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Show a Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648 SJjc 4 ed vis- Mrs. Lynn Whittington at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ited with her husband at the Lester Briggs on Sunday. Mrs. Leo Osborn visited in Melba, Idaho with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Ilafen for two weeks. Her husband joined her far the week end and they returned home by way of Logan where they visited . and (Mr. Mrs. Lynn L. Wright with Mr, and Mrs. Byron entertained at dinner Sunday in honor of her brother, Jerry Mrs. A. E. Price of Burley, Westring, on his 16th birthday anniversary. Other guests Idaho visited recently with her were Mr. and Mrs. Theo West- son and daughter in law, Mr and Mrs. J. A. Price. ring and Kenneth Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Moss Mrs. C. W. Morgan and Mrs. and family of St. George visit- - Wilford Belliston are visiting Dan-sie- Payson Hospital on Sunday. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ockey were Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Clark and family of American Fork. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Overman and family of Orem, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Olpin and Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Olpin and family enjoyed a late dinner in the canyon at Camp Dadandsons on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gail White of Tremonton are parents of a son bom on May 15. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Cooper of Nephi and Mrs. Donald White of Goshen. Whatever your plans are for the future, we hope that they will be filled with the good things of life; Health, happiness, and success in your chosen field of Vy Elder fo Wright and two children of Salt Lake City spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan spent the recent Mothers Day in Tooele with their son in law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Ted Kelsey. . Mr. and Mrs. George Hawkins and children of Bountiful visited with her brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Greenhalgh recently. Jack Garbett of Palo Alto, California was a recent visitor with his mother, Mrs. A. L. Garbett. Folks in Levan Mrs. Dean Howard of Mills was met at the Salt Lake AirMr. and Mrs. Arvil Wankier port on Tuesday evening by Mrs. Louise Taylor of Levan, were in Provo on Friday to when she returned home by attend the Seminary commencement exercises where e, jet from a week's visit in An-tioch- granddaughter, Sharon was a graduate of both third and fourth year She received a seminary. from the East scholarship Sharon Stake. their Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Dale Anderson and family of Hunter spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark S. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Win- All sizes at Special discounts for this spring Sale. BARTON PLUMBING & HEATING Nephi, Utah MCMBit . UAH STAY NATIONAL EDIT ORI A ?bc0TIN Christensen. Refreshments were served by Vinese Taylor and Anna Published Thursdays at Nephi, Shepherd to 18 present. Utah. ' Second class entry a Nephi, Utah. Fly the United States Flag proudly at your residence Boy E. Gibson Scouts of the Fourth Ward are Editor and Manager now agents for Valley Forge Office 96 South Main many sizes available Flags Telephone Order from any Fourth Ward Nephi, Utah Scout or call Richard May or per year, C. R. Lomax. Subscription: payable In advance. VIPJIWA4USB 623-05- 3E $4-0- 0 tn!0TI((BsW Office OFFICIAL NOTICE of the County Clerk, Juab County, Utah, as provided by Chapter 4; Title 20; Section 20 Laws of Utah 1957 as -12, amended. that NOTICE is hereby given the nominating convention of the Democratic Party of Juab County, Utah will be held on Wednesday, June 3, 1964 at the Juab County Courthouse at 8 pun. for the purpose of nominating candidates to be voted on at the Primary Election, Tuesday, August 11, 1964 and the General Election Tuesday, November 3, 1964: State Rep- resentative 2 year term. James P. Christensen, County Clerk, Juab County, Utah SHUREFINE MILK IME 20c can - 2 for 25c TALL CANS --- ns -0 --- 49 ter and family of Bountiful Maude Robertson, Alice Bailey and Ireta Carter. Mrs. (Robertson gave a report on the state convention held in Salt Lake City in April. The lesson, Pioneer Folklore was given by Leora D. 1-T- 1 News of the were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alma Winter. The Chicken Creek Camp of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers met Thursday at the Levan City Hall. Captain Mary Jane Winter conducted the meeting. County officers attending were Zola Howard, A Ik iginr owe 97 SHASTA POP 13 ns ioo POWDERED - SUGAR pound pkgs - 4 pkgs for 63 SNIDERS CATSUP PILLSBURY CARE MIX for bottles 20 oz .5 98 Large Several Kinds! 