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Show Universal Microfilming Corp. 141 Rberpont Avinue SaltJt Lake cityy Utah Nephi Club Wins $500 Award Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648, Thursday, May 28, 1964 Single Copy 10c The Twentieth Century Club of Nephi is one of two women's clubs in Utah to win a national award of $500 for their roles in helping young people in their communities to further their education. The awards are among 100 made nationwide in 1964 through the General Federation of Womens Clubs - Shell Oil Company Education pro- Volume 55, Number 22 tV Services Held Tuesday for n rf-K- 0' . CrVw.. - "T THE GENERAL PUBLIC is oordialy invited to attend the Juab High School Commencement Exercises to be held at the Auditorium tonight (Thursday) beginning at 8 pan., according to Principal M. Clark Newell. An outstanding program is in readiness lor the event, which will honor these young people shown above. Theme for the graduation exercises has been set as "Responsibility, the Key to Freedom and will feature student talks. Students Invited To Participate City Asks Aid -- Juab School District again day through Thursday, will sponsor a summer band instruction program this summer. Parents are urged to have their children take advantage ,of the musical instruction offered. The following schedule wil begin Wednesday, June 3 at 9 am. Eemetrtary band, daily, Mon- - A1 ists, 9 a.m. Ibeginning instrumentaldaily, Monday through Thursday, 10 am Junior band, daily, Monday through Thursday, 4 p.m. Senior (band, Monday and Wednesday, 7 pm. Instrumental sectional practices and individual instruction will be scheduled at alternate times during the day and on an individual basis. Any student or parent interested in summer band participation is urged to contact Don T. Tew, band director. Mr. Tew is requesting all prospective members of the senior band to meet helcTon at the band room Monday June Mona DUP Sets Open House Open house' wall 'be Memorial Day from 10 a.m. to 6 pm. at the Mona Pioneer Cemetery memorial cabin, according to Ina Kay, Captain of the Mt. Nebo Camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers. The memorial cabin contains many souvenirs of pioneer day life, among which is a key to the Nauvoo Temple. Mrs. Kay stated that also in the cabin, and which will be on display Saturday is a gun owned by Lorenzo Babcock, a member of the historic Mormon Batallion. Mr. Babcock settled in Mona and following his death is buried in the Mona City Cemetery. Hie cabin is on the site of the first cemetery of Mona, and 20 of the first settlers of the community are buried there. First person buried, according to the records, was Mary Ellen Love on Nov. 1 at 7 pm Program Nephi City has purchased a large rotary mower (tractor drawn, primarily for the purpose of cutting the weeds and streets. 'grasses along the From observations at the present time, it will be necessary to gather up all the debris, such as wire, metal, rocks three inches in diameter or larger, bottles, cans, etc, before the mower can be operated safely. Nephi City offidals request that all property owners cooperate by cleaning the area between their property line and the city street of all the Or above mentioned debris, so 5 r, B. Musseman .w v fcS ' J I f that the dty can make a concerted effort jointly with all property Booklore Club Names owners in beautifying the community. City officials also expressly Mrs. Garrett As request that no more trees, limbs or trash be deposited on 1964-6- 5 President the dty streets with the exBooklore Club members held ception of regular garbage in their final meeting of the cur- proper containers put out on rent season at the Towne Cafe Thursday night or early. Frion May 21. It was an evening day mornings for the regular of relaxation and enjoyment, pick up service. and following the dinner, election of officers for the 1964-6season was conducted by Mrs. of Nephi J. E. Worthington, clulb pres- Daughter ident. New officers named are Dies in Tooele President, Mrs. Wallace Gar- Lady vice Mrs. rett; Roy president, Mrs. Olive Nielsen, 45, of Greenhalgh; secretary-treasureMrs. Joseph Garrett; re- Tooele, died Thursday at a Tooele after a months porter, Mrs. Alton S. Gadd. illness. Hospital She was daughter of Plans for a summer party were Mrs. Verda A. Cl award of Nediscussed and assignments for the event made. Those present phi. Funeral services were held wrote get well messages to 28, 1952. Mrs. Dee Sparks, a member of Monday at the Toode ML Nebo Camp of the D.U. Ward chapel. Burial who is convalescing at the was at the Tooele City cemetP. has spent well over a thous- the dub folUtah Valley Hospital and dollars in improving the lowing major surgery. Mem- ery. cemetery, and installing a bers present were Mrs. Milton sprinkling system. The cabin Boswell, Mrs. R. Rospoe Garhas been put in good repair. rett, Mrs. Alma C. Jones, Mrs. New Babies . . . The general public is invited Lorin J. Christensen, Mrs. R. New babies bom at the Juab to visit the cemetery and the Theo Westring, Mrs. Ralph E. cabin on Memorial Day, and Chase, Mrs. Wallace County during the Garrett, past weekHospital to pause and reflect upon the Mrs. J. E. indude the followMrs. Worthington, lives of the early founders of James Smith and Mrs. Alton S. ing: the community who are buried Gadd. Son, bom May 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Raylen Anderson of Salt there. Lake City. Grandparents are (Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bundy of Mt. Trumball, Arizona and (Mr. and Mrs. Lee Anderson of Ephraim. