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Show NpR UtaK Juab County, Ijc past several weeks and which was climaxed in the successful Justa Welfair Jubilee last Friday. The outstanding work was typical of the women of the stake. wishes. We feel rich indeed In the cere thanks and appreciation friendship that was extended to everyone who in any way to us by all of our friends and CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sin- helped to ease our burden dur- relatives.God bless youall. May ing the period following the Bruce A. Thompson period following the death of! Mr. and Mrs. George D. our beloved wife, daughter and Raymond Jr. Raymond sister, Georgia Paula Jeanne Raymond Thompson. We especially wish to thank the Second Ward Bishopric of THANKS Nephi; the Relief Society; and -- ..Officers of the Juab Stake and of Juab those people that helped so Relief Society, much in our home. Also those Stake join in extending ap-- , who participated In the funeral predation and thanks to the services, sent floral tributes women of the various wards for sent food to the home and the outstaonding work which cards of sympathy and well wasaccomplished duringthe WONDERFUL GIFT j Tough Assignment A Caister, England, man made an official protest to the senior schools inspector because his daughter was assigned to write an essay titled, What I Will Do When I Am Dead." FOR Mfonderful Mom! New HOOVER Portable the vacuum cleaner with everything... INSIDE LIGHT! ATTACHMENTS FOR EVERY NEED! ilttW'HcUic Thursday, Out of Town Relatives Mona D. U. P. Group Attend Funeral Heer Holds Meeting Among the out of town rela lives and friends attending the services last Wednesday for Georgia Raymond Thompson s re the following: Mr. and Mrs. Judd Barrett and daughter Joan Stevens, and son Tommy Barrett; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Barrett and daughter Mary Gean Staton, and son David; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barrett, Mrs. Elizabeth Skancy and son, Mr. and Mrs. Arden Bodell all of Salt Lake City; Beverly Carson, and June Draper, both of Riverton; Jes Neilsen and Mary Beth sie Walker, both of Lark; Joie Bemhisel, and Ludean Park, both of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Dewane Jenson, Brigham City; R. J. Dailey, Cedar City; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bodell and family Joan, Steven, Robert and Elolse of Rigby, Idaho; Mrs. Myrtle Ostler, Sandy; Mrs. Joseph Riskey, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Riskey and daughter Lynnette; Mr. and Mrs. Tal-maJensen, all of Teasdole; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lunt and son Billy of Dugway; Mr. and Mrs. Creed Raymond, Salt Lake City: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wagner, Mrs LeRoy Geraud, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Provo; Cook, Springville, Josept Cook, American Forw, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Raymond, Salt Lake City. 4H The Beef Club had their organizing meeting on Monday, May 6. They have chosen their name as The Lively Longhorns and elected Randy Howard as president; Dale Jackson as vice president; Gary Jones as secretary and Jeff Ostler as reporter. They also have chosen a camping committee with Mark Jones as chairman and Marlow Blackett and George Newton Residence Mid-wive- The modern sage brags his financial worries are over when hes completely out of money. ALKERS hand push" cultivator NEW Call el. TUFFLEX HOSE mod- 623-138- 6. A three bedWANTED room home partly furnished, Phone to rent 623-116- 7. LOST Sunday afternoon from Boys 20 and bicycles. Tape record- my ranch west of Mona, one male puppy. Finder ing done for missionary fare- fuzzy-face- d wells, special programs, wed- notify Dean Winn, phone Also lost from my ranch dings, funerals, etc. We furnish the tape. Marvin Garrett, at the North Meadow, one female German Shepherd puppy. PJhone Reward. FOR SALE 24-in- ch (always 623-006- 5. attached) 623-131- 6. RADIATOR REPAIR equipment is here. Jos Shepherd has returned from the Radiator Repair School at Omaha and is now qualified to do your radiator repair work. Painter Motor Co., Nephi KING-SIZ- E BAG! Hosiery? Slips? Dresses? Costume Jewelry? Sure we have them ready for your selection tor the day of days Mothers Day. Came in early for best selection. Marie's Fashions! FOR SALE-- 14 ft boat with two motors, trailer and complete assembly. Very reasonable. See at Painter Motor Co. GIVE MOM A NEW BULOVA . . 