3 pkgs 79 CORNED BEEF 2 cans 77 TANG LUNCH MEAT Regular 12 oz tins 3 fr 1 .00 WHIP MIRACLE ORLEANS LARGE SALAD CLEANED SHRIMP 53 DRESSING SUPERIOR PAPER QUART PLATES -- 9 inch -- 100 for 69 PITTED RIPE OLIVES DUNCAN HINES CARE MIX - 3 pkgs 89 Oberti Extra Large Tall cans 3 for 09 -gallon size JUG PICNIC LB 10 CHARCOAL Regular 1.29 NOW 98 59 BRIQUETS DEAL Reg. North. Elder Yorgason will enter the mission home on June 8. SALE electric water heaters. PINEAPPLE--- 3230 Mayor and Mrs. L. Dwane Tidwell and daughters Patricia and Tammy were in Moroni on Saturday to attend the funeral service for her aunt, Ruby Johansen. First quality Glasslined Fast Recovery Honored Yor-gaso- n, family. WATER HEATER be Provo Elder Brenton son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gayle Yorgason, formerly of Nephi, will be' honored at a testimonial on Sunday, May 31 at 4 p.m. at the Edgmont Second Ward, prior to leaving for a mission to Florida. The chapel is located at 555 East California with her children. She accompanied her san and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ingram through the Los Angeles Temple. She visited with her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Evo Chiarodia and family, and also at Oakland with her sister, Mrs. Boyd Fish and her endeavor. mwM Elder Brenton Yorgason E. Mr. and Mrs. William 347 North Main Page Two this week with their sister, Mrs. A. E. Price in Burley, Idaho. Ksphi Local, Social Items Mr. and Mrs. Roy Greenhalgh visited in Provo on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur O. Greenhalgh and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Inglefield and family of Salt Lake City visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dee Wright on Sunday. Thursday, May 28, 1964 1 I DOUMAR MARSHMALLOWS -- Hb Pks 19c AURORA TISSUE 4 ROLLS 39 CARNATION TUNA x Regular size tins - - 4 fr 89 3 lb tin 69 CRISCO HUNT'S PORR & BEANS No.2V2sizeHns5fori.OO 'H , lV' MONTeT TOMATO JUICE 46 oz fins - 4 for 1.00 DEL SHAVERS GRAPEcans 1.00 FRUIT arge-4 SUGAR---1- 0 LBS 1.15 -f- ICE CREAM V2 gallon 59 MORTON CREAM PIES -- NOW 29 EACH LIBBY MEAT PIES for 1 .00 Beef, Turkey, Chicken OR FRUIT 12 for 1.00 DRINKS ORANGE SAMOA DRINR7cansl.OO PEAS - CORN - PEAS & 6 for CARROTS OR CHOP. BROCCOLI 1.00 PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk or respective signers for additional Information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Elfe J. MEUer, deceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at office of Udell R. Jensen, Attorney at Law, 125 North Main St, Nephi, Utah on or before the 22nd day of August, A. D. 1964. Claims cc: ijiixr 75-9-- Dates of publication: May June 4 and 11, 1964. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 31 South Main Street, ntt it imitt ra. CNtCMO, at. Dales of publication: May 21, 28, and June 4, 1964. per pound 33c CUT UP HAMS Whole or Half, per lb 47 CANNED HAM - Morrell or Swifts 5 lbs for 3.69 BACON - SWIFTS PREMIUM - THE BEST GRADE per pound 59 GROUND BEEF 2 lbs 09 Ne- phi, Juab County, Utah on or before the 15 day of July, 1964. WILL L HOYT, Executor ct the Estate of Vivian P, Hoyt, Deceased M MWMr, - per pound 29c a Estate of Vivian P. Hoyt, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at his office gi It WO MMBIOAa 21, 23, at expect more from American and you 5, therein. Reeve G. Richardson, executor of the estate of Elfie J. Miller, Deceased. is an improvement on any gasoline, but only American Oil Dealers have it. Its Last Chance filtering traps tiny particles that you risk buying in all gasolines. Look for the American FINALFILTER at American Oil Dealers youre sure of extra care when you say fill er up filtered." - BAR S BONLELESS HAM - folly Cooked, LB 05 FRANRS- - SWIFTS PREMIUM - -- 1 b Pkg 49 FRANRS - JORDAN VALLEY -- 2 Mg 07 must be presented in accordance with the provisions of U.CA. 53 and with proper verification as required The American FINALFILTER You WHOLE--- 14, Ffcnj . I 623-045- 2 I |