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James Bundy of St. George, Kenneth Anderson of Ephraim and Mrs. Marvella Anderson of Wales. Daughter, bom May 22 to (Mr. and Mrs. Ed. C. Malmgren of Nephi. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haynes of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Great Malmgren of Levan. grandmothers are Mrs. Jane Bean of Nephi and Mrs. O. H. Pierce of Levan. Son, bom May 23 to Mr. and Roy Joseph Ephraim and Elizabeth Golden Irons. He married Beulah Hoyt September 4, 1929, at the Manti Temple. He is survived by his widow of Nephi; a son and two daughters: Chaplain (LL Col.) Timothy H. Irons, German.... Mrs. Harry (Shirley) Smurthwaite of LeGrande, Oregon, and Mrs. Robert (Mary Lind) Goodell, Idaho Falls, Idaho; 13 grandchildren; three sisters: Mrs. h Kate Haynes, Mrs. Goldie and Mrs. Tacy Bracken, all of Nephi. Internment at the Vine Bluff Cemetery "Was directed by Anderson Funeral Home of Ne- th f ,5 t t J Iti V t Assisting Handicaped Dr. Neil Sherwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sherwood of Nephi, now is assisting in testing and training of the deaf at the Oregon State School for the Deaf at Salem, Oregon. Dr. Sherwood recently completed studies at the University of Oregon for the Dictorate in Psychology. He studied at the BYU, the University of Utah and most recently at the University of He will serve as a Oregon. phychologist at the Oregon School. He and his wife ,the former Nancy Sherwood, are parents of three children. social science lessons for the year was presented by the class leader, Madge Newton, assisted by former presidents Erma Keyte and Ina Kay, and the current officers: Ivy Teer-linll Almina Kay, Florence and Lucille Ewell. Betty Ellertson and Izoa Seamens I Have a Testimony sang and light refreshments also were enjoyed. Mrs. Maude Fowkes returned home Saturday after spending the winter in California with her son in law and daughy ter, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton at Cupertino. She is residing with her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Stanley at Orem at the present time. k, Or-gi- Hall-ida- W. H. (Bil) Bauman, Shells Salt Lake City district land agent presented award certificates and checks to representatives of the winning dubs at the annual Utah Federrtion of Womens Clubs conver km in Sat Lake City May 22. Two awards are made In each state. One is made to a club in a dty of 10,000 or more population, the other to a dub in a rural area or community of less than 10,000 population. The Nephi dub won in the latter category. The Twentieth Century Club won its award for varied programs designed to strengthen public education. The club has contributed books to the high school library, spearheaded a program leading to reintroduction of art d asses in the high school, contributed to the support of a student from Kenya at Brigham .Young University, and other things. Founds for the dubs education programs have been raised through the sale of fruit cakes. The $500 GFWC-She- ll award will be used in estabishing a student loan fund, according to the report. Several from Nephi to Receive BYU Degrees First-Secon- V J' J Blilff-cemeter- Karl Newton and son of Salt Lake City and Paul Newton Lynndyl. and daughter of Kearns spent Randy Blackett, son of Mr. Saturday and Sunday with and Mrs. Clead Blackett of their mother, Mrs. (Ray New- Nephi. ton. Janies Allred, of Fountain Sum- Green. Mrs. and W. H. Mr. CRAIG TIDWELL, top and (Mrs. Betty Stanley, Nephi mers spent Sunday in Orem Mrs. Emily Ashdown, Salt Craig Tidwell, top and MorMr. Mrs. home of and the at ris Wright have been named Lake City. While Summers. Robert there as delegates to Boys State Jack Robertson, Fountain to be held at Logan. Craig they enjoyed listening to a tape Green. grand son is son of Mayor and Mrs. L. recording from their Sherri and Carma Johnson, Dwane Tidwell, and is being Steven Summers who has spent daughters of Mr. and Mrs. misweeks the in six the past sponsored by the iKwanis sion field. He bore his testi- Phillip Johnson, Nephi Club. Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkin, Nephi Mrs. Dee Wright is being mony in Chinese. Douglas M. Williams, Nephi sponsored by Lions Club. James Bailey, son of Mr. and The Mona Ward Relief Society held their closing social Mrs. Ivan Bailey, of Fountain on Tuesday. A reivew of the Green. Former Nephi Man For Miss Orgill Funeral services were conducted Monday at the d Ward Chapel for Miss H everything Is in read- Caroline Charlott Orgill, 80, iness, you can take your first who died at the family home last Thursday evening following dip in the Nephi Municipal an Illness of many years. Pool come next Wednesday, June S, starting at 1 pun. The Second Ward Bishopric The weather, of course, conducted the services. will be nice and warm for Miss Orgill was bom at the official opening. Family Kline, Utah, December 31, 1883 tickets for the entire suma daughter of William and mer will be Issued at the Emma Anderson Orgill. She had resided in Mills most of pooL ter lifetime, and in Nephi for the past ten years. Survivors are two brothers: Juab County Hospital Joseph Anthone and George Thomas Orgill, both of Nephi. Patient List ' Interment in the Vine admitted at was directed toy Anpatients Recently the Juab County Hospital at derson Funeral Home. the following, Nephi include acrording to the list released Mrs J. W. Christensen of Wednesday morning by hosProvo and her grand son, pital authorities: Cindy Jarvis, daughter of Mrs. Ruth Jarvis, Mona Lutitia Memmott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Memmott of McCall, Idaho Roy Sperry, Nephi Mrs. Mary Carrington, of o? Mona News Notes News Briefs Wilbur O. Greenhalgh . . to Nancy Nyman . . to receive be awarded Master degree B. S. Degree at commencement Mrs. Zola Howard, Mrs. John Robertson, Mrs. Annie Foote, Mrs. Alligee Anderson, Miss s, Rheta Catrer, Mrs. Hazel Mrs. Martha Beilis ton, Hrs. Lula Memmott and Mrs. Effie Scott, Juab County officers of the Daughters of attended a Utah Pioneers Mothers Day Social and meetSud-week- I 4" DUP ing of the camp at Eureka on Wednesday Tintic-Suribea- m of CX last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nielsen of Salt Lake City visited Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson. 'I Mr. and Mrs. Duane Garrett and family of Kaysville were John Lynn Brough . . awaits Jessie H. Sod weeks . . BYU graduates for Friday Bachelor degree at rites week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Brigham Garrett Linda Skidmore and children of Granger visited ter grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Garrett on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Garrett of Clearfield were week-en- d visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd of Garrett Mrs. Eld. P. Cox attended ter class reunion at Manti Saturday and spent the night withl phi. Son, bom May 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Max Mower of Nephi Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. friends. Sam Hayes of Nephi Mr and Mrs. Walter Herbart and H. L. Mower of Payson. Josephine Kay, Almlna Kay, Erma Keyte and Ina Kay, officers of the Mt Nebo D.U. P. camp, check a pioneer-da- y the rell os In the Mona Pioneer Cabin blitter churn, one POOL TO OPEN Services Held WEDNESDAY Do you have your swim suit purchased? And is your diving technique still in perAnd what fect condition? about nose plugs and swim-cap- Boy graduates of the Juab High school were guests of the Kiwanis Club on May 20. The program was under the direction of Cary Peterson. Dr. Alma P. Burton of the Brigham Young University was speaker and centered his remarks around the Kiwanis theme for 1964 Responsibility the Key to Freedom. Dr. Burton also pointed out that responsibility is also the key to happiness, love and virtuous Dungs. He admonised the boys to be persistant and to trust in God. Dr. Burton stated that the graduates should have a philosophy and to hold to it. Live so that the man you ought to foe will become a reality he stated. Granger. Grandparents are (Mr. and Mrs. Musseman of Bluff, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Goble of Nephi. Great grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ross iMusselman of Mbab, Robert Miller of Bluff, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ingram of Ne- Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson were at Moroni on Sunday. They attended the social honoring the retiring Moroni Stake Presidency. r Mrs. C. R. Lomax receives Shell Oil Co. award from W. H. Bauman at Saturday convention. Mrs. George D Clyde la seated at table during presentation banquet. How-arrt- Speaker Here dts (Mrs. Impressive funeral services were conducted Tuesday at the Nephi Third Ward Chapel for Dr. Burton Is Third-Seven- -- i phi. In Cleanup In Summer Music Program Amos G. Irons Amos George Irons, 76, who died Saturday in a Salt Lake Hospital after a long Illness. Mr. Irons, a veteran of World War H, was a retired farmer and stockman. He was a member of the Third Quorum of Elders of Juab Stake, and also of the Nephi Third Ward. Bom in Nephi October 14, 1887, Mr. Irons was a son of s, (I gram. Neil Sherwood works with a student during troetlng at the Oregon School for the Deaf. Mr. and Mrs. J. M.. Wood-hous- e of Sandy were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Ed. P. Cox. Mrs. A G. Jewkes and her son and daughter k-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jew es and family of Springville spent Saturday at the Ed Cox Jack C. Morgan . . on list for degree from BYU Kathleen Jens Damron , will receive B. 8. degree . |