21 jewel . . . $39.95 NEPIII Wins Championship In Bowling League Meadow Golds bowlers are of the Bowling champions League which completed the regular league play last WedAlan Ostler, nesday evening. local Meadow Gold distributor, is captain of the team with the following as members: Dee Kendall, Kempton Motes, Clark Ostler, Maurice Tolley and Don Fiyre. Rays Cafe team bowled the high series of the year with 3110, and Dicks Service team bowled the high game of the ! year, 1079. Individual high series HPCP for the year: Ted Sperry, 688, Clarence Cowan, 680, Dean Palby, 669. Returns From Study Individual high series scratch for year: Frank Pew, 604; Jack Olsen, 598; Alan Ostler, 585. Individual high game for the Leland Ostler, year, IIPCP: 282; Gary Ilowarth, 265; Gary Greenhalgh, 263. Individual high game, scratch Mrs. Dean Howard returned for year; Robert Snow, 248; hme last week after spending Clarw Ostler, 234 and Bryce the past four weeks in Anti-och- Christensen, 227. At Radiator School J. Barrel Jenkins, proprietor of the Jenkins Sales and Service at 805 North Main, has recently completed Intensive schooling at the Inland Training School at Omaha, Nebraska. Mr. Jenkins received full training In repairing, testing, and rebuilding of all types of automotive radiators. He of sufficient has the equipment very latest type to make proper tests and repairs, and to UIVAN Some say every family should have three children; if one turns out to be a genius, the other two can support him. ATTRACTIVE! JEWELRY SEE THE NEW CARVELLE WATCH Priced from 12.95 and up at NEPHI JEWELRY Dont be bashful were here to help you with your gift problems and to make Mom Come in early the happiest. for the best selection! Maries Fashions, 45 South Main. ....Plan your vacation with a BULOVA Transistor radio $24.95 at Nephi Jewelry SOCIAL ITEMS e, California with her ren: Mr. and Mrs. Evo child- Chiara-di- a and children and Mr. and Plant no bigger a garden Mrs. Clyde Ingram and children. She also visited in Oak- than your wife can take care land with her sister, Mrs. Boyd of. Fish and her family. Mr. and Mrs. Ingram visited in Utah during the latter part of March The world is full of and Mrs. Howard accompanipeople: some willing to ed them home. She returned by Western Air Lines and was met in Salt Lake City by Mrs. Louise Taylor and daughter give you GUARANTEED RADIATOR REPAIRING. Stop In today at the Sinclair Service at 805 North Main If you are Susan, and Miss Olive Taylor. CARD OF THANKS We gratefully acknowledge the kindnesses of relatives anl friends to our father during his declining years, and in particularly during his last illness. We are grateful for the friends who called upon him to give him companionship and assistance. We are grateful for those who extended their sympathy to us following his death, for the assistance of the Bishopric and Relief Society; and for the tributes in word and in music at the funeral services. Family of A. J. Gowers work, others willing to let them. ' Good Subs If you cant find the collar stays for a shirt ot blouse, a toothpick in each ide makes a good substi-t- e stay. having overheating, or a leaking radiator. With hot weather ahead, proper circulation through your cooling system Is a must! (Avd.) SMr THE NEW MARVELOUS EYE LEVEL OVEN RANGES by . Exclusive Exclusive "Look-Thr- own (6528 Mirror door! twin capacity u cu. in.)! Popular 30 and 36 inch sizos! "Slido-out- " Surface Unit Drawerl SEE THEM NOW AT Chapman Furniture Give her more time to be a Mother! 