and family, on Tuesday. hon-cellen- ee RATES BEGIN 4.50 5.50 6.50 7.50 These large rooms at low, low rates all iclude: New radio and TV with power antenna, music, phone, message service and parking. . hi-- fi 24-ho- ur off-stre- JUST t and up for two BLOCKS FROM TEMPLE SQUARE! et 4j 5E RANCHO MOTOR HOTEL 640 West North Temple ident when the project was begun. Committee members were Mrs. Earl Bowles, Mrs. Ralph Menlove, Mrs. Dale Worwood and Mrs. Donald Eyre. Hello! PHONE FOOD 623-03- CENTER The happy surprises In a Long Distance call IS begin when you say hello. Pick someone special whose voice youd like to hear. Then pick up your phone. You don't need a special occasion to call Long Distance. Try it and see. TFMEPMQNE 50 A El A M CAULIFLOWER LD FOR PER LB 4 POTATOES - NEW REDS TOMATOES DOZEN - - -CORN FRESH EARS - 6 FOR - MOUNTAIN , IfaDHffflOQKRv at teachers report meeting. Following this meeting the ladies of bo the Relief Societties will assist in cleaning the chapel, the lounge room and the Relief Society room. There will be quilting for those interest- Mrs. Russell Jackson. GREENWOOD SERVICE 750 North Main Mr. and Mrs. Glen S taker We have an excellent supply of Memorial Day flowers: Car-n- of Ogden and Jack Maykerry Ions, roses, glads, chrys tho- of Lehl were Sunday guests of All members of the First and rnurns and station. Also potted Second Ward Relief Societies plants. Order NOW. Nephi Mr. and Mrs. Frank Green- halgh. are Invited to a special work Floral. meeting and social to be held next Tuesday, June 2nd. The two wards will meet separately at 9:30 a.m. for visiting Work Day liephi Social Items BGTOG1D Four Pag STRAWBERRIES-1V2PERO- 0 Z. SURFINE MILK -- tall CANS 8 for TOMATO JUICE DelMonte 46oz4for CHERRIES (303) - Red Sur Pilled -- 5 CANS FLUFFO SHORTENING -- 3 LB TIN 65 FREE BUY 1 FREE FREE TOOTH BRUSH AND 1 TOOTH PASTE AT REG. PRICE AND RECEIVE FREE 5 LBS OF SUGAR ICE CREAM -- V2 GALLON 59 MARGARINE STEWELL - 4 LBS rifln SPAGHETTI Franco American -- 15 oz 8 fo' APPLE SAUCE (303) TASTEWELL - 8 for CORNED DEEF--1- 2 di39 OZTINS TUNA - - CLEARWATER FLAKES - Reg. tins 6 for . CAKE MIXES - Duncan Hines Layer - 3 for DOUMAK MARSHMALLOWS 1 lb 19 SOFLIN TOILET TISSUE-1- 2 rolls -TA- 1 At Kennecott, careers are the rule, rather than the exception. Of 6700 employees at the Utah Copper Division, 1600 have been serving in the production of copper for 20 or more years thats almost 25 of the total work force! old tradition, In keeping with a Kennecott holds annual banquets to honor veteran employees. At this years banquet, 141 men and 36-ye- ar women received special recognition. Thirty-seve- n men were presented with gold watches engraved service insignia. with their names and bearing men and five women, who have been Ninety-nin- e members of the Kennecott family for 20 years, received gold lapel service pins and certificates.' Kennecott pays special tribute to the skilled, loyal men and women who make copper production their life work. They are the heart of the big team that keeps Kennecott a sound, productive business in Utah. 30-ye- From jobs to careers ...The Kennecott tradition BzzzcscSn fibres (Sezposatien 1 FAMLEE BUNS H Nor 'Burger 3 pkgs SENOR OLIVES -- TALL CANS -- 4 for PICKLES -- QUART JARS -- 3 for UqUU IN OUR MEAT MARKET-FRYE- RS -- -FRESH POUND 29 ar Utah Coppsx Divides FRANKS BAR S LUNCH MEAT FRESH GROUND BEEF POUND 49 4 packages 1.00 2 LBS 79 SPECIALS GOOD FOR MAY 23 & 29, JUNE 132. STORE WILL DE CLOSED ON SATURDAY, MAY 30 FOR MEMORIAL DAY REMEMBER VE ARE OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 7 P.M. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE C 3 |