4 of many Exciting New Ways To Remember Her Electrically We carry a complete stock of automotive glass for your car or truck. Quick installa fy Intion and free estimate. Painter Motor Co., 140 South Main. spection time is here. COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE NOW AT JENKINS SALES AND SERVICE 805 North Main Nephi, Utah SALESMAN, EXPERIENCED OR JUNIOR EXECUTIVE WHO WANTS TO SELL Nationally known leader in financial field has vacancy. Age 28 and over. Lifetime income after 20 years. Group insurance plan. Two-yeprofessional training. Salary plus incentive increases. Send application to box X, care of this paper 96 South Main, Nephi. ar FOR SALE ORGAN THIS AREA has bells, chimes, etc. $796.00 due Take over small monthly payments. For more Electric Carving Knife NEW Combination Electric Broiler and Rotisserie A homemakers dream a wonderful new appliance which carves and slices food professionally, right in your own home. Can be used anywhere because it is and spatter free. No hood needed. Food remains in full view while cooking. smokeless y details write: Credit Manager, How $18.75 a month can grow Into Box 179, Sugar House Station, Salt Lake City, Utah. something you never expected to own WANTED Man for steady automotive employment. Central Utah community. Steady work. If interested oontact s The to arrange an You may have never given any thought to a really extravagant purchase like, for example, a summer home at the lake. Yet theres an easy way to make it happen : Enroll in the Payroll Savings Plan for U.S. Savfngs Bonds where you work. Its the worlds easiest, surest way to save. You never see the money, so you cant spend it. Your cache simply keeps growing, and before you know it, youve got the down payment on your summer home. Whats more, your dollars help your country stand firm against the strongest enemies of freedom the world has ever known. Join the eight million Americans on Payroll Savings now. Theres no telling what your $18.75 a month will lead to. Times-New- Quick facts about U.S. Savings Bonds You get $4 for every $3 invested, at maturity You can get your Your money anytime Bonds are replaced free if lost, destroyed or stolen. Keep froodom In your fatui with U.S. SAVINGS BONDS Tk V JS. Government ioeo not pay for thio Vionko Tho Advertwnf Council end tkio The Teeomry Dgptrkmtni odvertirinf. nnetpapoe for Inwir ytnHil onppoH interview. Expert watch and jewelry Nephi Jewelry, repair 17 North Main, AVON COSMETICS needs a lady to serve customers living in southeast NephL Write Mrs. Gala Christensen, Richfield, Utah. BALDWIN PIANO Take over payment of $10.00 per month on Baldwin Spinet or will sell for cash. Also electric organ. Write Adjustor, P. O. Box 2033, Salt Lake City 10, Utah. FOR SALE Cleaned Ranger Alfalfa Seed. See Dee Kendall or phone 623-148- 8. Si x, hostess, Syrelda Newton. TELESCOPING WAND! Used garden 4-- The Mt. Nebo Camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers held their regular meeting on at the Wednesday evening home of Syrelda Newton. Captain Ina Kay presided and conducted the meeting. She gave a report on the progress of the beautification of the Pioneer Jackson as assistants. The leaders of the Lively cemetery. are Russell Jack-so- n Longhorns The lesson Pioneer and Ronald Jones. Memwas given by Erma bers of the club are Mark JonKeyte. Delicious refreshments were served to the guests of es, Marlow Blackett, Randy honor from the County camp: Howard, Kent Jackson, Jeff Zola Howard, Maude Robert- Ostler, Devon Vickers, Gary son, Hazel Sudweeks, Ireta Jones, Mark Mracken, Steven Carter and Alligee Anderson, Bracken, Dale Jackson, David and to the following members: Sarter, George Jackson and Steve Ostler. Captain Ina Kay, Erma Keyte, Their next club meeting will Mildred Robbins, Geneva be on June 7 8 p.m. at RussRuby Summers, Joseph- ell Jacksons at home. ine Kay, Agnes Myers, Almina Kay, Elena Stanley, and the Moly-neu- Pag Meadow Gold Team Officers for Year at CONVENIENT! WANTED Beef Club Names May 9, 1963 NEW Self-Contain- NEW ed High-Cov- er Vacuum Cleaner Electric Skillet Eliminates homemakers trips to change tools as she vacuums. AH A welcome innovation which lets you tools, electrical cord, and hose fit compactly in storage compartment. roast a sizable piece of meat or chicken. Cover tilts in six positions, permits you to peek inside If It's electric , itfs better I UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. |